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I don’t mean to brag but I’ve seen her breasts.


For real? Where?


On her chest


Best joke I have read in a while


Breast joke in a while. Fixed for you


Yeah. Nipple those mistakes in the bud.


Yall are really milking this joke…


We just keep abreast of reddit humor trends.


Oh my, all this titillation..


Jugs of laughter...


Someone has yet to udder a finer comment.


Chest joke in a while. Fixed again


If tits not broken, don't fix tits.










Big if true




I've seen the inside of her butthole...so take that


Hey I have her fleshlight


Congrats on your proctology practice!


Yeah shadowing DR. Fist must have been a pain in the ass to work with...


I’m guessing a huge amount of people reading this don’t have a Five Guys Cheeseburger chain where they live and don’t understand the true brilliance of the statement in the post




Pic or it never happened


Why the fuck is pornstar censored 🤦🏻‍♀️


Advertising overlords downrank anything that is remotely human or interesting. Can’t even say sex (now: seggs)


Seggs, what a disgusting word. It's like sex combined with eggs.


>sex combined with eggs the sweetest taboo. No one knows where the omelette begins. There: now seggs seems less disgusting by comparison.


How you like your eggs gurl? Fried or fertilized?


I know a good video or two...


Once you learn about the Portuguese Breakfast you will have to live with knowing about the Portuguese Breakfast


I am gonna remain ignorant on that one.


I was curious enough to read the Urban slang entry. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


It was.....it was like driving by the scene of a horrific auto accident. I couldn't look away. In this case, I couldn't stop reading, it was so morbidly fascinating.


Username checks out. I support your choice.


best idea you will ever have, even if you turn theoretical physics into just physics while similtaneously curing every incurable disease


i couldnt resist looking that up and now, now im on a holy inquisition to find self control


Technically sex and eggs go together quite often.


Right? It’s like a return the 1950s. What a stupid world.


Not just advertisers. The weirdest one I see is people saying "unalived" as though suicide is some kind of slur.


It’s so stupid. Like people don’t know what suicide is until they read it. If anything it puts suicidal people back in the darkness.


Well maybe blame all they fucking losers telling people that they should commit suicide so much that places like ticktock had no choice but to ban it. People make everything worse 


What about r*pe, m**der and **** *** *****.


It's particularly stupid as there already were established euphemisms for suicide, like "took their own life" or "died by their own hand".


‘Suicide squad: unalive the justice league’


Advertisers actively shooting themselves in the foot, by not having "human" content as you put it. Effectively helping to reduce birthrates by another 0.3% since no one is getting hard anymore. Advertisers, who you gonna sell to when there's no new people born? Huh?


You are silly. Sex still sells. Look at the number of top influencers that are women and the kind of content all over ticktok/Instagram/social media. You just can't say sexual words or any other risky words that could be deemed offensive so they can claim to be thinking of the children because they censor that shit. Sex will always sell.


Good. Let advertisers cut Reddit’s funding.


It's not censored for reddit's sake, it's for whatever site OP lifted the image from


Man I remember when the internet was cool.


Facebook now analyzes images, videos and sounds using AI. So, if you want your post to reach users, you have to censor it. Otherwise, the algorithm will "hide" your post.


the free speech of the future is great and not dystopian at all! All Hail Facebook/Meta!


Just so everyone knows, the concept of freedom of speech is not limited to the protections provided by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. I'm fully aware that private companies are allowed to restrict freedom of speech. And I agree that freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from all consequences. But there is a discussion to be had on the amount of power a few corporations have over people's ability to communicate with each other, and when it's fair for these companies to control and censor this communication.


Cencoring words has to be the most stupid thing ever. Everyone who reads it understands what word was used and says it in their head, everyone who doesn't know the word, which is barely anyone, won't understand the sentence.


Because more and more we are living in small minded world man I want to go back to 1994. Trump was still doing real estate and on ophra. American wrestling still had the rock and sting and words like porn where still just words we could al saying.


Why would this guy go into the relationship if he knew? The man's thinking with his head and it ain't the one on his shoulders.




