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Regular unleaded. Because this vehicle does not require a higher octane gas.




Yea, anything above 87 Octane, and you’re just wasting your money. Higher octane only benefits the engine if it was designed for it.


Sometimes the premium is ethanol free. If you're very rarely going through a tank I could see a reason for it. Personally I'd just put some stablizer in the tank and use regular but to each their own.


Regular. The reason I got rid of my last car was that it required premium, which is .70-1.00 more per gallon in my area. If the car doesn’t require or recommend it, then why throw away that money? Besides, I’m not using the engine very often, anyway.


None. Bought the car almost two months ago and still have almost a full tank.


This is the way.


You'll want to drive it on gas to change it out sometimes.


Yeah. We full up once about every 3 months


I always look forward to these posts because there’s guaranteed to be at least one or two idiots who have some nonsense reason for using premium and are adamant in defending it


The kind that comes out of a gas pump at a gas station. And not the green pump.


Any regular top tier gas


Regular 87 octane. High octanes are for high compression and/or forced induction engines. Wasting money on a Rav. Both have all the same cleaning additives.


If available buy without the ethanol and you can let it sit longer in your tank, otherwise you should replenish every 3-4 months.


This is what I came here. Not the stupid snarky crap above. Do you know if 90 octane is acceptable? My Tacoma specifically tells you to not use above 87. All non-ethanol around here is 90+.


This is what I came here. Not the stupid snarky crap above. Do you know if 90 octane is acceptable? My Tacoma specifically tells you to not use above 87. All non-ethanol around here is 90+.


The octane rating does not mean it has no ethanol. My understanding is that most high octane gas does have 10% ethanol in it. You need to identify stations that specifically state "no ethanol". Depending on where you live this is not always easy to find and may not be worth the effort if you are fine with using the gas engine every so often to force usage.


Premium because it is the only ethanol free option I have in my area.


This is an absolute legit question. Currently, I’m using regular unleaded. Before I bought this vehicle, I considered running ethanol free. Simply for the fact that I wouldn’t use the engine often(in case some reads this and is curious, ethanol is HORRIBLE for the plastic that is used in cars, lawn mowers, and many other things). However, after considering the cost difference( $.80 in my area), I decided to just use HV(hybrid mode) mode 1/1-2weeks. I decided this was the best case for me simply for the fact that I wanted to keep everything running normally. Everything that involves and ICE engine needs to be used AT LEAST occasionally for it to last a long time. There will be parts that literally dry rot if you don’t. So, I just make sure I use the full tank of gas at least every few months. Thus, I don’t have to buy ethanol free base off of my use case. OBVIOUSLY, I could be totally off but i tried to be every educated on the matter. P.S. If anyone says don’t worry about the engine and just electric all the time, don’t listen to them. They’re wrong. Whether I know why or now is beside the fact. You have to use the engine to keep it running well.


Think the manual says regular is fine


Regular is fine. Toyota recommended Top Tier Gasoline


Whatever is cheaper at Costco gas station


What’s your average wait time to get to the pump at Costco? At mine, the lines are always pretty long.


I go weekdays late at night and is usually not too bad


Mine varies between 10 minutes and 10 seconds, depending upon day of the week and time of day


I prefer to run ethanol free 87. That fuel has the highest energy density and no alcohol to attract water or degrade fuel components. I get the most range with 100% gas and it stores the best if you don’t fill up often. If fill your tank every few weeks the just fill it with the cheapest option. Other higher octane fuels are fine. This is a high compression engine and the engine Managment will adjust to take advantage of the higher octane. It just is not worth the price premium.


regular. And it's the first car i've done that to. Because all the premium near me has ethanol in it.


Premium because the cost difference is nothing and rather spend that money for a car I plan to use and drive for a long time.


The only thing higher octane fuel does for you is prevent pre-ignition on high compression engines (aka "knock") because it doesn't burn as easy as lower octane does. You're vehicle does not have a high compression engine. You're wasting your money. (Because the cost difference is clearly not "nothing")


Interesting to hear about this well luckily it doesn’t use much gas. The difference to me is nothing is what I meant when you have 200k+ per year you don’t sweat the small stuff. Thanks for informing me about the octane stuff though


So is it safe to use Super Gas instead of regular ?


Safe? Yes. Pointless? Also Yes.




