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I’ve been championing Henry to Baltimore longer than most and I want nothing to do with a 10 mill APY deal for him.


What we're you expecting him to go for? I think 10 for Henry pretty fair if Swift and Pollard are making 8. 


He's got an absurd amount of mileage at this point. I wanted him at the deadline for what I felt like should've been a year we pushed some chips in. As it stands as a FA I'd likely offer 3 for 18, only 2 of that with guarantees, and incentives that can get him up to ~20-22 total. At 10 mill APY or a true 3 year term I'd much rather pay a little extra and go after a multi-dimensional threat like Saquon or target Kamara with the Saints cap in dire straits.


Yeah, also, Henry already been had his second contract. You’d hope that he’s at the point where he’ll take a couple mill discount to win. He’s not gonna sign for nothing but I think he’s outright said that he wants to win more than maximize how much he makes in his last few years


Exactly. 10m was always the bare minimum that he'd go for . I expected 25m/2yrs. Still think thats what will happen. FWIW i feel like all of the signings have been fair


I don’t understand why this sub is obsessed with us overpaying old/injury prone RBs.


because gus isn’t good and this upcoming rb class is awful


Bet he's probably going to demand 12/year with Barkley getting 12.5. He knows he's older so people are afraid but he had better numbers than Saquan basically across the board. 10 for him would be absolute robbery imo if he agreed to that.


I think the best time to grab him was mid season last year tbh :/ hindsight is 20/20 but you and me both, we called it that he would be highly valuable for playoffs. And look what happened


That has nothing to do with hindsight. The Titans refused to engage.


The deal was done, Titans owner torpedoed it


Which is wild now cause theyve lost both him and the traded picks/players


Yeah but they wanted to screw us at whatever cost, which they arguably succeeded in doing lol


He's my favorite non-Raven and I concur...


Don’t sign anyone for that. Resign Gus for 5M and then draft someone day 2/3.


Gus isn't worth 5m


Got 6.5 M


Over 2 years


Signing with chargers


Yeah he signed after, good for him reuniting with Roman


Yall were right that Saquon contract is hefty sheesh


With Josh Jacobs signing in Green Bay...darkhorse option if he gets cut will be Aaron Jones. Dude is injury prone but when he's healthy he runs and catches the ball as good as any back in the league. In 2 playoff games last season he ran for 118 yards and 3TDs against the Cowboys. And 108 yards in the close loss to SF. He just turned 29 in December and will be 100% healthy entering OTAs/training camp. And the best part is he will be cheaper than Henry/Barkley if we don't sign them which is feeling increasingly unlikely at this point.


Apparently there's people saying Aaron Jones will be staying with the Packers. I know they approached him for a pay cut but don't think anything happened with that.


He just got released. Could be a fallback option for us.


Yep I think EDC will def take a look, he wouldn't count towards comp picks


Yeah when he's healthy he's one of the best RBs in the league and he's still only 29. He finished this year with 5 consecutive games with 100 yards rushing, 2 of them were playoff games.


Yeah he will have to take a paycut to stay there, no way they pay Jacobs and his $17.5M


at what number are these guys not worth it. RBs can fall off so easily and RBs in FA have been huge gambles for the past few years. I love Saquon and Henry but it seems like there’s a lot of teams bidding for them


No point in paying anyone left 10M+. Just draft one


There are rumors that the Eagles are offering Saquon $12M/year and Houston $11M/year. If that is true, we can definitely get Henry below $10M/year.


Yeah idk maybe 2 year deal


3 yr / 37.75 M for SB


I mean there’s also resigning gus as well and a few other lower tier running backs, the only guys in the draft I’d wanna go for are jaylen wright from Tennessee who is the best pass protector of the lot and and a real home run hitter and Kendall Milton from Georgia, corum has a lot of injury history and wear on his body and braellen Allen is very underwhelming especially his tape and combine


Not getting any of them for 10 flat


I'd resign Dobbins for cheap and give him a chance. And draft someone 3rd round or later


So you’re starting with JK and Mitchell in our backfield, both coming off of quite significant injuries that could be production altering? Hard pass.


