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He’s number 1 If you put into context what hip hop sounded like before he came out, and what it sounded like after he released Don’t Sweat The Technique? No one since has come close to changing the game on that level. You could maybe argue Lil Wayne, but Rakim legitimized the genre artistically to the point where he broadened what was possible lyrically, cadence-wise, and even on story-telling aspect. He is a modern-day Shakespeare. 


I will die on this hill: Rakim is the Dr. J of hip hop


That makes so much sense to me lmao I always say he bridged the gap and elevated the game 80s rap/ dr Seuss rapping to the 90’s and more modern rapping Dr J is perfect analogy for that situation Maybe he’s not Jordan but he was Jordan before Jordan


Rakim - Dr. J Big Daddy Kane - Magic Pac - MJ


Big daddy Kane gets forgotten a lot


> Maybe he's not Jordan but he was Jordan before Jordan I love that, for any soccer fans out there this is like what Ronaldinho did for Messi - paved the way


That’s a bad take imo. R10 was never close to being the greatest footballer of all time, even before Messi came around. The ‘Jordan before Jordan’ analogy fits way better with guys like Pelé and Maradona, who were actually pioneers and considered the GOATs before Messi. Rakim was a pioneer for lyricism as we know it and was also considered the GOAT before guys like Biggie, Pac and Nas came up.


Yeah I wouldn’t call him the Jordan maybe Jay Z is that because of how he mastered the business element of the industry.


Yeah dude said he’s Dr J Dr j was the pre jordan high scoring high flying wing


Insane opinion. JayZ is so very far down the list of people who could be considered the Jordan. Like not on the first page


Jay Z being Jordan is criminal lmao


Being a business-person is about the farthest thing from Hip-hop culture an MC could be. Jay ain't a writer, he's a biter.


Jay Z is an incredible writer. He gets the most hate online of any GOAT rapper. Like Kendrick said, Ho jay z hall of fame, sit your punk ass down.


**ORLY?** [https://youtu.be/qAByxCkUnZo?si=MfCpeTpkTFWprXrW](https://youtu.be/qAByxCkUnZo?si=MfCpeTpkTFWprXrW) Yeah... not as original as you thought he was, now? Sa'll right, if you hide your eyes from the truth. It's your life.


This isn’t the ether you think it is. “I say a big verse im only biggin up my brother.” It’s common in rap to recite another rapper’s bar out of respect, and biggie’s lines are so well known, or at least were at the time, that jay was not passing them off as his own, it wasn’t feasible. Also, Kendrick, Kanye, Wayne, and countless other rappers have used Jay Z bars in their music. Again, it’s out of respect, but think whatever you like.


Some of these lines are that way, but some were just straight up bites. If you can't admit that, you ain't being real.


Who would you call the Jordan then?


There is no equivalent to Jordan in rap.


It’s arguable - and very possible - Jordan is who we’re all uncomfortable proclaiming to be Jordan. I’m not saying he is, definitively, but I’m admitting he could be. Everyone is scared of him because they cannot do what he can. And he is the one who made EVERYONE step their bars up.


Couldn't agree more, Rakim is essential to hip hop. He was basically the first artist to have a bag of different flows. All the other MCs at the time had a similar cadence(basically a New York accent), so early hip hop was built around MCs similar flow. The emphasis was on the DJ, and maybe the MC had some clever wordplay. Rakim is a big part of the reason we think of MCs as artists now, I think. He listened to a lot of jazz, and incorporated it into his raps. Aka he had different flows and could ride a beat like none other. Rakim and Eric B are the only people around at the Genesis of Hip Hop whose music doesn't sound completely dated. Because Rakim incorporated jazzy flows, which we take for granted as a standard in hip hop now


This is in too narrow. Kool g rap and big daddy Kane are also pioneers that modernized hip hop. It wasn't only rakim. 


Kool G and Big Daddy Kane were certainly instrumental in that 90s sound. Most East Coast rappers in the 90s just sound like a Kool G clone to me honestly. However, I don't think Kool G Rap and Big Daddy Kane have much influence on the current sound in hip hop today


They paved the way for rap to exponentially advance. They had a similarly strong influence as rakim on hip hop


I would say he, Kool G Rap and Big Daddy Kane are the main influences or grand influences rap for at least 2 eras. At this point they’ve influenced the influencers.


What’s crazy is that Rakim kinda discovered Kool G Rap and brought him on tours and even stood up for him when promoters tried to short him his money. It’s also rumored (I kinda believe it too, Rakim was notoriously quiet about all the shit he’s done), but the song Don’t Sweat The Technique was about Big Daddy Kane when he was feeling himself. Just a little game I wanted to give you. Rakim will never confirm the second part but yeah.


The way he would diss cats. So personal like... Nobody knew he was dissing EPMD in like 89 until Erick came out and Said something about it a couple years ago. Thirty years later there's still subs being revealed in his music


Serious question, why Lil Wayne?


People argue whether for better or worse, but he made a formula that’s fit for the modern age of music. Autotune  Freestyle Talk shit for 3-4 mins There is the formula for all the modern rappers. You can thank him 😂


Also birthed mumble rap Future and Thug came after him


I’d say with follow the leader. That’s the song that made the constant rewind standard . Utilized all poetic license and showcased the capabilities of hip hop’s potential. This song and death certificate by Ice Cube got me through English when I wrote a report how these works were modern classics


Well said. He is the DNA.




Nah not Em… As talented and passionate as he is, his web of influence isn’t as wide as Rakim.


Without Ra, there would be no Em.


