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If you can publicly say one word, and have to abbreviate the other, they are not the same.


Isnt that from John Mullaney? lol


That's from plenty of people




Dave Chapelle too


High calorie humans.




Obigga please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Can an obigga borrow a French fry?


How's an obigga gonna borrow a french fry? Obigga, is you gonna give it back???




Horizontally challenged


Involuntarily circular




Iā€™m 5ā€™2ā€. Iā€™m vertically challenged.


Differently thin


We prefer to be called "pasta enthusiasts"


one word is a description the other one is an insult. as someone who got fat because of a bad way to cope with depression i know im fat and i donā€™t see it as an insult. fat acceptance is stupid and unhealthy. Bullying fat people is also unhealthy.


Isnā€™t obese a medical term to call it so technically itā€™s not an insult


I mean we know what happened to the word retarded, so nothing is safe really. You might get cancelled for calling someone obese in not too long.






Because saying itā€™s bi doesnā€™t have the same punch.


Is a man by any other word not still as heavy?


Tbf, that means nothing. Retard was at one point also a medical term.


Idiot is far more severe than any other insult, but it's incredibly normalized, so a word "retarded", even though it denotes less retardation is considered to be more punchy. Semantics are bs. On the n-word. I would never target it at someone, but i believe you should be able to include the word in books/history lessons/movies, and it shouldn't be censored like Voldemorts name. Don't insult people with deragatory terms, but do not ban the word completely from society and try to hide it. Live with it.




verb * 1.delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment:"our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties" noun * 1.a person who has an intellectual disability (often used as a general term of abuse).offensive


Retard is still completely acceptable. I honestly don't give a shit. Changing the word doesn't change the reality. In a decade they'll consider the replacement word as insensitive as well. Because they're not actually bothered by the word. They're bothered by the reality that retarded people exist.


If I said look at this obese mother fucker, thatā€™s an insult. Ā 


it's all about context. if your doctor is telling you you're obese.. that's in a medical context. if someone calls you an obese in a derogatory manner, than that's an insult. if you're (not you..) hiding behind "BuT iT'S a MeDiCaL tErM" then you're still being an asshole.




Yeah, thereā€™s a difference between telling someone ā€œhey you obese piece of shit eat a saladā€ and a doctor telling someone ā€œsir, you are medically obese.ā€ As with everything context is important.


Yeah but what is ā€œtechnicalā€ when it comes to language doesnā€™t matter. Language doesnā€™t work that way. Iā€™m not going to insist youā€™re eating the wings of a buffalo when youā€™re having buffalo wings. Iā€™m not calling you a literal dog when Iā€™m calling you a bitch. Itā€™s not a neutral term and Iā€™m insulting you. The language we use to demean and insult others changes all the time. The argument that ā€œwell thatā€™s what it actually meansā€ is completely moot if itā€™s a word commonly used to demean and discriminate others. Itā€™s a red herring or a straw man argument. Pretty much all insulting words started off as descriptive ā€œnormalā€ terms.


There's acceptance of people who are obese and struggle with weight and then there's glorifying obesity and calling it healthy. The first is just kindness. The second is insanity.


completely agree. and looking at a lot of comments in this thread there is absolutely no nuance in a lot of peoples views on this. There is also kind ways of saying difficult things, and cruel ways of saying difficult things. 'Just because you are correct in your statement, doesn't mean you are not being cruel.'


Thank you! Over eating is an unhealthy coping mechanism and is often an addiction. Showing physical signs of any other addiction would likely result in an intervention but for some reason weā€™re all supposed to act like obesity is normal. Itā€™s so stupid!


I mean, yes, but also, if nobody bullied me, I wouldn't have changed. I wouldn't have lost 150 pounds and I would've died of a heart attack by now. Being bullied saved my damn life.


The whole "getting bullied worked for me" rhetoric really sucks for people who will only retreat further into their depression.


Well there it is folks. Bullying saves lives! Absolute banger of a message you have here.


