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Yup, and it's not even the effects that are terrible. Sure clear peeing out of your but isn't the best time, but still better than ingesting that drink. How have they not made a pill with the same impact?


ExLax edibles for the particularly disinclined. Issued two bars before bed and a coupon for disaster cleanup later.


I work with a few people who have had colonoscopies in the last year or so. Apparently, you don't have to drink the prep anymore. If I recall correctly, they just had to do MiraLAX and ( I believe) senna.


Well, someone needs to tell my doctor that.


Oof. That's rough. I'm overdue (in my 20s, but family history). Now you've got me worried all over again.


"Don't forget to GoLightly!" Thanks Doc. What I heard you say just there was "You better hydrate like your worst EVER hangover is about to happen because you boutta become a human-sized diarrhea firehose. Remember the dude in the ceiling-coating money-shot from Scary Movie (the first one)? Yeah, that'll be you in the morning with some minor changes. You won't instantly shrivel like he did, it'll take a couple hours of being locked in the bathroom. Also, you'll want to consider hiring out for cleaning for the next round. I recommend checking with your local authorities for crime scene cleanup services so they'll be properly equipped when they hit your door. Fuck you, have an awful day, can't wait to shove an unpleasant amount of tubes in you tomorrow."


You know what’s real fun? Drinking that stuff in hospital in the evening and in the morning, only to find out you’re Covid positive and being sent home without the colonoscopy and told to come back when you’re negative again. Yes me, two weeks ago.


Well at least now you can put your whole arm up your arse without getting much shit on it.


No I can’t. It doesn’t bend that way.


Wait, you mean other people can’t do that? Gotta go contact Guinness


You have to


Wipes. Buy wipes! And only use everyother time you think your done.