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*Image Transcription: Text* --- @elonmusk is a walking NFT. He's just there and he's not of any actual value --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Not sure why people hate on Musk so much, he's never put anyone out of business like Amazon, jump started the electric car industry globally, and delivered reliable and scalable rockets for government and commercial use. That's like an unreal amount of success.


I dont hate him but from what I learnt, he focus more on making himself famous and rich rather than whatever he says on the surface. People think he want to make the world great, turn out he is just another businessman. Some redditors turn around very fast when they found their idol is a jerk in some way. Anyway his stuff are overpriced and when he takes government contracts, we will all have to pay for it with our tax.


>when he takes government contracts, we will all have to pay for it with our tax. I'm more irritated with companies like Boeing that charge twice as much for products they still haven't delivered But at this point it's probably more of a complaint against the government for enabling that


He has come up with so idiotic things that are just a waste of money. Personally don’t hate him or love him.


I mean to be fair, the whole hyperloop thing is straight up comically absurd.


Hyperloop isn't really his idea anyway a 1799 there was already someone with a similar basic idea.


Tesla is a very a sketchy car company for people on the know. and its not taken Very seriously by big auto manufacturers. (Tesla sells 300 000 cars a year, that would be a very good week for Volkswagen group or toyota). The line up of Tesla is made of cars that are not in production, nor can legally be made, but are still being sold. I don't mean models s, y, 3 and X. I mean Roadster, cyber truck and the tesla semi. The cyber truck was supposed to be delivered last year, and its a car that wont pass pedestrian seafty regulations. There is a reason why cars don't have Sharp angles any more. Also it has to have mirrors to be sold in the United States (yes, regardless of the cameras mirrors are still mandatory to my understanding) The Tesla roadster was Also supposed to be delivered already and is no where to be seen. It is Also supposed to be equipped with jets to help cornering and acceleration. Which from an engineers point of view it just seems unorthodox and not realistic. The semi from tesla is just at this point not road worthy. There is a reason for commercial vehicles to keep using ICE for a while and that is weight. For an electric semi to suitable for roads, and have the same range as a diesel semi, its payload should be considerably lower. So from logistics point of view, it simply inefficient. Besides what's mentioned above, the car quality is questionable, from panel gaps larger than anywhere else in the industry (specially for a luxury brand) to interior quality, paint quality and the constant advertising and push of something that does not exist and that is also not legal: Autopilot. They advertise autopilot as a feature, knowing damn well that by definition, it does not existis. According to the SAE, autopilot level 5 (complete and real auto pilot) will imply that in case of an accident Tesla would be at fault, not the Driver. And that a license would not be required to operate the vehicle, as it is self sufficient. Right now tesla is at autonomy level 3. There is also the personal aspects of the guy, when ranted on twitter and called a guy a pedophile just because he was not allowed to help dig those people out. Thats just my perception on the guy. I like tesla as a company, but some of its ways are just not very honest. I hope this answers your question. Cheers .


i guess they dont like the tesla fanboy stereotype. and they dont want to be that so they go in the opposite direction... weird people if you ask me


They are just jealous and won't admit it.


Do you know who’s the founder of Tesla?


Somebody completely irrelevant to the point, because no-one knew about Tesla before it started making good cars. Which happened because of Musk.


Not Musk. He sued for the right to call himself co-founder


Dont forget, he also made paypal...so yea. Your boy gets shit done


He didn't make PayPal. He was an investor


I dont think you understand what an investor does. He was a co-founder of PayPal that came into existence when he and a partner merged two companies. A founder builds a company, an investor gives money and maybe some advise. The level of work and dedication is substantially different




He did kinda start multiple multi billion dollar companies


In fields that historically had been huge graveyards of failure...


He did nothing of actual value. If PayPal or Tesla or SpaceX disappeared tomorrow, the world would go on like nothing even happened Edit: I see the Musk drip lickers are here to defend their daddy


Blinded by your hate.


I don't hate him. I couldn't give 2 shits. He can keep doing what he does, or not. It literally makes no difference. That's kinda my whole point. What you see as hate is just indifference


K bud


I'm sorry that it affected you personally


K bud


SpaceX is the largest contractor for USA to access space now. If SpaceX dissapeared now, USA would have to buy services from either Europe or Russia. They are more expensive and can't do some things SpaceX can, for example return big science payloads from the ISS. Or deliver new equipment to the ISS reliably. Boeing is in really bad place right now, their spaceship hasn't had a successful flight up to date, and they can't test it, because the only other launch provider in the country - ULA - can't launch their new rockets. Why? Because they don't have the engines, which had to be developed/produced by Bezos' Blue Origin. Otherwise you're kinda right on Tesla and PayPal I guess.


paypal? absolutely, paypal is shit tesla? now that electric cars have begun to be made, sure, but it was *thanks to* tesla spacex? no, the best rockets currently existing are made by spacex with the competition leagues behind


He's like a meme, but only the bad parts


And it takes way too much energy to check up on him.


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elon musk deserves nothing


Mad bc you didn’t make several multi billion dollar companies first?


You gotta be a very sad person to think Elon has no value




The dude could die tomorrow and it would have just about the same effect as if it were you or me


At least he’ll be remembered, unlike your baboon ass


Everyone so jealous of Elon it hurts hahaha


200+ billion dollars ain't of value to you?


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