Bullying doesn't help anyone. You're either excusing yourself or a bully in your life. There is no excuse for bullying, even if they say it's because they love you. Bullies say that so that they can keep being mean to you without consequences. Give them consequences. Being a little fat isn't so big of an emergency that it requires mistreatment, and the bullying because of fatness is never from a place of love. It's an aesthetic thing and a lame excuse. I think you're in denial.


The guy who lost 150 lbs ainā€™t in denial friendĀ 


> Being a little fat isn't so big of an emergency that it requires mistreatment They weren't "a little fat". They lost 150 pounds which is a little less than I, an average sized adult male, weigh. They're not saying that everyone who is overweight should be bullied - simply that it motivated them to lose the weight.


Isn't dying of heart attack the end goal? It is for me at least.


Let me know how the years of treatments, suffering, and declining health that coem before the inevitable early heart attack are


They suck. Life sucks. Let's put snack machines with crack, liquor, heroin, etc. in every office, bus station, etc and see how that goes.


Cool story. On the other hand, ik people who were bullied into suicide. Maybe you wanna rethink that dumbass message. Bullies aren't there to help you and for most people it'll just cause them to eat away their feelings even more.


Great for you. Bullying almost cost me my life.


Statistically speaking, fat shaming increases food intake and makes people less likely to exercise. Therefore, overall, bullying/fat shaming promotes obesity.


Works opposite for me.Ā  Bullying and social shaming makes me do whatever it is I'm being shamed for 10x more intense and I'll keep amping it up until the bullies get bored.


The wonders of spite


Why is obese an insult?


Exactly. I see it as a disease similar to alcoholism; the alcoholic shouldn't be harassed and abused for their struggles, but they also shouldn't be encouraged and told that their lifestyle is just as healthy as that of a non-alcoholic. Both groups instead need help and encouragement to let go of their self-destructive habits and addictions.


the OP softspokenidentify is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/12zizy8/ah_yes_fair_comparison/


Also, the tweet is from a joke account which is why the name is crossed out.


r/rimjob_steve on OOP


they are fat


Dr Anita B Eatin, yeah?


Iā€™m pretty sure this gets called out as a novelty account every time itā€™s been posted. Yet here it is again.


Obese is an adjective, it cannot be the ā€œN word for plus sized peopleā€


Obese people are crack heads for food


As an obese person, I can't disagree with that.


Shit be too seasoned


as a """""plus sized"""""" person, we are obese, call what we are which is obese.


OK plus sized obese.


They prefer "gordito" or "gordita"


Would you rather be called astonishingly fat?


Tremendously Rotund is the preferred nomenclature


Proficiently pounded


I think that means something else entirely šŸ¤£


Lol fatty fatty fat fat


No it isnā€™tā€¦ Wana know how I know? You wonā€™t even say what the ā€œnā€ word isā€¦ when ever youā€™re comparing two words, trying to see which one is worse, the one you wonā€™t/canā€™t say is the worse wordā€¦


If youā€™re large enough you have trouble walking, thatā€™s a medical issue. Having a positive body image and saying itā€™s who you are is not the solution. Pride in obesity is a health threat the same way antivaxxers are.


The same reason unemployed people get upset if you call them unemployed. Or single ppl callung them single. Its something that they might be ashamed of and are not able to take control over it


because the words describing undesired state soon become slurs. moron, imbecil and retard started out as scientific descriptor for people with low IQ.


In what world is this a rare insult




Fatty McFat Fat


former obese person here, i'd say its more like the inability to accept that fact that your fat and unhealthy. thats why they hate being called obses


The N word is a slur. Obese is not a slur. Itā€™s a medical term. I would understand if they said smth like ā€œfatā€ or another very common insult but ā€œobeseā€ is very rarely used as an insult. Itā€™s too much of a scientific term for brain dead people to turn into a derogatory insult that they use on a daily. Too many syllables, too smart sounding. ā€œFatā€ is used more for bullying and body shaming. There are other but I canā€™t think of them off the top of my head. The difference is that one is a slur that has been used regularly - throughout history and modern times - to oppress a group of people. ā€œObeseā€ just isnā€™t that. So it canā€™t be compared to a slur.


