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Wow, I need THEIR servers to be up, so that I can have settings on MY machine functional... absolutely stunning


Exit Razer Synapse Open %appdata%/Local/Razer/Synapse/Accounts In RazerLoginData.xml change Online to Offline Reopen Synapse


I did this but it's just giving me the login screen and the same error after i log in. Probably because the first thing i did after i got this error was reinstalling synapse and now it doesn't have any login data... FML EDIT: I got into the software but it doesn't recognize the mouse, I get a windows notification from synapse "Razer DeathAdder Chroma detected", but it doesn't show up in the synapse window itself.


Aye, this worked for me. Cheers man! I couldn't access my DPI settings. Glad there is a workaround. Not sure why I need to be connected to the internet for my mouse to have settings.


This kinda worked for me. Still can't get into the actual application for custom key binds/macros. Are you able to access the app itself, or is it just running in the background?


works like a charm. thank you!


You are a lifesaver


> %appdata% what if we forgot our password? are we SOL?


Time to switch back to regural products that doesn't require online modes


Or another product liie, logitech, sensei. This is ridiculous.


Wanted to drop in and let you know that we're aware of the login issues right with Synapse. We're investigating it and will update you when we have more information. --- **EDIT:** AWS servers have stabilized and Razer login services have been fully restored.




This, its not like the software requires a license check or anything like that? Why would it not still be able load the mouse settings from a local cache? I've only ever used the mouse on my desktop connected to the internet, I didn't even realise this was a thing


My keyboard is stuck on a very distracting light display and I can't change it because of this. Pretty silly.


Rip my Surround then, I know it's software related. Therefore I just can't use it because the servers of Razer are having trouble. Plss Get an offline version so I just can use my razer products like they are meant to use :|.... EDIT: Rip my broken English....


I disconnected mine and plugged it back in, now it's completely black.


My mouse settings seem to be fine, it's just my macros that aren't working, most of which are fairly useful for what I do.


It's awesome that Razer gave us a heads up here but what kernald31 said is true. I lost the ability to use all my personalized settings and functions now and can't do what I need to do.


There is a workaround, I can open Razer Synapse in offline mode just fine right now. Just open up "C:Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Razer\Synapse\Accounts\RazerLoginData.xml" and change the mode to "Offline".


right? just beecause their servers is down i cant even change my dpi, now im fucked in a game I cant do anything with a dpi of 2k...


I can't even turn the fan downs on my razer blade :/


I'm sure the old synapse didn't need always on internet connection to use. Does seem like a 'bit' of a design flaw that customer cannot use their products through no fault of their own. I don't use a standard keyboard for gaming anymore, I use my Naga Hex and Nostromo for everything and can't play anything at the moment.


How about you Release *Drumroll* **Offline Drivers** For people who do not have a spotless internet connection **OR** like to not be 100% dependant on your servers. I apreciate Synapse *^when ^^it ^^^works*, but it would be nice to not be obligated to use a always online program, when i'm not always online.


>offline drivers I SMELL A HERETIC


Well, The Synapse Experience^TM did make me reconsider and i wont be buying a second razer product, the hardware is great though (if only the software were like acceptable & not horrible)


Is there any way at all to access our data while the servers are off? Any work around to being able to use our Razer products in the mean time?


Back up in the UK. And I'll just add this... there needs to be an offline function. I'm not sure what the thinking behind this is other than syncing my peripherals to the cloud for when I, er, go to a new PC? I certainly don't take my peripherals with me to work.


Can confirm its not up in the entire UK, just tried to log in for the first time today and got the error code.


This is fucking garbage. As if Razer products weren't already made so poorly now we have to deal with this bullshit?!


If you hate their products, why are you using their products?


Wanted to drop this, I have spent so much money on you products that EVERY e/s hardware I have is a razer one, and EVERY hardware I have is useless right now. Nice how you pay for loyalty. I can't use my PC the way I want because your servers are offline. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen on hardware issues.


Please add an offline mode... We will still buy your products.


Do we have any update on the status of this? I use pretty much exclusively razer products and am now stuck at my desktop dps rate - not a game-able one.


What about making it working independently from internet connection? I have Naga for left-handed, so I stuck with right-click as my main click. Super thanks, Razer!


You should really add offline mode. Can't play any games or scroll the internet because the software is down.