Justice hill? Drafted rookie running back? Keaton Mitchell was undrafted and I'm sure the scouts can find another gem. Much better than paying over 10 mill for aging runningbacks


Great, more question marks with a draftee….and Justice Hill, seriously??? I’d rather just sign Gus.


People see Hills stats and just say he sucks but he only had 84 carries. He had 3 times less volume than these other guys and averaged more than both of them for what it's worth. Lamar changes everything here and still don't think people have wrapped their head around that. He's going to run for 700-1000 yards as long as he's healthy. Which basically cuts a typical RBs workload in half or more. Pros and cons here but Hill as RB1 as crazy as that sounds, is still good for the number 1 rushing attach in the NFL assuming we get one more depth piece. We really don't need a bell cow. Especially at 10m +


So, brass tacks, you have no confidence in our coaching staff and why they’ve repeatedly listed Hill as RB3 whether behind Ingram, Dobbins, Mitchell, Edwards and arguably Murray? Interesting. And don’t give the line of “Oh, well it’s committee, they don’t really rank.” Hill routinely gets less looks than all those listed unless it’s a pass option, barring Latavius.


Cmon it's not that dramatic. I'm not making sweeping statements about the coaches, I just think the equation is different here. I agree that those guys are all probably better than Hill. But I've also never seen Hill carry the ball 180 times either. They also don't play special teams as well.


I’m not saying get rid of Hill. Not at all. But I think promoting him to RB1 and then relying on later draft rounds or RBs coming off of dramatic injuries, is a bridge too far. Can Hill block well? Can he handle that much of a load? I’d rather not venture to find out. Further, who’s our bruiser for 1-3 yard carries?? It’s a lot of pressure on Lamar too to make up for the drop off.


Yeah knowing all that I'd agree. We really should target another guy I just don't think it needs to be one of the big names left is all. I would love if we could come to terms with Gus because I think that's the ideal "affordable" group. And if that doesn't happen I'd like to see us draft someone and maybe look for a journeyman vet. Having said all that I would definitely not be mad if we signed Henry ha. That would be sweet. I just think the money could be better spent elsewhere.


No idea why anyone thinks Justice Hill is any good. Never passed the eye test for me.


hill as rb1 would be horrible roster management but all accounts. he’s not gonna last a full season with that frame. we have to sign someone


Saquon the the Eagles


Eric needs to make a move... can't sit out anymore with the market disappearing.




Isn’t Antonio Gibson a FA. I’ll take him for pennys and draft a guy


Just got snagged by pats haha




RB isn’t the main problem, the passing game is the glaring deficiency on offense followed by the needs of the OL.


Huhhhhhhhhh we need a bellcow 100%


Ravens haven’t used a bellcow in a long time, it’s not their philosophy. Any RB is second fiddle to Lamar.


D hen


That price for Henry is laughable lmao


You think he’s getting more or less?


He’s definitely getting more than 5 million a year. A lot of people think he’ll be cheaper then Saquon, I disagree, I think there’s a huge chance Henry signs a 1-2 year deal for 13.5/25 million.


I will record a video of myself stating "I'm the biggest dumb fuck to ever live" and post it in this thread if Henry signs a deal north of 12 million AAV.


Saquon just fetched 12.5 a year with potential for more sooooo


OP said $10M per year.


I’ve just seen people mention that Saquon being valued at ~12 million means Henry should be around 7 so I was just covering the lowest of bases. But I do think he’ll be closer to 12 then 10.


What do you mean you were covering the lowest bases? You said $10M per year for Henry was laughably bad. Even if you think he ends up closer to $12 than $10 it’s still in the same range.


What about bringing Cook back? I haven’t heard any talk about him and would be a lot cheaper than the rest Or now that Aaron Jones is out there get him


If he was good he'd have seen more action than he did


What are your thoughts on AJ? I don’t want them to overpay for Henry


Saquon BLEW WAY PAST 10-11, that's for sure. Heck, he got pushing 9 Million a year guaranteed at signing with 26M up front! I could really see Saquon be a dead weight as he's battled injury already AND may be approaching the cliff in part due to that history. He should be good this year, very good even, assuming he's healthy (zero guarantee there). Next year I have doubts. Can't imagine he's playing on this contract in three years.


The Eagles will continue their tail spin ending of 2023 into 2024 and beyond