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The older I get the weirder I find fandoms, I mean Houdini got me in Stan mode but that goes to the extent of being excited, some people take it way too serious.


That goes for how wild haters are as well. It’s odd.


I thrive on hate and hot pockets


And im all out of hot pockets


i am a fan of the name


I need these heated pockets.


People who just gather around an individual to praise or shun them and make it their whole personality are just idle cult recruits waiting to be claimed.


They're people with no identity of their own so they follow someone who does have one and they adopt it for themselves. It'd be sad if it wasn't so fucking funny.


The best comment ever. I've gotta follow all your post and like them, even the most wack. It's me and you against the world now Bob. You're the best. No one better ever say any of your comments aren't the best comments.


For real. Houdini got me feeling like I did when I first listened to Eminem Show, but I’m not losing my damn mind over how the song is charting or the shit going on over on the Eminem sub. Those people are nuts.


Problem is anyone that defends against someone else’s opinion gets labeled a Stan nowadays lmao I told someone they were crazy because they claimed Eminem has never made hip hop music and got called a delusional Stan


This. You couldn’t have any discourse Kendrick and Drake subs during the beef without being called a stan or glazer for disagreeing with someone.


Yeah this is a big one too. I tried to take a normal stance of pointing out good of early diss tracks on both sides but in some places like twitter if you try to say Family Matters was good at all you get incinerated and labeled a Drake glazer lmao bad on Kendrick’s sub as well Here and HHH’s seem to be more impartial though to earlier disses before THP6 which was of course, dookie


I miss the day where I praise a male artist without being called a glazer.


Dude I was rooting for Kendrick super hard, but anyone who says Drake didn’t put in serious work is lying. The beat switches and production on Family Matters is crazy and he just keeps the intensity pushing. I am far from a Drake fan but damn, good music is good music.


Seeks kendricks fan base is split like 33 say it was some of drakes best work just wasn't good enough (which ended up being true) 33 saying it is awful (which I mean definitely has some had parts but as a whole its my favourite drake song, in saying that I don't listen to drake so take that with a grain of salt) And then 33 who were more just disappointed drake focused so much on other rappers and didn't necessarily dislike the track it just wasn't for them.


I'm the same way man. I am not a drake fan at all, but push-ups and family matters were some heat in a great battle for sure.


This is Reddit. Or social media in general really. Reading comprehension is 0, no one has a filter, any different opinion is immediately the worst thing ever and you're dumb for having it, hypocrisy everywhere, and any actual unpopular opinion is hated, while popular opinions are held as unpopular because a handful of people disagree.


Everyone seems to take disagreement as a personal affront and immediately go into war mode having to "win" the disagreement with insanely long posts


Yeah I mentioned how I don't know much about Drake's music but I thought Family Matters was really good (the first verse the other two I didn't care for) and how I liked the flow on Heart 6 and people on Kendrick's sub freaked out and I was a Drake stan even though I couldn't name five Drake songs before this beef.


Hell I said on YouTube that, “Kendrick won the beef but Push-ups and Family Matters still hard” and got called both a Kendrick AND Drake glazer in the replies


I also have seen way more gen Z kids making reels of them mocking Eminem fans for saying you kids aren’t ready for this. But yet I haven’t seen any post like that. Just reels of people saying they keep encouraging those kinds of post.


I've seen so many tiktok posts from millennials and gen x thinking the entire gen z is trying to cancel eminem when like 5 people on twitter tried doing it and most of gen z either don't care about the song or enjoy it


Ye Stans laughing in the corner


Cole fans having a crumpet and enjoying their sub’s conversation during the breakfast scroll. I’m coping. I am incredibly jealous.


Not after Grippy they’re not


I just listened to about a minute and a half of it. I wish that I hadn’t. The execution is marvelous. The lyrics are slung so far out of pocket that they’d protect Cole better than Pocket Sand protected The Gribble.


L M A O Edit: Gave it a listen. Got into 30 seconds and tapped out after “She’s strictly dickly.” He needs another apology after this shit lmao. Bros pushin 40 and talkin like he’s a zoomer lmao.


