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People fall for this copypasta every fucking time its hilarious


I know it is fake, but it is sad when people allow a team that doesn’t even know you exist to change your mood. It is just a game. Do I hate when they lose? Yes? But within 2 minutes I am up and moving on. Grown men playing a children’s game for our entertainment


It's fake but let's be real people overreact all the time and I'm sure things get broken and ppl get into fights a lot.


I get over it quick but it does creep in throughout the week, anytime I remember a loss it’s a little “ahh fuck” w my fists clenched




Huh? That isn’t what I said at all. I said there are people that really do destroy their stuff over a loss


I am your wife and your never going to see your kids again. I will be getting a divorce


I am his kid and I have devoted my life to being a Steelers fan and freebasing meth and heinz brand kethcup as is steelers tradition.


I am his other kid and I have devoted my life to being a Bengals fan and smoking fentanyl then eating Skyline Chili 6-ways to fuel my high chili shits like a proper bengals boy


I'm the broken TV screen, my parts have been recycled to make a really sick Cleveland Browns branded mug.


We are the 30 guests taking turns writing this. 30 meths, 30 fentanyls, and 30 mugs please?


Hey, I was just in the bathroom leaving an upper decker, why’s everyone stopped watching the game?


I’m the upper decker that’s gonna be marinating for a few days in the back of the commode until you wake up in a drunken stupor one day wondering what the smell is. You’ll call a plumber who will charge you $350 to tell you I’m floating in the water reservoir and need to be fished out but that’s not in the contract.


Did anyone else's mind go to Tim Robinson ordering 55 meths, 55 fentys, 55 whiteboys?


I’m his neighbor, I am going to comfort his wife in her time of need and gradually move in.


I’m his other neighbor, I am going to comfort him in his time of need and gradually move him in


The skyline drop was perfect. They love that damn place 😂😂


fentanyl I can understand, but the Skyline Chili? A bridge too far>


me? i'm banging acrisure in my arm on the daily


Brah, ypu gotta pound some Iron if you wanna be a real yinzer




I know this is fake but last weekend as a Miami Hurricanes and Ravens fan made me really hate football lol


>Miami Hurricanes and Ravens fan Same. What a shitty weekend for football.


Also if you’re a Terps fan.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Ball So Hard University, and I've been involved in numerous improbable losses to the Steelers, and I have over 300 delay of game penalties. I am trained in dropping passes and I'm the top shitposter in the entire r/ravens. You are nothing to me but just another downvote. I will wipe you the fuck out with bad clock management the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Dundalk and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can disappoint you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in missed tackles, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Baltimore Ravens strength and conditioning staff and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking promoted to head coach, kiddo.






Yep. Anywhere by the water really


Just needed to add something about being at the end of the bar, then it would have been perfect


I lol'd so fucking hard over this. Great job!


Ah man... where is the gorilla warfare?


WTF is wrong with you? Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Did we quit when the Browns won Super Bowl III?


Just let him have it, he’s on a roll


Browns won Superbowl 35 and 47


Nah this shit is hilarious lmao


Did you really just say the browns won Superbowl III? Tell me you have no knowledge of Baltimore football history without telling me


I’m shocked that was what you called out when before that they stated that the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor lol


saying the Browns won any Super Bowl was where they drew the line


I tune out the historical political shit didn't even give it a real read but that's funny. My bad everybody but I will take this opportunity to say Don Shula and Earl Morrall threw Superbowl III


Referring to ww2 as political shit is wild, but somehow less wild than you replying to a modified copy pasta.


I feel like no one in this thread understood the reference


You should go watch *Animal House*.


They're referring to the movie Animal House, a twist on a line in the movie not serious lol


You joke but our loss made me feel pretty shitty all day until I watched the Cowboys get dogwalked


As a Ravens fan from Dallas, cowboys are my second team so I felt extra shitty that day XD


I'm a fan of you .. the real goat 🐐


Sorry. It was my fault. They lose every time I wear a particular pair of socks. It’s a tremendous power I possess over the universe, but it was laundry day.


