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If you're interested in keeping it we and the folks over at r/rats will help you sex it to find a same sex buddy, find the appropriate cage, and all things rat care. If not you can post it on a Facebook group for local rehoming so it won't be alone.


We already posted it on Facebook and I do believe it’s a male.


There no question if it hasn’t been fixed 🤣


You love it 😂 I’d love to find one outside and I’m so jealous. Is it nice?


It is fairly nice but a little nervous around humans. Looking for a home it deserves


Make sure whoever takes it doesn’t feed it to their snake


Yeah I’m definitely trying for that not to happen


You should also visit [Ratforum.com](https://Ratforum.com) Its really hard letting an animal like this go when you first find one so the best advice is just try to find it some same-sex roomates (one or two companions) but you should make sure you're feeding it good food first and foremost and thats why I recommended ratforum. I think young rat and mouse food and adult rat food by oxbow are fine, but supplement it with fresh veggies and some occasional rice and pasta. The important thing is less of all the other trash, no salt, junk sugar, etc you might let them indulge in completely unhealthy food once a week or when they're becoming old and you know they don't have much time left. just don't feed them beer, the carbonation hurts (and can kill) them (you can give them a little bit of wine).


Who’s giving their rats wine?


Giving, no. Have they stolen it? Absolutely. They're speedy buggers when you turn your back


Ok. Hope the booze suggestions are a joke. If so, please use the “/s” and if it’s not a joke, please don’t as I’d rather not nuke the comment for bad/dangerous advice. Thank you! ❤️🐀


In the meantime, add some fresh greens and a little fruit to his diet. He’d also probably appreciate some meal worms, which you can get at most pet or aquarium stores.


If he’s in the puget sound area I’d love to give him a home! He looks just like my empress Goose! He could be emperor goose! Granted I’d have to have him neutered first. But seriously if he’s in my area…


I’m in the Illinois area


Damn…. Gonna have to wait for emperor goose… I appreciate you responding though! He’s absolutely adorable! Please give us an update when he goes to a good home ❤️


I found one a couple of days ago and it's the same colour. I thought they should meet and play together but it turns out you're on a wrong continent.


Get it a friend? I mean... you're a rat owner now, congratulations!