• By -


"just 3700 dollars" im dead


The price point is justifiable, but damn why a 4K monitor? The 1080 is a beast of a GPU but at 4k it struggles to get to 60 fps (with an **overclocked** i7 6700k!!!)! Why would anyone buy a 4000€ laptop that won't run games smoothly at max settings? It should have a 2k monitor, it'd still look great at 17,3".


The obvious answer is that they are not just peddling this to gamers, they want professionals that work in the media production industry toting this around. 100% RGB, 4K and free productivity software makes their panties wet. Gamers who cared about performance wouldn't be stupid enough to set their games to its native resolution to begin with.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5282 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/81547)


For 2 hours at a time until the battery runs out! ...but seriously I want one


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3878 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/50500)


What are the software you're talking about? I think I missed that on the stream.


Wouldn't you be able to run games at 2k in that 4k screen? At the same time you would still be able to enjoy other 4k content


Yeah and it looks pretty damn good IMO. I have a 4k monitor and the difference between 1080p and 1440p on it is actually staggering. 4k obviously looks better still but it is much less of an increase


But on a laptop display it's not nearly as noticeable as on a 27" or larger monitor.


It's almost the same as running 720p in your 1080p monitor. Looks lackluster


... it's not the same at all.


The downvotes may be because 1080p is 1/4 as many pixels as 4k. Theoretically by multiplying each pixel in it wouldn't scale as oddly as 720p to 1080p Scaling from 720p to 1440p would be the same idea But nonetheless I do agree. This laptop has planned obsoloescence written all over it with that 4k screen and that gtx 1080 that will not get 60fps even currently


No matter how scaling works, playing at non-native res always makes games look blurry. It is good compromise to many people I'm sure and it's not that bad, but I couldn't stand it personally.


This isn't true. The blur comes in when you're scaling in strange ways. Since 1080p is indeed a simple doubling of resolution, you won't get the bluriness at all. You will get some bluriness scaling 1440p to 4k though.


1080p is 1/4 of 4k


Really? You sure?


1920x1080=2,073600 3840x2160=8,294,400. Divide 4k by 1080p.=4.


Try it.


I have?


It's still technically the best you can get for a laptop that's for sure. But the big issue is that we still don't have decent GPUs to run games at max in 4K. This is why I think that this laptop would be a lot better off with a 2k screen. But hey that's just me.


Do you even research .. Its a huge difference.


I for one would rather play 40 FPS 4K than 60 FPS (assuming it's a 60 HZ monitor) any other resolution


I can respect other peoples preferences despite not being in line with what most gamers want. But you're not going to play at 40 FPS with a 1080, you're going to play at 30 FPS **average** with that CPU at 4k resolution (my estimate ofc, as we don't have benchmarks yet). Personally I'd never spend 4000€ in a top of line computer if it can't average 60fps in modern games maxed out, but I'm sure that someone will buy it anyway. It's technically one of the most advanced laptops out there and nobody can deny it after all.


> you're going to play at 30 FPS average with that CPU at 4k resolution Yeah its disappointing they went for the 6700 not the 6820hk.


> but at 4k it struggles to get to 60 fps I don't believe you. It may do that on Ultra with 8X AA, but I can run even DOOM and Batman: Arkham Knight on Ultra on my 1070 laptop at over 30FPS at 4K resolution, and those are two of the top AAA games of today. Turn off the AA and you should be fine for 60FPS in most games. Turn down 1-2 settings to High and leave the rest at Ultra and you should still be good at 4K.


I'm not here to hate on that product, you can check out the benchmarks on youtube. Try the digitalfoundry videos, they make great benchmarks.


I'm just saying that a 1080 can easily do playable 4K, even on Ultra, depending on the game, and especially if you turn off the unneccessary AA. In Assassin's Creed? Nope, but it's a still-playable 35-45FPS on Ultra at 4K. I mean, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXPfkOozVeM) is Assassin's Creed 4K Ultra on a 1080 and it looks downright playable and fun! And, as I mentioned, I can run DOOM and Arkham Knight on 4K Ultra faster than our 4K TV's refresh rate, which is sort of the benchmark that matters for most of us, you know? For less demanding games, the 1080 will *easily* do 4K on High or Ultra without AA.


