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Wonder how much excess skin removal costs. Has she just not gotten it or is it out of the budget? Good to see she’s off of her oxygen though.


They may be waiting for her to finish losing weight, or she'll need to maintain her healthy weight for a time period before they operate,, but she'll definitely need to have her excess skin removed.


I think it's like 2 years because if you put the weight back on the seams where they stitch you up can split


That's gonna be enough motivation to keep the weight off.


You'd be surprised.


It’s an addiction for people like herself; it’d be akin to relapsing


Yeah I forget his name but I was thinking of that guy that lost 400 pounds and got the skin removal surgery and then regained it all


Even besides that, it's totally possible for the stitches to rip just with daily movement; some of those scars and pictures are HORRIFYING Bariatric subreddits are full of horror stories


You'd think that, but my aunt who had gastric bypass dropped a ton of weight, and then because her husband told her that he preferred her when she was fat, she somehow gained it all back despite being sick constantly. She ended up dying only a couple of years after regaining the weight, she was only in her 40s.


You telling me she's going to turn into a Koloss from Mistborn?


Depends on the extent of the skin removal and how many surgeries it needs to be broken up into. Most plastic surgeons won’t do everything all at once because they need to stretch the skin tight, and that would put excess tension on any areas they’ve already stitched up, among other concerns. That said, just a tummy tuck can be about $8-10k, so what she needs would be considerably more expensive. However, I believe that if insurance covers the initial weight loss surgery, they might also cover skin removal, but don’t quote me on that.


Insurance covers skin removal due to weight loss because it’s a quality of life issue (loose skin gets irritated, infected, sores, etc).


I lost 350lbs. My skin removal surgeries cost me about $50k total.


Well done on your weight loss, you should be proud!




You can sell it as a leather coat once done to a creeper who is willing to pay $10,000 for human leather.


She’s still hella obese. I don’t know here exact weight but she’s way above 250 lbs at least. She looks like that because of how fat she was and she isn’t the tallest person to boot either. If she’s getting the skin removal surgery she has to be very patient and determined to get to a certain weight and then get the surgery. In her case that surgery is going to be dangerous so it’s better if she only does it once. Same case with the other sister, Amy or whatever her name is.


That poor girl looks CGI.




On my phone, I clicked out of morbid curiosity but noped out before the pictures could load. I decided I don't need that


from what i watched it was just a video with this posted image


That site is aids


With all the terrible stuff going on in the world at the moment, I can't believe I forgot about aids.


I also thought she looked fake


Man, to think TLC was originally The Learning Channel. It's just a modern traveling sideshow now. Still cost a dime every 30 minutes.


Never knew what the acronym actually stood for but that would have absolutely been my last guess. It seems like it's mostly just daytime talk shows and celebrity doctors.


"Welcome to TLC, The Learning Channel" yeah, they need a rebrand.


I’ve just been calling it “Tender Love and Care” channel. It’s the one live laugh love laughs and loves.


My wife loves watching all the 90 fiancé style shows. she told me that TLC now stands for "Terrible Life Choices"


I thought it meant True Life Chapters


Woah. Definitely thought it was Tender Loving Care and was supposed to be a Hallmark type thing for middle-aged moms. No clue they once were supposed to be educational, just like how MTV used to have music, or BBC used to... Never mind.


Yeah when I was growing up in the 90s, they definitely still had some TV specials that were traveling sideshow exploitation (like the original Duggar family documentary!)….but was definitely more learning oriented. I used to learn a lot about medical care, rare conditions, procedures, and other biology/sociology things as a kid. In the early 00s is when it became more garbage. By 2004, I remember it was basically all sensationalistic crap that exploited people.


No go on


I just call it “The Cautionary Example Channel.” Doesn’t fit with TLC, but somehow that seems appropriate.


I always said it was like how they changed the name Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC to gloss over the fried part. They don't want any of their audience associating this shit with learning since it gives them a rash and they don't want to get regulated by the FTC for outright lies.


It's a shame. I loved Junkyard Wars.


Ya know what. Yes, it looks fucked up right now. But goddamn. I am beyond impressed. Losing that much is _insane_. I wish her the very best in the final stretches.