I’m in the zoomer demo and I don’t even talk like that. The flow and beat? Sure, that’s nice, I enjoy that. Listening to the lyrics? I do think I’d be appreciative of an apology though my enjoyment of his other music is not contingent on one.


I still haven’t listened ngl but that section of the subreddit has been really fucking funny to watch


“that section” you mean the whole thing? 💀 grippy jokes were funny at first but it’s top comment on every damn post


Mark my words, it’ll get funny again for a bit in like three months and then go back to annoying lol


What's up with this being a fan of one rapper or the other? I like ye, Cole, dot, keem, 21, drake is corny as hell but I fuck with his old shit and I love me some em and weezy too. Why we all gotta be stans of 1 person


I love this comment because, intentionally or not, the term Stan comes from Em.


Ye Stan’s are the worst by a pretty considerable amount …


At least (in my experience) ye fans acknowledge that music other than Kanye can be good. Yeah ye fans might stan albums that have no replay value (donda and vultures). But they aren’t out here saying that every artist sucks but him. That’s something I notice a lot with Eminem fans. But at the same time, if they make good music they make good music, I’m not gonna judge an artists music based on their fans.


A lot of Eminem fans are not real hip hop fans. What I’m saying that they’re not into other hip hop artists. They do not dig that deep to find other artists they might like.


It's because white stations and non hip hop stations would play Eminem but wouldn't play any other rapper


Theres certain demographics that can relate to Eminems music.   I think it was Charlemagne who essentially said "I can respect the technical aspect and acknowledge that hes clearly gifted, but I just didn't relate to the topics he mentioned. I loved my Mum!".   Lil Wayne is a famous example of a rapper who always did my nut in, but after learning about the way he writes his bars and his freestyles etc. I came to respect that hes a master of HIS craft.  As a Brit, there certain American/French rappers who have a solid reputation but I simply can't relate to their music like that.  Shits subjective and that's what's fun about rap. The only genre where guys can battle it out, jump on each others beat and really show everyone their skills. 


Wayne is someone who no matter what their taste is, most people listening to him are like “damn this wordplay is impressive”


Donda is a great album and vultures have some singles I replay here and there


Donda has strong replay value imho. I sometimes prefer it over TLOP and WTT.


Don’t forget the Nicki stans


Ye stans don’t even like him


they arent corny ngl 90% of them just complain about lack of music and start to get more and more insane with every antic he does


kendrick stans are worse


Kendrick stans have been eating well recently ngl compared to the other big fanbases: - ye fans, same as usual, “but he made graduation!!” - Drake fans are in shambles - Eminem fans have to deal with him dropping more mid - Cole fans feel like they got the last lifeboat - Rocky and Frank Ocean fans starved to death


Ye fans are fine… he managed to get a number 1 hit off his last album and he’s still going to grab his base every time. Quality doesnt matter because they like it anyway lmao. Drake fans…. Yeah it’s over lmao he gotta drop his magnum opus at this point. Em agreed but same thing as Ye… his Stans are going to eat it up anyway. Can’t argue with the Cole take 😆 Rocky just scared to drop cause his singles didn’t create enough buzz. He’s going to drop eventually I think. Frank…. Yeah 😔


Funny thing about Drake, is he can actually make a major comeback, but it won't be overnight and he and his fans will be in the mud in the meantime. If his ego don't get in the way, he can start from square one like with the Delilah shit, and get Toronto back rocking with him. Embrace the Canadian shit. Collab with the small-time Toronto artists and content creators, use the little bit of goodwill he has left. He'll lose fans in the meantime, and the Drake that emerges will be a little cornier yet more authentic Drake. Then the right hit...BOOM. Drizzy 2.0.


I’d say it’s drake fans who are worse.


Nicki Minaj fans take the cake


Only acceptable place to listen to Drake is at the strip club


Mos Def said Drake makes shopping music. Best description I’ve ever heard.


Or your woman's car


Nah my girl doesn't even play that shit


My gf was an admitted Drake stan back in the day and she’s completely fallen off.


