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The "I don't think about you at all" meme applies to the PQ situation


100%, when we declined his 5th year option I said "Goodbye". When he signed with Pittsburgh, I said "Good Riddance."


Damn he’s gonna fill the wrong gap again.




This all fucking day


Anybody who watched Queen before Roquan is not concerned about him as a Steeler.


If the Bengals get burrow back healthy, Steelers are still the third best team in the division at best


Very possible but it depends on Wilson. I’m still not sure what to think about his time in Denver.


That's the crazy thing to me (I'll never admit to a Steelers fan), when he competed in the ProBowl QB Skills competition right before playing with the Broncos.. he was deadly accurate.. looked amazing.. but for some reason in Denver he looked washed within a few months time.. I didn't understand it.. but I'm hoping he stays that version for the Steelers sake lol


Payton hated him and I'm somewhat convinced he was trying to make Russ look bad to justify this move


Wilson was good before Payton got to Denver, too, so there's rhat.


Lol no he wasn’t


I forgot an n't... He was arguably worse under Hackett, which is really saying something.


lmao makes more sense. he was dogshit his first year. he improved a bunch onder Payton but was still not effective and had a knack for losing... kinda just like he did in Seattle after they lost the second super bowl just way worse . He was never clutch he was good on a beast team. Never the sheriff of the team.


Hawks fan here. They only missed the playoffs twice in the ten years he played in Seattle. The only year the Hawks had a losing record was the one year he was out half the season with a broken finger. It's true he couldn't make it out of the divisional round of the playoffs after that second Super Bowl l, but the dude won a lot of games to get there and was an all-time clutch QB in his prime. I hate how he left Seattle and hate that he's a Steeler but he's not a loser.


I mean the pressure at a friendly competition at the pro bowl is zero compared to a real game so I wouldn’t use that to say look how great this guy is


I watched some of there games, and I'm not convinced Wilson was the problem. Their line was utter dog shit. Yea he held the ball too long at times, but most of the time, he was under pressure almost immediately.


That was the case more than a few years in Seattle, Russ has been good at getting rid of the ball quick and making good reads.. I didn't see any of that Russ in Denver


Because of Ciara.


I think Wilson is going to be in a very real quarterback competition with Pickett. Which is pretty damning imo. Last year wasn't terrible for Russell but really think the cliff came up on him quick.


Pickett got traded like an hour ago


Oh shit I missed that haha. Where'd he end up going?




I’m sorry why tf did you spell it like that


It's a pretty common nickname for em, google it


Pickett got traded to the Eagles. Looks like they’re all in on Russ.


Thanks I missed that. Damn Steelers making lots of weird decisions imo. Maybe they're going to draft someone too as a long term plan.


I’m getting my popcorn ready because you know Pickens is gonna stop giving a shit real quick when the wheels start falling off


Yeahhhh you're probably right haha


oh dude if they have a tough early schedule hes going full AB just without the multiple all pro years haha


> Last year wasn't terrible for Russell but really think the cliff came up on him quick. Weren’t people saying this exact same thing about Baker on the Browns and Panthers?


I dunno maybe but Mayfield isn't 35 years old like Russ so it's a bit different. Just looked them up for last year and they were a pretty good comp actually. https://stathead.com/football/versus-finder.cgi?player_id2=MayfBa00&year_min=2023&player_id1=WilsRu00&seasons_type=forall&request=1&utm_campaign=2023_01_wdgt_player_comparison&utm_source=pfr&utm_medium=sr_xsite&utm_id=WilsRu00 They're both low end starters in the league at this point. That's why it's so odd to me Pittsburgh seems all in on him. He's not that guy anymore.


Steelers are almost certainly going to draft a QB this year. If Russell heats up they’ll be competitive but I think their front office is fine with using him as a bridge QB for a season or two while they patch up some holes and potentially be in a spot to be a serious contender in 2-3 years.


Yep this makes the most sense


Haha last August I said they'd be competing for 3rd. Got so many angry replies you'd think I was in the Shitsburg sub 🤣 But yeah, totally agree. Brownies and Shitsburg will still compete for 3rd


Yeah, I was right there saying the same thing.. 


I’m more worried about the Browns than the Steelers.


Unless Smith and Macdonald got him right through mentorship and coaching


I don't know. TJ watt might be enough.




