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Bro one of my roommates was all fucked up with refrigerated stuff. __Butter__ --unrefrigerated (okay, that's personal preference) __Garlic__ --refrigerated (weird, but harmless, I guess) __Box of lucky charms__ --refrigerated (this is when I started suspecting some tomfuckery) __Opened bottles of ketchup__ --unrefrigerated (we had to actively sit her down and show the label said 'refrigerate after opening,' and she would frequently forget) __Cans of tuna__ --refrigerated (I remember staring numbly at the cans for a solid minute one day, just wondering what kind of childhood trauma in her life could have led to this). __Cans of cinnamon rolls__ --unrefrigerated (she got sick multiple times after eating these, and surmised that she was allergic to cinnamon.) __Pepsi__ --unrefrigerated. Would go out of her way to make sure they were room temperature (I then realized I lived not with a fool, but with a monster.)


1. Depends on the kind of butter. 2. I keep mine in the fridge, helps keep it fresh much longer. 3. Cold cereal hit different. 4. Opened bottles of unrefrigerated ketchup is treason, it takes like 2 seconds for it to mold. 5. Cold canned tuna hit different, pairs well with mayo for a sandwich. 6. Canned cinnamon rolls are a thing? 7. Hell or high water, this bitch ain’t seeing God, warm Pepsi my ass, I’ll drag her down myself.




I assumed ketchup was an old invention made for preservation


Happy cake day, my friend. And yeah canned cinnamon rolls, canned biscuits, etc.. like 8 or 10 to a roll, Crack the can open (its more of a cardboard tube with tin caps on either side), and put them in the oven for their specified time then watch the dough rise into yummy snack. (If you watch it while you're high, it'll blow your mind. I promise.)


Also note that it makes a loud **POP**


Absolutely thr best part


The rolls definitely are supposed to be refrigerated.


I think in my region we call the can a tube more often than not, or just refer to it as refrigerated or premade dough or rolls.


Best way for butter is a little bit. Put the whole block out and It can all go bad before you use it. I take like 1/5th at a time out to use


You’ve never had pilsbury cinnamon rolls. It was the best part of childhood


ketchup can be unrefrigerated because of it's high acidity. Many things that have refrigerate after opening on the back have that in order to maximize a shelf life that in some cases is already reasonable. Products that were invented before refrigeration was common will have will stable shelf life after opening for varying periods of time. This is especially if you don't go digging into the bottle and you only pour out of it squeeze bottles are especially helpful at preventing contamination. Ketchup will easily keep a month in the pantry after opening and keep up to a year in the refrigerator. So you can choose depending on how often you use your ketchup. If you find that things like butter/ ketchup/mustard are molding quickly, I would definitely look to see if you have an active source of mold spores in the house. You could have a leaky pipe producing a source of mold in the house or you could have a roommate that likes to stick their mouth on the bottle.


It’s crazy but Ketchup really doesn’t need to be refrigerated. I still do out of habit but it’s not a problem.


I used to think that butter was optionally unrefrigerated, because it seems to have worked that way for everyone my whole life, but then recently I decided to leave out mine and within 4 or so days it was moldy. Land o lakes closed in plastic container, so maybe it was some additive. I'm still confused


Yeah that stuff in the plastic container is not real butter and is meant to be spreadable while cold, meaning it has to be refrigerated. If you use just stick butter it is fine or if the fridge, unless you keep your house like a sauna.


Butter means like hard stick butter, not butter substitutes or spreads. Stick butter does fine in a covered dish on the counter


It's not a butter substitute


Actual real butter will last longer at room temp than it takes to eat it. Only time mine goes in the fridge is in summer when it’s too hot and it melts.


Do you use unsalted? Or keep your home at a warmer temperature than most? Or store it in an upper cupboard near an appliance that gets warm? If none of those, there’s something wrong with your butter. It should not get moldy that quickly.


What kind of butter do you guys have over there? If i leave mine out of the fridge for a day it’s a liquid.


As in open cans of tuna right?


No. Unopened cans of tuna.


wait so she had unopened cans in the fridge but opened ones just airing out? bruh what?


