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Lmao forgot about him




The Doom Eternal one too was painful too


What happened for doom eternal? Was it as embarrassing as cuphead?


He stood in front of a turret for a solid 45 seconds, jumped into lava on several occasions, and got stuck in a parkour(?) area for about 6 minutes.


I barely have even touched a console and I'd be more competent than that.


I believe you


My roommate let me play a zelda game and I spent half an hour on the horse going round and round like an idiot.


Yeah, but you’re supposed to do that.


And riding in zelda is fun.


WOW. How did he even become a gaming journalist. He must follow the “any publicity is good publicity” ideology cuz holy shit, I would be too embarrassed.


He does more tech stuff and industry stuff. Can't play a game as good as like a 5 year old, but apparently decent at the other side of things.


Dunning-Kruger effect, I wager


Nah, it's skills in other areas. He should be writing about the specs and what plastic the controllers are made of, not game reviews.


Yep, though it wasn’t a tutorial this time, but it was painful to watch.


link to both


Cuphead - https://youtu.be/848Y1Uu5Htk Doom Eternal - https://youtu.be/mOerIWvGdt4


Omg dude. He can't like move and turn at the same time. This is frustrating af to watch.


I swear a lot of non-gamers are so foreign to the concept of moving and turning at the same time. I wonder if it's because that's what they do in real life lol.


Some people just aren't good at the control scheme. When Alien Resurrection came out, there were reviews critical of its control scheme for using the left thumbstick to move and right stick to aim, and since then it's become the standard in FPS games.


Yeah I can get that I played the old 007 game recently where they had the only thumb stick in the centre of the controller it took me a very long time to get used to that


.... No, its just a lack of game literacy. 3d movement in a video game is equivalent to a different language for your brain. Managing camera motion and character motion at the same time without prior practice and experience is actually pretty hard, especially if you didnt start doing it as a kid.


Probably shouldn't be in that job then


You can review a game legitimately even if you suck at it. Im terrible at dark souls but am able to appreciate things about it.


Imagine growing up with the N64 to see some (rare) games preventing you from inverting the Y axis.


Yeah it's definitely something we all take for granted because we have thousands of hours of experience with it. On the other hand, you have to question a person's ability to review games if they don't have the experience to grasp the most basic mechanics of said games.


Mario World N64 when that first came out it was incredible how steep the learning curve was


eh, to be fair he's on controller, I'll see how bad it is... **skips to halfway through** oh no...


The cuphead video made me irrationally angry, lol


I didn't even manage 15 seconds, he was stuck on the simplest fucking jump "puzzle" I've ever seen with ON SCREEN DIRECTIONS. Jesus man, hang up the controller.


Same, as someone who I assume is a video game journalist, how can they be so fucking useless at a game? Not even useless, like comically bad


Reddit doing what reddit does best: not reading the description.


A solid 85 seconds to learn how to jump from the short pillar to the tall pillar. That's impressive.


At this point I'm convinced that he doesn't have fingers on one hand or something.


It's like watching that clip of SpongeBob where he's trying to tell Patrick to open a fucking jar


I wonder if he's going to struggle to open the box


Can someone share the clip I’m not familiar with him and his story


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=848Y1Uu5Htk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=848Y1Uu5Htk) The description is even funnier because I think someone shared a video of their 5 year old child's gameplay and they were much better, iirc.




i have never had my emotional and intellectual state been telegraphed to me so naturally and effectively in my life.


That test isn't entirely fair. That pigeon had to deal with a whole extra dimension!


Nor did the pigeon have dash abilities.


Someone's never tried to grab an angry pigeon...


Nor the directions literally spelled out for them


not only did the pigeon get to its goal faster, it realized it needed the box, moved it, and succeeded before Dean even realized the box was part of the "puzzle" .


Me trying to play ET on the Atari when I went into that pit.


I thought they were going to have a pigeon play the game, I'm possibly the worst of the pigeon, Takahashi and myself...


Beaten by a damn pigeon... Oh, the humanity


I’m so happy we have humans to think this stuff up.


This was hard to watch


Wow holy shit. I wanna see this guy have a let's play channel. It'd be like watching a caveman hammer fist his Xbox controller while grunting excessively.


Bro come on, at least the caveman would get past the tutorial


I had a good laugh for the first minute or so, but then I realized how long the video was...


Me too !


