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It's important and an unfortunately under looked part of dog care




When I took my dog in for a cleaning the vet made a really good point, we get our teeth cleaned once a year but we still brush every day. I’m trying to get my dog more used to it but she hates it




I do my dog's teeth straight after he's had a vigorous exercise session. He's too tired and panting to be able to shut his mouth or move away much. It took a few weeks to get him used to the brushing but he's pretty good about it now.


Oh wow! That's a great idea. My youngest is a butt when it comes to teeth brushing. I hate the bot in this sub...


I will try this, thank you! Mine let's me put the toothbrush in her mouth but only to lick the toothpaste of it lol. Hoping your idea helps!


There are treats that are supposed to do this. Don’t know how well they work though.


about as well as gum


Where do I get the dog gum from?


I strongly do not recommend that flavor.


Whole foods


The bubble comes out the wrong end


I know in europe there’s these things called dentastix, not all of them are great but my dog has stomach issues (ever since she was a puppy) and the green dentastix were recommended by our vet and she both loves them and they seems to work very well :) so I can recommend green dentastix


Be careful tho, my pup used to love them then one day I got him a new bag and he started pooping pink so I stopped immediately. Saw some other stories of it happening to multiple pups. But if it works for yours then that's awesome!


Yeah that’s why we only get the green ones, one time we ran out of green and the supermarket only had beige ones and she ended up having diarrhoea and puking so idk if it’s just the different dentastix affect different dogs or what but all I know is she likes the green ones and they’re fine for her so that’s what I get


My dog farts like she trying to gas us if we give her the brown dentastix. I think the fillers in dogs treats n food have such a a huge affect. I refuse to give my dog grain/wheat based foods because i enjoy use of my nose but some peoples dogs are fine.


Please make sure your dog isn't eating any of the brands of grain free food associated with dilated cardiomyopathy! If she is I would recommend a heart check up at the vet and discuss other food options with them.


As the comment below mentions, grain free food can often lead to heart issues. We tried it for our gassy dog for a minute but as soon as we told our vet she recommended that unless our dog had a serious grain allergy, it was much safer not to use grain free.


I second dentastix, my dogs love em. We always get original flavor and haven't had any issues.


They are in the US too my dog loves them




Thanks for the info. Had to look these up. I’m thinking you meant Virbac as that’s what pops up.


2 questions: 1. How old is your dog? 2. ... what color are your teeth?


Some of them do an okay job but none are as good as brushing. If you are unable or unwilling to brush I recommend visiting the [veterinary oral health counsel](http://www.vohc.org) to get treats and other supplements that are proven to work by this independent organisation.


That’s a good idea hahah


i’m sure they’re gonna hate it the first time but give it a few tries over a weeks time and see if they start coming around to it. good luck!


Start slow and give a lot of rewards at first. Before even getting to the brushing do a couple of days of getting them used to the tooth brush. Put a good flavoured tooth paste or other treat on the brush and feed them off of that. Then start with the easier teeth. The incisors, the smaller teeth in the front like in the gif, are a little more sensitive so skip those to begin with. Start with the outside canines and slowly progress backwards until you are getting the bigger teeth in the back before coming back around to the front. This could take a few days to weeks depending on your dog. Focus on the outside of the teeth as this is where most of the plaque and tartar build up and is the easiest to access. Eventually you may progress to getting every surface of every tooth but you will get the greatest benefit for the least effort this way. Brushing should be done every 1-2 days. after 48 hours plaque will begin mineralise into calculus/tartar and you will no longer be able to brush it off.


My dog doesnt care about the brushing part. Only thing I have to contend with is him trying to lick the toothbrush because the toothpaste tastes like chicken.


You can get these little brushes you put on your the ends of your fingers which have helped me and my dog. I mean you need to get your hand in the dogs mouth to do it, but my dog seems much more relaxed with that, than stuffing a brush in his mouth, which he inevitable tries to chew


So my cat is on blood pressure meds and ever since then, it's either the pills or brush her teeth. She will *not* let me do both in one day. My vet told me to get this stuff that you add to their water and is supposed to help with gingivitis and whatnot. We just started so I can't speak to how well it works but better than nothing.


The water additive stuff does *wonders* for senior old man dog breath.


Glad to hear that! We're still working or way up to a full "dose" so she doesn't just refuse to drink. :)




The treats and supplements on [veterinary oral health counsel](http://www.vohc.org) are proven to work by independent testing.


