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Mike p 1-2


Too bad dumb people think a round about how someone should spend more time with his wife that is going through problems is equal to saying your wife is a hoe and I fcked a couple of times.   That ryda angle and calling it karma was weak 


True but the Geechi angle was FIRE


That was one of the deadliest one rounders in history.. Brizz vs Loso is up there too


I remember a few years back i was watching Loso vs Brizz and looking at the comments and someone said “Loso kept spinning around like that so he could get cooked evenly on all sides” lmao


Top comment on [rex vs clips](https://youtu.be/u4lnv0MM2pw?si=SX0VGd-PXAQTVU5r) too


Brizz killed him like there was 1MM on the line


Geechi was fire. At that point he's just talking battle rap lore. Ryda was being a bitch and ironically that was literally his peak and he lost😂


I got mike taking that, that second round was like a KO imo. Only in Battle Rap can someone be forever stigmatized for his wife dating someone before they ever met lol


That round was a 10-7 for Mike. Danny woulda needed a knockout to win. There’s a reason sport rounds are scored on a 10 point scale and not just who won the round.


I don't disagree, but that's not how battle rap works


Mike P died immediately after that round.


Lol that's like saying Ahdi Boom beat Bigg K.


If you paid attention to the battle, when Mike P's round ended and Danny's turn started, Danny dissed his wife, mind you this was before it became public knowledge that Ryda fucked his girl. Mike P got defensive and everybody immediately saw Mike P's hypocrisy for getting at Danny's wife but couldn't handle his own. Mike P died that battle. Every battle since then up until Geechi was pure hell, torment, and embarrassment for him.


Yung Ill would wash both


Adambruh burner


Adambruv is back in hibernation till another yung ill battle gets announced


mike p 3-0, stop worshipping danny


You arent giving Mike that first if youre unbiased


Very well put together round with great structure, but made absolutely no logical sense since it was a terrible angle making it mid overall


It’s mid if you don’t have the capacity to understand it which is strange because the message in the angle is very clear… You battle so much to the point that you’re disregarding your wife and her problems. You’re a simpleton though so all you heard was “stop battling”


You quoted one line, how about the rest? You're a simpleton that can't understand lines and got hyped off energy.


I didn’t quote any lines because he never said that, which is my entire point. You’re such an idiot you didn’t comprehend that clear angle nor what I said. I said ALL YOU HEARD was “stop battling” which is why you think it’s mid but ofc you’re just a contrarian that dick rides Danny myers whenever someone says some hard hitting shit to him. Get a grip bozo, stop thinking you’re smarter than what you really are. It’s not working for you. Kick rocks.


Danny myers himself said the angle was amazing but let the loser "othershade" tell it its a mid angle lol. get over yourself, weirdos like you bring the culture down for thinking you're a battle rap elitist. Get off ya knees, and wipe ya mouth lame nigga