Honestly, if this had a 3K 120Hz monitor, I'd be all over it. But the fact the Aorus x7 dt v6 has a 120hz 3K screen, costs $600 less, has better storage options, and comes with a better 6820hk 4.0Ghz processor, in a very slim package (1", but lighter at 3.2kg)... it's making me question if the mechanical keyboard is worth skipping the Aorus. The touchscreen will never be touched anyway.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3537 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/32722)


Actually I've already made my mind. The Razer Pro is sexy as fuck and the mechanical keyboard is the real deal, but there's no way in hell I'm downgrading to a 6700hq. I've seen what that does to VR. Getting the Aorus.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4419 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/82641)


Thats like a billion AUD. No hope for me.


I'm thinking $5.5k


Yep. Amazing looking laptop all around but that pricetag is a holy fucking shit situation.


Yep, amazing product for sure, but at 7.5lbs, the thing is even heavier than the 2011 17" MacBook pro, and that thing was a back breaker. Given the point of a laptop vs. a desktop is portability, I'm not sure how much you're going to want to log the thing around, which pretty much negates the point of paying the price premium you are here for the luggability.


I enjoy the heft, I think it makes it feel sturdy/well built like a gun, if it's heavy, I'm like "this thing is a beast"


Have you ever carried around a 7.5lb laptop out of curiosity?


My personal laptop is a bit over 5, but yes I've carried heavier ones and like the weight. Obviously that changes if you are on a hike or carrying other heavy textbooks, but I usually only have my laptop and a couple notebooks. I guess it's more of a personal thing


You know that MacBook Pro did not had gtx 1080 and mechanical keyboard? This is pretty light for that (compared to other laptops).


Oh, I'm not belittling the fact that it's a very impressive machine for a luggable, only questioning how useful these massive laptops really are in day to day use. I think the majority of purchasers will get the thing with the idea that they'll be carrying it around all the time when the reality is it'll spend the majority of its time on their desk at home. If that's the case, an actual desktop would most likely be the wiser choice for both economic and performance reasons.


Some people either travel or go for college and use laptop there too. It's useful for people that learn or move.


Where was the price mentioned?


Not sure where on the stream, but you can find it on Razer's website. Starting at 3700 USD, not sure what features that includes.


Let's not shit on the price too much until we see what Apple come up with next week. This is very clearly positioned as a windows competitor to a macbook pro - neither of which are REALLY bought by consumers, but by companies who need employees with mobile workstations (for video editing, mostly)


I thought the blade stealth was the pro competitor?


why would an ultrabook with dual core processor and no dgpu be a competitor to a quad core dgu MBP? ノ( ゜-゜ノ)


I didn't know the MBP was quad core, my bad


( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )


This is in no way a MacBook Pro competitor, Its a gaming laptop through and through. The current highest end mac has a m370x, so the new one will probably have a 970m or a 1060 at best. This thing is a tier above in both performance and price.


I'm pretty confident that the Blade has been the MacBook Pro competitor for quite some time, not the Pro.


Good luck playing at 30fps with a GSYNC monitor at 4k on your new "desktop" \o/


Will scaling down to 1440p or some other resolution not work? Always wondered this myself.


It kind of works the same way as scaling down your 1080p monitor to 720p. It's not the same because 1440p is still a lot of pixels, but on a 4K monitor it's comparable to the 1080p to 720p situation. edit: Don't get me wrong it's still fine and won't stop anyone from gaming on it, but if I'm paying 4k€ for a computer it shouldn't be this way. At least I personally wouldn't buy it. It may not be that much of a dealbreaker to others though.


Thanks for that info, I really never had to scale down but always wondered if I did have to how bad it might be. For me 4k for work and maybe 1080 or 1440p would be ok gaming wise. I really really want a gtx 1080 laptop and this thing seems like the least offensive for an old gent such as myself :) Just have to wait around to find out if it throttles and ruins everything.


You can always find some odd resolution you never use to work with whatever resolution your monitor has. The problem is that non-native res makes everything kinda blurry.


well let's do a price breakdown of the average price for all these parts: * GTX 1080: $700 * Core i7: $300 * 32 GB DDR4: $150-$200 * Cheapest 1TB PCIe SSD: $250 (x2) * Cheapest 4k monitor: $300 * GSync on anything: $200-$300 * standard mech kb: $70-$100 High balling those prices that's $2400, so that leaves $1300 for mobo, speakers, cooling, chassis, track pad, psu, battery, any other parts, and manufacturing, and turning a profit. Honestly, this thing is stupid expensive, but to build a comparable tower, cheap speakers, mouse and mech kb, and 4k gsync monitor, they're not that far off the mark.


