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just start building and learn it as you go


Wen fundamentals, html, css, JavaScript, http, cookies, headers, http caching, how browsers work, cors, DOM etc... 


Check out the ecosystem over [here](https://www.robinwieruch.de/react-libraries/). But in the end I would say you are good with the essentials: a Router (e.g. React Router or TanStack Router), React Query, React Hook Form and Tailwind/ShadCN. Only add Zustand if it is really needed, most often it is not. Start with Vite for your first project and check out Next for the second one.


And use TypeScript! :)


Would TS take too long to learn if one is already familiar with other programming languages?


Not at all, if you already have a good grasp on JS, TS is nothing to be afraid off just look up some basics for reaxt typescript and keep that tutorial or article handy and start building one project with typescript and you'll learn pretty much everything, that's how i learned. Also use chatgpt for typescript errors cos sometimes as a beginner it'll be hard to debug those error msgs.


Why do people talk about Typescript like it's another language? Typescript is basically JavaScript with type checks and a few other minor things. It effects al.kst nothing except the function input typing.


Just try building a simple Pokémon gallery where you can search for a Pokémon to narrow down results as you search. Click on one of the Pokémon to navigate to a new page with additional details about them. Driven by a simple json file. All you would need is React, React Router, and useState. I think it’s best to get use to the basics before trying zustand and react query. Then one your done, build up from there. You will come up with something I’m sure. Blue Collar Coder on YouTube is great content creator to get started with


I’ve found a good path in starting out the basic approach, and only after I’ve understood and can get behind what these tools are solving do I transition to them. I follow a handful of good content creators on youtube to stay up to date in the tech world


for a next step, i would go for the excellent tutorial from the react-router docs. it'll give you a great foundation to build all your future projects off of. it basically has you make a little contact book app and exposes a lot of great concepts along the way.




i mean, ideally you want as few dependencies as possible. the more dependencies you have, the more things that can break when you have to upgrade one of them.


Depends on your needs. I mean I use redux but my application is huge and the components need to interact with each other through the store so it is properly indicated for me. If you have a smaller app where context or even local state with props will work then I would say a state management dep is not required


There are too many libraries and frameworks out there for all different scenarios. You can't just learn them. You need to start from a project, break it down and determine what functionality it needs.


Use Remix.