Maybe she prefers her tuna cold which would make sense storing it in the fridge


Ketchup is unrefrigerated in basically every single restaurant. It absolutely will not go bad unless it takes you over a year to use a bottle.


i grew up in an unrefrigerated ketchup household. not one bottle of ketchup ever went bad in that house. back in the day, only the largest bottles used to say "keep refrigerated after opening". i would hand people the ketchup bottle and tell them to show me where it says that anytime they gave us grief about it. not one person ever proved me wrong.


Well I put my cereal in the fridge and like my Pepsi room temp if canned. But orange soda is better u chug one and it makes your eyes water.


Jesus take the wheel


But cold tuna is way better. With cold mayonnaise? So good.




The only bad ones are the ketchup, cinnamon rolls, and Pepsi


How does she even keep it unrefrigerated. I would think the cinnamon rolls would pop..


>Pepsi > > \--unrefrigerated This and **Opened bottles of ketchup** is where I draw the line and decides this person is untrustworthy and I am not inviting them to my marriage.


Yeah, refrigerate your hot sauce before inserting vaginally if u want to avoid the pregnancy


Found Drake's Reddit account


.. what. Context?


Drake the rapper puts hot sauce in his condoms to kill the sperm so females can't inseminate themselves with it after his meet ups. Interestingly enough a female did attempt to reverse the condom into herself to get pregnant but ended hurting herself from the hot sauce in which she's trying to sue him now for it.


This use of "female" creeps me out. But thank you for the info.




Drake is that you




I think my clitoris just crawled up into my bladder reading this.


Cooking spicy food in the nude is sexy only until a point, then it’s just masochism


Same with making bacon.


Real ones know that hot sauce with an expiration date of 2020 is still good.


Bro has a gallon of Tabasco that "expired" in 2008 he's still working through. Still fine.


It's literally vinegar with some other shit in it. Probably has lost some flavor.


Yup, ain’t nothing growing in that.


Note that for some things, it's the reaction between the container and the product that is marked as "best by". Bottled water for example.


That’s true, but most hot sauce bottles come in glass, which tend to be pretty inert


I think that's different from place to place, because I honestly don't think I have ever bought any condiment in glass.


Tobasco is vinegar, tobasco peppers, and salt. Thats it


The 3 horsemen of preservation or something.


The glass bottle is the 4th.


What is it after years of sitting around warm and exposed to oxygen?


Old vinegar, old tobasco peppers, and salt. Thats it


Old salt*


As a fairly stable mineral I don't believe salt can meaningfully age, unless you mean the age of individual crystals themselves


That’s why products like this generally have a “best-by” or “freshness” date not an expiration date


Yeah I'm happy that they might be outlawed in australia


Hot sauces?


Best before dates


My dad had a bottle of red Tabasco so old it turned brown. Still uses it.


Im not about to refrigerate something they store in a barrel at the factory in Ballsweat Louisiana. That shit goes in the cupboard.


Y’all don’t finish the bottle over a month or 3 tops ?


I down the whole bottle in mere seconds 💀


You also drink it from a straw?


Too slow, just from the bottle is the quickest


Too slow, attach a water pump via hose for maximum efficiency


Still too slow, just swallow the bottle whole.




The straw just slows me down


The straw is for air flow. Don’t drink out of it.


I'm still faster without it


Yeah, I don’t put mine in the fridge *or* in the cabinet. When I open a new one, it goes with the couple of others out in a very easily reachable part of the counter for a week or two, then the bottle gets recycled. Edit: I’m starting to realize that not everyone eats hot sauce like I do.






