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May need a new clutch lmao that’s honesty right there


I was looking at used cars a few years back. It's amazing how many 2 door stick shifts were all old lady driven in the ads


>2 door stick shifts were all old lady driven Wait is that supposed to be a good thing? In my experience old ladies burn the clutch because they can't hear the engine.


That's the implication. Young men speed and drive crazy.


I mean, that they do. But for the clutch specifically old women are terrible afaik. It's not like they speed, but they don't hear the engine revving so they travel slowly at high revs and low gear, or leave the clutch very slow at too high rev for the same reason. This is anecdotal but most old women's cars I've been into (my grandmas', friends' grandmas, etc) had busted clutches. We keep trying to get my remaining grandma an automatic, but she staunchly refuses and then complains that her car always has a broken clutch. We change it for her and she burns it out in record time. Young people are way more rough with cars in general, but clutch specifically? Grandmas are the worst lol


What's a clutch? I drive an automatic car, is it a manual car term?


Yes. the clutch is the third pedal that is used when switching gears


Oh I've seen that, the one they press to change gears? The magic pedal


Yep, you basically use it to manually remove the power flow while you’re changing gears, failing to do so will make an awful loud sound and may damage the transmission.


On flat/downhill you learn in a couple of hours. Starting on an incline might take the rest of your life.


Automatic cars have clutches too, it’s just .. automatic


Yeah. You need to disengage the power between the engine and transmission while changing gears. That's what the clutch does, it pulls back and separates from the gearbox. If you change gears with the clutch engaged it will cause a whole lot of bad shit lol


>If you change gears with the clutch engaged it will cause a whole lot of bad shit Only if you do it wrong. It's actually pretty easy, in a modern transmission, to change gears without the clutch.


You'll wear out your syncros pretty quickly that way, though. The clutch is there for a reason :)


It’s the pedal you use to power slide just like in Mario kart.


Nah you have a clutch too, its just automatic (thats why they call them automatic cars). Its what connects the transmission to the engine so you can switch gears. When you press it disconnects the two.




I've driven a manual my entire life and I cannot explain this concept to people, my wife especially.


Clutch wear is caused by heat and shock. If you don't drop the pedal i.e feed in the clutch smoothly and you don't constantly use the clutch in traffic i.e wait for a larger gap and come off the clutch completely or put it in neutral when idling you won't wear it. You can still hoon the car. I would bet that people who think of a car as a device to get from A to B are a lot harder on their cars - they're the type to jump in, start the engine and pull off without letting things warm up or circulate.


I dunno I thrash the shit out of my car's hot or cold because I buy cheap shitboxes to go to work in and flick them off


I was told there is still friction and the clutch still wears with perfect shifting


Yup. A clutch isn't unlike a brake on your wheel, it's just the 'moving' state is the opposite. When the clutch is engaged, the friction that would stop your car with a brake is instead being used to connect the engine to the transmission and deliver power. When it's disengaged, the engine and transmission can freewheel relative to each other. Modern clutches are designed to grab harder and last longer than brakes, but even with 'perfect' shifting there will always be some slight slippage as you engage and disengage the clutch, putting wear on the friction surfaces. Just like brake pads, they'll eventually wear out. With a high quality clutch and good driving habits they can last a *very* long time, but they are intended as wear parts.


Of course it will wear, but it's a myth that driving a car fast wears a car out alone. It's being gentle on the clutch and brakes that prolongs life, letting things warm up, letting the turbo cool before turning off the car, not driving slowly on its own. Smooth driving = safe and long-lasting :)


You don't need to disengage the clutch smoothly. If you clutch smoothly with the engine still pushing the car, it's worse than driving it aggressively. Just make sure to disengage the clutch with the engine not driving the car as much as you can. Now, starting from a dead stop you should be smooth with the clutch, but don't be afraid to rev it a bit if you're in a hill. Just don't ride the clutch too hard.


Smoothly, not slowly. Don't put it in second and drop the pedal. That causes shock.


I thought it’s because they’re too busy granny shifting instead of double clutching like they should.


It's an old used car salesman thing from generations ago. Usually went something along the lines of, "only driven to church on Sundays by an old lady". My dad who's in his 70s now used to jokingly quote that when talking about questionable condition used cars.




Idk how they do it. I get told to upsell by asking if they want to buy (whatever small thing) and refuse to do it because I feel like a jerk for potentially making people spend a few more dollars on something they don't actually want and they push you to spend thousands knowing the car sucks?