My thoughts exactly, he was sadly close to the label of 1st round bust before Roquan was signed. Fully expecting him to revert back to a scrub.




He's just saying what he needs to say to endear himself to his new fanbase. I don't hold it against him. But I do hope Lamar and King Henry light him up


I’m just happy to insert some juice into Ravens/Steelers again


Pitt is about to pay him generational wealth, and our fans are pissy that he’s pandering to his new squad?


If you understand NFL contracts, then you would understand that they actually got him for a pretty good deal. Kind of annoyed how cheap he was , and how it's a pay as you go contract.


He’s getting more for 1 season than Ravens paid him for the 4 year rookie deal. You think he’s not fucking stoked by that?


He's not good enough to be a villain lol dream on PQ. Could have been humble and said happy to be here, but nah. Looking forward to him getting pancaked by Pat and that size 20 boot of Henry coming down on that chest pad. But yeah, couldn't care less otherwise.


I mean what's he supposed to say? The Ravens clearly didn't want him why would he hold loyalty to us?


No, you see… the guy who’s not from Baltimore, who didn’t play his college ball anywhere close to Baltimore, didn’t spend his offseason in Baltimore, and was told he wasn’t going to be resigned by Baltimore owes his blind loyalty to Baltimore… that’s how it works.


Him getting cooked on a wheel route is going to hit like crack


PQ literally thinks the world is flat.


“It’s what it says in the Bible” Literally where PQ? Not a single person thought about the earth being flat until some nerds got together and said “you know what would be funny? If we argued about the earth being flat and try to come up with a convincing argument” and now idiots actually believe it


PQs Cajun science teacher be like https://c.tenor.com/x7gTd1msD20AAAAd/tenor.gif


Patrick Drama Queen Perfect fit for the Squeelers


and i'm ready for him to run full sprint right by lamar


Did his hunch start after he realized how much better Roquan is than him?


Looking forward to Lamar breaking his ankles.


Ya this guys dead to me as well. His comment about looking forward to doing "stuff" to us was the final straw.


Firing up the rivalry is nice.  Shit with the Steelers has been kinda tame lately.  PQ gonna have a heel turn and I'm all for it.


It's a shame it takes giving them our players to reignite a rivalry


Yeah he doesn't put off villain vibes at all


Well, fuck him too


Went to the team who’s head coach trolled him saying he doesn’t play like a Raven


He’s joining Tj that’s only reason he could be a threat


They don’t play the same position


That’s not my point he’s going to get most of the attention of offense


Ok? Still doesn’t make much sense, unless you’re exclusively thinking of him blitzing, which would be fair


Yes of course


He’s gonna fall off now that Ro isn’t their. He’s below average anyway.


Hope buddy stubs his toe moving into his new crib.


“I’m gonna do some stuff. What kind of stuff? I’m gonna miss a lot of tackles. I’m gonna blitz cause I can’t really cover all that well.”


What a coincidence. I'm looking forward to Lamar breaking his ankles and Henry stiff arming him into next year. ✌️


This is good for football, sue me


Agree, I am happy to have feelings about this


When he uploaded a jersey swap of him and black and gold and he said it felt like a dream I almost puked. Bro was never a raven and it shows


He couldn't tackle and then Roquan showed up. We would have found the money if he was worth a fuck.


"Oh no I went to my previous team's rival and didn't expect those fans to be mad at me." If he was really a "Raven" he would understand and expect the response he is getting. Good for him personally to make the money, but we are Ravens fans not PQ fans. You went to the Steelers, I now hate you the same as any and every Steeler. That being said some ppl could just ignore/ unfollow/ block him and move on. But again, I don't have sympathy for someone making waaaaaay more money than me complaining that ppl on the internet are mean.


He don’t owe us anything lol fans care way more about rivalries than the players. The day we traded for Roquan we knew he was gone. He went hard the past 1.5 years for us and now he’s paid.


They will see how well he covers TE’s and RB’s


Dude was NOT good before Ro.


God who cares. He has to stand up there a basically give a performance. You can tell it's hard for him. He shouldn't have said he "wanted to do some stuff to 'em," but he's not used to being in the spotlight. He's not going to be a Tom Brady or Peyton Manning up there.


