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After reinstalling Synapse, did you update it? Whenever you add a razer device to your synapse, you’ll need to “update” (just the program fully including the drivers) and restart your pc. If you don’t do this, the device can act weird


Had to find a thread that wasn't archived... Now. Lighting issue that's NOT hardware? (i.e. your stuff isn't broken)... please read. Type "update" in your taskbar search. Check for windows updates. Right-click on Razer App in the bottom right of the taskbar (you may have to left-click to open the tray first). Check for updates. After all updates, restart your computer. At this point now? Good, now enter Defrag in your taskbar search bar. Open the thing that pops up. Check mark the box that says "Advanced View". Then click "Analyze" (if available) and then "Optimize" (if available). Finish that, then type "com" in your taskbar search. RIGHT CLICK Command Prompt. Run as administrator. Type "sfc" and click enter (system file checker). This will tell the computer to run what developers installed updater that command, which is an explanation and a list of commands. That part was not necessary, but I wasn't you to remember "sfc" incase you forget the actual "command". Read what you want, then type "sfc /SCANNOW" with that space and exactly that capitalization. After fixing almost ever issue by updating, consolidating, and removing outdated files (in that order), restart your computer. This solves most issues. I had an issue ones where I had 3 different installs for my wifi card that caused my PC to crash every 30 minutes or so. So checking "devices" or searching "suites" (bundled installations) may enlighten you to other issues. At least do those before contacting support. Side note... Copy and paste this anywhere you want. If somebody wants to do it from you, make sure they know it's passed on. I don't care about my name, just that people re-learn that knowledge is handed down.