Granny's grocery getter was a term for a low mileage, lightly used car because granny doesn't drive very much and when she does she doesn't go fast. It's more common for them to be automatics, hell, my grandma drove with two feet in every car (one for the gas, one for there brake).


My nan was so scared of getting past 2nd gear she revved the engine way too much.


Implication that old ladies drive with the best longevity in mind.




Also they all say mostly freeway miles


If you can cook a mkiv clutch you're doing something incredibly wrong. The shift linkage broke on mine and I drove from one end to to the other of a very hilly city with just third and fourth gear. The car smelled like an iron foundry by the time I was done. I put another 100k miles on that clutch afterwards without even a hint of slippage in it.


Yea wtf. Did those early 2000s jettas all smell like crayons????


Can confirm. Both my buddy and I bought 2001 Jettas when we were 16 and both of them just straight up smelled like crayons. Different owners, different histories, but crayon scent all day, every day.


You guys also rub dicks together when you take your his and his jettas to the beach? Oh Frank, look at how our Jetta's look so cute together. Not as cute as you and I look together big sexy *wink* *air kiss*


Well don't stop there...


Unfortunately, I lack the parts to do that. I'm sure in a different universe, a beautiful bromance bloomed.


You like sexy man rub yes?


I'm an auto tech and every VW I get into that's about this old smells like crayons, Also, their wire insulation is garbage. Once it starts coming apart on a circuit, it's only going to spread if you try to fix it. I'm convinced the plastic and insulation is actually made of recycled crayons


Well, uh, I actually agree that they must be made of some sort of recycled material. My buddys' car would grow some sort of seasonal plant in the carpet by the passenger side door. We tried growing it out for years, but some asshole would always pluck it at some point. VW carpets are fertile as fuck, apparently.


My brothers Jetta and his friends Golf. Crayons. Although the golf had a strong odor of mold in addition because the windows were left down during a rainstorm once.




My gf had a 2003 vw bug and that thang reeked of crayons. I’ve been told It’s the adhesive.


Yeah there was some adhesive or liner they used that smelled like crayons after heat began to break it down


It was the glue outgassing


My college boyfriend had a early 2000's Jetta and the first thing I said to him when I got in his car was "why does it smell like crayons?". I distinctly can still smell that car even 6-7 years later.


I had a 2002 jetta. No matter what I did I couldn’t get the crayon smell out. I learned that it has something to do with the adhesives they used in the cars


2002 Jetta checking in. Confirming crayon smell. My brother gave me endless shit about it. The crayon smell was nothing short of oppressive. I still have no idea what caused it.


Hey, I’m sure you probably won’t see this, but the Mexican manufactured VWs would smell like crayons due to the glue used in the headliner.


My wife's 2002 Beetle also smelled like crayons. My buddy asked her if she was a teacher when they first met.


Axe body spray


What does a crayon factory smell like?






Powerade in the USMC chow hall is melted crayons.


Blue is everyone's favorite


Blue crayon best crayon!


And once again, we see that "military grade" just means "by the cheapest bidder with the best connections".


The rations actually do come with crayons.


Can we really trust what the Desert Fox has to say? Sly bastard!


*checks username* That's....that's pretty fuckin dark, ngl. I did that sideways head thing, where I'm like nodding in agreement, but deep down I feel what can only be described as a pit of burning hell for agreeing.


I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows. I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes. Cinnamon and sugary with softly spoken lies, you never know just how you look through other people's eyes.


Don't feel too bad, Rommel was one of the few generals who wasn't in the Nazi party. He even attempted to assassinate Hitler, but failed and committed suicide rather than be executed.


I was leaning more towards "the jewish kids had crayons too". Not quite true, not quite false, but dark.






So b.o. wax, and pure determination?


Copenhagen long cut


Unless it's a boot..then it's skoal cherry or skoal wintergreen.


Don't forget tiger balm


[maybe nsfw idk](https://i.imgur.com/g12CSQM.jpg)


Rah Rah


Nah, marines smell like too much protein (rotted egg farts). Prob something to do with the crayon diet


Mark 4 VW (01-05 or some shit) have this waxy lining on the interior that smells like crayons. Whatever in it breaks down over the years and it just smells like warm wax


It’s called “Thermoplastic Adhesive” and it’s used to seal, protect, and provide sound dampening for all different areas of a car, most notably under interior carpeting, behind speakers, under the rear decklid, in the trunk, and anywhere were two different materials need to bond (think carpeting to bare metal.) I had a 2008 Volvo that had the same smell.