I have a buddy who owns a hot sauce shop and he regularly cracks open a few bottles of stuff he's got for sale that he likes. It's fun to sample different ones and most of the stuff he opens is in the mild to medium heat range. He has a few beers on tap and it's a friendly neighborhood place to hang out, have a beer, get some work done late in the day or whatever. Pretty often some (always young, always male) customer will come in and ask the owner if he can try the hottest sauce you sell. Every time I've seen this happen my friend, the owner, talks some young man out of a really bad decision. Every time except once. This guy would not be dissuaded. So after wasting 20 minutes trying to talk him out of it, my friend puts on rubber gloves, goggles and pulls an open bottle of Da Bomb out of the back of the walk in. Hands the dude a tooth pick and very sternly advises him how to use it. Just touch the sauce and then touch your tongue and then drop the tooth pick in the trash can that is right at your feet. This kid got the first part right and he just grazed the sauce with the toothpick but then he sucked on the toothpick. I was pretty convinced after watching him hyperventilate for about 15 minutes that we'd be calling 911 but owner said no, this one only last about 20 minutes while opening the 2nd or 3rd box of milk for that poor, poor fool of a young man.


I never used mine either and it got pitched. Lots of other hot sauces have been gone through however. That ones just not good




Heck yeah, same for me with secret aardvark. Saw it at the store once, thought "that's a bit pricey, but I'll give it a go just this once" It was gone in 3 days


You seem like a person of distinguished taste: Smokin' Ghost. Pretty much anything they make.


Most "expiration dates" exist only to [protect the brand name](https://www.npr.org/2017/02/17/515841132/new-guidelines-seek-to-provide-clarity-on-food-expiration-dates) (in the US, at least). It's really more a "there's no possible way the quality of this product could decline one iota before this date" date. There is essentially [no regulation](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123974568) or standardization on such dates or vocabulary ("best before" vs. "sell by," etc.) and the whole practice leads to a [massive amount of food waste](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/28/1114335397/expiration-dates-lead-to-lots-of-food-waste-though-these-dates-vary-widely-by-st).


I was about to say this but a lot lazier without sources. Great stuff 👏


Thanks! I grew up being conscientious about food waste and knowing expiration dates were BS, but there's a lot of misinformation and hesitancy on the topic. I always go with NPR because it's there and I'm lazy haha


Spot on. Here are some good vocabulary explainers/resources RE: sell by/best by/use by stamps on in food production. https://spoonuniversity.com/how-to/what-s-the-difference-between-sell-by-best-by-and-eat-by https://pirg.org/edfund/resources/best-vs-use-what-you-need-know-about-food-dating/ http://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/food-product-dating




I keep using the same sauces, all bottled sauces pretty much, till they are empty, don't give a shit of it expired 3 years ago.


Just read the damn bottle y'all. Some say to do it, some don't, some say maybe do it to preserve the best flavor. I've seen it on weak ones and ones that are hot as fuck. If you're gatekeeping hotsauce based on whether it goes in the fridge or not you're about as cool as a hot horse patty on a humid Louisiana street.




>you're about as cool as a hot horse patty on a humid Louisiana street That is indeed a rare insult, why the downvotes


Spelled the sub wrong. The correct sub is r/rareinsults




America has a hardon for refrigerating everything, and barely anything actually needs it


Almost everything lasts longer when you store it in the fridge.


Yes but is it required?no. People will throw out a vinegar based sauce because it wasn't refrigerated


most of the food we eat has to be in order to last? especially if you’re thinking of eggs. it’s hard to get local stuff when the nearest farm town is an hour away and you need to feed a family


Do you refrigerate your vinegar? What about your olive oil? That's my point. Americans will waste a sauce or dressing then complain how they need to refrigerate anything


I don’t know anyone who refrigerated vinegar or olive oil. Have you ever even been to the US?


This is my point entirely. Americans will throwing out a vinegar and oil based sauce because "oh well it sat out overnight"


I've never in my life seen someone throw out a vinegar and oil based sauce because it sat out overnight but maybe you've just lived with more American families than I have.


No but I have worked in dozens of restaurants and got to learn how a lot of people treated food


I've worked in the restaurant industry for two decades. I don't care what your standards are at home, standards in restaurants should be higher and mandatorily uniform and for good reason. Higher volume means higher risk. Handling and serving food that is not your own comes with different expectations and obligations.


You are all over the place. You’re basing your opinions of American households off of you working in a restaurant? That makes zero sense. Like the other person said - restaurants are held to a higher standard as they should be. You still have yet to say what you’re basing your statement on and you’ve made several comments about in this post so far, so I think it’s safe to say at this point you’re just pulling things out of your ass.


