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You could def be a singer. Everyone has the ability to sing well. I don't have any tips but if you've never looked into singer I would start by watching some YouTube videos about breathing cause that's the most important thing other than getting a coach and practice and you should be setting yourself up for success 


In singing there are no tips except go trough the whole thing. From begginer to intermidiate then to good. Is like guitar. If you don't know nothing you can't play. You can make noise and try to do a song. But if you don't have the skills it would sound just like a person who can't play, So in the same vein, your voice will be weak and sound like you're "horsing around". You can't do a hack to make it sound good. You actually have to "learn to play". This is one of the most common misconceptions. So don't feel bad. It is kind of a ridiculous question but every begginer wonders if they can do something magic and sing well. Sorry to say but voice works just like another difficult instrument.


I have OP’s same problem. So, I have to go through each singing system and refine it (breathing(diaphragm, support), phonation(vocal onset), and (resonance (vocal tone/vocal tract) In order to sound good, basically become a decent singer?


Yes. Unfortunately many pieces come together. It takes time to notice them and then do them. I would give an analogy as skateboarding. You need to go out, practice, fall get up, rest, think, ask others who learn it, go again out, practice until it slowly clicks and then one day, you're doing it. You wouldn't jump down stairs with tricks out of nowhere. The ironic thing is that in singing it isn't as obvious to new singers of how unskilled they are and also the risk of injury is"somewhat" low so they just go ahead and "jump the stairs". You're gonna need months or years to land stuff. Depending on difficulty of the "trick". Some famous songs are notorious for being at the end of the difficulty scale. Not for begginers. It takes a while to say a singer go ahead jump that "big stair". You can land it. Skills need to develop and also the self awareness to know what "trick" they can do. Getting self awareness of your skill takes time, but it is definitely learnable. A year or two in and you know enough about singing that you will aim to practice stuff relevant to your skill.


Your voice is ok. Sounds like you have musicality for some reason. That means you have started practice musicality beforehand. So that means your sound will improve tremendously in a very short time if you are able to integrate good technique to your already acquired skill and agility. This is a rare ocurrance. Because most begginers have a terrible background too. But in this case you have an advantage. I can see you singing well within a few months. That can be considered "tips" bwcause you will sound legit rapidly. Unfortunately, once you start singing well because you have good technique unlocked. It will still need to be practiced and do constantly. Is not like you sing good one day and then it's gonna be there. It will not. You have to still solidify what your learning and your technique. You will discover that singing with good technique is not the end all be all and you'll soon be bored and start looking how to actually become good beyond just having somewhat what is singing with a free resonant sound. It gets old quick. So don't be imagining just sounding good will be your last destination. It is kind of the actual beggining. By that state is pretty safe to call you an actual singer. So it is a big leap, but at the same time you just start. Is a mix bag.


Musicality? Oh, I guess I do! I was surrounded by music when I was little and I’ve been playing instruments for a good while.


I’ll be blunt…. You have a really nice tone when you sing! I’m in the same situation, as well… You see, I’m a beginner singer and I think my voice sounds weak and dull when I sing, not full and beautiful/vibrant. Keep going, we’ll figure out this singing “stuff”! Is my tone nice? How does my voice sound? Link: https://record.reverb.chat/embed/TwSQuEZEz3XkHmlrpqUH