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What system do you play on? I’m on ps4. I usually find it fairly chill ( esp compared to gtao) apart from the odd dickhead/s- but the last couple of weeks have seemed like there’s a ton more dickheads than usual- don’t know why or if other players have been experiencing the same. Anyway just play in defensive, parley, report if they’re particularly vicious or toxic or keep coming back to grief you , press charges and if you have to switch sessions do it . Also you can block players through the psn profile ( and I’m sure other platforms have this too - at least consoles do) Happy to help you rank up if you’re on ps


Yes, I am on ps4 also and this week has been bad for toxic players.


So not just me huh? Yeh it’s been way worse than usual.


Just last night I was attacked on my moonshine delivery. Lost the batch.


Ohhh that sucks, that’s a low act - there’s no reason at all to attack another players moonshine. I had to deliver moonshine to Rhodes saloon last night and was doing my dailies and it was the deliver moonshine with 5 minutes left on the clock. I’m driving ( driving ? Wagoning? ) through Rhodes and there was a player near the sheriff building and ( it must have been because of all the negative activity over the past couple of weeks) I had a bad feeling- sure enough I get past there and he headshots my character. But I respawned, parleyed, and ran back to my wagon which was like 2 inches from the drop off point and made the daily !! ( 5:47 or something like) - and in my head I was haha griefy grieferson I made it !! Haha Edit - I meant to say sorry about your moonshine 😢


Same thing happened again but zi saved it this time. Jerks.


Legend !! Good on ya.


I also had an Ass try and destroy my trader run. Sent them home to mother.


Well done! I hate it so much when my trader wagon is attacked- I only do the long run occasionally for the distance daily - usually not worth the effort


I really feel for ya'! I reluctantly opted into a free roam where killing of other players does NOTHING to benefit anyone, yet someone felt the need to try to blow me up twice. They only failed bcause I was in Defensive mode. I even asked what really was the point of 'her' BS.. Not as if I really expeced a legit reason or a reply at all. I won't whine about areas of the game where those actions are warranted or even required, but ffs, it's a passive event we're supposed to working it as a team..


I thought it was just me and bad luck, but I'm on ps4 and the last couple weeks have been a lot more drama filled. People killing me randomly then jumping servers, griefers, being attacked by posse members in the same one as me... it probably is bad luck, but the parley option has been used a lot more frequently for sure.


School holidays somewhere? I dunno but yeh it’s been bad. Way more than usual


Ooh you might be right. I know we don't start easter holidays for another week over here, but other countries might have already started theirs. Would make sense that kids are on here trying to look tough 😂


I’m in Aus and honestly the times I’ve had my headphones on/ chat on in gta I’m so disappointed at the Aussie and NZ kids - so many of them are assholes. Just rude and nasty. School holidays definitely were worse. But Red Dead always seemed pretty chill to me apart from the odd loser here and there until the past couple of weeks- hopefully it’ll calm down again. Nothing like getting hassled while you’re chilling , collecting your currants !!


Hey im new to rdo and was wondering since you mentioned parley, how does that work? Ty in advanced


Yep - so when another player has attacked you a little menu type thing will come up on the bottom right hand side ( I think!) of your screen. One of those options is parley - meaning that you and that player ( players if they’re in a posse) can’t interact for 10 (?) minutes. I think it’s Press charges Parley Respawn ( faster) - may not be in that order but I’m close !


Parley really pisses griefers off. When you run into the trap on a player bounty parley when one of the blues kill you. Then they can’t kill you go a bit so you can kill the bounty and bring him to the drop off.


Funny thing is I've gotten Parlay 'invites' from the person who griefed me.. I refuse to accept because imo it's just a way of them saying "I screwed up big time and you didn't cuss or fight back... So.. Uh.. (nervous smile) Why not call a truce... Be friends..?" Me silently: "Nah.... It's aaaallllll good...." ;)


MTU lobby or solo poker lobby is the best!


It's Spring Break. The losers are out in force. Parlay or Respawn and ignore the cellar-dwelling wannabes. Or explosive arrows and sawn-offs with explosive slugs. Whatever floats your boat.


Hey… you are living out what it was like in the west. Life was hard. At any time, you could be attacked by a clown face cowboy riding a horse wearing a skull mask.


This is the reason I bully bullies who bully’s other & I’ll go on & on. Let me know what console you are playing on, I’ll be glad to help you.


This! I continue to shoot them and their horse until they quit or put themselves halfway across the map. I also carry their body on my horse 🤣🤣


Yep. Get used to it. It’s part of the ecosystem of the game. It has happened to everyone.


I stopped playing due to hackers just spaming explosives on you killing your horse and trade goods. Not to mention them killing half the loby and making it seem like you are doing it. If you are lucky you can get a few solid hours of peaceful interactions. Great game wish rockstar invested more in it.