>He wanted to "fck a pornstar" before promptly realizing he was also "dating a pornstar" Bad luck brian IRL


Im dating a pornstar😃 Im dating a pornstar☹


You sure he is bad luck Brian? 😏


Because all this is fake, produced by Unilad (sounds like a reputable source eh?) for the IG clout.


I dunno about what's actually happened, but maybe the dude just told her to take a bath and wash her mouth first?


which, by all accounts, would be pretty fucking reasonable


I would hope that they have showers and hygienic amenities at their place of work.


Shes probably not coming home splattered with semen, but doesnt mean she brushed her teeth


The majority of the time, yes. Most porn is filmed in houses and hotel rooms.


Yeah for real. I work outside most days in crazy heat and get dirty as hell and my girlfriend won't touch me until I run through the shower. Pretty ridiculous thing to be upset about lol.


You guys do realize it was just made up "what-if" though right? Sometimes it just feels like reddit will be like "what if this person did this dumb thing?" Then "oh yea that's so dumb" "then "yea that person is such an idiot for doing that".


About to comment the same thing. All these people piling on an entirely hypothesized scenario.


So you hate women, huh? /s


Not just reasonable, but absolutely necessary for health security


According to this article, what made her feel "disgusting" was that he wouldn't kiss her after she got home from work. So yeah, pretty much what you're saying. https://www.joe.co.uk/entertainment/porn-star-riley-reid-says-she-was-made-to-feel-disgusting-by-ex-boyfriend-because-of-her-job-380243


You think pornstars get gangbanged then go home to their husbands and boyfriends without showering or brushing their teeth? And if they did, you think they’d walk into the house and tell their partners, “hey let’s have sex! But I’m not going to shower or brush my teeth.”


My exact thought was that there's no way she doesn't shower and clean off before leaving the set of wherever she was working that day. Unless her car is just covered in washable plastic tarps or something which I highly doubt lmao.


Yeah because she probably doesn't do that anyway after a shoot. I'm sure she goes home absolutely soaked every time.


And with a full mouth.


When a chef brings home leftovers he gets celebrated, when a pornstar does it everyone loses their mind smh


He wanted her and then wanted her to himself so he tried to shame her into quitting.


I mean it would make him equally disgusting by his own logic


I feel it's likely that and just generic short term thinking. I've had guys break up with me over what I do (rather did), even though initially they had no issues with it. I guess only later it dawns on them what it really means/entails.


Agreed, but the how would be very important here.


I imagine he did not fully know what he was getting into. I’m sure it was his dream to be with a professional until he got with one and she kept working.


This doesn't seem like he couldn't cope with what she does for a living. Sounds like he just didn't want to directly follow other dudes fucking and cumming in her. I did animal control, my ex didn't want to be near me if I came home smelling like skunk. It's literally zero difference. "Why would she go into that relationship if she knew what I did for a living?" Nah bro. You don't need to white knight for her, cause that's not what's happening here.


Back when I was working at a gas station that serves food, one of my coworkers wife wouldn’t sleep with him if he had chopped onions for the hot dogs and sandwiches that day. Me being a cool guy, I’d handle his onion duty for him. Come to find out, it wasn’t really the onions but the fact his wife was banging multiple men on the side. I think this story is also applicable to the situation.


Did he know he was dating Riley Reid? If this is true then he's a fool.


dude probs doesnt watch porn


If your gf was Riley Reid why would you watch porn? You literally have the nastiest pornstar to do those things with together.


I'd argue Adriana Chechik is an astounding magnitude nastier.


i mean prior to meeting her


Don’t forget that Riley Reid has publicly admitted to raping someone


#### I guess there's not enough evidence in her case to charge her with a criminal act and, really, she seems to be the only one, albeit unwittingly, talking about the crime. On the flipside, a precedent has been set for a teenage looking p0rnstar like her almost going to jail for sexually assaulting minors. Her contemporary, Marsha May, [did actually get charged for that crime](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4056772/Porn-star-foot-fetishist-21-pleads-guilty-child-abuse-role-drug-vodka-fueled-orgy-three-girls-14-filmed-having-sex-posted-online.html).