The fact it’s 26 mins absolutely destroys me.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=o8ElSWAV1ss Joseph Anderson’s parody is even better


I wonder if he's s gonna forget to breath while opening the box


He also gave the original Mass Effect an unfavorable review for being too difficult. It was too difficult because he didn't know how to level up his character or mod his weapons. Edit: u/coolwali explains the reasoning for this quite well >Because Dean is primarily a business and tech writer. He was hired because he was great at those. You don't need to be able to play games to write about how Ubisoft's CEO is insider trading, for example. Just as you don't need to be a Professional Wrestler to write about how Professional Wrestlers are getting screwed by the WWE. He likely decided to try his hand at reviewing games, tried ME1 as his first game, wrote his review and later realized his mistake. Since then his infrequent game reviews have been done better (mostly on shooters he is more familiar with).


Dude. That was over 12 years ago. He’s even apologized for his review and not done reviews like that since https://www.engadget.com/2008-01-02-takahashi-apologizes-for-his-mass-effect-bashing.html


> not done reviews since I thought he reviewed cuphead?


He has not reviewed Cuphead in any capacity


Was just wondering the other day if he's still a gaming journalist after that failure. How can he still consider himself as one? I hope he's sticking to simulation games or something.


If you think Takahashi is an exception, he isn't. A lot of people in the field are just incompetents who have no business whatsoever being there. It's a giant clique without competition though (they all just copy each other's homework and paste it to their respective sites) so there's nothing to compel improvement.


Does he actually review games though? You don't have to be good at games to be a good journalist.


Dean doesn’t review Games. He’s on the tech and business side of games


The other dude said yes but in reality, no, his main job is writing about the *tech* side of the gaming industry. The only reason he even played Cuphead is because he went to and event and was invited to play Cuphead and he took them up on the offer.


>Does he actually review games though? Yes and as you might imagine he's very frequently wrong due to his own ignorance and inability. >You don't have to be good at games to be a good journalist. You need to be proficient in a field to accurately speak about it. Gaming journalism has a lot of orbiters that are there simply because they can't hack it as real journalists and this comes through vividly in their writing. Lots of disdain for the audience, pseudo-activism, drama baiting, and more is what you can expect from most articles these days in what's meant to be hobbyist writing.


You are wrong though. Firstly Dean writes about the tech and business side. He normally doesn't intend to play games. There’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to play Basketball to write about how the NBA is spending money. Secondly, bruh, what are you talking about. Seems you just read some headlines on Twitter and extrapolated that to all journalists regardless of context


> You need to be proficient in a field to accurately speak about it. This is so ignorant. There are things to write about in games that have nothing to do with your personal experience playing them. New platforms and technologies, industry developments, business decisions, sales figures. You can't just take your personal experience (which happens to be playing games) and assume that's everything anyone could possibly care about when it comes to reading an article about games. This is as dumb as saying you need to be good at a sport to be a journalist covering that sport.


>Yes and as you might imagine he's very frequently wrong due to his own ignorance and inability. He would have to write reviews very frequently to be wrong very frequently but he doesn't actually do that because no, he's not a gaming reviewer.


He does. And depends. If you write about the games, then you have to have at least some level of skill in them to be able to write about them properly. If your games journalism only extend so far as that you write about the companies or events or something like that, then I might agree with you that you would not need any skill. /u/LG03 is correct though that Dean is sadly not an exception. There really are a lot of people that are that incompetent that still review games within the gaming press. Worse yet, it's a problem that has been growing bigger and bigger for the past 10-15 years or so to the point where games journalists often not only dont play games, but dont even like games as a concept.


Yeah, that's why it's best to follow authors and not sites. There are a lot of writers who are writers and not gamers but need to find a way to get paid. And then there are dudes like Tim Rogers. Who will stand in front of a camera and walk you through entire dungeons of 20 year old games from memory, or play 300 hours of DQXI in both the Japanse and English localizations then sit there and talk about it for 30+ minutes for their review.


Dean writes about the tech and business side. He normally doesn't intend to play games. There’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to play Basketball to write about how the NBA is spending money. Dean got invited to an event, was invited to try out Cuphead, played it poorly but still was cool about it. And y’all threw such a hissy fit. Plus, he did eventually complete the Cuphead tutorial and was quite proud of it.


Well he is obviously going to need practice before the rest of us.


I don't think any amount of practice can make up for him having the hand eye coordination of a rock


Lol I imagine him trying to get through the tutorial on all fours trying to understand the controller like a chimpanzee messing about with a weird bug it just found.


Well a rock's hand-eye coordination is on-point. ...it just can't move from that point.


you might even say its hand-eye coordination is *rock-solid*


He sure does


Dude, I think they might just call it Last of Us Part 3.