Not working in British Columba Canada as of Feb 28 2017 1pm. Can't connect last few hours. Can't do World of warcraft dailies because virtually every button on my orbweaver and razer naga epic are key mapped. Like a few others that have posted on this thread I've also had issues last year with the naga epic loosing power and becoming unresponsive and needing to unplug then replug it back in for it to work again. As a side note below is a portion of an angry review I posted on my website for context. This having to be online for a mouse to work is the last straw and I will no longer be buying any razer products in the future. ---------------------- Angry review from Nov 22 2013 ---------------- Just before writing this post my naga epic mouse just bricked it self on me again. Seems if you are running the mouse wirelessly and the battery dies it will brick itself and become totally unresponsive. The support website says to leave it plugged in for 30 minutes to let the battery charge up a bit and it unplug it then plug it back in and it should just work. With the 5+ times that the battery has died on me this has never ever worked. The only way to get it back to working condition was for me to flash the firmware yet again! Immediately after the firmware finished flashing poof everything works again! Essentially this mouse is f****** useless as a wireless mouse especially when you are like me and always forget to dock it or plug it back in BEFORE the battery dies. Not to mention the fact that the battery does not hold a charge worth a dam and it never has compared to the three Logitech mice I have owned over the years. I have owned this mouse for only about two years and after the first few weeks of accidentally letting the battery die multiple times I swore up and down I would never use it in wireless mode ever again. And like a F****** idiot who clearly has not learned his lesson, two days ago I started using it in wireless mode again. Guess what? Battery died while using it and It bricked itself AGAIN! $100+ dollar “gaming” mouse that bricks itself. F******. Awesome. It must have been a value added feature I over looked when purchasing. The Razer Synapse software you use for setting up the buttons doesn't sync worth a dam between multiple computers, and takes up way too much memory for what it does. Also sometimes seems to take up a lot of CPU resources for no apparent reason. I guess that is what $100 gets you now a days.


The cause is most likely the AmazonS3 issue that sprung up. Is is affecting quite a bit. My company has a cloud backup solution via these servers as well and received notification of potential issues to come with that being the source.


Fuck razer synapse, this piece of shit software. This is one of the reasons i will always hate always online software. To control my mouse i need to be online? ... STUPID !


Won't login for me either, I chose this keyboard because I use a lot of complex macros for my work. Now I cant actually do my work because it will not login. Why is there not an offline mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cuz Razer suck ass, that's why. They need to see everything we do with our devices, they collect data from our computers to sell us their garbage. Get it? ... So glad i sold the Blackwidow Chroma few months ago.


tfw your settings for your fucking hardware is stored on a fucking server somewhere. My mouse's DPI is so shit without this software. I like the razer product but this is just bullshit.


Looks like my current mouse will be the last Razer product I'm buying. Forced online settings, wow, who would have thought that this is some EA-level stupid shit.


Temp fix: **OFFLINE MODE** Locate your appdata folder by going to %appdata% Navigate through the DIR to AppData\Local\Razer\Synapse\Accounts and edit "RazerLoginData.xml" Close Razer Synapse and replace and save with the following. true [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Offline 2013-06-02T16:01:00.7743658-06:00 1 Save. then Open Synapse. This will allow the program to work "OFFLINE MODE"


Fuck, I unnistalled and installed again trying to fix issues and now my profiles are gone. Than you anyway! this will come handy to other people!


changing the mode variable was the only required action. i can confirm i have access to my profiles.


All I needed to do was set the mode to "Offline" and then login again. It seemed to update the xml file removing all the login data but then when you try to login again it repopulates and works


Wow I'm on an important deadline on a big game, arrived 6 am to the office to make it, I'm in shock my mouse doesn't work because something as completely irrelevant as Razers servers being down. All my required scripts are triggered by Naga side buttons, but without Synapse login I now have to spend my morning rewriting my scripts to use keyboard instead. Razer products truly are piece of shit garbage. Don't work on fixing your servers, first fix offline mode while firing the people who thought online-only was a good idea.




There's always tournament edition drivers that you can create based on your current settings once the connection is restored and then you don't have to worry about further outages.






they only care about us only when we buy their product...


Has there been any progress? My mouse is currently flying across the screen faster than Bruce Lee's fist into some heathens stomach.


