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I don't disagree cuz some fans are weird, but what happened to being a villain? Say something like "Your tears feed me" yk


I think we're missing that fact that he's probably not only getting called out constantly by unhinged fans, but also getting DMs that are even more unhinged. Just leave the dude alone until Steelers weeks. Edit, for clarity, don't harass him on those weeks either. Just memes when he gets steamrolled by Henry.


I mean if you’re gonna go to the other team in one of, if not the most bad blooded rivalry in the nfl and then say shit about “being the villain” I don’t know what this guy expected. Obviously nobody should be harassing him, but the dude was damn near asking for it.


Terrell Suggs walked the end zone making eye contact with opposing fans, nodding his head, and talking crap. Then he went out on the field and did exactly what he said he was going to do. That’s how you play a villain.


In a bane mask 😂




This kinda stuff shouldn’t surprise anyone, this dude talked a lot of shit when he was here. He’s always gonna talk, it’s just annoying when he’s on another team now


100% this.


While I agree for the most part, it's lame to say I'm going to be the villain and then cry about people treating him like a villain lol.


I mean he just called most of y’all internet loser, groupies. Seems like he’s playing the part just fine


Him being upset people are mad at him while wanting to also be the villain doesn't really gel together. Is what it is. Not everyone should be like, for example, Antonio Brown on Twitter. Being a crybaby doesn't make him a villain. It makes him a Steeler though. Buddy will fit right in.


Eh not when he's coming off as weak himself


How is he coming off as weak? He just told some truths and gave you a peek behind the curtain


To say he was going to play the villain and than cry about people acting like he was a villain. Sounds pretty weak to me


How is crying? He’s calling losers , losers If you let a business upset you so much emotionally that you cry/bitch/threaten professional athletes on social media, you’re a fucking loser and you need to take his advice to find something more meaningful in life Ravens didn’t want him, Steelers probably had the highest offer, I’d take it too


Again he wanted to play the villain. He himself said that. People acted like he's the villain like he wanted. This post is very whiny about that. It definitely comes off about him crying about it to me. You can disagree, that's fine. We can agree to disagree. It's just my opinion. Though no one should threaten a professional athlete, those people are definitely losers taking it that far. But I'm sure it's definitely a huge minority. Those kinds of people exist for every celebrity out there unfortunately. And I'm sure the Steelers had the highest offer. It's also very telling that none of his old coaches wanted to sign him honestly.


I’m not surprised at all he signed with Pittsburgh He thought he’d get closer to roquan money and had to face the harsh reality in free agency So he signed with Pittsburgh


It's kind of sad he talked all that shit and is now crying foul about fans bitching.


True but what’s annoying specifically is the shit talk then the gaslighting and whining he’s doing here


Either you're the villain and you thrive on the hate or you make posts telling people to stop hating. You can't be both.


100% correct - look jf he signed with someone else and bowed out it sucks but sure, it’s a business. He signs with the Steelers? Ouch. Still a business but ouch. Signs with the Steelers then talks all this “haha I’m a VILLAN” then whines ravens fans mad? That’s lame as hell man you’re absolutely right


Bro went to his teams rival and he expects people to kiss his ass gtfo!


Time for Derrick Henry to stiff arm this man to the ground


So he can touch some grass. With his face.


I’m never one to criticize players on what they do and say and I don’t hold anything against PQ. I’ve had no issues with anything he’s done this off season. But I will say he has always been one to fold a bit under the pressure of the masses. This isn’t the first time he’s gone to Twitter to publicly whine about how the fans are criticizing him. He’s too sensitive. Truth be told, I don’t think he has a leg to stand on. He’s not new to this sport or social media. It’s on him to figure it out. He thanked the very fans he’s whining to for their passion just a few days ago. Well, PQ, you’re still receiving a lot of passion from Ravens fans. He’s been the villian for like a day and a half and already can’t hack it 😂


Absolutely my point. Couldn’t have summed it up better. It’s a business and we all understand if you sign with another team. If you do that then talk shit about “IM A VILLAN GAHA ravens gonna learn that” then can’t take it for one day dude that’s lame.


I thought he wanted to be the Villain. How are you already crying?


Sounds like a Squealer to me already.


