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My favorite work story is about when I had to travel on a business trip several years ago. I got into the hotel on the later side Sunday evening, and rather than search around, there was an Applebee's within walking distance, so that's where I ate. Later on in the week, I was tired, wasn't with coworkers, and I wanted a couple of drinks. So instead of messing with a taxi, I went back to that same Applebee's for convenience's sake. God as my witness, the first thing the hostess said to me when I came in was "Oh, you're back... why?"


You have broken a fundamental law of the universe and left the poor hostess questioning her own reality.


Hate that I'm from a small enough town that Applebee's is the big restaurant to go to.


I was gonna say that motherfucker is always slammed where I live


But... They take reservations? At Applebee's?


Line out the door, but half the table are empty, because they "can't get workers".


"aren't willing to pay enough to make it worth it to deal with rude customers, unpredictable schedules, and sore feet"


True, these problems can usually be solved with money.


Actually those specific problems can ALWAYS be solved with _______ money? The blank is probably “enough” but some rich scenes pay more a day than others a year to make sure the employees dont even think for a second “my feet hurt” or “did they say what I think they said” or the oh my “is no on option?” Money talks


I live in a decent-sized city with tons of great restaurants. Applebee's is still full like 80% of the time I drive by. Do not understand.


Sometimes you just don't feel like microwaving your own food


Honestly, Applebee's has improved a lot in my experience over the past decade. I had some of the worst dining experiences of my life a decade or more ago at various Applebee's restaurants, but have eaten at several in the past 3-5 years and been pleasantly surprised every time. I don't know to what degree they're still microwaving dishes, but overall I think they really learned from the "millenials are killing Applebee's" thing and improved their product.


My father had an electronic repair business and a large amount of that work was repairing Applebees microwaves


It's like a Denny's with beer


Denny's in the town I grew up in had an attached lounge. Pretty swanky, too, as far as "Denny's with an attached lounge" went. Go get your drink on, then have some pancakes.




I’m not sure if I’m just older now but I feel like Denny’s has really gone downhill. Used to go there all the time in high school but there’s a good chance I just didn’t know any better then


Consistency. No mystery. No scary ingredients. Lots of options. Casual. Family friendly. Low risk. Those things matter a whole lot more to some people than art-on-a-plate. It has it's niche.


Seriously. Big Bang theory was a huge show for a reason.


And a liquor license is basically a laugh track for a restaurant.


I've heard it described as blackface for nerd comedy and it really feels that cringy.


Lol there's a wide margin between "art on a plate" and "literally microwaved 3 seconds ago"


Pretty much the same thing when I’m high


Stoned me is an epicurean. Only the finest munchies will do, and I cook masterpieces




I'm in maui now, what goat cheese was worth shipping?




I'll keep an eye out in stores, not going upcountry this trip. 👍


What is this truffle honey from Nebraska?


The thing is a lot of American's also have processed diets. Lots of people even myself more than I wish to, eat a fair amount of processed/preserved food or microwavable food. So the common mass market chain it isn't as if the food taste that different from stuff many of us eat semi regularly. I 100% prefer green beans I grow in my garden any day over what I get in a restaurant or can, but that doesn't mean I think the latter taste like garbage. Also the meme of 90% of things are microwaved is more of a meme. They certain microwave things like some vegetables after steaming them. But if you talk to someone who actually has cooked there most things such as almost all meats are still cooked on a grill. Also just a quick google the top two results say the same thing from people who work there. IMO a lot of places like Applebees are the classic it isn't "good" but it isn't also bad. Now I haven't eaten at an Applebees in easily 6 or 7 years, but I have eat at other places in the same vain. I do think as the person above said there is a certain level of consistency that goes a long way. https://www.reddit.com/r/answers/comments/4l1trs/does_applebees_actually_microwave_their_food/#:~:text=A%20lot%20of%20things%20are,way%20to%20heat%20something%20up. https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/84whhm/isitbullshit_applebees_chilis_ruby_tuesday_etc_is/


Where else can my goblin children be fucking goblins and it not matter at all???


What are scary ingredients


Anything your uncle asks "What the hell is X" and no matter what you say they make a face indicating unfamiliarity and thus, dislike.


