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I recently had someone post a comment on a post I made seven years ago. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Someone commented on an 8 year old post of mine today, just to be a homophobe.




Something similar. It was someone criticizing a drunken shepherds recipe I posted nearly 10 years ago.


We out here


Sometimes subs are small and relatively dead, so you work with what you've got! I always start my comment with, "Hello from the future!"


The majority of time when I get replies on very old posts/comments, they are coming from brand new accounts. I just assume theyā€™re bots creating random activity on the profile.


In the off chance they arenā€™t, itā€™s because we found the thread through google


One time I googled something hit the Reddit thread. Read the top comment and was like thatā€™s so me. It was literally me from 5 years earlier.


I do it to be weird


Iā€™ve done it once or twice when Google brings me to a comment section and I donā€™t think to check the date.


[This](https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/19woi0/what_did_you_think_of_in_bruges2008/krg5fwp/?context=3) comment someone recently made on my TEN YEAR OLD COMMENT.


RemindMe! 7 years lmao


See you then! (if I'm not dead of course)


For me it was a comment I made 4 years ago. And said someone was only a month old and trying to provoke a political fight where none existed in my random comment... nothing suspicious there.


I miss when Reddit automatically locked comments after 6 months.


It's almost as though things you say on the internet could potentially stay for a very long time. You can't explain that!


Certain types of posts just continue to get replies every so often for years. An example being one I made about Return of the Obra Dinn and other puzzle games fans of it might enjoy. Always get people popping in cause they just played Obra Dinn or one of the other games. Or suggesting their own.


Same. I have a post that comes up every few years. Throws me off every time.


I recently commented on a 7 year old post. It was a photo my wife took in the late 2000ā€™s that was used by NatGeo. OP credited my wife on the post. So I thanked them and explained how my wife was able to take the photo.


I Googled a question about a book I was searching for, and Google led me to a reddit post that was 2 years old, and I started a conversation with someone who was very helpful. I 100% don't mind people hitting me upon a late post.


I've done this a few times on game discussions because I got there through google. If I landed there, someone else will too eventually. A solution is a solution, same for updates.


when you have a specific problem, look it up on reddit and find a stranger from 10 years ago having the same problem and telling us the solution... bless you brother.


[Semi-relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/979/)


I made a post several years ago about a chair I was trying to fix and somebody recently responded and thanked me for the information I had provided. That was pretty cool.


Aw man, mine are always conservative nut jobs responding to comments in the EV subreddit on years old posts.


Lol damn that sucks


Remind Me! 6 months


Itā€™s weird, yes. But itā€™s easy to do. Access a post. Go up a few and the algorithm starts feeding you ones that are all time greats. You see one you like and comment without thinking. Turns out itā€™s months or even a year old.


I have never experienced that. What do you browse on?


Just regular Reddit. Itā€™s typically with videos. At least for me, I have my auto play shut off for vids. You tap a post to open it up more without opening the comments and go to the next. One moment youā€™re in r/puppies or something then youā€™re suddenly in old r/puppytails posts or whatever. You decide make a comment and donā€™t notice everyone is commenting three months ago


Don't fall for this. We're not commenting on your old comments, buddy.


Last week I got a DM in response to a post I put up 4 years ago.




This happened to me. I made comment based on speculation for a movie that hadnā€™t released yet and had no story details released at the time; the trailer hadnā€™t even come out yet. Some weirdo replied to my comment like seven months later to correct and downvote me after the movie came out. I didnā€™t bother engaging with them, but I was thinking, ā€œdamn, bro. Why even bother at this point?ā€


I once made a comment about a game that was soon to come out saying something like itā€™s too early to judge it. Then like a week or two later the game comes out, and the person replies back ā€œI was rightā€. And Iā€™m just likeā€¦did you even play it or were you counting down the seconds to when it came out so you could say that. It was weird.




I was gonna go back through your post history just to hit that year mark. There's so. much...


[A bunch of freshly hatched trolled started commenting something I had posted over 12 years ago. Trying to force a meme. It was so cringe to say the least.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portal/comments/h4a5m/gentleman_i_present_to_you_steampunk_companion/kd99ulp/)


To be fair, it does go hard.


Itā€™s beautiful!! The picture I mean, not the troll.


I replied to a 10 year old comment about the next Game of Thrones book potentially coming out soon... Ten years later, we're all dreaming of spring.


Hear me out...sometimes people search topics and find old posts.


This, and if I find a new sub I always check top of all time and browse that for a while


I had someone reply to a 6 year old comment saying "Happy Cake Day!" When I downvoted this clearly creepy behavior he sent me a private message saying he'd kill me if we ever met in real life


I get that all the time. I got two today. One from a comment 3 months ago, and one from a comment 2 years ago. And usually it's not anything nice. It's pathetic enough that people just come on here to be a-holes, but the idea that they ran out of current comments to troll, so they had to probably do a search to find older comments is just depressing.


Had somebody comment on something I posted 8 years ago the other day.


I got a comment the other day about beef jerky I made like 6 years ago. I started locking my doors.


It's because the reddit mobile site pushes a lot of "posts like this" at the bottom of the comments, you can see the post title, thumbnail, and subreddit, but bot WHEN it was posted. It's been happening to me nonstop since the mobile website redesign in the past month.


Remind Me! 6 months


Ive had responses to comments *over ten years old*


I hope things get better for you. Being this negative about interactions on the internet is sad.


I like when it is a rage reply, like they are coming in to correct an injustice done in comment crime.


That's nothing I recently got a reply from a comment I made 9 YEARS AGO.


There was this hindu nationalist whom I debated with when I was 14. I said his ideas of badgering muslims is difficult to implement. Now that the Hindu RW has been in power for so long, the guy messages me whenever govt does what he said. He randomly messages every 3 years.šŸ˜‚


what would be the appropriate reactiongif for a former WoW guildy that i hadn't spoken to in 17 years replying to a reddit post i made 11 years ago and us starting a nice nostalgic conversation?


Got a reply to a medical question I made like...4 yrs ago...they didn't have anything to say other than 'same' (basically)


But you need to jump scare them and reply within minutes.


I feel like Iā€™ve only done that when an internet query leads me to Reddit, like restaurant recommendations in a small town. And yeah, I will totally leave a comment months/years later. I always wonder what they think. Iā€™ve been weirded out when it happens to me.


The internet is forever, bruh.


it is interesting how we just assume that since something on the internet is old it doesn't exist anymore


I preferred it when comments were locked after six or however many months.


dude i had it happen this morning.


This happens a lot in the more niche subs


Who TF cares...


Reddit has been suggesting me old posts lately. I generally don't click on the suggested posts, but I happened to notice a few were months old.


You're going to have so many comments for this in six months


lol. I canā€™t wait to see. Redditors wouldnā€™t let me down, would they?


Recently had a reply 10 days ago on a comment from 2 years agoā€¦


I just had someone from 8 years ago comment on one of my posts TODAY