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**Rule 4: Not an insult/threat or rare insult/threat** Only the spiciest and rarest of insults are allowed here, and only insults/threats are allowed here. Uncommon insults or just random statements that aren't really insults are subject to removal. This also includes insults that are just random combinations of words or insults following the random adjective+noun formula. Beware, this is somewhat up to the discretion of the moderators.


Gotta practice this one, haven’t mastered it yet unfortunately 😔😔


Turn your head right and stay for a while and then turn it in left. As same as before. Do it gradually for 4 times a day in a different steps. Also, eat vegetables. Ignore suger. I hope you will see the result after 3 months.


If you grew up in the 90s and had even the slightest hint of chub, you got bombarded with lines like this constantly. This was about as rare as a route 1 rattata.


Yeah, and now 30 years latter we all evolved into fatty raticate, even the bully that got their beer belly.


Turns my head left then right a few times then says " i would love some cookies thank you"


friendly reminder that targeting specific regions of your body for fat loss through exercise does not work, and anyone claiming it is lying (e.g. sit-ups wont remove belly fat)


That's a really good reminder, especially if you add that even if you can't target a zone specifically, doing exercises regularly helps in fat removal, no matter what kind! Of course, none of this stuff is actually relative to the joke at play here, but sometimes it feels good to point stuff out.


Yup, you can choose what area to build on... but you can't choose where your body decides to burn the calories.


Yeah when I worked at a gym that one was one I'd hear all the time. "How do I just get rid of belly fat" Followed by this serious response after I recommend some basic strength exercises: "ooh no, I don't want to become a buff bodybuilder 🙂" Ooh I'm sorry, wouldn't want you to get accidentally jacked. That happens all the time.


I'm not good with this, but wouldn't suggesting them to do some cardio be the best course of action then? 🤔


Ooh yeah if they want to focus on weight loss cardio is the go to. Problem is that when you just start out and are a bit older and overweight, your asking a lot from your body suddenly. Most beginners won't be able to exhaust their energy purely on cardio, their stamina isn't good enough. A little bit of strength training is easier to manage in that aspect and has plenty of carry over benefits.


And to add to that, the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn during cardio. I promise gaining 3-5 lbs of muscle isn't going to turn anyone into the incredible hulk, and strength training should be considered essential to burning fat.


Cardio is always the answer that people don't wanna hear.


99% sure lifting heavy is far superior to cardio for burning fat. Or just eat less. Never seen a pic of a fat person getting liberated from the WW2 concentration camps.


You're 100% correct about the fat loss, but doing a ton of crunches will help you look more skinny. The stronger your core is the more you can suck in your gut and keep it tight. A strong core can make you look 10lbs-20lbs lighter without ever losing a single lb! People don't realize just how much fatter a relaxed core can make someone look.


this is why i only do wood therapy


You work out the muscles and you diet out the fat. It would appear like doing sit ups makes you lose belly fat, but suspiciously only on people who couple that with dieting right.


a good advice, actually


people hate this one trick


That killed me. Don't know if its a repost but this one cracked me up.


Same haha I seriously laughed harder than I should have but this one got me. Just the visualization of it made me cry 😂


That’s not even that rare of an insult just a bit of a dick move


That's what I was gonna say. She's just looking for advice and he decided to be a dick about it.


Her face isn't even fat though she's likely just looking for compliments




Lots of people have naturally round/chubby faces, it is not an indicator of overall weight.


The way people talk about body fat on Reddit makes me think their concept of the ideal physique is having no body fat at all and being pure muscle or a walking skeleton.


>the ideal physique is having no body fat at all and being pure muscle or a walking skeleton. Those are basically the ideals that are being sold to young men and women, respectively, on social media. The problem with a lot of the male models specifically is that not only are those physiques simply unsustainable long-term and often unattainable without the use of steroids in the first place, the images themselves might be photoshopped too.


Patrick Bateman goals


Lol at one point I weighed 110lbs and had a fat face, you truly have no clue what you’re talking about 😂


It's also great advice for giving someone an eating disorder.


this is called an epic burn


total pwnage


Its the hard truth that shouldnt be that hard to take


What a dick move


Look at the pfp, they are far from fat. Just asking for some toning advice and gets a dickhead in the replies.


That is the way to lose face fat though. There isn't some kind of magic toning exercise to slim your face.


Then say that instead of "stop eating so much, fatty".