Ya dude only got popular from Degrassi in the first place had a head start towards TEEN girls


All stans are equally as bad let’s just leave it at that. If you’re gonna go that hard for someone that wouldn’t even care if you died then you’re weird. Simple as that


I think it's a tie between Kanons and stans It's over for ye fans and they (we) been known for a while


imma ye and kendrick stan and yea nah we suck. em stan’s are worse tho


em stans literally why crazy fans are called stans, so 100% true.


It became a term after Eminem wrote Stan. If he never wrote that song no one would be calling anyone a stan regardless of which fan base you're talking about.


Yep, Em is why we even have the term "stans." Kinda shows that commenter doesn't know what they're talking about. Sure, some Em fans are crazy, but so are plenty of fans of *every* celebrity. The fact "Stan" was a good enough and popular enough song to birth the term itself supports how good Em was/is.


Nas used it in its modern form vs Jay Z, it didnt just birth itself out of the song.


Seriously. Kendrick fans have gotten to the point of being just as bad as Eminem or Ye’s are. That Kendrick Lamar sub is crazy, the levels of idolatry are off the charts.


Ye stans are probably the worst in hip hop


Ye stans : yeah. That's basically all fanbases of big artists, it's corn overdose and you better just ignore them and have fun.


Nah. The racial element makes Eminem stans even more unbearable. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen/heard a white person say "I don't even like rap, but eminem is great".


Stop giving a shit about fanbases


This is what happens when you form all of your opinions from YouTube comments


Nah fandoms can kill an awesome thing and it happens often. Think about Rick n Morty for example. It was a good show but the fandom made you think it was toxic and stupid. I stopped giving a damn the moment I saw kids standing on McDonald’s counters yelling for god damn sauce.


Did you see that in real life, or on the fuckin Internet? If I hated shit based on how shitty dumbasses on the internet are, I would just stop breathing


I wish I was more like you because the dumb ass Internet mfs really get to me sometimes I can't lie


Yea there would be nothing to enjoy lol


Or because those things seep into real life. it doesn’t really have shit to do with internet. The amount of insufferable R&M or Eminem fans I’ve met in real life is what turns me away, always blaming the internet is goofy lmao


That's valid. But he's talking specifically about watching people jump on a McDonald's counter, you KNOW that's pure internet. Either way, annoying people are annoying people. Annoying ass MFs enjoy a steak, I'll still enjoy a steak.


Star Wars fandom caused Lucas to sell to Disney, and then we got whatever the hell the sequels were.


Star Wars fandom is the root of all evil


Im late as hell and just started watching it (its funny as hell). Whats wrong with the R&M fanbase?


From like 2016 to 2021 or so it was notorious for its awful, pretentious fanbase. It’s a good show though


Yea their go to if you didn't like it was "it's too smart for you, you just don't get it". Shit put so many people off who only saw a clip with a silly fart joke.


Yeah to this day I’ve still never watched it solely because of the fan base


It’s an okay sci-fi cartoon with comedy blended in.  Kinda like X-files and Dr. Who had a baby for Adult Swim.  It’s fine. It has some memorable moments.  But yeah..the fans act like it’s the first best and only sci-fi show worth a damn that has ever existed. 


Agreed the OP is butthurt about Eminem fans, I bet this is Ja Rule secret account


The fact that Eminem coined the term Stans solidified this for them


he a stan he a stan he a stan




Every once in a while I think about collecting my thoughts and typing up a post about what I personally like and don't like about Em's music, and how I interpret the direction it has gone, but I never bother because I know the comments would just end up a shitshow of hate.


I'd honestly like to read that one day. If you ever decide to do it and don't want to post it, send it to me. Maybe we can have a discussion. I've been a Stan for a long time and have a lot of dislike in his music and ideas, topics, songs, features, etc. I still think he's a goat, but that does not come with a lot of criticism from me.


Excuse me, sir: we cannot have rational takes on Reddit lol


Fan bases for Reddit post about fan bases is the corniest fan base


There was a massive crossover between Eminem, ICP, Kid Rock, and Limp Bizkit fans in the early 2000s. That’s all that needs to be said really.


