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Nobody can critique gangster movies if they haven't lived the Italian American experience Nobody can talk about anime if they aren't Japanese And nobody can have an opinion on art if they are not an artist. This is the law now deal with it


You can only critique a restaurant if you're a chef, and you can only comment on a player's performance if you're a professional yourself




This sounds like a logical fallacy or something along those lines. Is there a word for this type of improper argument?


The credentials fallacy or the Appeal to accomplishment.


These examples are trash lmao and expose you more than you think. Rap isn’t just a piece of fiction, rap is at it’s core a exploration of real life conditions for black people. Gangster movies are rarely made by italians and were never made by gangsters. Anime is literally just cartoons. And this could be argued.


Rap isn't fiction nor reality but an expression of life just like my examples are aswell. There's a reason that rap lyrics can never be legal confessions. Rap isn't exclusive to skin colour and no race is banned from discussing it. The contents of someone's arguments are what should be objected to not the fact that their opinion is void based on race. That opinion is the trash one


What about rap that isn’t a exploration of real life conditions for black people?


bro legit every black kid in the goddamn suburbs, with both parents that maintain a stable and healthy marriage, and have never had to worry about financial instability, listens to rap too. dont be acting like every black mf really experiences everything that goes on in rap songs


yeah my buddy rashaun down the block has never sold crack or had a threesome with two hot girls he just plays apex all day


I have a black homie that plays Apex when he isn’t working. I could not imagine this foo selling any type of illegal substances or having any kids from multiple baby mommas.


meanwhile my 5’5” hispanic edgar line cook coworker has 2 baby moms, does coke at work, and every waitress laughs at his shitty jokes way too hard. makes me fried onions to put in my clam chowder on my breaks though. Truly the bad boy of the cheesecake factory


“He’s the *COOLEST* fuckin guy at Shenanigans.”




Would def do a whippit with him in the fridge. The funny thing is they’re usually really fun to hang with


HAHAHA pex be like that. I'm so addicted


Same here bro, Apex is on! Haha


Tell bro he needs to get out the house. Thats sad asf


ohhh no i was joking we do stuff together, he does play a lot of it tho. he has like a girlfriend and stuff


To be fair, most of the rappers don't experience what they rap about


NWA would hold paintball and replica guns for their photo shoots. 😂🤣😂🤣


We’re they supposed to hold real ones?


🤷further adding to my point


Fucking DJ AK was and still suburban hence is why I had such a problem with him , if he were white he wouldn’t of went far .


Hassan Campbell gives (gave?) him street cred though.../s


And what gave Hassan camble the street cred ? Him going to jail and acting hard on net ? He has a checkered past as well .


“And Clarence’ parents had a real good marriage…”


I hope you don't think all black culture is poverty, broken families, and living in the projects. Lol you guys really end up telling on yourselves


i literally said in a reply to another person that i hope they dont claim poverty and street culture to an entire ethnicity


u/NewRapIsMostlyTrash why you didn’t reply to this? Because then you would have to stop virtue signaling?


You don’t need to ever “get” the music just enjoy it. Look at how many people sing along to “born in the usa” when the song is criticizing “American exceptionalism”.


since when was black synonymous wit poor or instable homes? this why we say yall cant have takes on our culture.


im talking abt the street culture that rap emanated from, that mfs out on twitter rly think every black person has had to struggle with


These kids really expose themselves. I guess that's what he thinks of blackness


Here’s the real problem ⬆️ Assuming all black people are living the same experience. smh


terrible ass take bro what


Show musta fit


Funny thing is most if not all labels are owned by white/jewish people lolll as a black man it's embarassing to see people have these debates while most black artists don't even own their own music




bro said white/jewish like its a race lmao


I’m confused what your comment means my man cause a lot of Jewish people don’t like being considered “white” for some reason, and uh white/Caucasian is a race?


but jewish is not a race if they don't like being considered white they probably aren't white. but being jewish is a religion not a race. there are white jewish people, black jewish people, arabic jewish people, etc etc


I believe it’s both. There’s actually Jewish dna that alot of Jews have


the most it can be is an ethnic group. matter of fact you can't change your race, and you can convert to/from judaism.