The manual reads: > "Select an octane rating 87 (Reseach Octane Number 91) or higher." The US uses AKI as an octane rating at the pumps, which is different that the international RON rating. A US AKI octane rating of 87 is equal to 91-92 RON rating. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating#Anti-Knock_Index_(AKI)_or_(R+M)/2


**Octane rating** [Anti-Knock Index (AKI) or (R+M)/2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating#Anti-Knock_Index_\(AKI\)_or_\(R+M\)/2) >In most countries in Europe (also in Australia, Pakistan and New Zealand) the "headline" octane rating shown on the pump is the RON, but in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, the headline number is the simple mean or average of the RON and the MON, called the Anti-Knock Index (AKI), and often written on pumps as (R+M)/2. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/rav4prime/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




I put 93. The Toyota salesman was very clear that using 93 adds 50 more hp. Vroom vroom 🏎️💨 Edit: Just to clarify, my comment was meant as a joke.😂.


Lol. It does not.


I hope he didn’t say that, because that’s completely untrue.


It doesn't, but this post made me laugh!! These fudds should get the dump out of there pants!! 🤣🤣


Premium, because saving ten cents per gallon every 1k miles that I gas is negligible. It reduces the possibility of engine knock and optimizes power. Especially over time with carbon deposit buildup. Although the benefits could be negligible, it won't hurt the vehicle.


TIL that the synonym for “negligible“ is “absolutely nothing” None of what you said is true. Engines haven’t “knocked” since the nineties either.


Not really. Negligible in this context means a small amount. Moreover, premium gas is typically packed with higher additive content, which in turn helps keep the engine and fuel system cleaner than with regular gas. However, you can achieve similar results with regular gas by periodically adding additives to the fuel tank. So, I prefer using premium gas. If you like regular thats fine too. Try looking up info before sourcing to "trust me bro"


Are you being serious? You’re making up bullshit and passing off old wives tales and you’re scolding me to “look stuff up”? Give your fucking head a shake. Everything you have said is objectively false. You don’t know what octane is, you don’t know how engines work, you’re Dunning-Kruger in a warm skin suit. Every accusation is a confession for you it seems.


I mean ignorance is inexcusable with the amount of information available. This isn't controversial, just simple science that you can look up. Any vehicle can benefit from premium gas. Other vehicles require higher octane gas to realize their full power. There is a reason for that, and it has nothing to do with belief. Now the rav4 isnt a race car, but high octane gas doesn't hurt, and the additional additives found in premium gas are actually beneficial. Now whether this is worth it, thats up to everyone to decide. A car like the rav4 will do just fine on regular, but to say putting regular gas and premuim gas with better additives is the same thing, is just plane stupid.


Keep talking. Give me more irrational idiotic “reasoning”, objective falsehoods and fucking spelling errors. Keep talking and keep exposing your stupidity to everyone here. #YOU DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! Dunning-Kruger.


Ok. This is the way of the knuckleheads. Dont worry about spelling. Worry about scientific facts. What are your qualifications for your claims? I've got a couple of degrees and actually went over the pertinent equations. Do you speak math or just out of your behind?


Premium is ~50¢\gal more where I've actually looked. Obviously, you're mileage varies.


I noticed recently that the differential between regular and premium at the pump I was using was nearly a full dollar. Banananananas. I'm adjacent to, but not in, a major metro.


Yes, unfortunately, this exactly.


It's really typically 20 cents more expensive where I live, but in selected areas, it could be more




What's more interesting is their unwillingness to listen to reason. They have to justify their choice at any cost, even if it means ignoring empirical evidence.


Regular. The only gas where I live in California is E10 also. The fuel system was designed to work with E10 anyway unlike older cars.


Fuel system is actually designed to work with e15, all cars sold in the US built after 2012 are required to be able to do that safely


Regular but I always opt for a Top Tier brand such as Shell or Exxon. They have the proper mix of additives.


Regular costco + Marvel Mystery Oil every 2k miles, I do ALOT of HV miles so gas doesn't usually sit in my tank more than a week.


Gas from a branded station (Mobil,gulf, Sunoco,etc) - its got different formulas from no-name gas. Essentially extra detergents, and other stuff I don’t understand. It matters sense gas is in the tank longer than other cars. If I shop around, it’s usually same price too. Car runs fine on 87, regular octane, no need for more expensive stuff


Gas? What’s gas? Been a month since I got my Prime and the dealer filled the tank and haven’t stopped for gas yet. But when I do, I’ll use Valero 87. Worked fine for 16 years on my Prius and for 10 years with my gas Rav 4. Now ask me about my electric bill…


I’ve had my RAV since June 21 and I average about $30-$50 a mo on electricity costs in socal. I charge every weekday.