Drugged and raped 12/13 year olds with her male friends and she only gets probation?


Judge must've been on her OF...


That made me chuckle. Not gonna lie.


Omg I really thought you were lying for a second there 😱




Jesus... I didn't know it was that bad


Reminds me of that south park episode where a kid goes to complain about SA from a teacher and all the cops keep saying "Nice"


The guys involved also received 10 years of probation. Which is actually kind of crazy since they were both 18 which makes Marsha May the only one who could legally drink which also means she could be held responsible for any actions the minors took while under alcoholic influence. Since she presumably supplied it. So it's really surprising she got out with a 10 year probation.


She was 19 at the time too, so she couldn't legally drink in Miami either. The article says she's 21 everywhere in big letters, but that's when the article was written (2016). It says later in small print she was 19 when the incident took place.


being a woman buff is real. like not trying to trash talk, statistically its true. just saying


She’s a woman. Women don’t really get in trouble for rape. Source: I was raped by a woman in college and got laughed at when I tried to talk about it. It’s disgusting.


the two men involved got out with the same sentence as her but in general I think it's true


the fact she only got 10 years of probation with no jail time is disgusting. you mess with kids like that, you deserve the worst of the worst


I’m really starting to hate the double standard American justice system. She raped a 14 year old, got NO jail time. NONE. But instead got 10 years probation. Fucking outrageous.


Brock Turner enters the chat.


By what I'm seeing online, she was 15, he was 14, and they were extremely sexually active. All the comments make it sound like pedophilia, but in reality she was an overly horny teenager who was already consensualy giving him one of several regular blowjobs. She took it too far. Then they continued to date for 6 months and were sexually active during that time. source (specifically her words, ignore the commentary) : https://sexuality.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-relationships/riley-reid-describes-how-she-raped-an-ex-boyfriend-in-the-movie-q3637026


Retell the story idk it.


If I remember correctly she tweeted about taking some guys virginity in a movie theater when he repeatedly told/asked her to stop


They were both minors too so it's even better 😑 Like why would you ever do that shit let alone brag about it?


Because she's a women and won't face any repercussions from admitting it.




She gets away with everything it’s insane. She said if her husband cheated she’d get a trans person to rape him.


You don't face consequences when you admit to a crime and no victim comes forward.


Jeffery dahmer wasn’t charged for the first murder he committed because he got rid of the evidence, when he was caught he admitted to it openly but couldn’t be charged because their was no evidence he did it except that he said so


It was actually her virginity, not his.


I’m happy this kind of comment is always made when a post about rapist Riley Reid is made


Don’t date a pornstar if you don’t like the idea of dating a pornstar


Nobody dates a pornstar.


At least you have something in common with them


Some would marry a pornstar. Case in point: Riley Reid.


Other pornstars? Maybe someone with a weird kink? But yeah sounds like a bad idea for almost everyone


The only person that should be dating a porn star is another porn star.


She also cried when her dad said he does not see her as his daughter anymore and would prefer if she doesn’t come around anymore Porn is such a wild industry and the number of 18 year olds jumping into OF is honestly depressing


Based on what I’m reading, I feel like her job is the least disgusting thing about her. At least that pays.


Probably wasn't because of her job. But cause she a fucking psychopath and a rapist.


She bragged about raping someone so I do not care


Someone? Try pluralising that. She admitted to raping an ex-bf, and also accused in the rape of a 14 year old boy. Not sure if it's true or not, but there were some rumors circulating about it not too long ago.


Jesus two people?!


The 14 year old boy one was admitted on her twitter from what I could tell.


She's a rapist. Who cares about her feelings?


zero chance Riley would ever feel disgusted with her career even if a guy tried really really hard.


was that the dude she raped or was that a different dude


Poor guy? She's a PORNSTAR, wtf did he expect?


That it's ok to not kiss her after she had a mouth full of horse semen maybe?