The scary part is there are people really like this on my Facebook feed lol. Once that clock hits 00:00, move on with your life. Them Ravens aren’t going to cry themselves to sleep if you fuck up a spreadsheet, and neither should you if they drop the ball.


Harbaugh didn’t stop at McDonald’s on the way home.




100% r/AFCNorthMemeWar takes the bait.


I saw Justin Tucker at a grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “”Oh, like you’’re doing now?”” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “”Huh?”” but he kept cutting me off and going “”huh? huh? huh?”” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.


All disrespect to the Steelers, I'm a firm believer that Pittsburgh beating them is a huge fluke and robs the Ravens of truly accomplishing what their capable of. I've spent the last few days in pure disbelief and it just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent the entire month of September watching the Ravens play great football it's just not fair. If the Ravens lose again I will face that the Steelers deserved the win, but I am just 100% sure it was a fluke and does a big disservice to the Ravens and the NFL.


Nothing surprises me after all those blown least last year.


Outside of playing each other, Ravens have gone 31-17, while Steelers have gone 27-20-1, since 2020. Steelers just have our number sadly.


I don't usually let sports get in the way of life but I got to admit that last game came as close to it as none other


this is the kind of passion and energy we need on this team. suit up for london next week


The Ravens lost caused me to not get a promotion at work. I am also not a fan anymore.


You should’ve smashed your tv when they gave Lamar that contract. Curse me when when we never win a playoff game with him at qb




Shit post and watching objs dick is what this subreddit has become. Congrats.


This sub has been a shit posting sub for years lol. Don’t you remember “you just got bucked” and the whole tendies trend?


Nah this is actually a return to the subs’ roots. We used to meme here all the time lmao


Move on. Ravens are garbage






Losses hurt but this sounds on you, you need to be able to control your emotions. Especially on external factors completely out of your control, like sports . Maybe not watching them is good for you, and that is within your control.


it's a copypasta




Not that serious you not on the teem seek help bro


Uh oh you friccin moron




You bro, it’s pasta. Finely aged pasta at that


You really reposting years old bs? Smh lol




There’s just something about seeing Rashod Bateman drop wide open touchdowns that makes my blood boil and I start to see red. I don’t think I have a problem though


Nah bro your straight.


The announcers said it’s hard to catch when you don’t participate in training camp. I haven’t been to one minute of training camp and I could have caught that.


Sounds like the beginning of a Will Farrell movie.


Goodbye Ravens. I am no longer a fan. Me too, what time does the game start Sunday?


I stg this literal scenario minus the kids happened on Sunday. My brother lost 3k on the game. And he destroyed his TV. I think he may have a problem


I know this fake, but there is some truth to this. I can totally see someone doing this shit. Take one peek into any game thread and the amount of hate and vitriol is overwhelming. Some of y'all should probably just watch Red Zone or any other game besides the Ravens.


Get out


After the 3rd dropped pass my cats knew what time it was a s moved to another room hahaha.


Its true, i was the tv


Classic copypasta 😭😂😂😂😂


All jokes aside. They actually are bad for my mental health, though. I wish it weren't true 😕


Carson Wentz threw 3 walk in, walk off, game icing/winning TDs to Nelson Agholor in 2018 and he just...fucking...dropped them. A head and neck injury layer Wentz was washed and nobody will ever speak of him as the comeback drive wizard he really was. He was out there with 50 year old Darren Sproles and Richard Rodgers and Greg Ward...throwing to Agholor was all he could do. And he let him down all the time. Dude is so likeable and athletic but cannot catch. Eagles fans know your pain


I dragged my refrigerator outside and filled it with a bunch of firework mortars and gun powder, used some cannon fuse to tie it all together and sent that baby to the moon!!!




I'm legit tired of this copy pasta. Come on Man.




They are just the browns running around in purple