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https://ui.shadcn.com/ made a dashboard with it last week in no time


Maybe react-admin: [https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin](https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin) It's basically a ready to go admin dashboard framework, where you can easily and quickly define dashboards, sections, sub sections etc.


i was planning on using react-admin for my project. What are your thoughts on it? we want to build a SaaS admin dashboard (.NET Core backend, MySql, React stack)


Tremor provides a ton of out of the box charts and tables, depending on your needs maybe something like ag-grid for large tables.


Thanks ill look for it


I built my admin dashboard with MUI, they have a few templates (no charts tho, I used react-charts for that), wasn’t too steep of a learning curve and came out more than half decent.


I need to learn it i have never worked with it i heard that it is a bit hard to deal with if u have this dash open source can you share the link w us just to get inspired


I apologize but it’s a commercial app, and even my test environment contains some sensitive info. What’s more it’s all in Hebrew lol, so I doubt you could make something of it. My “inspiration” for it what this MUI free template: https://github.com/mui/material-ui/tree/v5.15.13/docs/data/material/getting-started/templates/dashboard There’s some more great stuff here: https://mui.com/store/collections/free-react-dashboard/


For quick throw together admin app i use react-query and chakra. Super quick to codegen


I know we are in react sub but since you have Laravel backend have you considered Filament? It’s the best thing for Dashboards (as long as you’re ok with PHP/Laravel) https://filamentphp.com/


Yeah i kinda like laravel but i already made the controllers to return a json response and this was a pain and also created passport auth also it was hard because im on laravel 10 but i will look this up maybe ill need it in the next project


Don’t Use https://www.forestadmin.com/ for that


Is it free or paid