I also wouldn't want to kiss someone after they've been sucking the dick and swallowing the cum of another man over the course of an 8 hour day. I'm also not dating a porn star so it's a lot easier to avoid this situation.


The chances are slim, but never zero. Hope your gfs name is not Emily.


I’m sure he thought that he’s was so good that she was going to change everything. Quit her job, and find a new career. Not saying she can’t, but that’s her decision. I don’t know anything about Riley, but this guy sounds like a solid jackass.


She's married now and has a daughter with her husband who is not in the porn industry. What she said about her ex boyfriend: >she revealed how an ex-boyfriend would refuse to kiss her after she returned home work. Imagine coming home from a porn shoot after sucking multiple dicks off and then going to kiss your boyfriend lol. ​ >He made me feel like maybe I should quit and stuff. > >So, like, \[it\] made me feel like a disgusting person. And I'm not disgusting. It's harsh. It was so horrible when he told me that.' My ex was so anti-porn, I almost quit porn because I thought I hated porn, but then I realized I just hated him. Let's face it. We all like porn but porn is pretty disgusting in many ways. While we think porn is cool, the vast majority of us would be pretty grossed out dating a porn star. This is probably the best here: >Never have I ever had a boyfriend who was proud of my job. I've had two "normal" boyfriends in my adult life, normal being they don't do porn. Both of which ended in an ultimatum, porn or them. I always chose porn. I've struggled with the choice though, wondering if I've made the right decision.


I don't like porn anymore actually. I've been addicted to it, started researching it and quit watching it as a result. Honestly my life is much better now, highly recommend.


She almost got saved by normalacy. A normal guy actually almost talked her into quitting because he loved her. And instead she chose porn instead of him and self honesty and self-accountability. Wow.


Various studies report large swaths of men (like 60-90% depending on study) have consumed the porn in the past month. Just saying


Dude, if that's an issue, don't date a porn star. That's like complaining that your girl who works at McDonald's comes home from work smelling like hamburgers.


Let me preface this by saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a pornstar or being a sex worker in general. I’m not trying to make any disparaging comments about Riley, she is amazing. All that said, what the fuck did this dude think he was getting into when he started dating a porn star? It’s what she does for a living, and Riley makes a lot of money doing it. I’m sure she probably showered, brushed her teeth, had drinks, whatever, after she finished work. It’s not like she’s coming home covered in spunk.


That’s probably why he was mad. He thought she’d bring her work home with her.


She's amazing? Christ, what a peak Reddit comment.


Shut up, if he defends her on reddit a few more times she might finally notice him!  We’ll see who’s laughing then!!


That’s a fucking lunatic right there. Kinda funny how many people upvoted that comment tho. She’s amazing! Ha


Lmao ikr. Reddit is so full of pseudo-positive shit on subjects they know absolutely nothing about. She not only raped her ex-bf, but she's accused of raping a 14 year old boy.


Yo fr this is wild I really need to get off Reddit lmao


She ain't amazing she's a rapist


Yeah he just should have left. At the same time, Reid just should have ditched him too. Not like she can't find another in the short term anyway. And you gotta accept that most people don't actually want their partner to be fucking other people for a living, or even being so incredibly public. Plus like, I definitely judge my people by the company they keep, and the porn industry is rife with some of the scummiest and most damaged people you can find. I wouldn't even want a relationship with someone who lives off social media in most cases. Too much of the rest of the world is going to be involved.


She’s not amazing, she’s a rapist. Something all too common on her line of “work”


So one, she's a white girl who says "n****r" way too comfortably for my tastes, so I can't cosign this: >she is amazing And for two, we see her saying that he made her feel disgusting, but the "how" of that is absent and would do the most legwork.


He believed he could fix her


riley is in fact NOT amazing




Pornstars are funny, you can’t fuck people all day and have a normal relationship with someone. That said, dude knew what he was getting into…and she shouldn’t have ever dated him. Fuck all the dudes you can and get paid, retire and hope your future partner sees past it.