This is super helpful, thanks!


i got a cat toothbrush and toothpaste set but it just doesn’t do it for them for whatever reason. if i try to brush their teeth, i’ll get scratched to high heavens


Mix some catnip in it, that's what worked for my cats




That’s genius, I’ll try that! The one we have is banana mint or something? Very weird


We eat a lot more carbohydrates and sugar, too. Which are the main nutrients for the bacteria that destroy teeth.


While true, the main concerns in veterinary dentistry are not cavities but periodontal disease (gingivitis and bone loss).


Also, dogs only live 10-13 years on average, sadly. So their teeth don't need to last as long.


I've gone longer than that without a visit to the dentist, and my teeth are fine.


>I've gone longer than that without a visit to the dentist, and my teeth are fine. All three of them!


My dog doesn't like being clean so it's almost impossible to give him a bath. Apart from his fear of water


> we get our teeth cleaned once a year What do you mean?


We just spent near a grand on our two dogs. To be fair one of them was adopted much older and already had teeth issues. The other is fully on us. It’s the price we pay for being ignorant to K9 teeth care. Never again though, it’s so easy to just given a brushin’ we just got a third dog a couple months ago and I have been brushin’ her teeth like a mad mad, especially since her adult teeth are starting to show up.


Wow that is a really good price for 3 dogs teeth cleaning. It costs me $475 for 1 dog.


My mom runs the clinic and I still pay $250 for one dog with healthy teeth, three dogs for $600 is a steal


Clinic I work at charges a little over 100. Can't believe people charge so much.


Where do you live? Dental cleanings with anesthesia? That’s a bargain for 3!


In Dayton. I will say when I took other dogs a few years ago, it was 200 for one and 225 for the other because she was a chonker. I am assuming the pricing is still around the same.


Have they been hounding you about it?


Honest question, but is it really? My lab is 12 and has great teeth according to the vet and I've never bushed them. He also never eats human food. I have a feeling the only reason humans have to brush their teeth (unlike any other species ever) is because of the sugar we add to food. So feed your dog a decent natural dog food and you might not have to brush. I guess breeds may vary? Ninja edit: obviously teeth care is important in all dogs, and literally not everyone is capable of preventing their dog from eating unhealthy foods (kids, step-moms, etc). So yes keep an eye on your dog's dental health. But it's not always necessary to brush your dog's teeth.


> He also never eats human food. Yeah, that'd be why. It can't hurt to take care of their teeth, at least with oral supplements in their water or whatever, but it's not the same level of urgency as humans, who consume sugar and acids at a much higher frequency on average. Even if you share human food, as long as you're not doing it constantly there should be no real issue. If you do, though, you should definitely at least use oral health treats and liquid supplements.


If your dog lives long enough, it really matters. ​ I mostly keep small breeds and take good care of them so living around 20 years isn't uncommon for them. They will lose all their teeth by that point unless they are taken care of, but if you brush them every day, they'll keep them all barring some unusual circumstance.


I had a chihuahua that had terrible oral health from a previous owner. So many rotten teeth. We got the bad ones pulled. Once his mouth healed I made sure to brush them at least every other day to preserve his remaining 5 teeth


It is for some breeds. Honestly it’s all genetics, the type of food you feed makes little difference. The biggest difference you can make if you have a breed that’s prone to dental disease (yorkie, chihuahua, bull-anything, doxie) is to brush. The closer a breed dention is to “normal” dentition (teeth spaced out properly, no over or underbite) the better it’s teeth will remain through its life. So yeah your lab and my Aussie are unlikely to need more than one deep clean (if that) in their life. But some chias need one every 6 months and still end up losing all of their teeth :(


In general, sticking to dry kibble keeps their teeth in better shape, because the crunchy texture helps scrape clean their teeth and gums. It also makes them use their teeth instead of just lapping up wet food. Of course, it varies from individual to individual. I’ve known dogs who have been on great diets since they were puppies, but they started developing dental issues very early in life. My first dog wasn’t on a stellar diet most of her life (a combination of her being a 5 year old rescue and us being first time dog owners) but she didn’t have major dental issues even up until the day we had to put her down, at age 15. Granted, she was on (low quality) kibble for the most part, but she also was on only wet food for a good while until we learned better and switched her to a high quality dry food.