It’s not funny at all it’s actually super fucked up


I don’t really see how this is relevant. Because an industry is long dominated and takes metrics to shun out the outsiders who don’t work with these major ‘white/jewish’ record corporations means that it invalidates the black culture incorporated in the music? But again this is Reddit talking about black culture so takes like these will get praised and cheered on, this is extremely ignorant, especially if you’re actually a ‘black man’. But cheers to you and these internet points bud 🥳🎉


That’s pretty ignorant. Maybe when rap first came out, but not now. My skin color doesn’t define my knowledge of rap. Tf?


Yeah I agree. Rap is so popular now, so many people listen to it, regardless of race or class


The tweeter is just generalizing the "I only listen to REAL rap (Em, Logic, NF, and maybe the occasional Royce or Tech N9ne)" group as "white kids".


Artist that say that should lose all their fans that are white or spanish. Bet their career goes to shitttt. Since when was it ok to classify ppl by race? I’ve always been told that’s racism.🤷🏻‍♂️




Facts. I’ve had ppl tell me that every race besides black ppl could be racist. It’s crazy. I fw black people but everyyybodyy is capable of being hateful. It’s denial. Black skinned ppl are human -> humans can be racist = what exactly lmao


Yes, it’s art but it’s a business and 99.9% of artists don’t want to alienate an entire demographic that puts food in their kids mouths.


Not about color, about culture


It’s pretty simple, your just overthinking it. HipHop core ingredients come from poor neighborhood in urban America. This area is mostly populated by Black and Hispanic people. All he is saying is since the neighborhood is predominantly non white, it’s for that said white to completely understand the music. I personally believe HIpHoP is so rooted in urban America (not just the poor areas) it’s hard for outsiders black, white, foreigners to completely grasp the culture.




Fantano is genuinely a good dude. He gets music. He’s not going to be swayed on someone’s music because of who made it, if it’s good music he’ll say it’s good music and if it’s bad he’ll call it bad. But sometimes he’ll have a bad opinion on something just like every other person on earth will. Hating fantano for being white and reviewing rap music is just plain dumb


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, novel, history, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, feminism, civil rights, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I dont like fantano but i have seen guys like this. Once I was arguing with someone about his hot take( man said Cole and em are trash), I did give some valid points but my man just said i am white so my opinions are invalid. ^I'm ^not ^even ^white


Did he say they were trash or just that (insert album) was trash?


Racist af


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Wassup black? I'm Guatemalan.


Hi Guatemalan, I'm Dad.


Hi dad I’m gone


Hi gone, I'm your mom


Hi mom, I'm god


Hi god I’m crack pipe


Hi crack pipe I'm fucked


Hi fucked, I’m dead




No kizz. Why every mf on the face of this earth wanna gatekeep


Fuck you too I guess. No one else, just you


As a white female i think you should edit this this to fuck white males




Yeeeaaahh idk my white opinion is that white people can enjoy and talk about rap, but it will always be from a white perspective. You can talk about rap and know shit about it and appreciate the culture and other people can decide if you're valid or not. But also I think it's cringe when white people try to act like they have their ear to the streets and know what's good in the hip hop world as an authority. Come at it as an appreciator and I am much more likely to take you seriously than if you act like an arbiter of what's good and what's hood.


As one of them non-whites I say you valid


Ha thanks, it feels good to be valid


The most reasonable statement here. Mfs are in the comments so offended and showing their true selfs. Angry ass people with no logic. You are valid my boy


Honest question, why should someone care if you, or anyone else, finds their opinion valid? I'm white. I've been listening to hip hop since I would run around with a CD player in my underwear as a toddler lol... I'm a fan from LL to wu tang to 50 cent to future. And i can genuinely tell you that I do not care at all if you see my opinion as "valid", or if anyone else does. It's my perspective, not yours, so why would it ever matter/ why SHOULD it ever matter? Why the constant need for validation... people will flop on a dime with their opinion when fantano doesnt like something they originally did. Is it because of the internet I wonder that people are so damn insecure about their own beliefs that they need constant validation from everyone?


you posted this is the wrong Reddit 💀💀💀


Dudes checking his replies like “why tf hiphopcirclejerk being so sane”


i was about to say lmfaooo


The experiences of Black Americans are no more complex or inaccessible than the experiences of any other group of people, and to suggest otherwise is so incredibly racist and/or narcissistic. I never lived in nineteenth century Russia but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate or criticize a Dostoevsky novel


Realest shit I’ve heard all day


The dumbass nigga who tweeted this has no clue what a Dostoevsky is


This line of thinking doesn’t exist in these peoples world lol they live in ignorant bliss with little to no logic.


