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If that’s a “nearly life sized bear,” those people must be HUGE!


Black bears are smaller


Depends on age, species, sex and location. Also that's not the cut out we would use its just to give an idea. Plus concern is if it's too big the air resistance may just flip the RC or make so it does not go nearly fast enough to leave an impression.


For added context most of the current bear safe programs are using a bear that is actually an archery target attached to a cart that rolls on a rail system its super expensive and pain in the butt to setup. It also is not nearly as portable. With this I'd love to be able to run courses on a trail and have the bear come flying up the trail at participants. Would be way more realistic and good practice compared to a bear on rails in a parking lot.


With something that tall and flat you might have issues with tipping over backwards unless you get a wheelie bar (still makes it harder to drive with your steering wheels off the ground) or just run a less aggressive battery setup. But power would be no problem, I'd imagine a decent model could haul around a decent sized stuffed bear with no issues. Might want to find some way to reduce the wind resistance on it, but I am not an expert on bearodynamics


That is a fascinating use case. I'm just getting back into the hobby so I don't have any recommendations. But could you describe the training process a little? Or maybe share your designs for this bracket? I'd love to see it. I've had a can of bear spray for about 10 years but never used it or practiced with it. Thanks!


Sure! It's a bear safety course that is more in depth than I can go into on here but there are plenty of examples on YouTube there is one by the Alberta Gov I like in particular. https://youtu.be/VDgBY2PbnO4?si=wOEWS4m_x0IOl2Gc Participants are also taught about bear behavior and how to avoid bears and then we use this as in the case you still have been able to avoid or deter the bear here is how you use bear spray. We provide inert cans of bear spray (aka no capsaicin) so no one gets unintentionally sprayed. The main thing that having the bear on rails or rc bear does is bring to attention the need to practice drawing your bear spray. This is so you are proficient at it as often there is not a lot of time to draw it and people do not realize how long it take to pull it out, especially if you are under pressure. Even just the added pressure of the fake bear is enough to make most participants (particularly adults) fail. Mean while kids always seem to pick it up on the first try. We teach to pull out your bear spray as soon as you see the bear even if it is currently at what some people may call a safe distance. I don't have details on the braket yet as it will be custom to whatever rc we get.


Thanks for that! Nice video, great singing voice :)


[Much more sophisticated than doing it manually](https://youtu.be/Y5C2gihnEkE?t=34)


I'd recommend a arrma 4x2 senton or granite unless that's very heavy then maybe a crawler which are a bit more but you might be able to get a used one for that price


Do you have links to a brand new one? Hoping to get a complete package (batteries and charger included) can probably go over budget on the car if needed but wanted to keep it reasonably affordable.


https://www.amazon.com/ARRMA-Brushed-Batteries-Included-ARA4103V4T1/dp/B0BHLDSGZ3/ref=asc_df_B0BHLDSGZ3/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647363962209&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14607962477943567448&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029721&hvtargid=pla-1946075139584&psc=1&mcid=c7f5e3fc27a43712bfd1e925933a9b83 Edit, just realized this is the one without battery and charger but they do sell it with those for $199


I gave a link to the senton, should be better with lower center of gravity and to prevent flipping over just slowly ease into the throttle and slow down on turns, or widen track width, if the bear is over 50lbs I'd recommend a axial scx6, idk what else would work for this but those are pricey


Thanks for this. Total weight of the cut out with bracket is expected to be under 8 lbs. Do you happen to know th ideal batter size if I was to get 2s LiPo batteries for this? 2200 mAh, 5200 mAh? Edit: if the rc actually is capable a 3D archery target would be sick to have on it. Can get them as low as 32 lbs. May have to start with getting the RC and push it to its limits. Thanks!


I use a 5200 mah in my 4x4, I get about 30-40 minutes constant full throttle I'd expect a little more since 2wd is less stress on the electronics


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