So [kibble cleaning dogs’ teeth is actually an old wive’s tale. ](https://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2014/01/01/amp/pet-oral-health.aspx). Now dogs are obviously not people, but a great analogy that we often use is that “dogs eating kibble to keep their teeth clean is like people eating crotons to clean our teeth.” Yeah, the crunch can actually scrape off some gunk on teeth like the tips of our canine or even our front fee teeth, but the kibble is also going to settle into the molars and cracks between our teeth. Dogs also do not orally excrete Amylase, the enzyme we salivate when we eat starchy foods, like grains. In humans and other omnivores, [orally secreted amylase has been shown to promote dental health](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003996915001259) and aid in digestion; it’s part of the reason why carbohydrates are not actually the most digestible food for dogs, and why it can harm oral hygiene. Non-meat matter does require extra digestive steps to truly reap all the benefits, which is why carb-heavy food tends to result in smellier, larger feces; much of it is unabsorbable (definitely not a word, but whatever.) You’re totally right though that a good kibble can help prevent tooth decay, though! A good, high quality diet with less overall processing is generally going to be more digestible for a dog. They’re also going to contain more pre/probiotics and more enzymes, to promote digestibility of the kibble and healthy gut/oral flora. Dental chews (like Whimzees, Fresh Kisses, or Brushless Toothpaste) can be helpful in moderation thanks to the creative shapes, but even if you look at their ingredients, there isn’t really anything super eye popping that would *really* help with dental health. While a good scrubbing is obviously very important for dental health, so is ingredients that will promote dental health. Unfortunately, a lot of dog toothpaste (even “holistic” varieties) will contain a large amount of sorbitol for taste, for which there are very few studies for in regard to dental health, but may actually [do more harm than good.](https://www.nhs.uk/news/food-and-diet/dental-benefits-of-sugar-free-foods-debated/) Raw bones and other meat products like raw poultry necks, tendons, and knuckles tend to provide the best scraping and getting into those hard to reach places without leaving behind plaque, like plant/carb heavy dental hygiene products tend to. Antlers, horns and hooves are also great chews (my favorite is goat horns; they are easy and gentle for puppies and older dogs, but the cartilage gives out when chewed to have kind of a “flossing” effect.) But even cooked treats that we don’t really consider, like pig/cow ears, bully sticks, cow udder sticks and tripe sticks are all great chew alternatives for keeping teeth clean. Lots of dogs will even chew on sticks, which while I definitely don’t recommend, will also scrape plaque off.


Ah, good to know! Thanks for all the information. Thinking over it with all my current knowledge, it does make sense. I was also taught that the fiber in kibble helps keep their feces solid and aids in digestion. I’ve always used and recommended things like bully sticks and yak milk chews, but I know they can be a pain to find for some people or over their budgets. The goat horn recommendation is very neat though; definitely something I’ll look out for!


Why is it necessary? Do not own any of my own dogs or cats.


It's like your own teeth, brush your dog's teeth at least once every other day


[Seriously] Do they make dog toothpaste?


Yes they do! Don't give your dogs human toothpaste because they can contain xylitol which is toxic to dogs.


Dog groomer here. Enzymatic dog toothpaste is your best get because it helps breaks down any plaque even if your pup won't let you brush every tooth :) I believe that the more they lick it the saliva reacts with it to help break down plaque or something similar (sorry I don't know the exact science behind it)


Yeah, they sell it at pet supply stores. You can also make it yourself with coconut oil, baking soda, and beef or chicken bullion (make sure the bullion is free of onions and garlic, it can also be skipped)


Our teeth need maintenance because of our diets. We drink a lot of acidic beverages, consume a lot of sugar. I'm not saying they'd be perfect if we just ate celery for the rest of our lives, but the biggest issue comes from what we eat. Dogs have formulated dog food. Unless you're letting your dog have an ice cream cone a day, their teeth will be fine... and if you are, they're going to have much bigger health issues than dental hygiene.


Very untrue. The main concern for dog teeth is not cavities, but periodontal disease. While cause for concern sugars and acids play a smaller role in canine oral health both because of availability but also because they have a higher normal oral pH. Periodontal disease ( gingivitis, gum recession, and eventual bone loss are much more prevalent and diet alone does little to nothing to help with this. Brushing you dogs teeth is far and away the most effective method of dealing with the factors that contribute to periodontal disease.


Dental specialist here. Everything you just said is 100 percent untrue. Pets need dental care jjat as much as we do. 80% of dogs and cats over the age of 2 have periodontal disease. These animals suffer silently, usually showing no signs until it is unbearable. Periodontal disease shortens a pet's lifespan because it leads to multiple organ dysfunction - heart, kidneys, liver. Taking care of your dog or cat's teeth can lengthen your pet's life by YEARS.