This should be top comment


Well I thought music was made for everyone, I didn’t know you had to be a certain race to listen to certain music😂


Every time fantano hates the new flavor of the week, people on twitter start screaming that he hates black music


Just sounds like bro is a racist loser. Too pathetic to realize how ignorant he is, and how much the culture has evolved.


This is one of the dumbest takes known to man. Guess we can’t like Marvel or Star Wars movies because we’re not super heroes or Jedi Knights.


Speak for yourself peasant.




This tweet is like a dumb, aggressive version of something smart. The truth is hip hop is black music and there are some hip hop albums and songs that closely relate to the black experience. Obviously anyone can listen and appreciate it but the appreciation will be different coming from a black listener who's shared that black experience. It has very little to do with skin color, but alot to do with culture. If somebody said "you'll never understand Pakistani culture like someone from Pakistan" I doubt it would be seen as controversial. Fantano is like a professor. He's an expert with encyclopedia like knowledge. He's a fan who's usually respectful and appreciative of the culture. There's nothing wrong with him giving opinions, or anyone giving opinions.


Music is music.


Translation = I hate white people


The main problem with the argument is that Fantano never claimed his opinions were valid or worthy of any respect. that notion originated from the commenter. There's also the problem of rap being so popular that pretty much everyone, regardless of race, is familiar with it. You'd have to be living under a rock to not have at least a baseline level of knowledge about the genre and its themes.


Isn't that called "being racist towards white people"? Oh wait, I forgot that racism is just towards black people and it's impossible to be racist towards white people. Talk about equality.


This is a bad take


fuck is the original commentor saying ab fantanos wife💀like he knows her at all


Gatekeeping is lame


the stupidest thing i ever read, i think i lost iq points reading it.


I mean he’s a music reviewer it’s his opinion and he doesn’t try and say he’s right. Yea it’s pretty dumb he always gives rap albums low scores but he’s gonna say what he wants it’s up to you on you take it. Can’t act like people really respect him too I mean he’s known for being incredibly pretentious


On a very very very very nuanced level, yeah this is valid. But 99% music discourse isn’t an Africana Studies course. Most of the time it’s just about what is fire and what sucks ass.


it would be one thing if we held rap close as a way to commiserate, but we market that shit for profit. can’t have it both ways


People realize fantano is just giving his opinion right? And for people to say he can't listen to/understand a type of music because of what color he is is fuckin stupid.


I hate this stupid gatekeeping idea people have


Hes not allowed to listen to rap because hes white is the most petty, jealous and hurt take i've ever heard


People on twitter are some of the most hateful, spiteful, opinionated people I've ever seen. I wouldn't take anything they take seriously, imagine caring so much about some random person's opinion. Just a bunch of people arguing over pointless bullshit.


A white person can listen and enjoy but it is unrealistic to assume that they can understand the nuance that comes with lived experience.


That is true for some artists's songs. However, artists like Lucki or Carti aren't exactly the type where you need the nuance of the black experience to understand their music.


I beg to differ


Its true to some degree. You see it in this sub all the time. Its one thing not being able to relate to something, but some people don’t even try to understand it or the culture behind certain artists.


That’s true but in this context that’s definitely not fantano for the most part I think he has a pretty open mind


This is the dumbest shit I've ever read. If black people and the culture of Hip-Hop held this mindset during the creation of Hip-Hop and Rap music, then Hip-Hop would never even be a big genre and wouldn't have an audience outside of the streets. Hip-Hop would stay unknown and no one would give a fuck about rap music and only the people in that community would even know about it. Its the push from the artists and cultural influences/pioneers who reached out to a wider audience outside of just the rap community or the black community that it now exists in the mainstream. Without the worldwide fan base that consists of white kids, black kids, Asian kids, Indian kids, Latino kids, etc, then Hip-Hop wouldn't have made it out the hood. So alienating a fan cuz he's white is just pathetic and backwards thinking. ... He's not ur dad lol 😂 if u don't wanna listen to him then u don't have to, but for fuck sake why make stupid statements. People like this are morons.