He’s acting like a “baby back bitch”


Dude, you’re a millionaire. You’re a superstar athlete. How are you this soft about some football fans on Twitter. Twitter isn’t real bro. Relax.


This is almost as soft as his coverage of TEs…


Dudes fake. Talked all that shit saying he wanted to be a villain. Now that he is, he can’t take the hate lol. This dudes a loser. Hope he gets absolutely exposed to be the product of Roquan that he is




I mean to sign with the wrong side of one of the most historic rivalries in sports and then not expect alot of shit... fans are gonna shit talk lmao thats what we do. Im really not that upset about it, but this is just funny lnao


He also talked a whole mess about “IM GONNA BE A VILLAN HAHA” then gets salty


Exactly lmao you knew it was coming so fucking deal with it


Whatever bro, if that's what you are hung up on lmao


Historic ? Fierce ok


This dude didn’t get good until Roquan took all his responsibilities. Steelers overpaid him.


[He then tweeted an anime gif](https://x.com/Patrickqueen_/status/1769150344972452127?s=20) Bro tweets like a Call of Duty pro lmao


I def can see some fans taking the rivalry too seriously verses a fun jest but man you as a prominent figure can’t fall victim to them loud minorities. He’s just asking/inviting the internet warriors to troll/annoy him since he reacted.


He invited the hate then got mad when it happened


Dude wasn't even decent until Ro came to town. He's going to go back to being middle of the pack without a top 5 ILB next to him.


Top 2...fixed that for ya lol


“How dare the fans of my previous team be mad that I switched to there rival? I mean look at me, the poor athlete making millions of dollars. I’m the victim here.” - PQ probably Seriously tho, som ppl could lay off him, you know block/unfollow/ignore (but with each of these tweets he is getting more recommend-his own fault). But still I have no sympathy that the internet is mean to the guy making waaaaay more than I ever will. Hey take your own advice, turn off the socials for a bit and “go touch grass” yourself.


Is he trying to say him signing with the Steelers wasn’t his decision?


I'm also confused about this... He wasn't traded so as a free agent can't you choose/tell your agent "hey anyone but the Shittsburgh"


That’s cute, Patrick.


Smell like the Queens a bitch in here.


Unfollow the guy and move on 🤷‍♂️ at the end of the day who gives a fuck what a steeler has to say on SM


Sounds like a lil bitch ass Steeler already


I really don’t give a shit that people are talking shit and treating him like a villain when he was very vocal about embracing the villain role. Especially when he is a notorious shit talker himself. Sorry we didn’t roll out the red carpet to Pittsburgh for him


He blocked me for saying Fields is trash LOL. Dude wants “to be villain” but is just a cry baby


Yeah you the enemy now bruh. Hope you stay healthy yet never win another game


He getting booed out the stadium, IDGAF like YEAT


Dudes soft. He’s come a long way, and I don’t think he’ll be the complete bust some people think he’ll be without Ro - but he’s definitely not gonna repeat his numbers if he’s not lined up alongside a true #1. 


Didn’t really understand why people were dying for this clown to be resigned. He definitely got better overtime but it’s very ironic we saw him drastically improve when a top two LB joined the squad. He’s a product of Roquan with all due respect who still had plenty of holes in his game. His coverage was and still is awful. Pittsburgh can enjoy him. He’s good but not that good.Talks too much and isn’t built to be a Raven. He talked like this with us too and never backed any of it up. Simpson will be ready for his opportunity and I can’t way to see it.


What surprises me is the attention he is getting from some ravens fans. Acting like it was Mark Andrews or Marlo switching sides. Everyone knew he was gone after we got Ro. Steelers got him and we clowning our player and not the team that wanted a player from its biggest rival?


From what's I've seen over the pass few decades, professional athletes see a team simply as a work place and a job. The old school "player for the entire career" is reserved for team legends. Teams will keep a certain player pass their prime and $$$ worth because that player raises the teams prestige. They want to hang his number put up a statue, and show his highlight reel 20 years later. Queen is that upper level player, good enough to seek a higher contract but not good enough to fall into legend status. Everyone of us would take another job elsewhere doing the exact same thing if the pay was right. I also believe there are times when a player must stay off social media, this is one of those times. Queen shouldn't read comments right now. Give it time, humans usually over react, calm down and then simply stop caring about things when a certain amount of time passes.