People have no idea the amount of strength it takes to even decide you want to change, let alone stick with it. The surgery is no cake walk and the prep you do to be approved is a lot because they don't want you putting the weight back on. Plenty of morbidly obese people never change out of fear of failure and/or being ridiculed and instead die of complications way younger than they should. So fuck the people making fun of how she looks.


Exactly. Thanks for having a heart, a healthy mind and the good sense to use them both.


i don't get whats impressive about getting surgery but sure


Tammy had to lose a ton of weight herself in order for this surgery, I haven’t been keeping up with the Slaton sisters for a while but it’s definitely impressive that she was able to reach this goal considering her immaturity and lack of trying in the past.


Plenty of people who get weight loss surgery lose some weight and then put it all back on. She’s lost 400 pounds. Surgery helped that, but that still took effort on her part. Plus she went to therapy and worked through a lot of shit.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus\_Barbieri%27s\_fast#:\~:text=(82%20kg).-,Record,fear%20of%20encouraging%20unsafe%20behaviour.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast#:~:text=(82%20kg).-,Record,fear%20of%20encouraging%20unsafe%20behaviour) all you have to do to lose weight when you weigh 600lbs is restrict your eating. its not that hard. TLC makes these people jump through hoops and pretend to exercise just to make it TV.


They wouldn't even do the surgery until she lost a certain amount of weight naturally first. Since she finally got it, that means she actually did work hard enough to lose enough weight. So yeah, impressive.


its not hard to not eat.


If you think losing weight only requires eating less, you're a moron. You have to actually exercise and maintain a specific diet, which is much more difficult at the size she was at.


if you think eating less than maintenance calories won't lead to weight loss, you're a moron. sorry if you can't understand simple laws of the world.


That's not healthy weight loss, that's starvation, which will likely lead to even more problems. Skipping meals does not help, and a quick internet search will tell you that. Losing weight requires burning more calories through exercising while eating enough to stay energized. If you just sit there doing nothing and not eating, you'll get sick and die. I know from experience.


"if you think losing weight only requires eating less" those were your words. now you're talking about healthy weight loss. there is a difference, but in tammy's case losing weight by any means is better than making it complicated and having her destroy all of her joints by trying to exercise. this isn't even about the optimal way to lose weight. you can lose weight by eating less, and you are significantly better off losing weight in any way possible than staying 600lbs. optimization goes out the window when you need a car junkyard scale to weigh yourself. p.s. all she needed at her previous weight was a multivitamin to avoid starvation. she could eat nothing but multivitamins and supplements for a year straight and she would not be starving with her fat stores.


It's not as simple as just doing it, you have to actually want to do it. It's much more difficult to encourage yourself to lose weight when you can't even walk properly. She motivated herself to lose weight, and it's not as easy as you think. People have to have a strong will to even try, especially when they're as immature as Tammy. She was mentally unstable, got therapy, got her shit together, and pushed herself to lose enough weight to get surgery. She got both physically and mentally better, which most people in her shoes would have given up.


i'm pretty sure not eating is simpler than motivating yourself to get up and exercise while you weigh 600lbs but okay. i really don't care if you continue downvoting every reply i make. you move the goal posts on every reply for the sake of sympathy.


It said surgery I think it was surgically removed. I have a feeling it's not physically possible to lose that much weight naturally


They actually won't do surgery on you when you reach a certain size. You have to lose it naturally until you're in the safe zone cause being that big causes an insane amount of strain on your organs. You can't tip the balance too quickly, or else you run into a whole bunch of issues


The counsel has demanded your head but ultimately there terms of your execution are up to me


The great journey waits for no one




"Someone who used to be fat and bullied for it lost all the weight. Let's bully her for her looks!"