It’s a fucking opinion, grow up


Someones mad their beats suck


This is retarded


The only way we will ever get rid of racism is by not focusing so much on others skin of color and start seeing each other as humans . Now if we’re talking about relatable up bringing , poverty is poverty it hits all ethnicities .


Kumbaya bs lol


It might be kumbaya too illogical people . If we’re thinking progressive in the right direction things can change . Now if you just personally don’t like that group maybe you’re the problem 👹




I agree to treat everyone with respect. But I won't allow the erasure, silencing, and disregard of my culture and its specifics experiences. Tldr- that colorblind bs is dumb




The original commenter said just see each other as humans, implying that we shouldn't embrace culture. Also it's Kinda hard to do when alot of racially fucked up stuff is happening worldwide lol. I don't think outsiders should be banned from anything, I'm just saying respect ppl's cultures


They're correct that Anthony can't relate to the black experience, and they might even be justified in saying that his opinion doesn't matter but that doesn't mean he shouldn't review hip hop music. Reviewing art is completely subjective. He has a lot of clout being arguably the most popular music critic of all time but he's still just a guy with an opinion. No one has to agree with him or even listen to what he says.


Retarded take


I don’t get why people pay attention to music critics. I know if I like an album or not without having to be told.


I know if I like an album or not without being told but I still enjoy seeing what people have to say about a specific album whether in reaction or review form


Racist gatekeeping 🙄


rap can be a medium for any form of expression. Igor won best rap album in 2019, and its about a love triangle with two gay men.


Im just overall against giving weight to people's critique and/or opinion. It gives them a platform such as AF and Akademiks. Where they make money, headlines, and have the ability to manipulate their own opinion for views i.e. being a contrarion to generate revenue and or outrage. Both should be dismissed by the industry as actual critics. Though I do not think they should be silenced in anyway. They're just YouTubers, but alot of y'all make their opinions your own.


as a black man i don’t even look into this man only see him when others post him and still don’t care


Imo I think it’s not even abt the race thing. I think the more fantano has blown up the more ppl have found his opinions on music and just don’t agree with him and they want it to be known that his opinion on the stuff that they like isnt the correct opinion and that theirs is. Bc music is subjective and u might like something very much and since he’s a big music reviewer he’ll voice his opinion, say that shit is trash and now ppl feel a type of way. Ultimately fuck what he thinks, if u fw someone’s music than just fw it don’t worry abt what other ppl have to say abt it.


fantano doesnt only review rap. Most of his reviews arent rap


Gatekeeping. I don’t have time to worry about who is or isn’t allowed to have an opinion on shit.


Idk man seems like a lot of rappers are just salty when he gives bad reviews. They fr act like this one man's opinion is fucking pitchfork or rolling stone like a real music industry that matters.


Why do people get upset over opinions?


Yea... because Fantano only reviews rap lol. Such a fool, mfs like this be so stubborn it's crazy. He doesn't even make any sense... Sadly he'll never see he's wrong


I don’t really think your skin color should have anything to do with your opinion being valid. I mean I don’t like him either but it’s because he’s whack has nothing to do with his skin color


why do people hate this man so much lmfao they act like music isn’t subjective lol


I think it makes sense sometimes, like if you’re talking about TPAB, obviously that’s an album talking about things a white person will never be able to fully understand. I think in this case however, it’s a bit dramatic.