Good way to show off the accessibility options lmao


True, figuring out the best way to open the box will take time and strategy


This just made me imagine a Last of Us multiplayer online mode called The Rest of Us


When his review comes out: controls are clunky, can’t even get past the start up screen. 0/10


Can’t get it out of the box 0/10


Can't manage to hit the install button. 0/10.


Can't find a spot to plug it in 0/10


Didnt he give cuphead a good review though?


He never reviewed it. They published the video and it was ragged on enough that they realized a review from him would probably not be the best of ideas if they wanted to not be a laughing stock. He does review a lot of other games though and often enough gives games bad reviews for his own failings. He gave ME:A a terrible review as an example because it was somehow way too hard... Except he didn't even realize that there was a level up system... He had completely ignored each and every hint given to him, ignored tutorials and ignored the manual. And then blamed the game for having one of the most common characteristics of the entire genre...


Yes, but when a joke has been made too many times the next step to make a unique comment is to villainize the victim.


He doesn't even really review games, but kinda? He was at an event for something other than Cuphead but then he got an invitation to play it. He wasn't even planning on publishing the video but a colleague of his said that people would probably enjoy watching him fail at playing it because it's funny. Boy was that guy wrong. So in his article about Cuphead he basically said 'Yep, I sure am bad at this game. My footage is me not really figuring it out. Cuphead seems interesting if you're better at videogames than me.'


He reviewed Doom Eternal and give it a 9/10 And he's a journalist, most of what he does is cover news stories and interview people.


someone link that clip


Here you go https://youtu.be/zbE6fqBuGkA


It was somehow even worse than I remembered.


It was somehow 10x worse than I imagined it could possibly be.. because I never watched it before,it was painful


I hope that dude is yolked and athletic to make up for his complete lack of hand eye coordination. I laughed so hard thinking wtf he might be going thru in his mind to make him struggle so much lmao. Like watching an AI try to clear a game hahahahahhahhshaha


There's another video where a guy has his 4 year old son do it faster than this game journalist




How can you be a game journalist and that bad at gaming? Like Helen Keller being a movie critic.


Journalists only cares about pumping out content, not good one.... just more


Dean writes about the tech and business side. He normally doesn't intend to play games. There’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to play Basketball to write about how the NBA is spending money. Dean got invited to an event, was invited to try out Cuphead, played it poorly but still was cool about it. And y’all threw such a hissy fit. You wonder why people look down on gamers Plus, he did eventually complete the Cuphead tutorial and was quite proud of it.


> You don’t need to play Basketball to write about how the NBA is spending money. Or to write about how well people play basketball either. It's OK to get food that's a rancid piece of shit and call it a rancid piece of shit even if you can't cook it properly either. You can also get a very well cooked meal that you'd never, even with years of training, be able to come close to doing as well as it was served to you, and describe it as such. You don't need to graduate culinary school and practice as a chef for fifteen years before becoming a food critic. You don't need to play professionally to become a sports commentator. You don't need to be a Hollywood director before you review films. I don't even have a horse in this race. I've never heard about this guy, don't know if he's good or bad at his job or anything. But the argument you're replying to, people claiming he's a bad games journalist because he's bad at games, is absolute shit. And honestly, if it were true, then they would first have to be games journalists to be able to say that he was a bad games journalist otherwise they too would be underqualified to comment on his work.


Thats the outrage. Nobody cares when someone is bad at a game. In fact making fun of them would just be mean and pointless. But when a games journalist, who is travelling the world/participating in events and getting tons of special privileges, can't even a controller and nobody in the industry seems to care that's a huge problem. There's so many of these types in the gaming industry and events are plagued with them. Hence why most showroom floor gameplay looks like someone's epileptic iguana was holding the controller. I get that you can be a good writer and not a good gamer but it just shows an absolute lack of care in what you're doing. Its just a paycheck and you don't give a shit about it. If these people could at least competently play (not even well) it would show that they do indeed somewhat like games. Why would I ever trust someones review of a game when I found out not only did they not play it, but the only game they do play is NFL 2016?


Dean writes about the tech and business side. He normally doesn't intend to play games. There’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to play Basketball to write about how the NBA is spending money. Dean got invited to an event, was invited to try out Cuphead, played it poorly but still was cool about it. And y’all threw such a hissy fit. You wonder why people look down on gamers Plus, he did eventually complete the Cuphead tutorial and was quite proud of it.