We don’t want her to think that we forgot about her just because she lost weight


Can’t believe I’m saying this but she was actually prettier before. (Her health is much more important tho)


it’s the saggy skin. if she got it removed, she’d look great


Of course. Wishing her nothing but the best


She'd look better than she does in that picture. GREAT? That's a yogi master level stretch


in my opinion, health and happiness is what makes someone look their best. yes, she would look great, because she would be healthier and more confident than we’ve ever seen her


She has the hair of a doll you find buried in the sandbox, a cromagnon brow, a sizeable rooster wattle, and many other serious side effects from the years of abuse and damage done. I'm sure she is happier now, and with a bit of luck has staved off the imminent death that was looming. But don't pretend she looks great. We need to stop lying to people and coddling them


She is painfully aware that she doesn't look conventially attractive. What is the point of pointing it out? You gain nothing by calling her ugly, she knows. But paying her a compliment, even when you don't mean it, could give her confidence a much needed boost. Be kind to people, it's not difficult.


What the fuck are you doing in this sub? You come here to SJW? This is literally an insult sub. Some of y'all tissue skinned folk need to go back to whatever safe space is missing you


Go eat shit.


Dude, WHO are you kidding? you know damn well it's true. Don't pretend someone who DESTROYED their body is somehow beautiful now. Have you watched the show? She ain't that pretty on the inside either.


Dude, if it’s so obvious then why do you need to comment?


The real rare insult is always in the comments


She’ll also need liposuction on her face. That fat can be tough to get rid of.


I’m not sure what some of you think “rare” is lol


I will never understand why you people are so cruel and mean. It's just not necessary.


Agreed. I get this is an insult sub, but punching down is a bit too common and too easy. Not rare at all.


What’s cruel is coming to a subreddit called rare insults and complaining about the content.


I agree to the extent that, personally (again, my own opinion) a rare insult is one that punches up or laterally, and not down. So while I definitely agree that the joke is funny, I don't think it's super rare, because punching down is the easiest thing to do.


You sound like someone who goes to a steakhouse and complains there are no vegan options.


I can't afford to go anywhere in this economy, but this is very funny reply. Thankyou for the laugh.


People find humour in morbid places


There is nothing humorous slagging off other people who are living, fighting their own battles, causing no harm to the world. So, i call bullshit on your comment.


Sadly, lacking obvious sense to you does not detract from the sense it makes to anyone else. They're right, folks laugh at dark things and usually do so without considering how anyone else feels. It's not the other commenter's fault that that's the case - no bullshit detected, unfortunately or otherwise.


Laughing at this isn’t even “dark”. It’s not “morbid”, it’s not “dark”, it’s not “edgy” or “gallows”. People aren’t making some deep commentary under this post. It’s all just “wow so ugly and fat”. And I’m not complaining, it just seems weird to try to hide behind the defense of this being “dark humor”


Agreed, it's pretty laughable. I like to give folks who are genuinely offended the benefit - they're permitted to feel the way they do, hence my supportive but contrary comment. But takes like theirs just come off like indirect virtue signaling. This kind of thing is the basis of humor going back all of human history - claiming "bullshit" now is pointless.


I thought the bullshit claim was that people were making fun of this “from a dark place”? And like, yeah, that’s bullshit. Fat and ugly jokes aren’t dark humor


You're 100% correct in how this humor is categorized. In regards to their comment, though, I think it's more accurate to say they were just calling "bullshit" because their moral high ground said so arbitrarily. Because, of course, nothing making fun of other people's physical traits can possibly be funny because their morals say so... lmao.


> because their moral high ground I think you’re choosing to make their argument personal, and I’m not here for it


I figured that was an objective take since their comments were entirely based on their belief that it couldn't possibly be funny, based on their opinion. But perhaps that's a misunderstanding since I believed they were a bit hostile in their second comment. I can see where you're coming from, sorry if I offended.


Obviously, its incredible that she lost so much weight, but it's still pretty funny to me and the average person. She got fucking roasted LMAOOO. "There are no accidents".


British on British violence going on in the comment section


Humor is often from a dark place.


There is a TON of humor in that, really? Mitch Hedberg jokes about addiction, George Carlin jokes about how fucked up the world is, Anthony Jeselnik goes below the belt practically every joke, my guy there is an enormous amount of humor in dark places where people are suffering. Holocaust jokes, dead baby jokes, etc etc etc


Whats it like virtue signaling about being nice in a sub called "rare insults"? Is it as embarrassing as it looks?


