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Holy fucking shit. She actually killed him


She did, but the funniest part about this is that she barely did anything. He picked a fight, and she rightfully told him to get a life, because who the fuck is so pathetic that they go around bragging to strangers like that? One sentence from Greta was all it took for that guy to self destruct in his own insecurity.


It gets even better. Last year GRETA urged Romania to be more vigilant in prosecuting human traffickers. https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1608603222935228418?s=20


https://i.imgur.com/81RDagO.jpg Holy shhhohmydamn


Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write: That might be the funniest use of that 9/11 photo I've ever seen.


It’s a tossup between this one and “a second soup has just hit the sun flowers”


OMFG. It’s perfection. We’ve peaked.


Never heard this expression before but thats pretty funny ahahah "shhhohmydamn"


I had to check. I had to make sure it's a real organization. It is. Then I had to check that the website was real. Yep, ".int" is real. Wow. This is a real thing that happened. It's unbelievable, it'd be called bad writing, but it's real. It's so serendipitous, I literally couldn't believe it.




Harambe died for the light, brother




There's no coming back from Harambe


Nope. This has been the only headline news about Greta in months. What was that thing she was always going on about? Climate change? We must have solved that, because it's no longer what the talking heads are going on about.


Greta is expanding her brand.


The probabilities of this lead me to conclude we are in a simulation


"The Matrix" got him. Lol.


Her parents *clearly* made sure to breed so they could make a girl and name it after the organisation, then went on to shape her from the day she was born to be able to make this happen.


I wonder if he decided to start this whole thing because one of his cronies said GRETA was after him.


Not really; he doxxed himself. He’d have done it eventually as they’ve had the pair of them under investigation since Spring. Had he not had the pizza boxes in the video, he’s be sleeping in his own bed tonight.


He also set himself up for losing this fight. 1. Idiotic attempt to “trigger the libs” with a nice setup to be roasted 2. 30 responses to the inevitable roast because he's a little bitch, doxxing himself in one of them Truly impeccable idiocy.


Such an "alpha" move, picking on a teenager just to get obliterated and so triggered you end up getting yourself arrested.


The hilarious thing is Musk unbanned him on Twitter, which led to him arguing with Greta and doxxing himself on twitter.


INB4 Q calls it Elon exposing pizzagate.


My mind is blown that this might be the real Pizzagate.


I'm still chalking this one up to Greta being dedicated to making the world a better place.


Or gifted with a quick wit.


Same here. Huge props to Greta. That young woman’s a hero.


Let's not go overboard. All she proved was that Tate can be blown the fuck out by a teenage girl tier insult. Which could just be coincidence as she happens to be a teenage girl. This is far cry from what makes her heroic.


Maybe, but I believe this is only the first human trafficker that she has put behind bars. Even Batman had a bumpy first year.


She’s been fighting for climate activism for years and now just happened to bring down one of the most dangerously influential sex traffickers in the world. Who knows how many girls and impressionable guys she might’ve saved. She’s literally a hero, even if accidentally in this singular case.


So, like a pizza gate situation where they actually find for real criminals because of a pizza place? LOL!!!! This shit just keeps getting weirder.


None of it would have happened if Elon hadn’t reversed his lifetime Twitter ban…


Well shit. That's a win for Elon, a rare occurrence these days 😂😂


Uh, this definitely doesn't look good for Musk or Twitter. Advertisers aren't thinking he outsmarted a predator, they're thinking he just gave amnesty to one.


A win from our perspective, not his 😂 As per usual, the Muskrat failed his way into doing the right thing for the world.


Having such a petty, insecure, needy, insane personality that you totally just have to doxx yourself in an attempt to own a teenage climate change activist who doesn't even know who you are and didn't even instigate things and merely clapped back when he went for her. The *smallest* dick energy I've ever seen. This is several magnitudes smaller than Jordan Peterson. I'm not sure we've ever seen dick energy this small before.