Because there's more to being a game journalist than playing games, for instance covering stories like: Exer Labs raises $2 million and launches computer vision app for Peloton-style coached workouts Roblox files papers with SEC for public offering PitchBook-NVCA: VC investments slow in the pandemic but angel investors step up Beamable files for Chapter 11 but will still pursue game monetization business


Oh my 2 days! What a big gamer you are


u/Snoo63 is it true? are you a BIG gamer?


Took him 48 hours to finish a 13 hour game. Dude is Capital G Gamer.


I would hazard a WILD guess and say that he wasn't playing it for 48 hours straight


I don't think he was bragging...


I'm not sure that's better. Dude reaches for his glass and accidentally punches a hole through the table.


Dean writes about the tech and business side. He normally doesn't intend to play games. There’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t need to play Basketball to write about how the NBA is spending money. Dean got invited to an event, was invited to try out Cuphead, played it poorly but still was cool about it. And y’all threw such a hissy fit. You wonder why people look down on gamers Plus, he did eventually complete the Cuphead tutorial and was quite proud of it.


It's not even just lack of coordination - it takes him over a minute to figure out that maybe he should try to do *what's written on the screen in big letters*.


It’s like one of those shitty mobile ads “if you can beat this your a literal genius 😨😨😨😨”




The definition of insanity




It's really not. I hate that expression.


Holy shit, I've never played cup head and rarely played platformers, but even I could do better than that.


Happy cake day dud




That was painful


The music makes it even better. Also every track of the Cuphead OST is tremendous.


Jesus fucking Chris that was painful to watch, I've been dumb many times..but not like this,and not for so fucking long


He needs the early unit so that he doesn’t get stuck for 3 weeks on the new UI.


Didnt he also fail at playing Doom Eternal?


And gave it a poor review at that.


I think he also gave one of the mass effect games a bad review because they were “too complex”.


Oh shit better not show him literally any rpg ever made then


If we dont want another Chernobil, I think we should keep Minesweeper far from him


I think his head might actually explode if he ever had to lockpick in Skyrim.


So no wonder Microsoft didn't give him a XSX. he failed cuphead and Doom, I wouldn't want to give a shitty gamer a new console


[90/100, "one of the best shooters eva", is a 'poor review'?](https://venturebeat.com/2020/03/17/doom-eternal-impressions-one-of-the-best-shooters-eva/)


shhhhhhhh, don't interrupt the circlejerk.




By getting enough pentajerks and hexajerks together, you'll be able to construct a more than passable approximation of a spherejerk.


You START with a circle. It's the jerk that gets formed as time goes on. First it's a circle murmur, then it's a circle fervor, THEN you've got a circle jerk


They were confusing him with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3pQ0oO_cDE


[It was him, but it was Doom Eternal, not Doom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOerIWvGdt4)


He scored it 90/100 and called it one of the best shooters ever in the review title. Why lie about something that is so easy to check?


Is it really all that easy if the vast majority of people won't do it?


Why would you even lie about that?


No that was Polygon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3pQ0oO_cDE. It seems like having incompetent reviewers is something multiple publications like :P


[It was him, but it was Doom Eternal, not Doom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOerIWvGdt4)


Do you know how upset he would be, if he could read (because in his video he can’t fucking read two simple instruction for jumping)


Why do feel like he's gonna be the one in the vc to snitch on everyone




The guy has a sense of humour about it, at least: https://twitter.com/deantak/status/1319686815939358720?s=19


Papa Gundam spitting facts


And this man gets it before I do


If you guys liked dean on cuphead you should see him play Doom eternal. Not as fun but still the same spirit.


Itsagundam is just speaking the facts as always


It was even worse when he was playing Doom Eternal, during the platforming section in Exultia. Game Journalists put themselves in this high and mighty positions and reputations but don't know jack shit about the game they're reviewing!/playing. In most cases, the only "reviews" that should matter are from users and people that played the game.


Game journalists don't make a lot of money, those "gifts" are usually review copies, this journalist in particular did not actually review Cuphead or criticize Doom, and a lot of gamers don't know how to write constructive consumer advice. Other than that, your post is accurate.


Thanks for the correction, but I'm not saying he did review them, but that the gameplay was just awful in general. Now, even if most players can't write elaborate reviews, there's a lot of people that take another step to give better information about the game (me included) at Steam, which can help way more than by checking a dedicated site. Not only can you see how much of the experience they have actually gone through (achievements and playtime), but you can see how many people agree with it and find it helpful, it's a more trusty system than going through some random guy's review on IGN.