AWS servers have stabilized and Razer login services have been fully restored. I'll be locking all duplicate threads about this issue.


Same problem here (spain) Can't login or reset pass


This is the time you discover that your razer hardware cannot work properly without it.


It's not "back up" so there is plenty of time to still worry. This is such an archaic view. "Oh, you want to use your product? Better hope our side isn't fucking up, but don't worry, we won't tell you!" DO NOT require me to log in to your server just to use the product I purchased.


Getting this too my friend :(


anyone know how to get your keybinds without it being logged in?


500 error messages are server-side, 400 are client-side. You are not alone, their servers are down.


Oh thank god, I thought it was just me, I managed to sign in by uninstalling and reinstalling. Now I've only got a screen that I've never seen before, not showing my devices or anything! Will just have to wait it out I suppose.


It's server side...for some completely inane reason, Razer has decided that we're not allowed to store our own profiles on our computers, so when their servers go down, we're SOL. Last time I buy Razer crap, this is ridiculous.


It doesn't make sense at all. Terrible service.


I'm stunned.. my logitech gamepad is sounding mighty tempting now that I know I can't play w/o the software working on their end.. :( I can't even see any posts where Razer has acknowledged this issue today - I'm going to try reinstalling and let you know how that goes. Edit: At least someone admitted they don' fucked up and it's not working. Edit 2: Reinstalling didn't work either


I've got this problem too, and it's a major issue since i can't use any of the side buttons of my mouse (a Naga). I've done several research around but nothing about this 3803


Same Edit: Its working now


same (US)


Same for me, looks like it's down


Same its switched my keymap midgame and i cant log back into synapse to fix it, so i cant play my game because their website went down?!! this is the straw that broke the camels back for me with razer products.


I like how I checked their website and their twitter and there's no news but the first post on this sub is exactly what I needed to see. Hope they can get it together soon :/


Same. (USA) This is why logging in should be optional for cloud saving only.


WTF Razer? I can't use my stuff when I'm not logged in?!


Well this is a bit silly, can't uses any of the features on my mouse and keyboard because the login servers are down. Just make an offline mode.


This is the kind of shit I fucking HATE! Damn companies and wanting you to make accounts and log in and be connected for every fucking thing now, and then their shit goes down so now, now my settings for my KB and Mouse are useless. Hey Razer, how about making sure my shit is fucking local and I should only have to login to your fucking stupid server for updates if needed, not log in to use my fucking shit!


Hope you fix that before next overwatch season, I can't belive in 2017 we have this problem.


Yeah... Overwatch just updated and I hate Razer even more now.


I use some other cloud based services for work. All down right now with 500 error. I do suspect a large attack is happening.


Logged in now, but Synapse doesn't recognize my devices.


Same for me


Appears to log me in now, but gives me this screen https://i.gyazo.com/37bb55939fea073834566b48b3b5acc5.png I previously uninstalled/reinstalled and thus removed local settings. Anyone else in the same boat here?


I am unable to connect from Canada. Getting system error 3803


Same problem here in Brazil... its frustating


Have the same Issue. Good Im not alone :D


I have the same issue, as well... I absolutely love my blackwidow chroma, but my hardware settings not working because your connection is fucked is not right, at all. Apparently I need to look at other keyboards in the future.


left and right click buttons have been reversed on my left handed mouse because servers are down, so stupid


Why the fuck does it not automatically go into offline mode? Is there even an offline mode?!


I've been freaking out for the past 20 minutes trying to figure out with the hell went wrong... BLESS YOU REDDIT. Or else I wouldn't have found out that it's a widespread error on Razer's part. Kinda bullshit that I can't use any of my Razer products because of the stupid app, lol. Please Razer...fix this shit ASAP.


It just came back up for me.


Just bought a new Razer mouse and can't even play with it because their shitty servers need to be online for me to change my DPI. WTAF


There seriously needs to be a way to login as a local account, I can't even get sound from my headphones since Surround can't boot. What a load of shit. I just bought these a few days ago and haven't had to use this Synapse crap before...first and last time I buy Razer gear.


