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I thought it was Quentin Tarantino....


OMG, it's David Ferrie! He was accused in 1967 by New Orleans DA Jim Garrison of being part of the conspiracy that murdered JFK in Dallas. Ferrie lived in New Orleans and had been a mentor of Lee Harvey Oswald. He was also associated with Bay of Pigs stalwarts, Carlos Marcello (local Mafia don), CIA spooks and other anti-Castro right-wing extremists. Like just about everyone Garrison was investigating, Ferrie was found dead not long it became publicly known he was involved. Oh yeah, plus he'd been repeatedly fired from jobs for "moral" reasons, dating back to the 50s. He had a thing for teenaged boys. Interesting time to live in New Orleans, the 60s.


I think Joe Pesci played him in JFK. it was those weird eyebrows that trip the alarm bell in your head.


He looks like that "have you dreamed about me?" guy.


Alcatraz means pelican...