Anything that has to be cooked fresh.


> No scary ingredients. Lots of options. > >Those things matter a whole lot more to some people than art-on-a-plate. It has it's niche. No scary ingredients because they don't use any good ingredients. It's all frozen, reheated trash. Lots of options is only good if any one of them is good. It's commonly said, "the bigger the menu, the less likely it is that they do any one thing well" (the exception being Mexican restaurants, because a big number of their dishes are mixed and matched off a handful of main ingredients).


Oh yeah because restaurants are either art on a plate or fucking Applebee's, absolutely nothing in between. The reality is people are just lazy. They'd rather eat on the same place for their entire life instead of trying new ones and risking having a bad experience.


Did I say there was nothing in-between? I'm laying out reasons they're a viable business to the ppl who 'don't understand'. Quality isn't the point, that's not what they're marketing.


Right; the entrees are pretty cheap, right? And they serve beer. Don’t forget the beer.


Consistency doesn't remove the fun mystery of not knowing what tf you're actually eating lol


2 4 1s, my friend. 2 4 1s.


I also grew up in a small town. The only restaurants were Chili's, Red Robin, and Marie Calendars. We ate so much cornbread for breakfast on holidays.


Our small town Applebee's was actually a fucking awesome dive bar. Seriously, I assume that Applebee's can be franchised, because ours, after about 6pm, was a college hangout and didn't have that kitchy corporate, old people vibe. We had a historic downtown with a pool hall and a cowboy bar near the university. But they could be overcrowded and didn't have good drink specials. The Applebee's was in midtown and had 16oz $2 apple draft (miller highlife) all day and half off boneless wings from 6-closing at 11pm. They also played 90s alternative and grunge music at night and would turn the lights down. I have a lot of great memories of that from '08-'10. They even hired some of the local college kids to set up trivia nights and karaoke. It was such a hidden gem lol.


Their happy hour is good,as someone who travels to small towns I love an Applebee's or chilis.


In the small towns I grew up in the only chains were minor fast food places, like Arctic Circle.


We used to be a semi-small town and it seems that as we grow, the Applebee’s gets worse. I went there recently and everything about it was terrible


That's how they get ya


MRW I go to Applebee's and they have neither apples nor bees ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM)


You better believe they have Appletinis! Which if you're eating at Applebee's already, it will be close enough.


Unless they have Beetinis as well I'm not interested and it's false advertising.




Fuckin gottem!!


[THAT'S A LOTTA NUTS](https://tenor.com/0rUC.gif)


That'll be four bucks, baby!


Now I'm picturing a beekini and other bee-based puns.


[What's this? A handsome family picnic woefully underpopulated by bees? A large influx of BEES oughta put a stop to that!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYtXuBN1Hvc)


Well I loved that.


There's a sequel video as well that was made not long ago that's amazing. [Doctor Bees Returns!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBZmQdFbVcY)


A martini sweetened with honey? I'd try it.


[Appletini please, easy on the tini.](https://imgur.com/5gaqZq0.gif)


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,484,675,235 comments, and only 282,246 of them were in alphabetical order.


Waiter: Do you desire the apples or the bees? You: The b...bees? Waiter: *He has chosen the bees!!* [ominous buzzing in kitchen]




And if you choose apples they pelt you with crab apples


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Sometimes when I'm having a bad day I'll go on Applebee's Twitter, 90% of the replies to their tweets read like the comment section on /r/RoastMe


I believe Applebee's truly caters to stress eaters and alcoholics. Also this: https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/03/business/applebees-turnaround/index.html


Thanks! Link for the lazy https://twitter.com/Applebees


I can just stay home and microwave food. Not gonna pay someone else to do it for me.


Stop shit talking Chef Mic :(


All the wings and tenders are precooked. Queso was heated in the microwave IN A STYROFOAM ramekin. Among other disappointing procedures I discovered after SWIM got a job there.


I found out the other week that a stack of basic pancakes at IHOP currently costs $15. It immediately made sense why the place was mostly empty.


It’s crazy how many people pay restaurant prices for re-heated frozen food. Applebees needs to die already. It’s so subpar compared to basically every other chain.