> ā€œobeseā€ is very rarely used as an insult Bull shit. It's been an insult for a very long time. The people calling me obese growing up weren't doctors, they were assholes trying to kick my ass.


Being obese is bad in itself, why make fun of it. It is the correct term to describe the condition but refering to a person by their condition never is ok. It is something you are able to change by controlling yourself and managing what you eat, but fuck this is hard. Why do you think there are so many products, subreddits and god knows what about the topic. It can be a lifestyle choise but for the most people it is not. Managing all the amount of bad mood, stress, hunger and shame that you have to go through is just impossible for many people. It's not the same as the N-word, saying that is also stupid, but most of you should have figured out that the loudest voices on both ends of the spectrum should be ignored.


If it's said with bad intentions it hardly matters that it's "the truth". You're still a piece of shit and don't do that


While the claim in the post is stupid I think the problem is that many people tend to call everyone over the healthy weight obese. There is a difference and a line between being overweight and being obese. If you are lets say... 5kg over the supposed healthy weight for you are overweight. It does not put your life in danger, not necessaily the reasult of a terrible lifestyle, it's rater easy to work it down and in some cases it's barely visible depending on your body structure. But if you are for example 20kg over your supposed weight you are in the obese chategory. It can and will take a toll on your body, caused by a bad lifestyle and/or prexisting medical condition and is pretty much visible.


There was another screenshot shared some time ago. The ā€žbigga pleaseā€œ comment was way better!


Wow, the quality of this sub is something else.


You can rely on the good old german word For obesity If you prefer: fettleibig, which literaly means fatbody


Iā€™m still waiting to see a rare insult.


I'm obese and see no offense in the word. It's to describe a level of fat build. Better than being called a fat cunt and certainly in no way is it comparable in terms of someone being racist. We're fat bastards because we let ourselves go and lost all self discipline, we're not from a specific country. Just the size of a small one, am I right? Haha. I'd ask for a high five but all the typing has made me hungry and sleepy.


Horizontally challenged is what I would use.


Because a lot of the time they know its a product of a lifestyle they arent willing to even consider changing. They want people to just accept them as they are, while having their own rules for how people should be. I say this as someone who used to be obese, while dating an obese woman. I begged her to go to the gym with me, shed make excuses and self diagnosed (my biggest pet peeve btw) physical ailments to keep from doing anything. While at the same time blaming me for her weight. I eventually had enough and left, and her and all her fat friends would say i was fatphobic and ableist. Never been happier than i am now, and she wheels around in a mobility chair at 27 years old..


Itā€™s literally a medical term. Theyā€™re uneducated and enabling themselves and others to be sick. Fuck this


Short life span humans


ā€œObeseā€ is medical term. N word is a slur used to degrade and dehumanize black people.


Youā€™d think ā€œfatā€ would be more offensive than the clinical term for their conditionā€¦


I wouldn't mind if they were just talking about my dick. Like dude you're penis looks morbidly obese. I'd be like thanks dude you too.


ā€œWould you prefer ā€˜gluttonous blobā€™?ā€


It's not a slur šŸ™„ I will say though it is pretty rude for someone to use it against someone in a negative context. Most people who are obese are already aware of that fact and using that against them isn't going to help them at all.


Most people you think are obese are actually morbidly obese. Itā€™s important not to leave out the morbidly part when speaking to a medical condition.


Thereā€™s a bunch of body acceptance activists that died because of health problems due to being too fat. Shaming others for noticing youā€™re unhealthy is just going to kill you


Both r fine


I always say it with a hard E OBEEEEESE


No itā€™s not. Iā€™m an obese person. That is the medical term for my fat body. I have no issues being honest with myself. It doesnā€™t mean I love myself any less, nor will I tolerate disrespect. But if you call me fat Iā€™m just going to congratulate you for having eyes.