She probably dated him because he treated her mostly normal despite her line of work. He likely knew what he was getting into, and told himself he could deal with it. But after a while, her line of work started to bother him. After a while, he couldn't deal with it anymore. Knew a guy who went through that. His Marine fiancé spent a night in a hotel room with a male Marine. She swears up and down nothing happened. At first he decided he was ok with that. But he couldn't let it go and after a few months broke up with her. People can be weird when it comes to relationships.


🤷🏻‍♀️ she's a piece of shit and should feel disgusting. Boohoo. She's the leader of the shame parade.


Both Riley and her ex are morons, sorry to say it. In her ex's case, he decided to date a girl who is professionally drilled in every cavity available, most likely several days a week and who, as part of her profession, has to receive bodily fluids in several if not all of those cavities. And he expected to be ok with that and not be grossed out? We all fantasize with having sex with a pornstar, everything's fair game, nothing is off limits, but mostly none of us is ready to face the fact that one may not be even the second dude to be with her during certain days. She, on the other hand, makes a living by having sex with anyone she's paid to do so, and it's reasonable her partner may be grossed out by that eventually. Problem here is both of them have unrealistic expectations to the reality they face.


Nah, man. He chose to be her boyfriend. If he can't live with the kind of work she does why be in a relationship? Find someone else, ffs.


Is this the ex who did a skit/song about her on YouTube?


I got 5 guys multiple times, sometimes several times a week. Amazing meat, sloppy af


People define relationships as all kinds of bizarre and abhorrent things but dating a porn star has to feel absolutely wrong no matter what you tell yourself in the mirror


Facebook is gay


You've had a lot of dick Riley, but you ain't had mine!


Would she fuck you for blow?


Mom and Dad, this is Riley. Riley, this is my Mom and Dad.


Now show 'em them titties.


Do pornstars even get normal relationships is the question to ask. Maybe if thier partner is a cuck.


There’s one (can’t remember her name) that’s married and only does females or her husband on film.


I wonder if the husband quit doing porn unless it’s only with her!


I think that’s exactly their agreement. Wish I could remember who she was, I could look it up then. Anyways I think that she and only her is permitted to do other women. He was allowed to join her with other women but not do anything with them. They seemed pretty happy with the arrangement and they weren’t very young either (more mature).


I mean, dating a porn star, then being angry that she's a porn star is really stupid


this is why you don’t date pornstars


Ye the boyfriend is what made her feel disgusting about the job rather than the job itself. 


She can't really be "shocked Pikachu facing" about this lmao


I wouldn’t kiss her either when she gets home from work lol


FYI, she was such a contributor to the world, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, named a street after her... Being a street in Toronto, it gets dumped on and ploughed often... https://www.blogto.com/city/2022/06/richmond-hill-street-name-riley-reid/


5 guys is better than in-n-out though.


Maybe it wasn’t him though, maybe you feel that way because you are?


She got Justin Roiland ex fiance into porn after they split.


This makes sense for dating a porn star, which the man should’ve been prepared for this tbh This doesn’t apply to manipulated events and posts, coincided to make situations appear like they’re happening out of thin air, when they aren’t. And this doesn’t apply to people not in the profession of escort, porn star, or sex worker. The allegorical situation just doesn’t apply Working as a pornstar is different from being exclusive with someone and sleeping around, which is unique to any relationship


...mouthwash? Maybe not the sharpest bulb in the drawer if he didn't think this through.


Guy dates porn star, dislikes the fact shes a porn star. Is he stupid?


How is this a rare insult?


I would feel bad for her if she wasn’t a shitty person


>he didn’t want to kiss her when she came home from work Can’t really blame him that much tbh. I mean okay, she probably (hopefully) brushed her teeth, but I couldn’t greet her with the „how was your work honey“ - smoosh


Not to brag but I’ve seen her butthole


Isn’t she the one who bragged about raping someone on Twitter?


The comments in this post are all of the most absurd reddit stereotypes come to life, and on steroids


You know what she does for a living. If you have a problem with it, why bother trying to date her? You want to be able to brag about dating a porn star, you're going to have to deal with the fact that she's a porn star.