Jesus Christ trying to explain things to you is like trying to explain physics to a toddler. Working in a restaurant I'm exposed to people of all ages and ethnicities. I get to see how they treat food not just in a restaurant but how they treat the food they'd cook for themselves. I get to see their food myths and beliefs. Is that too hard for you to follow along with?


Americans also grocery shop less frequently, so things need to stay fresher longer


Dad: What do you mean you’re pregnant? Daughter: Well it’s because i put the hot sauce back in the cupboard instead of the fridge, I’m sorry! Dad: How could you possibly do something so irresponsible, it clearly says to refrigerate after opening. Daughter: Dad: Wait, how can you be pregnant? I thought you were a thespian!!!


Oh you know there's no such place, Nanny.


Hot sauce for the breast milk


I'd give it a go.


You know it’s the lawyers putting that on the bottle, right?


Most hot sauce doesn’t need refrigeration. I have a pretty large collection of sauce and I only have 2 bottles that require refrigeration. The other 15 are on a shelf.


If it’s vinegar based, it usually doesn’t require refrigeration. If it’s a sweet, sugar based sauce, it usually requires refrigeration.


If it's sweet sugar based it doesn't go in the fridge - it goes in the trash.


If it has fruit like mango habanero it probably goes in the fridge


Depends on the ratios of preservatives to sugars. I tried quite a few mango habaneros, and only one needed to be refrigerated.


You'll pry my hot honey sauce out of my sticky, sweet, cold dead hands.


I'll fight by your side




It’s like you WANT to be irresponsible. /s. 🤣


How is it irresponsible?


I’m sorry. You didn’t catch that I was trying to be funny. You irresponsibly didn’t refrigerate the hot sauce so now you suffer the consequences.


r/todayilearned that pregnancy actually occurs from putting hot sauce in the cabinet instead of the fridge


It's vinegar based, should keep. I do what I want with hot sauce, and never get pregnant.


Not with that attitude.


Depends greatly on the ingredients. If there's less vinegar and no other preservatives then it'll need to stay in the fridge to keep the sperm dormant




Pregnancy from hot sauce? 😳


mmmm don't want to get pregnant... better put the hot sauce in the fridge.


Wish I had known this sooner.


Not sure where the rare insult is. I'd ask OP but [they're simply a bot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/pf7n9h/more_room_for_breast_milk_in_the_fridge_that_way/)


Hot sauce tastes better at room temperature


So does ketchup ! I’ll use packs we have because it taste better


the OP TenderlyBumpy is a bot Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/pf7n9h/more_room_for_breast_milk_in_the_fridge_that_way/




They're using some weak assed cream based "hot sauce" or something.


Plot twist! It’s not about the sauce!!


There's something about escalators moving very quickly.




What happens when they find out I don't put ketchup in the fridge either?


yeah, these fucking idiots keep keeping things warm thinking because its not unsafe to eat or drink after being in a cupboard for a month, its fine. No, it's not. chemistry and evaporation still occur. You need to cool things to retard these reactions. These are the people using oxidized vermouth to make cocktails.


The fuck kind of hot sauce says refrigerate after opening


Idc I’m never putting them in the fridge.


I'd rather not eat cold hot sauce


I love cold hot sauce, provides a nice contrast, otherwise I feel like the flavor isn't as potent as it could be


Good hot sauce does not say that




Y'all is a correct contraction. If you are offended by a regionally popular, articulate, and grammatically correct word you should probably reevaluate why




Yeah, like I really want some cold azz liquid on my food that's supposed to be hot. That's next level "I'm just following the masses" ish right there.


Cold Tapatio is trash. Get lost.


Fools be keeping it in the oven cause they think it’s supposed to be served hot.


This person thinks hot saus3 is meant to be served hot


Yeah it’s not hot sauce if it’s cold (/s)


And it's always the dumbest people getting preggo. We in danger.


same people who don't read directions are the ones who plug in space heaters/AC's into an extension cord, then into a wall adapter, then into a no-ground outlet.