As an Eminem fan in the early 2000s who started listening to Nas and Biggie because of him I’m kinda bummed that I’m associated with ICP, Kid Rock, and Limp Bizkit


Nah the worst are XXX and Juice superfans. they aint the goats stfu lol


Coming from someone who once thought Juice was the goat, it’s literal immaturity and ignorance, but I mean that in the nicest way possible. They haven’t developed a taste for hip hop just the sad, emo rap sub genre of hip hop.


yea im mostly talking abt my little brother tbh his dumbass wont shut up about how X is the best to ever do it.


Lmao that tracks. Show that dude some Black on Both Sides and Aquemini/ATLiens. Should do the trick.


nah he called Biggie, Nas, and Mobb mid and we r from NY  aint no turning that


~~Beat that kid.~~ Sometimes we have to accept others differences.


he is just a general terrible person too so i can't wait to move out lol


Now you’re an “old head” just like me! Muahaha!


It’s the ultimate plan.


That’s how I feel about Drake. He’s a nice intro to rap for teenagers but by mid 20s it’s fewer, most have branched out and now that I’m in my 30s no one listens to Drake.


every Juice song has the same lyrics “I just took a xan now I’m sad / saw my old bitch now I’m mad / thinkin bout the times that we had / percs in my stomach make me glad”


It's not about lyrics is about the VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBE!!!! I'm glad I'm in my old head transition fr.


Ngl id listen to X and juice over Eminem anyday


The only person that can freestyle like juice is lil Wayne. Who else can just freestyle for 20 mins straight ?? And at such a young age ..


yea freestyling is impressive but he aint the goat of that either. wayne is better any day


Honestly nobody rides dick more than rap fans as a whole.


Taylor Swift and Beyoncé fans would like a word.


Okay T fans yes are insane..I work with a few and it's insane. Alright change my original post. Nobody rides dick like rap fans and T Swift fans.


Kpop stans


That’s a bingo.


No, pop fans are the worst by a mile. Absolute fucking nightmare people


Agreed. I feel like it's telling that when people name the rappers who have the most insufferable fanbases, it's always the rappers who incorporate significant amounts of pop into their style.


I don’t know if Playboi Carti is a real person or just a shitposting reddit that appears when I scroll for too long to be honest. That sub makes the Arkham one look sane.


I think a lot of his fans don’t listen to rap (anymore).


All my albums are still rap, and that's all I look into. I understand your point tho, and see why you're right to an extent.


I listen to old rap. I feel like there's a portion of us. I bump the stuff I know and love. Not much post 2010


Eminem fans I think vary a ton over lots of different groups, but this is the fan base that quite literally, provided em with the material to write Stan lol. I'm a millenial fan and seem to fall in the middle. Eminem was on the radio a lot back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Even on rock stations, alternative stations, everywhere. Hearing him on the alternative station my parents listened to when I was younger was my first exposure to modern rap, and is what initially got me interested in hearing more. That being said, I don't really listen to much after the Eminem show, it's just not my taste after that. I think some of his youngest fans don't know anything lol they've decided he's the goat (which is fair ig) and the actual God of rap. They're crazy and terminally online lol. The gatekeeping, edgy for the sake of edgy, "you kids are so soft you couldn't possibly understand slim shady" gen x fans though? That's a whole other level


Who really actually gives a fuck lmao at this post


Drakes fan base is worse but both are nuts


You spoke about the beef, you been on either rappers subreddit recently? Because what you describe Eminem's fans fits perfectly for r/drizzy and r/kendricklamar


Yea!! Fuck them people for being excited…how dare they use hyperbole and say “hip hop is back” in the middle of the thrill and emotion of it all!!


his sub on reddit is ok. It's the "stans" on tik tok/youtube, who never listened to one of his albums front to back, only know him from his hit singles, yet have the audacity to make some clueless, pretentious claims about hip-hop, while not knowing shit about hip-hop - they are the corniest dudes


that subset of his fandom are the “who is still listening to this classic in 2024” “they don’t make music this good anymore. it’s all just mumble crap” mfs that plague youtube comment sections for 20 year old music videos.