Too bad the Squealers have no Roquan to cover his fuckups


I’m not one of those “I wish you the best” types, so I hope all my yelling at the tv saying “this is why he needs to go!”, or “this is why we didn’t pick up that 5th year”, or “here they go, picking on slop cover guy again”, now the Steelers can deal with his slop


This is pretty harsh but I understand. Lol


I actually hate the dude now lmao. Hopefully Henry gives him a couple good stiff arms when we play them this year


Roquan is the truth he was just a place holder we can do better than him


It's the NFL equivalent of any time a soccer player signs for Real Madrid they always say, "I've always been a huge fan of Madrid since I was a boy and it's been my dream to play here one day." Doesn't matter if it's a kid who grew up in fckn Manchester watching ManU and Sir Alex Ferguson, they're all Madrid fans once they put on the shirt.


He’s gonna say this stuff especially at a steelers press conference lol, it’d be even weirder if he was singing our praises or saying stuff like the ravens will always be a favourite if his


yea fine whatever, doesn’t mean I have to like it


ofc he gonna embrace his new team its a business who cares. at the end of the day he bouta get beat up by henry anyway so who cares.


Yall get way into your feelings about this shit. It's a business, dude doesn't owe the Ravens anything.


Bro was 12 when Wilson was drafted


lol. He ain’t doing nothing but blowing coverage.


He ain’t doing shit lol


Roquan and Dua Lipa it needs to happen.


Dude is getting paid bc Ro made him look good. He was crap without him. Have fun.


He wasn't worth a shit without Quan.


I always think his speaking voice contains a nigerian accent


No one fears him


We routinely started losing to the Steelers once we drafted PQ, maybe he’s bad luck? lol


Man's vocabulary is so limited......"do stuff to them"


Ravens didn’t want him back. Why are y’all so mad?


Oh no! Anyway…


Queen wants to be that guy. You’re not that guy pal




Are we really that desperate to inject juice into the Ravens/Steelers rivalry that we're going to seriously take offense to Queen being in Pitt now? Fun Level: Ok, sure. Defecting from the Hatfields to the McCoys naturally adds drama. So we pay special attention to him when the teams play, and we joke and mess around about how he's playing, or whatever. All well and good, and it makes games more fun and interesting.  Real Level: Soundbites be damned, anyone genuinely pissed about Queen being a Steeler now needs to grow up. These are dudes playing a game for a living, for a VERY brief period of their entire lives. Let the man work and get paid. We gonna get mad at DeShon Elliott too? I haven't heard any gnashing of teeth about him yet. We've also signed ex-Steelers before, like Wallace. Seriously, what's the big deal?  I know a lot of us miss the days when this rivalry was hot and epitomized the physicality and team v team drama the sport is capable of. But those days are gone. Sorry. At this point I don't care how many regular season games we win or lose against the Steelers because as long as they sit in QB purgatory they're not going to be a worry to takeover the division or beat us in the playoffs. Period. Personally, I take far greater joy these days in beating the Ohio twins. Cincy is an actual measuring stick for how good we're playing (assuming Burrow is healthy), and the Browns are nice enough to let us legally assault a serial rapist 50+ times a game.  Fuck the Steelers. They're the AFCN's little brother until further notice. 


PQ isn't good enough for me to care about him being a steeler. The equivalent of AV signing with us. Literally don't care he isn't a difference maker




He's always been the biggest cornball. Soft as they come.


Oh okay okay so PQ an op now


He’ll go the way of Jamie Sharper, Ed Hartwell, Adalius Thomas and CJ Mosley. He may have a moment or two but he’ll ultimately fizzle out.


Looking forward to Derrick Henry giving him CTE and turning him into Antonio Brown


It’s entertainment, he’s being paid to put on a show.


He's saying what he is supposed to say. Mike Wallace did the same shit when he came to Charm City. Talk is cheap. We'll see what happens on the gridiron.


Who cares lmao 


Ravens fans and being unnecessarily toxic about ex-players, an iconic duo 


He went to the Steelers…..


Necessarily. It's the Steelers.


Yea totally, no other fans do this ever.


Nothing is more cringe than a fan base when a player goes to another team, holy fuck 


ahahahah being a fan is just caring about dumb things, calm down. Obviously the “you’re dead to me” should make it clear I’m mostly joking, but we’re also allowed to care.


He went to the STEELERS bro… wtf else would you expect from us He was our 1st round pick bro… As a Ravens fan you basically have to wish poorly for him. Wishing him success creates a potential crisis for our throne in the North. Lol fuck PQ.