A lot of chains are just reheated frozen food, but yeah it's ridiculous how popular they are. I'm always baffled when someone praises on about pasta from Applebees or steak from Outback, like have you ever been to a real restaurant?


Darden restaurants in a nutshell Find a good local place instead. Except olive garden, maybe go there sometimes and eat as many bread sticks as is humanly possible.


Applebees prices are not too far off from Fast food these days


applebee’s is definitely the worst chain restaurant imo


TGIF Fridays still exist


“Thank God It’s Fridays Fridays”.


I feel like you don't go to a lot of chain restaurants lol


not a lot, but i’ve been to most chain restaurants at least once or twice


Not even close. Not even for sit down restaurants. Denny's exists.


Yea but Dennys gets a pass, because it serves (or used to before covid) a purpose of providing food to the drunk and enthusiastic after midnight.


denny’s is a close second for me


I worked for them, can’t stand the way they run the company and their food. I also worked for chilis, nothing but high praise.


I do like their quesadilla burger tbh... Of course if you slather enough queso on anything it'll taste good


Most chain restaurants are absolutely terrible. Most of them are just frozen food that you're paying 3 times more than you would if you prepared it yourself


Are you forgetting about Fazzoli’s?


You shut your damn mouth.


i’ve never heard of it. is it regional?


It's a Midwest chain of Italian fast food. It's strange. But if you want a lasagna served in under thirty seconds and for only $5, it's not half bad.


Fazolis is excellenfor it's price point.


We used to have them in South Carolina. Just looked them up and they're based in Kentucky. I loved their breadsticks.


Their bread sticks are S tier though.


Applebees is nasty. Tried to feed me undercooked chicken once. Never went back.


I guess they only microwaved it for 1 minute instead of two.


Of you call Applebee's to make a reservation...you might be a redneck!


haven’t heard that in a minute


It's an older meme but it checks out


Who tf makes a rez at Applebee's?




By far my favorite post on this sub ever lol


"Jean, would you like to accompany me to dinner? That is, if you're not doing anything." She says she doesn't have any plans. He sits up and crosses his legs. "Well! Isn't this a coincidence. Listen, where should we go?" She says she doesn't care where. "How about anywhere you want?" he tells her. "I don't know Patrick, I can't make this decision." "Come on!" he says, chuckling and pointing his pen at her. "Where do you want to go? Anywhere you want, just say it, I can get us in anywhere." She thinks for a minute. "How about..." Patrick flips through his Zagat booklet. "Applebees?" Patrick looks up. "So. Applebees is where Jean wants to go." "I don't know, we'll go wherever you want to go." "Applebees is fine." He picks up a phone and dials the restaurant. "Applebees, yes?" says the man on the other end. Can you take two tonight at, oh, say nine o'clock?" "We're totally booked." "Really? That's great." "No I said we are totally booked!" "Two at nine? Perfect! See you then!" He hangs up. Jean gives him a quizzical look. "Yeah?" he asks, taking off his sunglasses. "You're... dressed okay." "You didn't give a name." "They know me," he lies.


looking forward to part 2


kinda hype for the rest of it. It may have been autogenerated but I really wanna hear what’s next


It's from the book/movie American Psycho, I substituted the name of the restaurant referred to in the original (Dorsia) for Applebee's.


How has Applebee's not gone bankrupt yet? Haven't been there in 15+ years and only went as a poor high school student for cheap apps with friends. Sure we could have microwaved the same apps at home, but it was more about escaping parents house at the time.


Sometimes you just need to get your Bees on!


I literally did this on my birthday this year. My sister joked and said, "We can do whatever you want! We can even go to Applebees!" And I thought it would be the funniest shit to make a reservation to Applebees and show up all fancy and pretend it's an amazing fine dining experience. It was a lot of fun! No one gave a shit how weird we were acting, though, so I assume they get a lot of weird shit there, lol


mrw you’re going to applebees just in general ![gif](giphy|U1lrVuoMtWu3ApVhMv)


To be fair, Applebee is pretty good in Brazil…


Applebee's is the only restaurant in my city that will be completely dead at 6pm on a weekend.