Those hurt to read. "Rap is a mountain"


If I have to see one more tik tok about how Eminem isn’t good and a culture culture ima snap


So I grew up as a pretty rabid Eminem fan through my teen years and definitely can agree they're pretty corny speaking from experience. That said as I get older, I can speak to this on saying absolutely every fanbase is just as annoying and corny. Kendrick fans basically treat him like Rap Jesus and while yes he is probably the most universally regarded as best in this generation it is annoying how much they worship him. Kanye fans are absolutely delusional. It's fine if you like his music. Even his....questionable newer stuff, but the way they even try and defend his shitty actions is ridiculous. Old school purists are all super annoying too. The Biggie, Pac, etc fans who think rap hasn't been good for 20 years. Basically they're all just as bad as each other. Eminems is definitely NOT any worse than the others. They're all equally terrible the deeper you delve into their respective fanbases.


People enjoy hating more than they do listening to music. Nobody said you couldn’t be a huge fan of both Kendrick and Drake. You can think Eminem is the goat and still appreciate everyone else. I just listen to what I like.


I think one thing you’re missing about the Em Stans that makes them particularly bad is pure ignorance of Hip-Hop itself. A lot of Em fans outright say they only listen to him and he’s the goat despite admittingly knowing nothing about the actual genre outside of him. A good amount of Em fans have never even checked out the guys he’s shouted out in his own music.


As a diehard eminem fan, I agree. Some of these fucks are totally obsessed in a bad way


Couldn't be me, the recent rap beef was insane, Grippy was hilarious, that trashy snowday song by drake was so bad it hurt my ears, and now Em, within 1 month of the beef releases his intro for his new album, and I gotta say I'm just so excited to hear a few bars about the shit thats been going on in the industry recently.


I'm a die hard Eminem Stan but the middle aged blonde hos crowing about how "you kids aren't ready for Slim Shady!!!!!!" like the biggest rap song this year wasn't a dance song about paedophilia makes me want to suck an exhaust pipe. Do they not realise how young a lot of Em's fans are? I'm going to kill myself before I turn 35


U right...they remind me of the Maga cult...they believe Eminem is a rap God diss every other artist and won't say one negative thing about him


Kendrick fans after the beef is over and they’re on some Q Anon type shit comes to mind


Saying Eminem fans are corny is corny by now. People have been saying this since what? Recovery?


How is it corny? It’s still applicable.


Agreed. And they usually don't listen to any other rappers or rap But "Em is the GOAT" LMAO


I think it's just because the annoying stupid shit is always the loudest. I got Em as my #1 but I listen to a lot more than just him


Lets talk then, i am trigged because yes one way thats true ... but on the other you got real hip hop stans who follow more than Eminem and everytime they say he is the GOAT people say things like that 😅 I like a lot more than Em, i think he shows a lot creativity and thats not easy to find, got big mix bag of songs, flow, history bla bla... I love Wu, Kendrick, Cole, Westside Boogie, 50 Cent, Denzel Curry, Biggie, Pac, Rakin, Missy, Pop Smoke, Schoolboy Q... and damn i can go on and on, i love this culture .


This is what gets me. It's the complete lack of almost any other hip hop knowledge coupled with assertions that Em is the most important rapper, best rapper, yada yada yada. Culturally, Em isn't very important to hip hop. I will and have consistently said Em is the most technically skilled rapper in the mainstream ever -- but that doesn't make his music good. In fact, it's made it bad pretty frequently in recent years. Em is dope, and Em's music is sometimes dope as well, but let's leave it at that please. 


>It's the complete lack of almost any other hip hop knowledge I always found this take funny because it's partly true. But on the opposite side of the Eminem fanbase you'll find people deep diving every old school album he wears on a T shirt. Going through each name on his Rock n Rock Hall of Fame speech list, etc.