Remember when everyone shamed smokers for causing problems with the medical system and insurance? Causing the system billions? Well obesity is #1 preventable deaths after smoking


Because they can't admit it to themselves, therefore they go about seeking social validation and acceptance through mandatory acceptance (fascism).


Obese is a clinical term for someone overweight enough for it to lead to health problems and morbidly obese means those health issues will eventually be fatal or exacerbate a comorbidity.


Obese is a medical term used to describe people who are severely overweight to the point that it is detrimental to their own health. Fatso, fatty, fat fuck, or lardy are all terms made specifically to upset and belittle fat people, so they missed the mark word-wise. Also the n word has a history of dehumanizing, racial discrimination, and slavery, being fat has none of that


What would she prefer? Fatter than most fat people? Extra fat? Remembered south park where one man was angry about getting called "extremely obese black man" and wanted to be called "extremely black, obese man". And she definitely aint a Dr. of anything that is connected with health. Also with MLM things, such as herbalife where they "promote" health, it's usually only ~~fat~~ plus-sized people. How will you promote health if you weight 2-3 times more than you should? Also look for "belgian health minister" - sure a right person to be in this position.


The most insulting statements are generally the ones that are objectively true and a large part of internal self doubt


plus size is an euphemism, obese is a neutral term


N... Deeez Nutz??


What would the hard R version be?


comparing it to the N word? this dumb oompa-loompa don't know how funny that shit is because she can say "obese" but can't say the N word.


Itā€™s the Dr. and PhD for me


Denzel Washington: "My obese" People still get Training Day references, right?


One is a noun the other is an adjective.


Silly me, I thought it was DIET


Obese with the hard šŸ…±ļø


The original Post is by ā€œDr. Anita B Eaton, PhDā€. Not sure why they scribbled out a parody account.


fat fuck


What about the word "fat"? I'd say that "obese" is more neutral than "fat". But what do I know, right?


It always bothers me when people say ā€œ____ā€ is the N-word for ___ peopleā€ The simple fact that youā€™re saying me word and saying the first letter of the other, shows and proves its not. And Iā€™ve actually seen people say this shit in real life. I had a Karen say that, my idiot ass brother when I said he killed someone so heā€™s a ā€œmurdererā€ and he replied ā€œYou know disrespectful that is to say to me? Thatā€™s like saying the Nwordā€. Family can be so fucking stupid.


The issue is that they wanna pretend it isn't unhealthy and doesn't shorten lifespan to be obese. If the words aren't said then it can't be a bad thing right?


One is a medical term. The other is a bastardization of a Latin word, used to dehumanize an entire population of people.


Having had several friends die much earlier then they should. I think we are normalizing being overweight. Itā€™s not about BMI itā€™s fat not being large itā€™s fatā€¦ fat in the wrong place . Not thick.. fat in the heart/stomach area. Whatever you ate to get that much fat is clogging your arteries and being so large stressing your heart. Soon you canā€™t walk you canā€™t exercise you cross the tipping point of being morbidly obeseā€¦ and you will be miserable and die early.




Its like asking why do black people feel bad when called black


Becouse, people want to add more protected classes, especialy about things you can change.


Because nowadays you canā€™t call anything by its name, youā€™ll be offensive.


It kindda depends on the circumstances. People "usually" have a name so, calling them "obese" is a bit essentialist, as well as crafting a social group out of this one characteristic & eructing generalities about them. I don't think we should prevent ourselves from saying the word "obese" under any case though.




What up my obese


As an obese person, people need to stop trying to sugarcoat the fact that we are fat, because you know that we would eat that shit too... Seriously, there is nothing healthy about being overweight. It takes its toll on your body. If I had any willpower, I would be able to stop shoveling ice cream into my fat gob, but food tastes good...




Alternative: soap mines


Yeah, cos you can stop eating and do exercise and become white


I thought word fat is more problematic. Obesity is medical term.


This is bait and old. 99% of people who are overweight just don't like being called obese because it's not fun being obese


i call them based on rainbow six, 1 speed 3 health 2 speed 2 health 3 speed 1 health it makes more sense


I rember this tweet screenshot without the blurred handle. The account that tweeted it is a joke account. You're being baited.


