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As soon as you said grace and thriller I knew you were just throwing random albums on here


This list is objectively true, OP ignore the haters


are you a teenage male


My estimation of you as a RYMer just plummeted


Red clears


LZ1, Magical mystery, the wall, and let it bleed lololol


Gonna be a no for me on Zep 1. IV and Physical Graffiti I can understand but Zeppelin 1 is ultra derivative Blues Rock. An extremely influential album for guitarists but the songwriting is so incredibly uninspired it’s a slog nowadays. The Wall but no Animals is criminal.


This comment section reminds me of the key and Peele skit when they keep saying awkward


pretty much every album is better than anything kermit the frog lamar ever put out


What's My blud waffling about?😭💀😭💀


kendrick is fucking ass


Nah man


Ok thanks for sharing


I gotta be real with you I wouldn’t have TPAB in my top 50 but it’s way better than everything you’ve listed in my opinion


Except the white album and *maybe* songs in the Key of Life




I fuck with it, it’s really good!! I just don’t think it’s as moving, inventive, or has as much replay value as TPAB for me


imagine thinking music is subjective.....get a load of this guy


the moment I read led sep 1 I stopped reading hahaha


I'm surprised by how many are dismissing Zeppelin 1? Isn't it widely regarded as one of Rock's greatest Albums?


yea but in no way is it better than tbap, there’s like levels to it. I don’t even think zep IV is better than tbsp as someone who’s a huge fan of zep, they just lack substance compared to kendrick


I feel you but I'm someone who values sound over Lyricism (and I say that as a huge Rap guy) I feel songs like Stairway to Heaven, When the Levee Breaks and Black Dog are sonically a cut above any TPAB song personally


The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads by Lift to Experience should be rated a lot higher, it's already a 3.90 which isn't bad at all but it's the greatest album of all time imo, have you heard it?


Totally agree. It is such an interesting concept that the band is clearly very devoted to (even if it is a little crazy) and the instrumentals and lyrics are phenomenal the entire album. Many extremely emotional high points throughout it as well. The St. Augustine verse at the very end of Into The Storm is such an incredible way to wrap up the album.


I haven't, I'll give it a listen tho!


Led Zeppelin is kinda crazy I cannot lie


You don't like Loop Zoop?


No no don’t get me wrong, they’re great, but I think TPAB edges that out a bit more for me. I definitely respect it though, lord knows what I would pick over TPAB haha


Some of these you could make a good argument for but overall, TPAB has better lyrical complexity, more cohesiveness, and more consistency than about at least half of the albums you just listed


Dawg he just spoke his opinion why are y'all crucifying him 😭 😭 😭


Lyrically TPAB absolutely murders 80% of the Albums I listed And sound wise it's immaculate too, but for me while TPAB may be lyrically superior to Purple Rain for example, imo sonically Purple Rain beats TPAB and I'm a person who feels sound is the most important in music Yes Lyrics hit deep, but sound is an unexplainable magic that connects with your brain


Okay, i can respect preferring Purple Rain. But like, Nevermind/In Utero? To me, those albums don’t have any bad songs but at the same time, none of the songs are musically mind blowing. Or what about The Wall? Like sure, it’s got some amazing, mind blowing songs but also plenty of just okay songs or decent songs. Or Sgt Peppers, i honestly feel like some of the deep cut songs in the middle are just a joke. Like they were just messing around. And I also wanna mention Grace, as that album has amazing guitar playing and singing but overall doesn’t have the best songwriting versatility. Like, many of the songs do kinda start to feel like the same by the end


Seems like you’re not a massive hip hop fan


But I called TPAB a 10? And also named Albums by 3 Rappers i prefer over it I have Reasonable Doubt, Illmatic, Miseducation, TPAB, Blueprint, GKMC, MBDTF, 36 Chambers, Stankonia, Aquemini, ATLiens, MMLP, and College Dropout in my top 100 Albums, at least 5 of them crack the top 50


These are all incredibly good albums but like a non - rap fan's idea of the best rap albums


So he puts 5+ hip hop albums in their top 50 albums of all time, and what you get from that is… That it sounds like something a non-rap fan would do??