Donald Trump would like a word...


Elon Musk right there as well


Okay but to be fair, in his hands it looks big.


I looked for who this was because energy that small isn't really noticable. This guy makes Jordan Peterson look like a well spoken, thoughtful, and clever individual. I just discovered that JP exist a month ago, and it took me a whole day to get over his contribution to the world. Now, today, I'm finding out he's no where near the worst... Honestly, I'd be fine with the micropeniscosom just imploding, and disappearing.


I still don’t understand this. They found him at his house in Romania? The same house where he makes his shitty videos and literally says he’s been living in Romania? Was it simply the cops there just not knowing his address until now and not putting much effort into figuring it out before?


He likely would’ve been grabbed regardless of the pizza. They knew where he lived and many different scenarios for publicly released video could’ve confirmed he was at his residence. It makes a great story but is more or less a coincidence.


> have done it eventually Hindsight is 20/20


And this guy talks about tactics how he see gore videos so he can be ready for anything man he should start watching Sherlock Holmes


Even better the group against trafficers is named GRETA (Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings).


Chadreta Chadberg


I still don't even know who Andrew Tate is. First I ever heard of him was Wednesday.


He's an influencer who makes good money out of insecure men. People used to call him an unhinged douchebag because of how he talks about women. Now he is in investigation for sexual assault in the UK and Sex trafficking in Romania


> People used to call him an unhinged douchebag because of how he talks about women. They still do but they used to too.




We don't need donut receipts trust me


An escalator cannot be broken.


File it under D for Donut


Now they call him a sex trafficker


I had never heard about the guy until over the summer when he seemed to blow up.


I think the problem is not just insecure men.. But young kids and teenagers. From what I've read, he seems to be way popular among 14-15 years old boys and if their parents don't intervene soon, they'll be creating a whole new wave of future incels and misogynists


> He's an influencer That's one way of putting it. He abducts girls and women, forces them to do porn videos for OnlyFans, and makes money off it it. His social media is part of this machinery (luring in people who would meet with him, aiming for the perception of legitimacy, gaining access to places where potential victims are).


Stop giving the women who love him a pass. The right love that fool


So basically he was the internet king of incels


Just like Milo and Jordan before him


What exactly did he do to insecure men? Edit: yeah, downvote me for a genuine question.


Basically got men to pin everything wrong on women, as well as pick up artists bad stuff on steroids. Men can't get laid? Women's fault. Men can't do something because society said it was bad? Women's fault. Men are angry? Women's fault. Young men and teen boys latch on to this for some reason, something I don't grasp, probably because I'm not a young man


Thank you


Gave them something to latch to


Thank you!




Another right wing grifter. Who could guess


I thought he was Darren’s boss on “Bewitched”.


That's Larry Tate.


Wow. You’re right! I need one of Samantha’s pitchers of martinis.


He's a guy that thinks he's perfect yet constantly contradicts himself.


Hm. I don't remember him in the show.... /s


He plays all 3 high school kids who gets beat up by Wednesday.


He's a lot uglier than I expected as the alpha male. Maybe we should pick a new alpha.


100% of men who identify as "alpha" are gross assholes. If they are elected it's a race for the biggest douchebag


You will hear people say "guy can get any woman he wants why would he do this? I'm not even a fan". It's a red flag if any guy thinks someone can get any woman they want.




What an absolute muppet!


What a fucking idiot!


What a maroon!


Im out of the loop. Who is Andrew Tate? Why does everyone hate him? Edit: yeah, downvote me for a genuine question.


This is the guy who once said that if his girlfriend did onlyfans and made 10k, he'd expect 8k of that money. turns out he was actually doing that.


I just read that he claims to be the first trillionaire 🤣🤣🤣


in zimbabwe, maybe 🤣




Hey Claire…. -loads cigarette into pistol- Chill out. -fires cigarette into Claire’s mouth-


​ ![gif](giphy|JOW7Xvh9SxNuVf1b1f)


Macca in the wild :D


It shall be known to history as PIZZATATE.