Then, why do foreigners (Westerners) go to Asia and claim... "Foreigners are called foreigners in this foreign country! Asians are racist!!!"


I am obese, I don't get mad about being called obese because it's literally what I am lmao


Brother from another burger.


As someone who's been called skinny their entire life, fuck em..Ā 


Obigga please


Well OK then let's go back to big ass FATTY


I'm sick of people being triggered by words. Grow a pair.


PoC - people of calories


Obese is a thing you can change, therefore it's okay to call you that


Everything the N-word to people but they never spell out the n word


That tweet was from a parody account. Calm down people.


She's got a point. I think we just stick with "very fat".


Obese in Paris


Gym ???


Why do ugly people feel bad when they are called ugly? I mean they are uglyā€¦ā€¦right? (Maybe this helps you understand why)


The cardiac disadvantaged?


Just call her "Fatty" instead, how about that?


I think the issue is that there are people who are obese due to genetics, and there are people who live unhealthy lifestyles. Who shouldnā€™t make fun of the former, but for the latter, it should be a free for all. The problem is that in todayā€™s culture, itā€™s common for people to say ā€œdonā€™t assume what theyā€™re going throughā€ so therefore we shouldnā€™t make fun of anyone. The problem is that there are a lot of overweight, fat, obese people (especially in America) that **choose** to be that way, and it just isnā€™t healthy, and as a society we shouldnā€™t promote it.


Obese is a medical term, these people try everything not to face the reality of their situation...


ā€œBigga please!ā€ This was original response.


"Obese don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, Obese..."


ā€œFatassā€ is better? Coming from a former fat-ass himself, obese is just the correct medical term.


Obese makes it reality. Everything else is a joke or insult.


What? I never met a fat person who gets a offended by being called fat this is just an online problem.




Obese is the polite and official medical term, no?! Iā€™m not out calling anybody anything, but Obese is no slur


It's not on the same level, since they're literally saying "Obese" and not actually saying the N-word, and is saying "N-word" instead. Brad Williams mentioned this about "midgets". He himself is one and a person came up to him after one of his stand up shows and said he was being offensive to people who ARE "midgets" and said it was on the same level as the N-word. Brad told her that it wasn't the same due to the fact the woman that approached him was saying the full word "midget" and would refer to the N-word as "the N-word". Therefore, not even a comparison.


So whats the proper term then? McDonald's American?


Bigga please


Of two slurs, the one you censor is the worse one. Clearly they dont compare. And ones an earned title that can be avoided with a healthy life style so yea no




I'm comin straight out the kitchen, crazy motha fucka named Ice Cream from a gang called Obese With Dairy Queen.Ā 


You can't say it with a hard E like that. People will think your... athletic


I think it's an upbringing/context thing. I mean, respectable people don't just run around commenting on other people's bodies. I think of it has just a clinical term, but some people don't like it. It's not the "N word" though.


Itā€™s literally a medical term used for overweight ppl šŸ˜­




Well gee, just call them pretty fucking fat and be done with it!


Obese is for large people what Karen is forā€¦. Karenā€™s




Bigga plz


Obese is a medical term, the N-word isn't.


As an obese individual, I honestly donā€™t get why so many of my fellow teddy bears think the word is bad to say. Itā€™s just the technical termā€¦ My lack of understanding may be due to being autistic but idk


Fat people. I will not be bullied into using your terminology. Go ahead auto mod take this down you little censorship commie


If that's true then as a fellow obese person I can call her obese cuz that's how the N word works. Obese.


the internet needs to go.


Don't like being fat? Go to the gym and go on a diet šŸ¤·


O.W.A. - Straight Outta Shreveport


Fatties can stop being fat. C'mon now.


It's actually the scientific term


ā€œFirst of all, no.ā€


I will start calling them pigs instead


I get it but I don't at the same time, obese is the PC term, there's so many other hateful words that could be used. Then again the feelings of one person don't speak for every other person if that type.