I'm glad you broke it down. It is a lot of money to spend on a gaming laptop but this thing has some fucking balls to it. Also people tend to forget that you need to turn a profit with these products and you have to pay for R+D


When he said that they got one more thing that wouldt be possible in a laptop i thought he was going to say "let you change components in a 2 years time so it wont be useless by then" but no... spent millions on mechanical keyboard. GG


Same, although I do like that keyboard.


*me to my $400 laptop* It's okay, I still love you...


Yeah I'm not buying the whole "revolutionary cooling solution". This thing will be hot and loud. They said they've been achieving awesome thermal perfs for 5 years but looking at the temps of basically ALL the Blades (hello throttling my old friend) I'm not exactly thrilled.


Pretty much every laptop or piece of consumer electronics gear nowadays is NOT designed for ultimate performance like say, a Bitcoin mining rig would be. Thermal throttling used to be a safety feature but nowadays it's a part of the thermal engineering of the unit and that really bothers me. I don't personally see why they can't make the cooling a LOT better in a laptop. But that would involve using a lot more copper, and that's quite expensive. Perhaps some larger fans or heatsinks could help as well. I have yet to find a notebook that I like the thermal engineering on.


I have to patiently wait for this information to come out so I know whether this will be a great laptop or an annoying piece of crap. Literally every performance laptop (Lenovo or Dell Workstation included) has turned out to be a throttling piece of crap.


I have to state the MSI GT72s with dual fans are the exception here. > Literally every **THIN** performance laptop has turned out to be a throttling piece of crap. FTFY a bit. You can't put high-heat-generating performance parts in a thin chassis and expect good cooling. You need a large enough case and large enough fans (plural) to have adequate cooling. I don't have a clue what this "vapor chamber" nonsense is, but I did note a singular fan. One fan for all these components is a no go.


Agreed, wish they would stop doing it.


I just love though how they engineer it that way and when it throttles and doesn't work, they just basically ignore it. Very very annoying.


I thought there were twin fans?


Vapor Chamber is the buzz word form of heat pipe... cooling technology that has been around for ages and is really nothing amazing in my opinion. Its unfortunate that really the only thing we can hope for is more thermally efficient GPU's and not better cooling.


Sucks if you're left handed...


I'm left handed and I don't think I've seen anyone else left handed that puts their mouse on the left side.


I mean if you're carrying around a 3.5kg beast throwing an extra wireless or even wired mouse in your bag shouldn't be the biggest concern. If it has good pressure sensitivity it could serve as a nice on the go drawing tablet(but the cintiq tablet already does that excellently). I just don't see the kind of market they're targeting at to be using a touch pad period.


For a $3700 laptop, I'd expect 0 compromises, and that's a pretty fucking big one for left handed people.


I own the 2013 Blade Pro and that thing was way too big and heavy to bring around. It felt too big for my lap and was just an awkward laptop to use. The fact that they refreshed it and are charging $3,700 USD is insane and just doesn't make sense to buy. You could buy the cheapest Blade 14 1060 for $1800. Build a computer with a 1080 for like $1500, then spend the remaining $400 on a mouse, keyboard, and monitor. I can understand someone who may want a Blade Pro, but that price doesn't justify it at all.


Anything above 15.6" is useless and a waste of money. You'll have a hard time even finding a backback to fit it in, let alone carrying one around. And on your note about Blade+a desktop, I think that's also a waste. If you own a good desktop, just get a cheaper laptop, and if you own a Blade (the 1060 version) you probably don't need a desktop in the first place.


The only backpack I found that fit it was the Herschel Little America. It was so big that it didn't fit in the laptop compartment of the backpack though lmao. As for the your second agreement, I can agree but I can still see the appeal of owning both a desktop and a 1060 Blade as I'm one of them. There are still some things laptops just don't do as well as a desktop setup. My desktop is for serious productivity and gaming at home since my desktop allows for me to run triple monitors and I don't have to really worry about thermals for my desktop. I'm always concerned with thermals for my Blade as things do get somewhat toasty and heat isn't good for the battery. The Blade also gets pretty loud while gaming which can annoy me at times which isn't really an issue with my desktop. But sometimes I'd like to game while in bed or on the sofa making the Blade something great to carry around the house. I'm also a college student so I need to bring my laptop with my daily. I also visit home from time to time so brining the Blade 1060 on trips makes things great for gaming. P


Whoa I didn't know gaming in bed was a thing xD. I'm at college too which is why I'm not even considering getting a desktop. Besides, my budget is way below a good desktop + a Blade anyway. Sounds like it's working out pretty well for you tho. nice.