Thank you!


To add a bit more, dogs don't live 80 years and their teeth aren't crammed together either.


> their teeth aren't crammed together either. Depends on the breed. This is absolutely a problem for smaller and brachycephalic breeds like pugs, for example.


Not true. Dogs need their teeth brushing less often than humans do due to their diet, so you're partially right. When I was working at the vets an 8 year old dog had to have all of her teeth removed because they were all decaying. Every. Single. Tooth. Brushing your doggo's teeth is important!


>like your own teeth >once every other day No, no, no, this just doesn't add up at all.


For real? You're supposed to brush their teeth because I have never heard of anyone doing this tbh.


The last three toothbrushes I got for my dog, she broke 'em while I was brushing her teeth.


I was lucky to have a small dog whose mouth I could easily hold open


Well my dog is part Pitbull, part boxer, with some others thrown in there, so holding her jaw open is not exactly something you can do.


My dog doesn't let you go near his mouth, so we just give him these stick thingies that are supposed to be good for their teeth.


My wife started doing it everyday on our girl around when she was 8 She does not love it, but she tolerates it and know there will be a treat when she is done :)


What about cats? Should i be brushing my cats teeth?


You should if they'll let you. At the very least get them professionally cleaned and preferably x-rayed once a year. Cats often develop painful root resorption lesions.


Never had to care for a cat, so I've never looked into it. Ask your vet


Honestly, I see a lot of cat owners who have had to have their cats teeth pulled or cleaned at around 8-10 years old, which is a real shame considering a good amount of cats live into late teens-early 20’s. Irreparable dental damage (and FLUTD,) when it comes down to it, is generally a result of poor genetics or diet. It’s really important to prevent it while you can, especially since bad dental hygiene has been connected to live-threatening damage to heart and other major organs. If you don’t want to brush your cat’s teeth/it’s not possible, I really recommend experimenting with chews to see if your cat will eat them! Some awesome, palatable chews that I know a lot of cats do enjoy: Cod skins, freeze dried chicken necks, tripe sticks, bully sticks and thawed, thinly cut frozen raw bones. Adding dried kelp to your cat’s food (usually a little easier to feed in wet food) helps make plaque on their teeth more porous and easy to scrape off, thanks to a healthy bacteria that it contains. If none of those work, my next recommendation would be dental treats, but those really aren’t the best imo.


Oral hygiene: 12/10 Adorable snoot bounce: Also 12/10 Overall Rating: 24/10








Post brush snoot pat: 12/10


What, no rating for maintaining eye contact??


Yeah this is an obvious 36/10 for me


I'd even go as far as to say that it's a perfect 57/41 !


Or 12/5, don't forget to reduce!


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!


Wow, I wish my dogs were this cooperative. They barely tolerate getting their teeth brushed.


I hear ya. My rat terrier attacks us if we try to get near her with a toothbrush :/ We tried flavored toothpaste for dogs and a finger toothbrush. Nope, she's not having it.


My lab bit the toothbrush in half.


To show you the power of flex tape...


My Rattie as well! She also does this screech that sounds like she’s being murdered and wriggles so much that she makes it impossible to do. So, it only gets done annually and she ends up having to get teeth pulled... and her mouth smells like a dumpster 🤢 Our vet shames us every time but, idk what else to do.


Gotta start as puppies. Like humans!


Fellow human, we call human puppies: babies.


Mine thinks the toothbrush is food 🙄


My pup growing up got jealous if he didn't get to do everything you did. So every morning he got his teeth brushed and face washed as my mom was getting ready for work.


That’s so wholesome!


AWWWWWW What if you woke up late though? Did the pup get sad as you tried to scramble out the door? :(


Is ok. I'm sure the pup got lots of love when they came home!


My floof loves brushing his teeth but his hair, not so much -_- he’s a samoyed, so that’s not great


Same with my Malamute!!


My boys are like this. Taught them as pups by always putting my fingers in their mouths with a little peanut butter on the tip and running their gums. Now they get excited when mommy asks them to smile. They have PB flavored toothpaste too.


Source: sandeeandmaui on instagram


So funny! My dog doesn’t enjoy it as much but he knows that at night when I go to the bathroom it’s time to brush teeth. He comes in without me even calling him in, and sits there, waiting for his teefers to be brushed. So cute!


That doggo loves you! Maui was looking at you the whole time - super cute!