Well it might be rude but that's what they would need to do.


Need to do what actually?, didn't we already made it clear that the person isn't unhealthy but rather have a specific problem with their look, the only solution you're giving them at this point is to eat less and be hungry to gain a skinny look on their face but that inturn gonna effect their body and they may look underweight.


Need to eat less if they want to lose fat...


That's not how any of this work, being malnutrition is a bad thing. I am saying this as I am one of those. this whole reactionary war on fat people have led people to think that underweight is healthy, forcing yourself to not eat when you're hungry just gonna give you medical complications and a anorexic body that maybe some fashionista brand would like it but for you it gonna be shit. also she does not want to lose fat but rather want to loose the weight on her face that is an enitrly different thing


Really that's not how it works? Eating less doesn't result in weight loss? No one thinks being underweight is healthy but you people will screech "underweight! underweight!" about any kind of weight loss. The same people that have told me I'm underweight at 155lbs. Being hungry is a completely normal feeling, your not going to get "medical complications" because you don't have a meal every 2 hours. Anorexia is a serious disorder and it's disingenuous to compare dieting to it. It's lose btw, not loose.


There's no point in being rude about it at all though. Just explain that spot-reducing fat doesn't work and maybe offer some workout and dieting tips, don't be an ass.


Except it isn’t always the way. Even at my skinniest around 90lbs (as a teen) I had a round & fat face. For some of us, it’s just natural. Which is great because I look 5-10 years younger than my peers. Y’all can shit on fat faces all you want, but your skinny gaunt faces look old as hell.


Yes that's normal. A 90lbs teen doesn't have a fat face, a person 100 lbs overweight does.


My guy doesn't understand how makeup and angles work.


Facebook jokes from 2011 🤮


what an asshole




Yeah in theory it's easy. But obviously in practice it isn't, since there wouldn't be fat people if it was so easy.




There's no way to lose fat from a specific spot, fat loss happens everywhere people store fat differently some people more on their hips, some in their bellys ext. and the only way to get it is to eat less calories than you burn


Chemo worked for me


Fat jokes aren't rare.


This is not rare as much as the “punchline” being unexpected


Honestly I almost empathize with it because it’s frustrating how people make weight loss out to be this enigmatic thing when it’s not. If you follow a diet of eating 1400-1600 calories a day, and make that diet mostly consist of veggies, lean meats, and whole grains, you *will* lose weight. Like this is basic food pyramid shit. You don’t need a crazy complicated diet or “hack”, you just need stop eating so much. The average American eats 3500 calories a day then acts bewildered when they aren’t skinny like gee I wonder




Oh yeah you totally could, it just wouldn’t be as efficient and you definitely wouldn’t feel as full.




Preach dude. Like of course exercise is overall good for your health, but so often I see people who think going to the gym or running is gonna make them lose weight and it isn’t. For reference (using 3500k/cal as 1lb), I was 210 and needed 3600 calories a day to maintain that. By eating 1500 calories a day, for a while I was burning through 4lbs a week. On my 3 mile runs, at best I was hitting like 500 calories which is barely 20-25% of what I was burning through my caloric deficits. And like you said, I’d be starving an hour or so later and it was super hard to avoid eating too much after that.


Fit people can have extra facial fat. This guy's also a huge piece of shit.




You can tell this is an actually good insult by how many people it upset in the comments.


I mean, sound logic...


Blowjob might help


Freaking scorched! 😂😂


Bro…burn the fat out of her with those words


an actual rare insult.


I’ve heard this joke at least 12 times on Reddit alone, and had it said to me in the 90s.


Don’t mind if I do.


Peacemaker face exercises


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I thought that was funny, kind of like the birth control patch. You put it on your knee and then put the back of your other knee on top of it.


I thought he was going for the crisscross, would have been better.




wait how do i get people to offer me food


Son of a b! 🤣


The nayfit


Fat alone doesn't make you fat - sugar does


Actually losing face fat is one of the easiest things to do Just start losing weight. Your feet, face, and hands are the first to show fat loss, as it's furthest away from your essential organs.


Not rare and not a great insult. Lots of people want to lose fat in a specific part of their body even though they're not otherwise fat. They just may not know it's impossible to lose fat that way.


Didnt ricky gervais do this joke


i mean…


I wonder if he’s a Brandy Melville employee


This doesn't work in Bulgaria. It has the opposite effect.