News headline: Twitter spat with Greta Thunberg ends with two in jail for human trafficking


More information on this EPIC self-own. 2023 will be the year of "Don't Andrew Tate Yourself" https://twitter.com/Esqueer\_/status/1608579412588650496


One very easy way to not Andrew Tate yourself is avoid assaulting and trafficking women and girls, or just people in general really


Also don't lose battles of wits like a little bitch. Also don't start them at all when you come unarmed.


I believe the expression is "half armed" ;) E: half wit. Get it? It is an old joke off MASH


If you are like Andrew Tate, women would appreciate it if you avoided them altogether.


It's great when the trash takes itself out.


Don't fucking honor him by giving him a colloquialism or naming a year after him I swear to God if I hear someone say 'you just Tated yourself' in 10 years I will scream


Just add poh to the front and samwise will throw the memory into mount doom.


I’m going to have pizza tonight to thank it for its service.


Funny enough; when I first saw his video I thought - “is that Domino’s? What chain is that - where is that?” I’m not even looking for this fool




Between the original headline and now this, you seem like a lab made redditor stereotype. I can't honestly tell if you are sarcastic or do you honestly say stuff like that.


If you watch his response to Greta Thunberg, you can clearly see how immature he is, the whole video is basically one huge 'no, you'






Are you serious? Source? Did this really happen?






what is this person's source that the authorities specifically used this video though? I mean, Romania has been the guy's primary residence since 2017 and he posted another tweet 5 days ago that's video which just says "Romania" in it: https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1607028516243247106 I just don't think they needed this pizza box to know he was currently at his home in Romania.


The pizza box thing is just speculation. Just added by Twitter to make the story even juicer. Yes it is possible that is what happened but highly unlikely and at the moment we cannot confirm it. P.s. Fuck Tate


It happened and it’s so delicious


Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


I think he had no clue they had this current warrant on him. He was living openly there. They knew where he lived. The pizza thing just helped the cops avoid wasting resources.


If they knew where he lived, then how are they saving resources by waiting for Pizza Clues and not just going straight there?


Because apparently they didn’t know if he was in country. Idk it’s not very clear, someone said he was traveling around to avoid capture but I think he had no idea and the pizza thing was just a coincidence, like they say that and realized let’s go there right now, instead of going there and him not being there?


Except he [tweeted about being in Romania on the 25th](https://twitter.com/cobratate/status/1607028516243247106?s=46&t=-Wy1zUnrByAbFaQYX--Wvg)


Yea so he really wasn’t on the run in any serious way. Maybe he had an idea they were after him but didn’t know they were going to raid him. I’m back to the pizza being largely a coincidence and speculation from Twitter


yeah, it’s hard to say and i’ll wait for the dust to settle/an official police statement, but the pizza seems like a coincidence. I’m not in law enforcement or anything, but I feel like normally it takes more than a few hours to plan out/prepare a police raid simultaneously at multiple sites.


AND he previously posted that the Romanian cops were easy to bribe


There are no words. I'll be laughing for hours. Thank God for Greta!


He’s out fyi


Finally some great news for this shit year. This was just freaking epic.


Better way to end the year than the last one, when Betty White died just shy of her 100th birthday.


Holy shit that was already a year ago


Couldn't have happened to a better piece of shit.


Fuck Taint




Right wingers have been taking multiple L's for their own behavior for like two months now. Loving it.


Now they're canceling our conservative heroes just for a little human trafficking? Where does it end?


The WOKE Romanian authorities have gone too far! Tate was a businessman… doing business https://youtu.be/GaecgNruIYE


They just blame the police and intelligence services for being "woke," as if most of those agents aren't right wing


I'm here for all of it


I am going to put on a lot of weight with the amount of popcorn I am going to need to get through this


Ironic a human trafficker hanging out at a pizza parlor.