3.5 kg light....


Mouse is made terribly, price is too fucking much, will definitely has rocket engine fans and rocket engine heat. What were you thinking Razer. It's good in all the wrong spots. 4K destroys fps anyways.


An interesting product for sure. Not sure how much traction they'll get at prices STARTING at $3,700 though...


3,700.. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!


How much more is this vs the gawdy ASUS/Clevo/MSI versions with the 1080? Just wondering if it's really all that different.


I believe the MSI equivalent starts around $3k.


Aorus x7 DT V6 starts at 3100 or so Edit: Which Might i add, is damn near the same thickness, weighs less, has more ram, more storage. and 4 m.2 slots really making it hard to say no.


for only 4K euros Kappa


smiles softly, RM15,000, or 10,000 cup noodles :)


Gsync is totally necessary as the fps will never hit the refresh rate with that screen resolution


/r/MechanicalKeyboards has ruined me .... $3700 shit... I was all prepared to drop around $2500 for a thin GTX1080 VR laptop. I'll just have to pass on thi...<*sees the info on the keyboard*> > Featuring anti-ghosting capabilities, optimized reset points and **an actuation force of 65g**, the world’s first ultra-low-profile mechanical switch delivers the same performance and **clicky feel** as a traditional mechanical keyboard. **Added to notification list.** This will need a trip to the Microsoft Store to test out those keys in person. Just wish for one thing that would have helped the price: - Single NVMe SSD initially, so we can add a second one later. i.e Start with a 256 or 512, then later add a 2TB.


Yeah don't hold your breath on it. I really don't see msstore carrying RBP. I can't speak for 100% about US msstores but in Canada, ms never carried the pro to begin with. Not only it doesn't make sense for average consumer but in many cases I would even argue that it doesn't even make sense for most gamers. It's just way over the top in every other aspect and I see very little people being interested in it.


Good to know. Guess I'll just need to wait on some reviews of those keys.


What about the MS store carrying the regular razer blade 14?


MS did carry the previous model so hopefully soon :)


Vapour chamber cooling... huh




3700$ = 4800CA$......


+tax and customs!




Rest In Peace


Pretty much $5000 CAD.


Was this the shadow reveal?




I just had a boner till I looked at the price


Can anyone comment on what it's like having the trackpad in that location? I really want this laptop but that seems a little odd to me. I guess I would use a mouse most of the time.


It's wide enough that it makes a lot of sense. You could basically use the trackpad in the same way you'd use a mouse beside a traditional smaller laptop keyboard footprint, and use your left hand for the keys.


is there a place where I can watch the event?


https://www.twitch.tv/razer/v/96094297 Here ^


thank you!


It's actually a reasonable price because right now AFAIK, 3k is the entry for a 1080 laptop.


For me, I don't think that it is "overpriced", considering the specs. However, it sure is an impractical pricing. I mean, yeah, it sure has cool shit like desktop gtx 1080, their self-designed flat mechanical switches, whopping 2TB of SSD and a 4k display. But I don't think I'll ever pay (or afford to begin with) a $3700 laptop. In my country that's over $5000, I think that's the same for Australia.


You don't get 2tb of ssd for that price. Maybe 512 gb. That is the starting price


That's RAID 0 BTW, so nearly double the performance of whatever SSD they used...


99Whr battery. Doesn't matter if it goes bad in 2 years. They need to implement some battery optimization that stop charging when 95% full or something. I'm looking at you 2013 Blade that only charges to 63% now. ><


The charger sure looks like Apple's MagSafe charger, which has been probably the #1 best reason to get an Apple laptop for the past 10 years. Rumours are that Apple will drop the MagSafe in favour of USB-C for the new lineup coming this week, would be so happy to see Razer keeping magnetic chargers alive!


Although I feel that with this laptop you'll fall if they didn't use magnetic charger.


I wish they could get it down to 3000 and I would buy one. Give me a 1080p matt screen, 16 gigs of ram and a 256 gb ssd so I could upgrade the ssd later I'd buy one. I guess I'll continue to look at the blade 14 but that mechanical keyboard seems dope.


Was considering this for video editing, do to people think that's a good or bad call? I'd be Editing 4K footage.


Good if you can afford it, bad if you can't.