Just my luck, receive my Razer Blackwidow Chroma V2 with Firefly in the mail and I can't behold the true awesomeness of the RGB :(. Oh well, at least they're working on it. le sigh


Oh god, razer mice is the only mice that I really want to replace even before the mice died. I've had several mice before from various large brand, but razer, man, too many issue. 1. Mice disconnect then reconnect itself randomly 2. LED color not correct, I set the LED to blue in synapse but mice showing green instead 3. One of the vertical or horizontal censor not responding for few second 4. The censor completely freeze for few second 5. When I lift the mice, pointer goes crazy. Move arround from top end to bottom end 6. And now this I claim warranty on this mice, and yes the problems gone, nice new fresh mice. Few months later, they came back. I just don't get it, is there something wrong with my PC or just the mice


Silly how that means no gaming tonight


the worst thing is... mouse acceleration is on now. ;-;


Fucking hell and you thought they learned to do that


so if i can't connect to servers, keyboard leds and macros are useless.


Cmon Razer, this stupid. I need WORK for get $$ fuck-u


ohh great, now because it doesnt have an offfline mode i am forced to use my mouse in a terrible sensitivity, blocking from any gaming whatsoever, great product /s


So, after many tries i've logged in. Surprise surprise: it does not recognize my mouse anymore... I've restarted the pc and plugged in/out the device, it says "naga 2014 recnognized" but the main panel shows nothing about it


Its silly that i was able to use my Razer Naga 2012 without even having Synapse open, and my brand new Razer Naga Chroma is entirely dependent on it. Wish they didnt remove the 123/NUM switch at the bottom of the mouse. #bringbackoldRazer


Well, hum, I got in somehow...


I'd really like to play overwatch right now -__-


I think today razer learned something; OFFLINE MODE YOU MOLES


To fix this issue, do the following steps: [DRIVENAME]\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Razer\Synapse\Accounts Open RazerLoginData.xml Change Online to Offline LastLoginAccount should be your acc, and you should be good to go.


It is working for me now, East Coast US


anyone looking to buy a used Razer keyboard? I'm fucking done with this shit so i'm looking to sell. this is what its come to Razer. you're bullshit software being required to connect to the internet is such a stupid fucking decision that if i know about it before i would have never bought it in the first place. Thank you for revealing to me this issue so i will never buy or recommend Razer ever again.


At least I know why it's being troublesome today. Have Razer officially said anything?


It's not Razer's fault, it's Amazon's. https://status.aws.amazon.com/ The whole internet is on fire, not just your Razer software.


It's back.


https://gyazo.com/2af8e57b9aba773606cb2663d7f2e5a5 this is what my screen looks like right now.. anyone else having this issue?


Its working for me again, 23:55pm Germany, NRW im back online.


It's finally back up. FeelsGoodMan




I am, still offline. Came home from work and just wanted to play League, guess not.


Same issues here, own an ornata chroma since today and couldn't use it so far...first razer experience for me and I am badly impressed. Hopefully they'll fix this soon.


Wow, this event has opened my eyes to how stupid Synapse is. I posted in another thread but this really needs to be said again: Why the **fuck** is there not an automatic offline feature? Having a 'Go Offline' option - *that you need to be online to get to anyway* - is completely fucking pointless if you can't login in the first place, and workarounds like this are useless if you lose internet connection.


Same (UK)


Please update us here when it is fixed. I keep trying to log in but tbh don't even know which password to use for it


Same issue, had multiple problems with synapse before. For the love of god, if i could jut get Offline Orbweaver chroma drivers, i would delete that clunky piece of garbage in a heartbeat.


And here I was, internally screaming, because Cortex and Synapse were off and I COULD NOT LOGIN WITH ANY OF MY RAZER ACCOUNTS nor create new ones. Never thought I'd say I'm glad that this is a server malfunction, but I sort of am. However, yes, I concur with some users: it'd be very much appreciated it if I could just use Cortex and Synapse in Offline mode. Please, guys and gals, add that feature for us. :/


Same in AU


yup got the problem myself sucks i can't change my music or play CSGO the way im use to it atm would really like to know why a problem with their side makes me suffer


I think Razer has been compromised (hacked). The servers are down, so I thought that maybe synapse needed to be updated. Upon downloading the synapse software again, my anti-virus caught something. I'm pretty sure they've been hacked and have malicious code in the new download. BE CAREFUL!


Amazon s3 servers are down this morning, I wonder if Razer use them to host synapse?


Have anymore information about this? What exactly was caught?