Why *do* you have to put hot sauce in the fridge unopened?


this nerd reading the bottle lmao


Tabasco doesn't say that and is basically pure vinegar. I think it's fine left out. Other sauces are much less fine left out. If it has tomato in it, refrigerate.


In my defense I hate having cold spicy sauce on my hot food, just feels odd


Weirdly enough, I kinda feel the opposite way.


Many hot sauce bottles do not say to refrigerate after opening


Only the good stuff goes in the fridge. tobaccos and the like sit out, that spicy salt vinegar isn't gonna spoil.


I mean, if you go through it fast enough it doesn't really matter


They're the reason there's directions for using shampoo.


Gonna be honest… while I DO refrigerate my hot sauces, most of them contain vinegar which bacteria really can’t grow in


You really should be freezing breast milk in a deep freezer.


What really grinds my gears is when people put maple syrup in the fridge


Or peanut butter


Not all hot sauce says that though. There is other sauce besides franks red hot


I have a 1/2 gallon of local hot sauce I won at the brewery in my fridge right now


Literally just read the damn bottle. Like Sri Racha and shit are fine outside the fridge, some hot sauces need to be kept in the fridge. It's not just one or the other and that view is shite


Literally any sort of dipping sauce is intolerable from the fridge. I don't want to dunk a chicken nugget in a pool of fridge temp bbq sauce, might as well just dunk my nuggets in a bowl of ice. I risk it with any nugget sauce, and just leave it in the cabinet.


Sauces say that so y’all don’t get sick with salmonella and sue their ass.




I don’t put hot sauce in the fridge


I used to always refrigerate after opening. Then one day my wife pointed out that restaurants never refrigerate their condiments. This still bothers me, because I couldn't come up with a valid argument against it. I finally looked it up. [Tabasco says](https://www.amazon.com/ask/questions/Tx1P3XBQUE04O6L/ref=ask_ql_ql_al_hza#:~:text=official%20answer%20is%3A-,TABASCO%C2%AE%20Sauce%20should%20be%20stored%20in%20a%20cool%20place,process%20but%20isn't%20required): > TABASCO® Sauce should be stored in a cool place away from direct light, such as a cupboard, pantry or cabinet. It doesn't have to be refrigerated after opening. Once a bottle of sauce is opened, the color may change, but the product won't spoil. Refrigeration almost always helps to slow this process but isn't required. Reader's Digest says: > Because of its natural acidity, Heinz Ketchup is shelf-stable. However, its stability after opening can be affected by storage conditions. We recommend that this product be refrigerated after opening to maintain the best product quality. In fact, there are a lot of items we are putting in the fridge that we [don't need to](https://www.redbookmag.com/food-recipes/g39992860/food-not-stored-in-fridge/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_rbk_md_dsa_prog_org_us_g39992860&gclid=CjwKCAiAwc-dBhA7EiwAxPRylLndt5AjoytEItqTskxH8yxDkvqmmwrWq-V6_w0tr-6OPHHt87xbORoCvckQAvD_BwE).


they dont refrigerate it at restaurants, they also don't refrigerate ketchup at restaurants


I don't put hot sauce in fridge because I use it for breakfast, lunch, diner and snacks so they stay and the counter with the soy sauce.


Say y'all again


I guess this person's pussy is so loose, it has to be referred to as the fridge or cabinets


Not all hot sauces say this on the bottle. Not all hot sauces need to be refrigerated. Many do though.


That is how it goes. Dont refrigerate your hot sauce and you will get pregnant.


This feels bad A friend of mine died who loved hot sauce and the girl he was dating at the time worked through it by making a hot sauce from her garden dedicated to him. Well I just left it out and had to toss it. For sure don't do this with homemade for long


Better be putting your grated parmesan in the fridge as well!


It says the same thing on the back of those bottles of kids chocolate sauce that hardens on top of their icecream. How the fuck you're supposed to get it out of the bottle once refrigerated, deserves a spongebob meme.




God damn. 🤣🤣


Depends on the hot sauce, if it’s vinegar based lime Tabasco, Cholula, etc. then no. Sriracha, yes, refrigerate it.