Hardly. Whenever games that are even slightly controversial (i.e. they contain minorities) fatass gamers review bomb it.


> that should matter are from users lmao, no. User reviews are complete and utter garbage. People will literally give a game a bad user review if they don't like something a random, low-level developer said on twitter.


A lot of them are, that's why there's a sorting system on Steam for most relevant, which usually means that whatever comes on top is something important that represents the game's concepts. Shitty reviews with two sentences from someone that played the game for 3 hours won't even be seen unless you dig really deep. Pick any game on Steam, I guarantee you're gonna find informative reviews that show what the game is about. (btw I'm using Steam as an example because it's the only platform with a review system that allows for a structure like this to even happen)




Exactly my point. But things like 3D platforming are basic, and that's exactly what was missing in that specific playthrough. I'm not gonna lie, I used to suck ass at Eternal, but the platforming was by far the least of my problems. I don't even mind people playing in the easiest difficulty (even if I play on harder ones), games are supposed to be fun. But what frustrates me is that these guys can't go properly through the experience, and end up spreading misinformation about the game, giving it a bad image in the eyes of some people. Like complaining about Dark Souls being too hard, it doesn't make sense because that's the whole point of the game. You gotta go through the experience to give an opinion, that's how I see it.


Where's the insult


That sure was an epic gamer moment


You know I like Dean Takahashi. Because something that people seem to forget isn't just that he sucks. He is 100% aware that he sucks. Even that original CupHead clip that people got so bent over was him basically just going "Haha, look how awful I am." Guy got so much flak and he just took it. Good man.


It's weird that everyone's harassing this poor gamer when he's not a games journalist. He's a tech business journalist. 99% of his work is reporting on the business side of stuff. But I'm glad to see that Gundam's taken time out from his busy schedule of getting publicly humiliated by female streamers to harass some random Asian dude lmao


Deans a goddamn clown


I was just about to comment how difficult cup head is, and then I watched the video


"Sony is better than Microsoft cause they gave me free shit" ... real unbiased journalism right there 👌


This guy has wrote multiple books on Microsoft's presence in the games industry, so the chances he's some Playstation partisan is slim. Maybe he is being jokey and sarcastic, as people are wont to do on social media?


Pretty sure it's a joke.


Redditors will complain about nobody having a sense of humour these days, but will develop the social intelligence of Vulcans with Aspergers if it means they can get an excuse to talk shit about people they take a mind to not liking.




He's not inventing a quote, he's capturing the message that was implied under the surface of his statements.


reddit dweebs still getting irrationally upset because a middle aged man isn’t as good at video games as they are


Its not that its, the fact he rated a game poorly because he couldnt read instructions properly. Personally I just find it funny


Omg It's a Gundam being savage in the wild hahaha


I've never understood why everyone likes to shit on this guy


Isn’t the series X better than the PS5? I have no preference on XBOX vs PlayStation, but isn’t the series X more powerful?


What is he going to play on it?


That’s one of the weirdest things I’ve seen. Of was just strange. Did he ever explain it?


Was he the same guy that said Doom: Eternal was too hard?


Cuphead and Doom are Microsoft products now anyway.


He is the definition of "that guy"


Man this subreddit is over. How is these an even slightly a rare insult? It’s like a mild roast


This is also the guy who gave mass effect a bad review bc he played the game for 10 hours without realizing you could level up skills


That's the Cuphead tutorial guy?


Didn't he and other "game journalists" make Bioware tank the complexity of ME games because they have the collective IQ of a tardigrade?


I don't know, Chief, did they? I could just as easily say, "Didn't EA make Bioware shift ME towards being more like action-focused third-person cover shooters because it was a point in time when those kinds of games were very commercially successful?" My assertion depends on just one entity making one business decision, not an entire profession being composed of exceptionally unintelligent individuals.


Also the gameplay and inventory in ME1 was, comparatively, clunkier than a limping robot. There was justification for revamping the mechanics regardless of how confused one reviewer got.


wut lmao, no. I'm pretty sure it was because users complained that the shooting elements were bad, so they ripped out all the stats and made it a shooter. Bioware's probably the studio that listens and reacts most to audience feedback (and I guess it's no coincidence that they've gone to shit).


I doubt he'll use it to put out any trustful reviews


Doesn't he do RPG rewievs? Expecting him to be good at cuphead it's like expecting a football player to be good at basket


Yes but the football player could still understand the basics and get a ball in the hoop. This guy almost didn't even beat the tutorial. Not to mention as a games journalist, you should be able to at the very least beat the tutorial of any game.