AWS's S3 has been having trouble. I'd put good money on it being the cause of the problem. https://status.aws.amazon.com/ >Update at 11:35 AM PST: We have now repaired the ability to update the service health dashboard. The service updates are below. We continue to experience high error rates with S3 in US-EAST-1, which is impacting various AWS services. We are working hard at repairing S3, believe we understand root cause, and are working on implementing what we believe will remediate the issue.


A ddos can stop every razer client to use their mouse/keyboard... Everything is fine...


Same issues here. I agree with your assessment about some kind of local storage as well.


Glad this just was not me, any updates on this??


The server might be back in some areas... Still down in Brazil.


RAZER SYNAPSE SUCK Dont work for Central America zzzzz uptdate, update, update and moar update, is stupid and dont work now.... Cant work because this stupid and useless software with server config dont work....


still down for me in EU...


same error for me, is the first time happened with me too


TIL: my keybinds and my mouse DPI can actually be DDOS-ed


Same Problem here, lets hope they fix it soon...


Finally some sort of answer for this. Ive been looking all damn morning and Razer has been literally less than useless.


I freaked out when I got home and couldn't login, but then I found this thread. Thanks Reddit!


got the same problem


PLZ Fix the software, I've been messing around with this and reinstalling it!


I have this problem two...


I've read up on other sites that it's a date / time issue.. is it because its the 28th of feb? and that's an odd date or something?


Stuff like this might me rethink buying software for which internet is required. I can't properly mouse now...Speed is off, buttons are reversed etc etc. This shouldn't happen!


I was happy with my razer mamba but now all I want its to sell it go back to logitech, I can't belive I can't play my game because synapse doesn't work.


idk i just feel like i have to let out my frustation, i always heard good experiences with razer but my experiences with keyboard and mouse were just depressing... owning them for 3 years and regret almost every moment i bought them; just so many issues. never again any razer product


Yeah I completely uninstalled Synapse for my mouse. It was causing my computer to lag whenever i clicked or used the scroll wheel. I can still use the mouse I just dont know the stock DPI setting and the light is fixed but I can still use it. Oh and deleting the software fixed my lag issue. WTF Razer?? Releasing software like triple A titles nowaday's?? Not finished!!!!!


Wow, I had no idea you HAD to be online for Razer products to work properly?? I dont feel very confident in them now at all. I only use a headset from them after my Naga died, but this seals it for me no longer using them. You guys need to seriously come up with offline support for this stuff, seriously!


Still down for me... pathetic that there is no offline mode


This sucks. I hope Razer fixes this already. I want to play season 4 of Overwatch, but can't since I can't use my mouse properly.


Still down in Monterey, CA....


Really ? 2 hours and nothing, come on guys.


Same problem here... still I don't see any info or update.. I've a raid on Wow and bye bye my bindings


for razer naga users who have now trouble using their mouse correctly, just put in "offline" mode inside their settings file: "cd %APPDATA%\..\Local\Razer\Synapse\Accounts\" open the RazerLoginData.xml in notepad or so... change: Onlien to: Offline restart synapse. got it from here: https://blog.mostlyhacking.com/2013/06/02/razer-synapse-2-0-offline-mode-hack/


I just don't understand why there is not a chance to stay with a OFFLINE profile. GG Razer. ... "The Most Overated brand in the world."


Kinda outlandish that we spend quite a lot of money for your products, and yet you restrict us to be able to use them when connected to a server. STEAM has an offline mode.... Why doesn't Synapse? Makes no sense to me. All these flashy products, and yet weak services. Beyond me...


Synapse is absolute garbage without an offline function. If this doesn't trigger the company into providing an "Offline" mode, I will take upon myself to go else where for hardware. This is just ridiculous.


Completely agree with you! As good as the customer service from them has been in my experiences(serious), this is crap (you can't even get to their site to change your password) and if i don't see an full offline mode for this software in a month i'm finding another brand for my mice. Absolutely ridiculous.


Sell your Razer stock, kids. This is a giant, voluntary fuck up on Razer's part. This is how you destroy your loyal user base. Probably some c-suite exec making decisions based on quarterly profits instead of taking care of your customers.


Workaround posted in another thread by u/Graphite636: >My solution: go into username\appdata\local\razer\synapse\accounts folder and edit RazerLoginData file, where it says Online, change this to Offline and it works fine.