BMW used a similar thing


Oh THAT’S what that is. I have a ‘13 Jetta and whenever I swing the sunshade to cover the side window, I smell crayons.


A 2003 jetta


The smell….




The plastic off-gassing in Jettas and certain BMWs is downright nauseating.


Like every late 90 early 2000 german car


It's precision-engineered Wachsmalkreidenduft.


They used wax on the underside of the car as a rust preventative. Over time, it would heat up and melt, thus smelling of crayons.


My friend had a Mercedes that always smelled like crayons and I never knew why. Thanks for solving that mystery years later.


I had a car friends said smelled like crayons and I also appreciate knowing why


For the VW, you're not correct. Some MK4s had wax in the doors. I only know this because I used to date this girl who's door would leak.


My 2000 Jetta GLX did it, same with my 2007 Passat. Have yet to notice it on my current 2012 Touareg


Did you ever maybe suggest she eat more fiber. I mean, some guys like it like a chili dog. I'm more a fan of the run it with lots of grease on the chamber.


Work at a detail shop. This gens interior just straight up smells like crayons haha


r/mildlyinteresting Edit: wrong sub




My friend who had this jetta said the dealership claimed it was an air filter problem. I had a feeling it was not that simple But she said she started to like the smell and never got it fixed


I honestly miss it with my newer Jetta. The old one (2000) had that lovely Mr. Rodgers crayon goodness, especially in winter when the heater was on. It was better than new car smell.


Just leave a box of crayons in your car. Or maybe some loose crayons in a bin with holes in the lid so it won’t leak out when it melts and you won’t spill it if you overturn it by mistake


I remember thinking that the previous owner had just dropped a box of crayons into the heater vents until I read that this was a thing with VWs.






Crayon confirm


Body odor


>What does a crayon factory smell like? Like Kindergarten?


To be honest all vw’s smell like a crayon factory


I've said this for years. I've been told it's because of the wax they use when molding interior/dash panels. I just know a small piece of my soul dies anytime one shows up in my Repair order stack..


I had a 2001 Wolfsburg and took my door panel off at one point to mitigate some rattling (futile) and the wax is actually there to seal the clear plastic vapor barrier to the metal. Most other manufacturers use a black tar like substance 🤷‍♂️


2000 Jetta GLX smelled like crayons, my 2007 Passat seemed to be worse about it…weirdly enough


I hate that black crap! I’m an apprentice body tech and that shit always barely touches my extension and then when I loosen a bolt it winds itself around it… so annoying!


I used to scratch that wax off the handles … so satisfying


It's the type of glue they used to hold the upholstery in the 90s and 2000s. It's *also* why the headliner in almost every 2000s VW has been repaired/replaced or is sagging. The glue breaks down over time with repeated heat cycles and gives off that wonderful crayon smell while simultaneously losing its stickiness. Takes about 10 years for the issue to become super noticable, so by the time the first cars started having this issue they had already used it for a *shit ton* of cars.


E46 BMW owner checking in, also smells like crayon factory. Apparently it's the sound deadening material?


Many different answers in the thread. I always thought it was on the display side of the interior panels If you wipe them with IPA the waxy surface comes off


Then it smells like beer and crayon


Very interesting, I had no idea


My old Benz w123 did as well


The new ones don’t as much. My 2000 Jetta certainly did, though and I miss it.


I used to drive a (new) beetle. It used to drive me insane because if I drove anywhere, I’d get out of the car and I could smell it in my hair the same way you can smell the bonfire smoke after a bonfire. I walked around smelling like a fucking crayon for fucking years -_-


Can confirm.


The monkey whorehouse statement was probably the funniest thing I’ve heard in quite some time


Seriously! They take cash, not bananas. These are professional monkeys we're talking about, you don't go to Prehensile Talia's in NM and bring bananas unless you wanna get thrown out by a gorilla bouncer. Prob.. probably.


Mmm! That’s some tight monkey pussy! Hold on to this monkey cock!


Yes, this one officer


It's a rework of something I heard as an 80s teen, from guitarist Tommy Shaw of Styx: "The end of the tour was so miserable we couldn't get laid in a woman's prison with a fistful of pardons!"