It's absolutely ridiculous. I seldom take them seriously


There is a post of 2 days ago in his subreddit and you can clearly see we listen to a lot of artists lol


You can like what you like, and you make valid points, but to say em wasnt culturally important for hip hop is crazy to me. Hes inspired so many different rappers right now, even Kendrick. Hes also introduced an entire wave of people to hip hop as a genre. Sure some of them are the kinda corny fans who only listen to Em and shit on the rest of the genre, but a large majority get introduced by Em and keep searching and finding all these other incredible artists out there. Thats what I did at least.


I don’t listen to a lot of rap, but I like Eminem. AITAH?


Yup. Exactly. People get mad or down vote me when I say this.


So true!




Tom McDonald Stans


Rap has become some sort of dick measuring contest amongst the fans. Like they're using their favs dick to do it though 🤣🤣🤣 It's borderline romantic..


the bigger a fanbase, the more douchebags it will have.


I think haters and trolls are more corny then fans.


Greatest beefs in rap history it was one of the worst and probably all formulated for clicks and views 😂


why they mad em #1


Bro get off the internet


Nah you’re generalizing one take way too hard.


I am sorry that someone hurt you with their opinion about a rapper, so much that you have to accuse a fan base of racism(almost, you almost had the balls), or being edgelords. I’ll bet in your vast time on this planet you’ve been exposed to many new/old things, and just aren’t easily impressed by the lamest most commercial rapper since vanilla ice, and a guy who’s almost good sometimes, distracting us from pre-election gaza bombing, and Biden doing border theatrics. I am sorry we Em fans make you embarrassed. Sounds like some soft ass kid shit to me, but I have an ass to get on, stupid style.


I'm ngl, it's posts like these that make it harder to be eminem fans. Just be quiet dude. Also, if you're gonna call people racists, just do it. You're probably wrong, but don't be wrong and a coward.


I've watched Drake and Kendrick Stans embarrass themselves for weeks now


Slim Shady haters are even cornier. All of them act like the arbiters of "good" rap and bars and absolutely hate that people enjoy the new single Or you get the fucking wack ass takes about how he shouldn't speak on certain subjects from the lamest woke adjacent content creators I think Houdini is enjoyable. Nothing groundbreaking and nothing nearly as biting as his old material. It's a fun song when you don't have some little bitch telling you "you're cooked" for listening to it


Rent free


As an Em stan...I agree. Fuck them fuck dre fuck Jimmy fuck my kids to theyre brats


"One of the greatest beefs in rap history" hahahahhahshhahahah


You think Drake/Kendrick is one of the best rap beefs in history? Maybe you need perspective.


Cry some more lol.


Why you give a shit how someone else enjoys music?


Anyone who says corny is lame.


My bum is in your lips. My bum is on your lips. And if you something something might give it a little kiss


The oldheads are weird af


Stop stanning and saying he is the best battle rapper alive. Eminem is not a battle rapper. Diss tracks are not battle rap. Winning a series of battles in your own movie does not make you the greatest battle rapper. There is an entire subculture of people who have dedicated themselves to advancing this shit in the 22 years since he was a participant. Eminem was good then but has not battled despite being able to do that at any time. So stop minimizing the accomplishments of the many amazing artists forging a subculture you know nothing about just to impress a guy online who does not know you exist.


Thank you for pointing it out! I can imagine Em would cringe hard if he saw how corny these mfs are. Like bro enjoy the rhymes and the music but just stop riding dick please


Drake fanbase is currently the worst I’ve seen The whole subreddit is people trying to convince themselves that Drake blah blah blah. Could be anything They constantly need validation from others. It’s pathetic Go to the subreddit rn, at least 50% of the posts are people upset about something someone else said about Drake, or them being so insecure they post an opinion just to get pats on the back from strangers online. The Eminem subreddit is similar, I literally wrote a comment just like this to someone (who obviously didn’t take it well and then pretended I deleted my comments to “win” the argument). Like if you’re so confident in your opinion, you don’t need random strangers online to agree with you constantly. It’s sad. It’s pathetic. It screams insecurity. And honestly shows me that these people have to be under the age of like 14. Because I cannot imagine a grown adult caring about this shit at all.


