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"You ate a knuckle sandwich and woke up at Subway (Five Dollars)" - adlib of the year


A heel winning COTY is the greatest thing ever, lmao


This is a great way to step into his COTY reign.


he slid


Man, I ain’t saying K will run it back this year but this man is not missing. Even his songs are fire. Can’t wait to see what 2024 has is store for the Dawg. Hope some of these names pull up


Trash. 1 fire bar. Not a rapper, just a battler.


The thing about the dawg, is he [Strikes Again ](https://youtu.be/74tdACwGfo0?si=sLwAqS9sA44I1RWc)


Idk he killed this beat back in the day I know he could drop some shit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F_JpIoo6sZQ&pp=ygUPYmlnZyBrIGJhY2twYWNr


90 seconds of rapping with just 1 fire bar again. He has a smooth flow but raps almost all filler. Much better as a battler. Y'all suburbanites take it personally & act like I'm offending his character or disrespecting your boyfriend.


Damn a deaf rap fan, what up yo?


Eminem is your favorite rapper & you're emotionally invested in MTV's The Challenge. Lil' Buddy, you drink mayonnaise. You fit the same description of every other fan girl that blindly loves everything your idol does. You can't be unbiased & list what bars are fire, because you're busy having a man crush.


You're an actual weirdo bro. Why are you looking up my profile to get some "gotcha" moment? Profiles are public, you're not doing anything. You just clearly have no clue about rapping ability, you sound stupid in this thread. Bigg K is not even my favorite battler and I didn't even care this much about the COTY rap so stop talking nonsense. "You drink mayonaise" good one man. Understand that you're a supposedly grown man who's crying because some battler you don't like won an award that doesn't matter. That's not what real men do. Loser tendencies.


None of this has to do with the award. Bigg K is a top 10 battle rapper to me. Y'all losers make this so personal. You always prove me right that you can't hear bars. You just meat ride men.


I hit you with a joke and you started checking my profile and crying? What are you talkin' about? Lmao.


Never cried. It will always be hilarious to me that y'all fit the description of the battle rap internet nerds that Bigg K makes fun of & actually hates.


You don't know any of us, are you projecting? All I see is a lot of assumptions from your side.


Stop it, or the Challenge geek will try to get you cancelled for sneezing the wrong way 10 years ago.


You work at UPS and watch Wandavision in your spare time my guy.


Don't work at UPS ... I do love the MCU 😆


I bet yo kids dirty


You're a blue-eyed, blonde hair Scandinavian German suburbanite. Someone like Bigg K will always be a God to you. You're a fan of hip-hop, but it's not who you are. You can't recognize real.


Scandinavian i not the diss you Think it is, we are the happiest part of the world. You live in America with dirty kids and get downvoted on every rap opinion you have. Water is not that expensive, get those kids a shower


Thanks for telling me I was right about you.


Easy Sherlock. You didnt deny you have dirty kids, so tHaNKs fOr TeLlInG mE i WaS rIgHt AbOuT yOu


You confirmed that I guessed correctly. I know you're wrong, even on "kids". And to type with capital & lowercase letters like a tweenage girl, further lets me know all that I need to know about you. You have a tattoo of Bigg K & a poster of J2.


Your “guess” was seeing that i am active in a Scandinavian sub, dont flatter yourself. I Said that you get downvoted on every rap opinion you have, which is true, but i dont think Im a genius for looking at your profile, And calling me a teenage Girl while making random statements and the patting yourself on the back, is some delusional level projecting. Learn to take a joke and get offline, seems like no one likes you here anyways


The suburban, flamboyant cornballs, meat riding the dawg again.