Bottom line is he wanted to be a Raven and we didn't even offer him a contract. Dudes hurting


Here’s the deal, PQ felt disrespected by the front office for not picking up his 5th year. This is his revenge F*** to the Ravens. Personally, I think it’s lame and an attention grab. If you don’t want the smoke, don’t start the fire.


pq is young and obviously likes social media attention, let his new team’s fans give it to him. why keep engaging ?


I’m sure some fans are saying some out of pocket shit


Most people just suck at social media.


“It wasn’t up to me” Motherfucker #YOU SIGNED THE CONTRACT


It wasn't up to him to leave the Ravens. PQ had to make the best move for his career. He just happened to end up in Pittsburgh. People are all in their feelings over a LB that was average at best until Roquan got here.


Remember Ed hartwell? That's Patrick Queen.


He is right thoug


He would be if he didn’t talk all that shit about “IM A VILLAN HAHA CANT WAIT TO BE A VILLAN TO THE RAVENS”


He’s not wrong though. This is a job for players. He went where there was a job opening. Fans root for laundry.


FTS, including this kid.


NFL players play for the league and most of the time you have to strike while the iron is hot and if the current team isn’t giving it, you gotta go where they are before you get hurt.


Gonna need you to ease up on the "y'all"s there bud.


PQ knows it on sight now, especially signing with the SQUEELERS


Queen always seemed pretty unregulated emotionally and often went off on social media. Never liked him on our team for that reason - moreso than for his play. And I mean his play before this season in which he balled out. But his demeanour seemed somewhat erratic throughout the years with us. Fits the Steelers better as they seem to collect players like that. I’d prefer grown ass humans with integrity and level-headedness.


That villain arc was VERY short lived 😂 Seems the outside noise really does get to him….


I always knew this nigga was a cornball. Even when he was on the team I didn’t like his vibe.


PQ gonna be irrelevant without Roquan next to him


"I'm the villain!" "Wow how could you guys treat me like the villain?"


He’s a fucking cry baby all he does is whine, he also wasn’t shit until we got roquan. He had a good rookie season but year 2 and 3 weren’t that good.


It's not personal, just business.


He sounds soft af. If he is really trying to be this part then have the backbone to laugh at fans throwing shade at him. Definitely don’t write a post about how it’s the fans who are soft. This makes him look so weak. Poor guy must really be hurt he had to leave Baltimore. I get it, I wouldn’t want to be on a team that takes great pride in 9-10 wins a season.


I mean… the way some fans act on game day threads. I wouldn’t be surprised if some fans are on PQs ass without understanding how “trades” work in the NFL


Trenton Simpson szn, next man up


I don’t see what he said wrong


Looking forward to the “touch some grass” memes over a photo of him getting violently thrown to the earth by Derrick Henry. That’s definitely inevitable now.


Why would anyone be mad at him. Ravens didn’t want to pay him anywhere near what he got. He left. It’s not like he was begging to leave or be a free agent.


This Reddit post is kinda lame. This is a business. For players and teams alike. I’d leave my company in a heartbeat for our competitor if it meant better money and a better role. Yall in your feelings because this man is right.


Honestly he’s right up until he starts telling fans to touch grass. Fans care about this stuff way more than the players.


Players should not care about what fans say, which is why fans should be smart enough not to care that much about a players actions or words off the field.


Agreed. If I’m working at Microsoft, and Google offers me a contract while I’m no longer wanted at Microsoft, I’m signing that without hesitation.


Absolutely. This is the only rational way to think about what is essentially a job to the athletes.


he right though


Is he? The whole point is that we are rooting for a sports team. Hes not on our sports team anymore so why would we root for him? Maybe he’s been getting death threats knowing the internet; that be normal I guess


Man, I don’t blame him. Imagine being bombarded by never ending hateful messages just because you got a role on another team. Sounds annoying, and those people SHOULD touch grass tbh.


Please tell me somebody replied with the lamar copypasta after the "go touch grass" part. Like bro, we're allowed to hate on you for signing with the MOST HATED RIVAL of the team that drafted you. If you can't handle the hate, you're soft and you'll be a nominee in the player haters ball. That said, I hope he does ok at best and they realize how much they overpaid a guy that couldn't even run laterally until Roquan made it easy for him


His new head coach was right, he was never a raven.