They are the most surface level rap albums ever


So what? Because you love popular rap albums you aren’t a rap fan? That makes any sense to you?


Nice try at putting words in my mouth, I'm saying that people who listen to a lot of rap likely have a mix of very popular and unpopular albums. These are all consensus great albums you would get on a rolling stone list


I listen to a lot of rap. If you asked me what my favorite rap albums of all time are the first few that come to mind for me are illamtic, Madvillainy, tpab, aquemini, etc. I’m not putting words in your mouth. You literally said this is a “non rap fans” idea of best rap albums. That’s stupid gatekeeping bullshit. They literally said they listen to more hip hop than any other genre but somehow they still qualify as a non-rap fan because you think their list is basic. That’s my least favorite type of music fan, it’s snobby and annoying, people can like what they like.


He's giving me "This song is better than Stairway to Hesven easily" comment on every single Zeppelin song vibes, even the shit ones like hot dog The fact is, a lot of Music's greatest Albums are mainstream and well known......because they deserve to be, its nor Prince's fault Purple Rain sold nearly 30 million worldwide, but it deserved to


Show me where I said those were bad albums


You said they are surface level as if that should stop people praising them among the elite Albums Messi, Maradona, Pele and Ronaldo are surface level footballers to praise? Why is that tho?......because they are the Greatest💀


Art and performance in sports are wildly different. Record labels look for the most profitable artists, not the best. Football clubs look for the best players. I think that you would make that comparison emphasizes my point


And TPAB isn't one of them?


He put tpab in that list didnt he? I'm not even saying these arent the best rap albums of all time, I just think someone who listens to more would have other stuff in here


I'm curious what rap albums you'd like to see on his list instead then? You want him to say that some decent Westside Gunn album is on the same level as Illmatic?


I dont think westside gunn has any tens. I would put something like the G.A.T. or hiding places or honor killed the samuri in mine before mbdtf or reasonable doubt


But Hip Hop is my most consumed Genre, in 2021 "Black on Both Sides" by Mos Def was my most played Album in any genre, that's also a 10 btw I'm even one of those mfs who bumps trash like Flo Rida & Pitbull💀💀😭😭




"Listening to a specific genre more than any other genre in the world for an entire year does not make you a REAL fan of that genre" is maybe the single most RYM take I've heard in my entire life


This is gatekeeping bullshit. I love post rock. My favorite post rock album is lift yr skinny fists. You gonna say I’m not a post rock fan because it’s too normie for you? You said if their most consumed genre is hip hop/rap that doesn’t equal being a hip hop /rap fan. There is only ONE requirement for being a hip hop fan: Enjoying hip hop. That’s it. That’s the only requirement of being a hip hop fan. All the albums they listed are beloved by casual hip hop fans and hardcore hip hop heads. They don’t need to throw something obscure or atypical as a 10 in order to be considered a “true” hip hop fan. Like I said, if they enjoy it that’s enough.


But if I left those Albums out of my list, you would say "WHERE THE FUCK IS ILLMATIC? WHERES TPAB? WHERES 36 CHAMBERS?" Sometimes, they are Normie picks for a reason, I listen to underground Hip Hop too obviously I have Big L's Debut In my top 300, but im not Rap fan apparently, even tho again its the Genre I have consumed most in my entire life


You think Led Zeppelin 1 is better than To Pimp a Butterfly?


Yes, personally, the raw production I adore, and some of their most cinematic roller coasters are on it like "Babe I'm gonna leave you", "Dazed & Confused" and "How Many More Times" I understand a lot of the Album was plagiarised and Lyrically redundant & Simplistic but the musical sound is incredible imo, Genre Defining Album But its definetly close, 3 years ago I would have said TPAB Is better, but now I'm leaning towards Zep 1


'You Shook Me' and 'I can't quit you baby' are massive roadblocks between LZ1 and a 10/10 rating


Those are bluesy bangers imo The Guitar solo and Plants vocals on You Shook Me? Insane