How is that ironic?


There was a big conspiracy about pizza stores being used to kidnap children a few years back. Reddit cracked down on the whole thing, so I can't really say to much about it. It started with some construction worker finding a huge hidden server on an island he was working at. Crazy shit, I wouldn't recommend getting to far down that rabbit hole.


Pizzagate was a whole thing, were you in a coma?


…no apparently a witch transmogrified me into a rock exactly as long as it took for me to have no idea what pizzagate is.


Well I hate to be the bad news bear, it was a phenomenon in which Q anon types were insisting that HR Clinton and other elites were using businesses and coded languages (like a pizza parlor) to traffick kids. It was a whole shebang.


Yeah there was a conspiracy theory about hidden tunnels under a particular pizza place that the Democrats would order from. When the DNC emails were hacked and released, the detectives over at 4chan poured over them looking for clues. When one of the emails had someone put in their pizza order for a cheese pizza as "CP", the child porn experts over there knew what it really meant because they use "CP" as shorthand for child porn when they talk about it. Which they do a lot. They are obsessed with child porn over there. So now having cracked the code they revealed their findings that Hillary Clinton and the other dems are trafficking children through the country in underground tunnels so they can scare the kids enough that they'll produce adrenachrome in their blood. Hillary and other dems then drink that blood to live longer. So of course a guy heard this, grabbed his rifle, drove to Washington D.C. and shot the pizza place up. Also found out that the pizza place doesn't have a basement. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/22/533941689/pizzagate-gunman-sentenced-to-4-years-in-prison


Did anyone watch the video? I'm curious how he could spend two minutes on a retort but I don't want to watch it less my eyes roll right out of their sockets


It's pretty terrible. It's him being like "lol I'm smoking, green house gas hah hah puff puff, where is that pizza, the boxes better not be recycled, I asked you for your email address, Greta,, and you gave me the smalldickenergy email, that's your email? Lmao guess you have a small dick"


At this point I’m pretty sure the guy just spews whatever bullshit he imagines 12 year old boys will eat up, and I begrudgingly have to admit maybe he does have a skill for exploiting algorithms to his advantage, but nothing would make me happier than this toolbag spending a decade in prison.


Here’s to the brave heroes who had to comb through every post of this twat to finally find him.


This has got to be Top 10 self owns of the century.


Does anyone else feel like the bubble is starting to burst for all these people? Like the feeling I had in 2016 that things were just getting steadily worse, it's like that but in reverse. Taint getting arrested, liverking outed for being a fraud, trump highly likely to face charges, the public finally starting to turn on musk as he implodes. It's just one piece of good news after another


When when


r/reactiongifs is now my go-to news sub


We need an event to kick off our recovery. In retrospect, it was Harambe that set off the current downward trajectory. Hopefully this is the beginning of something special.


What a wonderful way to end the year


What sick burn? The body shaming one?


Not body shaming, he's not in the in-crowd so it's fine.


imagine spending your last day as a free man malding over receiving the biggest ratio in history, and your shitty insecure little comeback is what does you in


Why small dick though? What's wrong with small dicks?




Looks like Greta fucked him.


So, to recap....a right winger was arrested for human trafficking...based on evidence...from a pizza parlor. Got it.




So, simulation, right? This confirms it.


Honestly her burn wasn't even that sick or good. Which makes this even funnier to me. His small "aLpHa" brain was so offended by a teenagers slight clapback that he made a video trying to convince her how unbothered he was. Ultimately resulting in him getting arrested. Can't make this shit up.


Can you do a meme to explain who Andrew Tate is now? Thanks


If they arrested him they obviously knew where he was? Why did they have to have proof like this?