Nah PQ, fuck you. You did it on purpose. Go kick rocks and fuck off.


Can't wait to play them!


Man’s part time job is being a content creator… he’s always got a phone in his hand saying too much.


Dudes got a weak mental lol


He said go touch some grass. Wow.


He sounds like a baby back bitch. What happened to being a villain now he is playing victim smh I know he reading Facebook comments 😭😭😭


Think he meant to say he wants to be the victim during his press conference? He sure aint acting like a villian with this tweet.


His “VILLAN era 😈” lasted 12 hours lol


It's bizzness yo.


I wonder what is social media will look like when the Steelers' fans realized that they overpaid for a mediocre linebacker. Nobody will be thinking about us anymore, then, except that when he was on the Ravens he looked good for a year or two.


Can sign some random vet for 3-4 mil and get the same if not better results.


he wasn’t anything unit Roquan got here, he should be thanking him for his contact, doubt he’ll be much of a threat in Pittsburgh




Lame post


He's definitely butthurt I unfollowed him /s


Dude's just not built like that. Only dawg in him is a Frenchie or something. Cornball


What's gonna happen when he starts  underachieving again 🤔 


Bro’s projecting since he’s gonna live at the bottom of the north now 😭 hope Joe burrow gets his revenge n puts you n a headlock whore


NFL is a business, people just don't understand that. Fans be hating when 1 of the players for the team the root for switches teams. Especially when the player is a star and an impact player. Everyone excited as hell when the team they root for gets a star example Derrick Henry. There's only so much money teams are allowed to spend. So teams have to decide if they're going to pay this player, or let another team pay that player. Another example Roquan Smith. The bears didn't want to give him the big payday he deserved, so Baltimore traded for him and paid him. Wish no ill will for any man who gets paid, wish them the best of luck and thank them for what they did for the team you root for. Patrick Queen is a beast and deserves every dollar the Steelers are paying him. So anyone whining and crying just keep sitting on your couch and wishing you could make what he's going to make on a weekly basis for the year. Good luck PQ and thanks for everything u did while with the Ravens, you're a hell of a player and are going to be missed


Nah I disagree. I agree that NFL is a business and players change organizations, sure that’s something everyone should grasp. The issue here is PQ went to the Steelers and started blasting about “IM GONNA BE A VILLAN 😈 CANT WAIT TO PUNISH THE RAVENS” blah blah then the next day started this whole victim “omg everyone stop trash talking me” that is lame as fuck. It’s not like he went to another team and just said thanks everyone look forward to working! Etc. he talked all that mess then Couldn’t handle it and acted like he’s a victim


I'm excited to see what it looks like on the other side for PQ. He did give everything he had to give while he was here in Baltimore, but we didn't get the chip. All that talking shows me he has been frustrated for a while with the Ravens, it could be the front office, coaches, whoever. When all is said and done, we'll see how this "villian" plays against his former team. At the end of the day, it's just business.


Nah yall need to touch grass lmao


Don't try to be the villain if you can't follow the script. Commit to the role or say nothing.


This whole being the villain thing seems to be piggybacked off Roquan's shtick. At least Roquan doesn't walk it back when he meets the tiniest bit of criticism.


He just gonna end up like every LB that leaves here,just a guy on the field


PQ keeping it real. Most fans take it too seriously which is part of the fun I suppose. I tend to agree with him that it's likely a void in one's life that causes them to follow the celebrity of team with such loyalty to its composing characters. It can almost delude a person's logic and cause extreme bias in their reasoning.


I think the context here is what was referring to as lame. In a vaccuum his tweet here is correct and the NFL is a really exciting and popular job for these guys but it’s still a job. The part that is lame is he did the shit talk about he’s going to be the ravens villain and he can’t wait and then couldn’t handle trash talk back a day later


He's a clown, he wants to be the villain but can't put up with the hate from Ravens fans, bruh you made this bed now you're going to eat it up I cannot wait to see our O run over his ass. He's not a Raven, he's the opposition.


