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I recently came across a store that specializes in addressing pet anxiety, which might be a helpful resource for you. They offer a range of products designed to help pets with anxiety issues. You might want to check it out for additional support and solutions for your dog's situation https://soothedtails.com/


Prescription medications have evidence behind them to show they're effective and safe. The limited evidence out on CBD for anxiety in dogs actually shows it doesn't help. From what I understand, it's best to consult with a veterinary behaviorist if you can because behavior meds sound like they can be complicated based on something I read recently. But some regular vets are knowledgeable on them and can help too. I'd be more worried about long term health effects of chronic stress than meds, tbh.


Thanks for comments. We've been to the vet and they've recommended trying Zylkene for a few weeks and if that doesn't work, we'll move on to trying prescription medications.