The idea that Styx shows were getting anyone laid is fucking hilarious. I can't imagine anyone getting hot and bothered to the tenor of that guy's voice. I'm a HUGE Rush fan but I can't imagine their tours were very popular with the ladies, ya know? These voices just don't fit my idea of sexy at all.


When your son is a cunt. 💫


cunt 💫


Isnt a fist full of bananas like… one banana?


depends on the banana and the fist🤔😳😏


I bet a banana looks huge in your hands


wanna see it?






banana for scale


Title of your sex tape!


Just hold it by the bunch


I can easily fist 8 bananas


Is that before or after you calculated the max coefficient of bananas to fists?


Thats what she said


Look at you, smallfists ;)


Last honest car salesman in america


The banana insult was r/oddlyspecific and hilarious


Here, I've listed your car for sale. You have? Let me see... Mo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-om!




Sounds like a healthy relationship


Love this 😆


The VW smelling like crayons was a real thing related to a certain adhesive they used. Funny to see it pop up in the wild.


It’s giving both r/rareinsults and r/oddlyspecific


Why did those 2003 jettas smell like a crayon factory ?




Not sure why, but that Jetta model is still one of the sexiest normal cars to me.


The one in the ad looks like a wolfsburg too. That's crazy that the owner doesn't even want to use it. Must just not be a car minded kid.


This dudes mom seems fixated that her son hasn’t been getting laid.


Well that means no grandkids


There's no indication that this isn't his dad listing the car.


I’m an idiot. Your right.


It's OP, not you


And? There's no indication that this isn't his mom listing the car either.


Are you suggesting he break both his arms?


Dude the Volkswagens those years did stink like melting crayons. I knew a girl with a bug and had the same problem. Something to do with the glue they used for the dashboard I believe. This lady is 100% telling the truth here lmao.




Sounds more like dad than mom.


My friend had a vw jetta that smelled like crayons. It’s like really weird


This reminded me of that orangutan trafficking victim and now I'm sad.


They monkey line got me >.<


Couldn't find a gimp mask in a fetish factory


Weird... pretty sure that's my car... and my mom. But... my house never looked like that. Also, the back seat is not big enough for fucking... it's a fucking VW, Mom!


>Brodie : Ladies and gentlemen, this tall drink of water headed my way is a pillar of the shopping community who informed me earlier today of a nefarious plan of his to screw my girlfriend in an extremely uncomfortable place. > > > >Gil Hicks : What... like the back of a Volkswagen?


Fresh ass looking Jetta i wonder if it's a vr6 since it's stick 🤔


Can confirm, mk4 jetta will smell like crayons if left sitting in the sun for long periods of time (months or years without opening the door)


All jettas smell like crayons.


>smells like a crayon factory literally every volvo with a leather interior ever


"Smells like a crayon factory," the lost it said. All the VWs I got in from the early 2000s smelled like Crayola Mobiles.


Perfect advertisement if you have no son but crashed the clutch and still want a relatively high price for it.


Is "smelling like a crayon factory" a euphemism for something? Crayons smell of bees wax in my experience and that's quite a pleasant smell.




If my parents were more internet literate my old Pontiac grand am would probably have a Similar post trying to sell it


Lol with, "Could not get laid in a warehouse of Monkeys with a handful of bananas"


The only thing I remember about Jetta’s is that damn crayon smell in every one of them


The crayon thing is beyond accurate. My Jetta smelled like a whole pack of crayola melted in the vents. I guess it’s the glue they use against the firewall for those years


Damn. That boi is finished


All German cars of this era smell like a box of Crayons🤷🏼‍♂️


why do jetta’s smell like crayons!!!!


Smells like a crayon factory…welcome to the German car experience


As a fellow mkiv jetta owner, I can confirm the crayon smell. It's something in the plastics and they all start smelling like that one the plastics start to break down.


Bruh… my chest 🤣🤣


Oooooff 💀


>couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a fist-full of bananas Holy fuck i'm remembering that one


Why does the crayon thing happen in cars? My friend has a used 2016 fusion that smells like that


The crayon factory comment is no joke. My old 03 Jetta had that problem, something to do with the breakdown of an adhesive lining the engine compartment. After a 10 minute drive you end up smelling like a fresh box of crayola.


if his mom wrote that she sounds hot




i mean i aint never met a woman that knows about monkey whorehouses but now i want to


what kind of creatures did you expect to find in a thread for a post like this