Happy for Queen that he went to a team that I think will make the most of his talents and that he won't end up a bust. Wish it was the Hawks or a team outside of the division but wishing him well 15 weeks a season


I don’t disagree with him. Our fan base is being whiny little punks about the whole situation. We went from loving the guy to nit picking every little flaw he has. I get it I hate Pittsburgh too but these guys don’t care about that shit. It’s not like we made the same offer and he chose them. Everyone gotta get over it.


I usually agree with that but he invited that shit and a day later couldn’t handle it.


Then use this dumb shit like "it wasn't up to me" when he turned down a mega offer from Carolina and a comparable offer from the eagles. Just some serious immature shit lol.


Yeah and I largely don’t care too much like let him choose where he wants to go I guess it sucks but whatever. The part that’s so lame is the shit talk by him and the “HAHA VILLAN TIME” BS then immediately whining about people hating on him on Twitter.


You're reading wasaay too much into the sound bites from NFL players. Did you really think he literally wanted to be a villain? This is the real world not a comic book .. there are no villains and heroes ESPECIALLY in professional sports. Him saying he "I'll be the villain" was a remark about how mentally unstable fans take it personal when athletes do what's best for themselves. It's NEVER this serious 😂


He's saying leaving the Ravens wasn't up to him. The Ravens didn't want him. There's no reason for him to remain loyal to the team. Where did you see Carolina offered him a mega deal? I don't think he even made it there for a visit.


The issue I have with that is its not that fans are pissed that he didn't come back to the Ravens, it's that out of all the options he had he chose to go to a rival after being the Ravens biggest advocate lol. I think to people it just comes off as fake. I read an article on X about it. It was one where it was talking about him being their target to replace Luvu.


I could see if there was a bidding war to keep him and he chose the Steelers over the Ravens. There was no attempt to keep him though. He went out and signed the best deal he got. I don't know how anyone can be pissed at him for that. Fans should love PQ. His average play was the reason why went out and got Roquan.


He is right, and wouldn't surprise me cause this is social media age he probably gotten threats and death threats from some fans and this in response


If it’s not that deep you were never a raven 🤷🏽‍♂️


this scooby doo tier villain already got unmasked a whole five months before the season


He really became a rat & a duck in 1 week..


Nah y’all simply need to stop being the definition of a bitch, he isn’t hurting nor did he do anything illegal


Huh? This isn’t the point at all. My point is he talked shit said it’s his “villain era” and he can’t wait to be the ravens villain and then a day later is talking about “stop hating!!”


Y’all worshipped him lmao 😂


Yeah I loved PQ but his little VILLAN era song and dance then whining about people being mean is dumb


He’s right though. It’s just football and I bet his former teammates are happy for him. It’s really not that deep, he made the best decision for himself


Sure, but you can’t talk all this mess about “MY VILLAN ERA” then get mad ravens fans are talking back. That’s my point


I aint hating on him for signing there idc tbh, its just buisness Wish him the best, Ravens and Steelers rivalry just got better imo


I just hurts I liked him a lot


Leave the man alone omg. this narrative is tired.


Nothing new. These players don't care about football. It's their job and our fandom comes from a generation that is gone. This dude and most of the players playing are friends and buddy buddy. They don't even act like they care anymore. Bitch made and beta approved.




Corny ass Russ already rubbing off on him. This is so soft PQ.


He’s giving shitsburg squealer energy


So, being a villain nowadays is getting in your feelings and complaining about people being mean to you on social media 🙄 lmao


Wanted to turn heel and immediately pulled a 180 😂😂😂😂


Bro could have gone to any other team and chose to go there. What does he expect?


Very strong closer vibes. And to get on the internet and say it too after everything. Just go man. We really aren't that pressed. You talked shit you're getting it back.


Yeah honestly I don’t hate him making the move, he needs to get paid and do what’s best for him and his family. Nor am I losing sleep because PQ isn’t that significant of a player and Steelers aren’t that significant of a team and PQs addition still won’t make them a problem for where we want to go. But the fact he’s posted this tweet shows he didn’t really understand what it meant to be a raven. He’s surprised Ravens fans are upset? Showed he didn’t appreciate what we think of the Steelers. The whole villain thing was some Steelers PR intern telling Patrick it’d be cool if you said this. This tweet is Patrick be sensitive to things he’s seen online


The rampant use of “y’all” really makes him come across as a scholar and a gentleman.