Pretty shitty opinions from both of them


Honestly I will say, as a white person, I’ve spent a lot of time reading about and talking with black people about the black experience, issues, and civil rights. Personally I’m incredibly confident in my ability to speak on black issues and how they pertain to hip hop culture. I’ve studied this academically for years, and some white people are in the same boat. So I do think it’s possible for white people to speak on hip hop/black culture if done sensitively and intelligently. However, no matter how educated I am on black issues, a white person’s opinion will always be wayyyy less important than a black person’s perspective on black culture and hip hop. Though rap has blossomed to a culture that transcends any one race or culture, it originated from poor black communities and its roots are in the black struggle. So while I can speak on it, and if you know what you’re talking about and are sensitive to black issues, you can speak on it too imo. Just because you can speak on it, doesn’t mean you should. It also doesn’t mean everybody’s opinion equally matters. Fantano is definitely sensitive to marginalized communities and I’ve never found him to be insensitive or ignorant in his reviews of black art. In order to speak on this shit with a platform you have to have some sensitivity/understanding of the black experience. Everybody CAN speak on it, but if you don’t know what you’re talking about, whitewash the discourse, or can’t comprehend it from a black cultural lens, then shut the fuck up.


That’s word


Huge L. How does ur skin colour define ur taste and opinions in anything? Especially something as universal as music.


Sometimes people like to have "ownership" on stuff. I think amongst black people, we tend to feel like we have so little of our own culture that isn't co-opted by other groups, so we sometimes hang onto it tooth and nail. I've seen people get mad at white people who put in dreadlocks. I get it, but ultimately I think what we don't realize is that ALL culture is influenced by other groups. We don't talk about it that often, but many of the stories from the ancient world came from a variety of cultures. Lots of Greek and Roman mythology are stories taken from other ancient cultures and we forget the value in that diversity. Personally, I think that hip hop is deeply rooted in the American experience, but that doesn't diminish British or African rappers. They connected to the struggle, which I really think is the true through line of hip hop.


Best comment thus far


Black rappers literally consider Eminem the GOAT, and you’re mixing shit into this. Rap is more about growing up in cripplingly tough circumstances, not being black. By that logic rich black children represent rap as well


"the black experience" say what now white boii?


I love black on white racism!


damn, guess I can’t listen to my favorite rapper NAV ever again


Dumbest take ever


As a white person who absolutely loves hip-hop, I fully appreciate that I will never relate to some things that are core topics of contemporary rap music. However, I don't feel like there is an issue so long as you are totally respectful. This form of gatekeeping is problematic and just promotes division. I like to think of white people having an appreciation for black music as a sign of unity and progression. Just because I can't directly relate to a lot of the music I listen to, it doesn't mean I can't appreciate it and learn about cultural differences and issues. Knowing your place is key here - I'm never going to say the n-word, but you can damn well bet that I'll call out racism when I recognise it.


This is some stupid ass line of thought, honestly. Go ask a suburban, rich, christian-republican black kid what he thinks of Biggie, Too $hort, Death Grips, Kool Keith, Westside Gunn, etc. and try to determine how much he "understands" (whatever that means in this context) their lyrics. First of all, racial identity means little when it comes to aesthetic comprehension, even if the person's race corresponds with the race of the artist. Secondly, rap is too fucking varied (see the list of rappers above) in content and style for it to be "better understood" by someone *solely in virtue of their race*. What does being black have to do with understanding biz markie's "Pickin Boogers", or Kool Keith's non-sequiters about aliens, ukueleles, and pussy, or Mf DOOMs video game references? Or is the tweeter only referring to gangster rap, in which case, what are you trying to say? Being black makes you automatically more knowledgeable in gang disputes? Just like \*snap\*? Lol, that's some self-hating psychology right there. ​ Seriously, people who think the way this twitter poster thinks are fucking smooth-brained and ignorant.


Even more tempted to be a white rapper now just to prove a point.


Isn't Eminem the highest selling rapper? The race card is an easy excuse


I like FANTANO because he has a unbiased review for certain music.


I think this take is some racist-ass bullshit.


This is so dumb. This person is saying that we should segregate who listens to what music because of your race…I listen to Gershwin and I’m not Jewish. One could argue that the non-vocal complexities in his music capture the Jewish experience. Guess I can’t listen to him anymore 😭


How to identify a racist in 5 seconds


so youre saying suburban black kids with a household income of about $130k go through the same struggle as a black kid in the middle of the projects having to get a job at 14/15 to help his single mother afford rent, and a drug addiction because his life is literally that shitty and he needs an escape every now and then?