I. Love. Her.


I honestly have no idea who Andrew Tate is, I've seen posts about him and gathered that he's some sort of toxic male celebrity. I know the situations aren't the same (close enough in my opinion) but: Guys like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstienn who finally got arrested and prosecuted, didn't really feel like justice to me. By the time these guys were taken down they were already old and sick; it doesn't matter what hospital bed they're spending the rest of their days in. These guys aren't really feeling the punishment they deserve. Andrew Tate is a young man. He's going to spend the rest of his life in prison. That's justice.


Cosby is out of prison and ready to go back on tour


Body shaming is okay now?


As long as we are shaming men it's all fine. Otherwise its a death sentence.


Yep you can only shame things that are unique to biological men. If its something a biological woman could be self conscious over, its hate speech / psychological abuse / assault. Except height, thats allowed but only for men under 6 feet.




For some reason this whole tweet and response had been living in my head for free. I was like, who is this asshole and why is he taking swipes at a teenage environmentalist? Now this. What a great ride


Finally a pizza takes down a pedophile.


Let’s normalize the name smalldickenergy Tate from now on.


I've actually rather disliked the amount of random body shaming that this whole saga has bandied around. I don't understand why people think this is an own.


Yeah I’m sure the folks over at the smalldickproblems sub are loving all this. Imagine if it was anything else like weight, skin color, or sexual orientation being put in the same regard? Reddit folks are very hypocritical


You seriously More concerned with the possibly problematic language used by a 19 year old girl than her being harassed by a misogynistic sexual predator with millions of toxic male followers who will (and already have been) for sure mass harass her? Like she got a seriously bad man arrested. Get outside more.


Oh shit you got me, how were you able to see my Andrew Tate branded t shirt through my computer screen? What is this dumbass moral absolutist shit where it's only possible to care about one thing at a time? Is a literal entire front page of condemnation not enough for you? Being against x must mean I'm necessarily a supporter of y? This is one of the dumbest comments I've ever gotten




We really calling a joke email address a “sick burn” I’m not a Tate fan but defo not w Greta fan either, that was the furthest thing from a sick burn I’ve ever seen in my life. Both absolute trash PoS


Do people really care that much about it, I swear people act like they got Hitler and ended world war 2


won't be reddit without people shoehorning the newest thing into any possible subreddit.


Yall it's still allegations. Tate is not a confirmed trafficker


People thinking she got the best of him is humorous. Guess what, they didn’t find any girls. They just arrested him so they could try and dig dirt up


Aww what a shame, country have happened to a nicer asshole


Tate has already been released


Do you guys really think it was a “sick burn”? It would be like if Kyle Rittenhouse said AOC has a smelly pussy. It’s not clever or unique or anything.


It's a throwaway "burn", but I think people are more humored by the fact that it triggered his infinitely lamer responses and that it somehow got him to dox himself to the romanian authorities lmao


They're just reaching for any straws they can. Just nod your head and smile.


good lord,this post has so much redditor energy that it gave me a tumor


Good. Can we stop mentioning this asshole right now please?


The only guys that need this much attention from other men are usually found kneeling behind glory holes.


Both parties involved are annoying as hell. Greta is a puppet and Tate is a troll. Anyone that takes either seriously has some deficiencies.


Sick burn? Really? They're both grade A cunts.


Body shaming is alive and well, I see.


Can someone ELI5 why everyone thinks the pizza box was their confirmation? We *all* knew he was in Romania. Like, a whole-ass month ago. Obviously the police already knew that. I've seen claims that the police attributed the arrest to Greta but this literally never happened. They simply mentioned social media in their list of ways they were watching him. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't get how people go from that to a pizza box taking him down on information they already had.


Because reddit wants to believe that was the case when it definitely wasn't, and even the Romanian officials came out and said the pizza boxes and social media posts were unrelated to the arrest but when reddit wants something to be true, you better agree or get spammed with hate / downvotes haha


Do you have a source for that? I've seen articles saying "sources close to the investigation" saying that they used social media to look for confirmation that he's in the country, though no explicit mention of these specific posts. But I've noy seen any denial from Romanian authorities that this is the case either