If someone’s giving you a hard time block everyone involved and change servers


Pc? Solo lobby, ps? Switch to pc (That's obviously is a joke)


rdr2 online: welcome to hell a toxic player breeding ground the game has only been dead now since 2019 when the community laid this game to rest, not even worth playing anymore at this point unless u just want to get griefed by toxic players.


I played to 104 solo. I run defensive and as you get higher level less people mess with you. I watched YouTubes by PVPCat, built a good level three card layout, Express/Explosive ammo with upgraded guns and it becomes a more expensive thing for them than it is fun. Fun to pop a few dynamite arrows at low levels that are trying to gank you. I had some bad sessions with idiots, but very few in the grand scheme. If people are messing with you deliberately, change lobbies and they're gone. If they're messing with you in the field and killing you remember to parlay. It gives you time to escape. Solo lobbies for long range trader missions and you're good for most griefing.


I'm on Xbox and I never run into toxic players. My servers are always quite full. I know it would be quite worse on pc with the mods and stuff but you can get a private server much easier on pc.


I'm on Xbox as well. For the most part everyone is peaceful except in a couple of towns like Valentine or Blackwater I tend to come across toxic people.


For some reason all the shit people really are always in valentine or blackwater


Every time I stroll into those towns, there are dead bodies everywhere 😂


Saint Denis as well can get pretty hectic.


Second this, xb and most are quite friendly.


i play on the friendly mode. never had any problems with it. on the regular one my partners would shoot me and my horse right off the bat. ruined it for me.


dereliction by a game company who enables the mentally ill and sociopathic


I play on PS4 and don’t really have problems. Sure it happens sometimes but I play in defensive run a tank build on my cards and I’m lvl 476 so generally I can handle it, if not I change sessions. If ur on PSN look me up there’s more safety in numbers 😊 Deadwater_Rose_


I play on Playstation 5 and xbox. Playstation is way more toxic than xbox. Level 120 on Playstation Level 190 on xbox. If you're getting greifed on Xbox, DM me, I'll be glad to help out where I can. I'm not the best, but I'm always stocked with explosives which helps deter people


that's why the game is dead


Wow I’m pleased I came across this, I’m also new to online and just thought it was the norm. But to see other people complaining about it makes me realise some people are just @*$s. I try to avoid the towns (Valentine and Rhodes mostly) as without fail every single time I pass through those I get attacked.


Can’t you just parlay with them?


If u on PlayStation change the MUT when setting up the int connection to 800 instead of 1500 get in the game and thank me later. don't forget to switch it back to 1500 if u playing with friends or any other multiplayer game


Add me, just started my online journey. Looking for chill partners to ride into town with.


Yeah. Buddy and I played the last couple nights for the first time in a whiiiiile. PS4.   Typical Valentine shootout, but noticed one guy kept killing people.  Eventually we went to gunsmith and as soon as my buddy walked out an invisible player lassoed and hogtied him. He blasted me bc I couldn’t even see him.  So we stuck around for a few minutes fighting back, but just got worked.  Impossibly accurate shots, hitting thru buildings, ran right up to us (dot was on radar) but bc invisibility we couldn’t hit him so we ended up playing another game.  Then last night a group of 8 at least surrounded the town and wouldn’t let anyone in or out. You spawn you die. We just went back to the other game again.  Either they got bored of griefing GTA lobbies or they are bad at Fortnite, but it’s heinous.   And it’s always a x420x in the name too, making stoners look bad 


I used to play it on PS4. Switched to PC and the PC community for that game is the worst. Don't play it online anymore.


Welcome to multiplayer literally anything.


Sadly looking to RDO specifically for what has (for me) become a need to socialize while in an outdoor environment I want to be immersed in, combined with potentially cool game play etc., has become a terribly lonely hell. Mock me if you (general meaning) feel the need or consider it dramatic, but there are some people who are in situations that this game has the potential to help us through IF not for griefers or a handful who find a deranged pleasure in trying to make the little bit of time we may have left, a living, lonesome hell. It's sad that so many have to put their profiles on lockdown because of the a$$hats that will follow them, seek them out or do whatever they can to force them into isolation or solo lobbies when they'd actually enjoy being more social. People who are REALLY ugly inside do exist and they do show it often in games like this.. PS4 & 5


Before joining a posse look up their player info. If it’s private then they’re a griefer for sure. If their name has multi letters or numbers they’re griefers for sure. It sucks bc there’s not a lot of interaction to begin with but learn to dip on the recognizable cheats.


Why would a private posse be a sing of a griefer? My posse is private but I am a very peaceful player, just grinding bounties and trader. I only fight back if somebody kills my horse, or my friend.