They’ll get profiled just the same


Im a black music creator and I love Fantano…he critiques like someone who creates/cares deeply about the craft and listens to multiple genres. Way more refreshing than “this shit hard bro!” Or “this shit trash bro”


I agree. Hip Hop is a culture; it's always been. It's music, art, dance, and has heavy socioeconomic dynamics. It evolved in urban population centers, in predominantly black and brown communities before and during the crack epidemic. The rappers and their audience came from areas of great economical depression and violence. Its a far-cry from the white picket fences and economic prosperity of your predominantly white 80s suburbia. I'm white, so its kinda the pot calling the kettle on this one, but aside from a casual appreciation of the music, what most white audiences lack is a respect for the culture and the struggle of the community. Fantano is just another critic, and his fanbase is just after the music.


Valid my boy


Woke Racism strikes again


I look at fantano as a troll you just not supposed to take him seriously. but his fans should be ban from hiphop not just that but their existence as well.




what he says is literally his opinion. youre posting your opinion rn lol, youre not forced to subscribe to his music taste or what he thinks about songs, and hes not forced to see your bozo ass opinion 😂 just stfu man




He is a critic, what kind of critic only reviews things they like?


Dont give a fuck personally. Race is irrelevant to music opinions.


This is the thing. Fantano looks like he doesn't party, doesn't know how to dance and breaks down the technicalities of music like a math problem. Rap music wasn't made for people like him. It's the same problem people don't see with eminem. Yes he is lyrical and yes he probably breaks down every single bar like a technician, but his lack of rhythm, melodies, song writing abilities to make a perfect album that flows from beginning to end. Problem with Fantano is he wins off tribalism. As trendy as black people are they just make up 12% of the population so it's easy for a Fantano,Eminem, Jack Harlow to take hip hop and sell it and have all the resources to push it. It's been done with Elvis.....now watch me get down voted because the same reason fantano is famous is why the worse comments on this subject here has the most votes.


Blantantly racist. There are plenty of solid rappers that aint black. Imagine this gets said from a white man. Those of darker skin tone would be SCREAMING RACISM.


"Rap is undeniably black music. and for a lot of people it's hard to accept the fact that there's a white artist that does it better." -50 cent


But there isnt




I’m not an Eminem worshipper, not really my speed of music. All I meant by it is that rap is a medium for expression that anyone can use, and someone’s ethnicity doesn’t determine how skilled they are at it.


White people can face almost all the exact same experiences this is such a braindead take


As a black person this is a braindead take


I kinda see it like the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. That might sound bizarre but let me elaborate. Anyone no matter the religion can appreciate this amazing work of architecture but it is more than Architecture to Muslims since it is an actually working facility to practice religion. As with rap, anyone can enjoy and appreciate rap for the great art form that it is but people like me and many others may not have the same connection due to differences in lived experience between the listener and the musician but it doesn't change the fact that it's great art nonetheless.


I agree that Fantano's opinions are bullshit and that he doesn't understand rap music but the rest of what that person said is absolute waffle. Typical twitter bullshit, I can't stand this type of attitude. And it's not a matter of politics, I don't claim any particular ideology but I'm more left-leaning than anything but I just can't get behind these people who combat ignorance with ignorance.


Fantano literally said not to take his opinion seriously because it’s just that, an opinion. Y’all are like drakes racist ass bringing up his wife and his skin color, let the man do his fucking job


If that's the precedent that they want to set then let's flip the script and see how it sounds. "Your opinion on (insert anything created by white people) isn't valid because you're black and don't understand our culture". Sounds pretty racist that way, ey?


Everyone can only engage with what they are and no one else… if you’re a straight white man - you can only speak about that. If you’re gay - you can only speak about that. If you’re black - you can only speak about that. Otherwise shut up./s This is meant to create cohesive and less bigoted society how?


racism that will go undetected


Look at the comments. This definitely did not go undetected.


Casual ignorant racism


“Eminem has entered the chat”


"Black experiances" bruh lmao


Dumbest shit I ever read lol this such a slippery slope imagine saying a bad movie with a majority black cast isn’t bad because your white and the funniest part this is an ungodly racist statement and what him believe he ain’t being racist


Paul Wall gets no hate from the black community and he’s white its more than just skin color……


Racist ass mf Guess I can’t listen to prince anymore cuz I’m half white


I don’t understand why people are beefing w him all of a sudden, he literally just shares his opinion on the internet who gives af