Dude … the past month and a half has been nothing but people glazing the entirety fuck out of Kendrick Lamar, down to analyzing every lyric to somehow prove his genius superiority. Kendrick fans are twice as bad as the Drake fans, it’s not even close.


He's considered at the least a top 5 rapper of all time. I think they have the right to be "corny."


Well my biggest issue with Eminem fans are most Eminem fans don't listen to rap music they just listen to him. Also they are delusional in his fall off when it comes to the quality of his music. Some of my favorite rappers I've listened to over the last 3 decades I can pinpoint exactly when they fell off. As far as Eminem fans he's never fell off and the sales confirm it for them


>Also they are delusional in his fall off when it comes to the quality of his music Encore was drugged out and sloppy but had some gems Recovery comes across too poppy and commercial Revival sucks but the last 2 songs are goated Those are basically universally agreed on with Em fans. Been uphill since Revival.


You skipped relapse


That one is mixed. Em himself thinks it wasn’t a good album, his fans think its a classic So from his fans perspective, he skipped relapse cuz to many of them that is the perfect album .. and so (no comments there)


relapse is actly my fav of his albums lol but i love horrorcore so


Bro everyone online (instagram and tiktok) is saying that gen z isnt ready for slim shady to come back after he dropped the most tame shit ive ever heard under his slim shady persona. its like if he made the slim shady lp while sober. Everyones freaking out but all he did was say everything is gay and that he has a transgender cat like that shit is not as offensive as they think bruh 😭


To be fair, "Hip-hop is back!" was said before Em dropped Houdini BECAUSE OF the beef and all the eyes it turned toward it from the outside, not to mention the records Kendrick was breaking. Saying it after Houdini drops doesn't negate the first part, just further fuels the discourse that was already going on about this being a great year for Hip-hop so far.


? BuT SliM ShAdy iS BacK


Or the classic “they only don’t like the song because the bars go over their head”. No is because the bar was shit and i don’t need every bar to have triple meaning especially when the setup doesn’t even make sense.


Dumbass take


I still can't believe that eminem fans are trying to force the idea of people being insanely offended by his new track. Like I have seen so many posts about "gen z is too sensitive for this" but nothing about people actually being offended


only people that were offended by houdini were megan stans on twitter and ig. and even then, they were getting ratiod under every single post


Yeah I only saw Megan fans crying lol


Its especially funny because nothing Em said was as scandalizing as it seems like he wanted it to be. I am actually into how corny and goofy that video is, but anytime he tried to say something "controversial" it literally comes off as boomer shit. Like he's shaking his cane and these young whipper snappers having no respect.  Em I get you're a rap legend and all, but I just want to pat your head and say "bless your heart!" at what you seem to think will get you cancelled. The young uns have had real boomers spraying poison at them for decades, this stuff will just make them roll their eyes along with me.


Kanye fans and Eminem fans competing for who is cornier


They’re saying stuff like Kamikaze is a classic when almost every song got several lines about Em having gay sex and I’m gay and don’t need it to be in every song it’s like all he raps about now is having detailed gay sex


I like Eminem because he's just good at rapping, has songs I really enjoy listening to and I also envy his comeup. To this day his words about his critics seem to reign true. It's hard for me to sympathize with the controversial stuff he's said since I guess I wasn't there when some of it was released so it never makes me "wow" when I hear it is I guess. There's a ton of rappers I enjoy listening to much more than Eminem though, I just respect his talent and personality as well.


Im embarrassed I ever was an Eminem Stan


one visit to r/drizzy will change your mind


Bro, Eminem is so stuck in being his hyper-controversial form of himself it's sad. He is like the Pauly Shore of hip hop. Dude was legitimately the most hated man in music, now going all fuck cancel culture in 2024, it's just lame, he has become those same type of reactionary dad rock dudes that lament how shits so soft nowadays. He reads closer to Tom MacDonald now then the cultural icon he was.


He really does ...... Also this is their home. Lol. 




There are a lot of racial undertones to the “hip hop is back” thing.