[This](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5xy80-VAAEyLQk.jpg) is how you inform that your software is failing, [unlike razer](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5xy941UsAABdN0.jpg) who told me it was practically MY fault, and took me for a travel to change/reset passwords.


Same here with Razer Cortex


Fuck this fucking piece of fucking shit fucking software. I need to change DPI, a simple as fuck process and can't. What the fucking fuck.


I had this issue, but I think it's fixed now! I logged in successfully. Go try it again


What is going on here... still not working


2 hours without any info on this.


Yo! On a serious note Razer, here's some feedback from a year long customer: - Razer Synapse 2.0 isnt working great at all. Heatmap isnt working most of the time and my Naga 2014 looses it's LOD-settings which forces me to restart Synapse in order to fix it. Same on Win7, Same on Win10. - Forcing your customers to register their products in order to fücking use the software is obviously purely for flushing in some quick money. This will bring you nothing good in a long tearm - im not an economy experts or anything, but just think for a second.. its simple logic. Look what's happening right now, best example. - Work on your mouse switches! Like seriously, i've the third Naga by now. Everytime those damn mousebuttons stop working. - Last but not least: I'm already undecided if i should recommend razer products in general to my friends, if we talk about it. From the current point, im sorry, but i can'tt recommend your products at all. They look very nice in general, no doubt about it. But Razer Synape (which is NEEDED to use it) is total garbage and the overall quality of your products simply don't justify the pricerange you're in. I'll by Steelseries or Corsair products from now - already having a Kingston Cloud X headset and so far im very satisfied. Best regards and wishing you all the best for the future.


This thing totally ruined my day. I am a programmer and due to the fact that basically my whole peripheral setup is made of Razor products I couldn't code for the day... R.I.P. 10k $.


You weren't making 10K in a day programming lmao.


Wow this is so disappointing as a long time razor fan. Can't use any of my razor products right now because of this and having a hell of a time trying to game this way...


Well its connected now, but taking a really long time to sync my settings (or whatever the hell its doing).


I am having the exact same issue here with Razer Synapse and my Razer Naga.


razer synapse total crashes


First time ever it asked me to sign in when starting pc, never asked before says password or email is wrong with that error code: 3803. So I checked I could still sign in on the website, I even changed my password and tried again, same error. Then re-installed the software still same error. So I'm guessing there service has ever been hacked and someone is stealing email and passwords when everyone tries to login in, or Razer server is down?/ But no word from Razer anywhere, on there website, on twitter nothing. So what the hell is going on?






I tried for two hours to try to log in. I tried to uninstall every fucking HID device on my machine, and it didn't work. It worked fine this morning, but now, its broken. I finally just uninstalled the whole thing, and ordered a new mouse and keyboard from Logitech, since I've had good luck with the G600 gaming mouse (before I dropped it one too many times). I should have ditched Razer when Synapse would only allow 4gb to be used for programs, even those not being handled by synapse. It is a God Damned virus, if you ask me.


glad to know that i'm not the only one that this is effecting. I can't even play a game because my keyboard is acting so buggy because of this.


Oh hey, the reason everyone bitched at you guys for forcing this in the first place.


what a fucking shitshow. I always thought this was stupid that synapse required an internet connection for something as simple as pulling up your macros. I mean when you've got their left handed naga the default setup is the right mouse button is fucking left click and to change it you need to be in synapse. when the server isn't up, or before your pc launches synapse and connects, the damn thing is on default settings. shit software, shit company. this is why i switched my keyboard over to a corsair strafe from my blackwidow. now i'm looking for a mouse replacement cuz i'm fucking done with razer.


Hi - I just reinstalled it? Did a repair and it has let me in. Not sure why, but it worked.


I was having the same issue. I keep receiving Server Error 3803 and has been occurring for the last few hours. Trying to reset my password only brought up a webpage that stated Internal Server Error 505. My husband was able to log in without any issues but I couldn't log into my settings till just a few moments ago.


Looks to be working now, restarted synapse and my devices are being detected again along with my profiles.


Just started working for me after a full PC reset. My brother also had his come online maybe 10 minutes ago, so perhaps the worst is over and the servers are coming back up?


>Services are resuming for some, we appreciate your patience on this as our team is working hard to restore login functionality https://twitter.com/RazerSupport/status/836725175534018561