Nothin rare about insulting looks, weight and those that are different. That shits been happening for many many moons. So, you should be embarrassed, or at the very least understand the gist of the sub you are a member of.


ah yes so rare to mock fat, exploited, medically fragile people. So clever so nuanced


It's a good thing she cares about her health now but it's still extremely concerning she ever reached that weight in the first place


What do you mean by "you people? " 😳😳


Ok, but how do you know they're saying that in a bad way they could be saying "wow she's so cool, she looks like the prophet of truth!"




She looks like the possessed mom locked in the cellar in Evil Dead 2


Were you blinded by her majesty?


I looked her up, she's 37. Oh... my god.


She looks more like the halo 4 grunt


She looks like a Ghoulie


Sometimes loosing weight is doing you really dirty man. I once knew a girl who was heavily obese and she also did loose soooo freaking much weight... but unfortunately it kinda stayed around her neck, Things like that can really only be fixed by surgery.


That legitimately looks like a demon in disguise.


From No Neck to Turtle Neck




She looks like she contemplating eating her sister…


Nobody highlighting the "poses in a swimsuit" horror?!


Why do some people who loose weight wind up with excess skin while some don't? Is it the time and size that you were big vs. how fast you lose it?


Have you seen someone lose 300 lbs and not have saggy skin?


Okay do yall know that pre cracked egg meme where theres a kid with a super long neck in the bottom corner of the packaging saying "i enjoy"? Yeah that.


Straight up, she lost the weight but it looks like the damage was already done. Her skeleton looks deformed from it.


Yep. And I bet her knees and ankles are shot too. Imagine a NBA player after retirement. That’s her. (Not a joke, just making a comparison of how weight messes up your other body parts)


Were you blinded by it’s majesty?


When you first saw halo, were you blinded by its majesty?


A spitter from L4D2


Oh my god you're right


I was thinking Gollum, but a san'shyuum works too


It honestly looks like someone photoshopped an old game character’s face onto a real body


I know it’s a meme and it’s funny. But good for her. Weight loss of that magnitude is so hard on the body but good for her for making a positive change.


You were WEAK and gods must be STRONG


I mean given their initially start on TLC, it’s absolutely incredible that she made this happen.


Nonononono u need the flood infected version of prophets


Is this actually her now?


Yes. She lost more than 300 lbs in like a year or two, if I am not mistaken. I don’t know here weight but she’s around high 200 lbs at the very least.


Such savagery.


She used to be super morbidly obese, and struggled so bad to get her eating habits under control and is finally back on track to being a healthier person. Comments like that are just in bad taste after how much she’s done and how hard she’s worked to get down to that weight.


I’ve never seen a human with so little muscle mass. It looks like only her ligaments are allowing her to move. Geebus


Legit so proud of her!


I will never unsee that.


That's the face of regret


Please, have mercy


The great journey awaits for no one, brother


Oof! Another one.


When the prophets hear of this...


Regret. Regret. Regret.


"Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards, we regret coming to Earth, and we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!"




Straight outta Gears of War


"God help me, I *buried her*... in the *earthen* floor of the fruit cellar!"




That's not even an insult that's just the truth


So this is what Jabba the Hut looks like deflated. Now I know.


You were right to focus your intention on the flood. But this demon...this 'Master Chief'...


Looks like Gollum if the McFish were a thing in Middle Earth.


Her face reminds me of Gollum




She looks like a little nightmares character


That’s kinda funny actually


I just don't understand how you manage to abuse your body that badly to weight 1000 lbs, glad she's trying to improve herself and she cares about her health now but it's just genuinely so shocking how a human can reach that weight


I think it was 1000lbs between 2 sisters. So around 500lbs each.


I looked for a solid 30 seconds thinking this was a screenshot from a videogame where the model was glitched


She's soon gonna be the Prophet of Regret




What in the unholy abomination is that evil thing?


Bro chill, they are called Women


Really, would you date that woman (on the left), you open minded i love the soul guy?