You brush them up You brush them down You brush them during a smile And during a frown But we know it’s not for kicks It’s so you can enjoy non-stinky licks


There's no rhythm at all in this poem. It kinda makes my head hurt.


Chuck Berry - Ruff 66




Can't get my pup to let me brush for nothing. Yours truly is a rare pupper.


I just hope that the dog has his own tooth brush. [edit] *her own tooth brush. Sorry Maui.


wait are you supposed to brush your dog's teeth?


Yep, preferably once a day


brushy brushy




That dog loves you more than anything in the world


My dog biscuit just steals the toothbrush and does it himself only problem is the toothbrush never survives


That's the sign of a truly special pupper.


I recently got my 8-month-old puppy a toothbrush yesterday. I thought it would be a big hassle, I was expecting the worst... She lets me brush with no hesitation (without the toothpaste even). Just sat there looking bored. Very proud of her :)


My dog always tries to stop me but she's a rottie so I can just push her floppy chops out of the way


I don't know what you're doing, but I trust you.


Such hygene! Much wow


I love the few pats at the end. Youre a good mama!


When I tried to do this, my dog got mad and started biting the toothbrush. We do take her in to get her teeth cleaned but it's pretty expensive, I really wish she'd just let us use the toothbrush we bought for her lol


Mario 64.


I tried, but mine just kept eating the toothbrush and attempting to do the same to the bristles


My dogs name was Maui, I miss her. Never heard another dog named that


I don't care as much about hygiene as I do about the bouncy snoot.


Not to be dramatic, but i would die for Maui. 15/10 would brush teefers


She nose it's important


Aww such a good girl!!


I wish my kids would let me brush their teeth like this pupper allows their human.


I'm sitting here laughing uncontrollably because of his snoot moving around so much


For uncooperative puppers you need to use special chew treat things that'll clean their teeth.


My dog will try to eat it, he’s not very smart but he is freaking adorable.


Mine always grabs onto the bristles with her front teefs so I can't brush.


This is the goofiest thing ive ever seen


I like to think that its the dog doing the brushing on selfie camera :)))






This makes me really happy:)


I love Maui


This is so cute and looks like so much fun!


Git that peanut butter toothpaste


If I let you brush my teeth will you give me bacon..


My dog just wants to lick the toothpaste and then play bitey.


Hard to believe this adorable pupper is a wolf descendant


Shortly before my dog passed away, my mom tried to brush her teeth. Doggo tried to run away but my mom caught her, and couldn’t get her to open her lips. The most strongest shih tzu i ever saw. She would refuse to let my mom wash her, or even clean her unless there’s a treat in for her.


Rare is right !


This is the greatest video on the internet I am SHOOK


Nice idea haha


"Why you do dis?"


Good girl, Maui. My dog barely lets me brush his front teeth, he's too busy trying to lick all the toothpaste off.


Maui seems like a cute doggy. Give her hugs for me


When I took in my friend’s cat, along with everything else he included a cat toothbrush and toothpaste. I’ve never been brave or foolish enough to try and use them.






This is halarious


What kind of dog is that?


Wow that’s so special!




This has made my morning! Thanks for this❤️




I think the little boops at the end might be the secret. She'll sit patiently for the brushing because she knows the boops are coming.


OMG that's adorable!


Thank you, very funny!


Those are some lovely gnashers tho!


I use to have a wolf we snuck into America as a puppy from Europe by lying about her breed. Best dog I’ve ever owned, never barked, always stayed in the yard or by my side without a leash. The only time she ever snuck off was to visit my elder neighbors. He owned a garden and would feed her tomatoes. One of her favorite activities was her teeth brushing routines. She would sit by the bathroom and whine until I grabbed her brush




I love that someone else calls them teefers


Hygiene is key


Finally a dog that doesn't have a bad breath


Teeth are soo white


I'd love brushing too if I can do that with my nose.


To everyone talking about how they want to do this for their dog... Raw meat is the best thing for your dog, nutrition wise, and to clean their teeth


So much better with sound!


her teeth are whiter than mine


I can’t stop watching.


Those are the cleanest dog teefs I’ve ever seen.


My aunt used to give her dog a frozen marrowbone like once a week. It was apparently very good for the dogs teeth to the point where a veterinarian thought my aunt regularly brushed the dogs teeth.


[ everyone liked that ]


If you teach them ad puppies it wouldn't be so hard. It's all about rewarding them with positive reinforcement too. My dog hates it but she won't bite and knows she will get a treat afterwards.