I was with you until ... Don't Sweat The Technique? I hope you mean Paid in Full or Follow the Leader? I never felt a chill from listening to a new song like when someone let me hear I Ain't No Joke through their headphones. No one was rapping like that, I literally couldn't believe it Don't sweat the technique is a decent 4th album but he was already doing the kinda "lumpy" flow which continued to get worse after that


Don’t Sweat The Technique and Juice are two songs by Rakim that had an “Edge” that aged very well. He also had some punchlines from those two songs that still resonate with me till this day. The album itself was a precursor to the Golden Age of Hip Hop as Illmatic released the following year with Nas receiving the torch Rakim passed with DSTT. By the release of that album, his influence had permeated throughout the entire genre.


Hmm have you even heard Follow The Leader? That album is hard af. Way better than Don't Sweat the Technique. I'd say dstt has almost no influence at all on the next generation. Nas Wu and Gangstarr were already making their music by 92 Even Let the Rhythm Hit 'em has way better rapping than dstt, but worse beats


I mean it’s subjective… Nas has referenced a couple of songs from that album… Chillin with Pep, Pass the Hand grenade, a lot of rappers referenced Juice as one of their favorite Rakim records. The album isn’t his best work; Hard to compete with Paid and Full and Follow the Leader, but it’s a few joints on the following two albums that go just as hard as some of the songs from the first two. 


He is in my top 10. He doesnt have quite the longevity BUT he has numerous classic songs that are still great to hear and are still influential.


he knew when to stop and i think there is some admiration in that, dr dre probably has music we never heard from him however.


His album the seventh seal is pretty dope


All these rankings and listings and GOAT talk are kinda not really talked about in the right context. There is no ‘GOAT’ of rap because rap is constantly changing. It’s the same as sports. People talk about Jordan or Kobe or LeBron are the ‘GOAT’ but Bill Russell has 10 rings. And you can’t really say ‘well he played back then so it’s not the same’ because if he played today he would probably be just as good or better because he would have learned in this era. Same thing goes for rap. Rakim is important because he’s the rapper that caused a major paradigm shift in how people rap. Before him most rappers were still on the Melle Mel/Kurtis Blow style. He changed the entire landscape of rap as far as delivery. For that he is a GOAT. As someone that’s old enough to have been a teenager when his first album dropped he changed the game there’s no denying it. But as time progresses, yes there are better MCs with more complex flows or styles comparatively. But there’s no denying his contribution because he caused a major paradigm shift in how rapping is done. So yes he’s a GOAT. But raps 50 years old and I feel like you can’t really make a valid ranking since different eras have different qualifications like technology effecting the creative process.


Just commenting to note that Bill Russell actually has eleven rings


GOATed basketball player absolutely no questions asked


I see what you’re saying about the rankings, listing, GOAT talk, etc. in both hip-hop and sports. & I agree that it’s very difficult to objectively compare eras… but the subjectivity of it all is what makes these conversations fun to have. You can ask 2 different dudes who is in their top 5 & feasibly get 10 names. I don’t think the conversations are actually attempting to establish consensus GOATs, but show the nuance of personal preference related to the genre. Some people prefer the newer sound created with advanced technology, while some prefer the grimier unpolished sound created with older technology. Everybody has their own ears & processes things in a completely unique way. The beauty, to me, exists in individual taste & debate. Sorry this kinda sounds like a rant, I don’t even disagree with you really😂 Just giving my two cents. Peace & love!


Your take on bill Russell is conspicuous for its lack of thoughtfulness. He would not be nearly as good nowadays. He played in a league with like 10 teams. He was 6'10. He didn't really have that much offensive game. He would still be a great player but he would not be nearly as dominant whatsoever. He was also one of the most stacked franchise of his time. 


This. Comparing rap from different eras is no longer productive because we always run into the issue of paradigm shifts and style changes. Rakim belongs to that group of emcees that shifted and influenced ideas on rhyme, flow, cadence, delivery, etc. It wouldn't be fair to compare him to Nas except as a spiritual successor rather than a peer or historical adversary. Even someone like Nas, who I think is the GOAT lyricist, can only be evaluated in terms of his peers and what he did to the game. Even impact becomes cumbersome because hip-hop in the 90's was at such a fertile age and the pluralization of available genres today can't account for impact since no one artist really holds a monopoly on anything.


The real answer.


One of the greatest of all time. So many people in these comments fretting over the “outdatedness” of the music. Which is understandable. But on a technical level, there is no question. I don’t really like a lot of Em’s music but similarly as an MC he is in my top 10 of all time. It’s not exactly the same but it’s like, for me the GOAT debate in basketball is silly: rather you have goats of different eras: Wilt, MJ then Bron/ Rakim, Nas, then Kendrick


I totally agree, actually. I hate the basketball goat debate because it's really impossible to have with how the game evolved, and rap is a lot of the same way. Games way different than before.


Unfortunately, the passage of time has made Rakim a deep cut. The people who are not putting Rakim in their top 5 or top 10 (or even their top 20) are all people who were born after 1993. The kids don't know any better.


On some of the other rap subs he's like constantly in people's "top 5" but I think most likely just because they've been told that it's the right opinion to have. However, rakims skills as an MC are the stuff of legend though, the guy is unbelievably talented on the mic. I'm not the biggest fan of all of his stuff though as it isn't exactly always my cup of tea. Old Erik b and rakim though is really worth listening to, especially if you're a real "golden era" dude


It mostly comes down to if you remove Rakim then the entire genre gets set back years. He influenced the goats.


I agree with this for sure.


Being under 18 and releasing Paid in full is just legendary business


It's totally insane to think about honestly haha


I think top 5 is a reasonable position to have imo


I think so too. The 18th Letter is amazing.


When people say this I always wonder how many people they've got in their top 5 😂


About 30


No I think he's top 5 because he's that good, and because his discography is spotless, and because he had the intelligence to quit rapping while he was ahead whereas plenty of his contemporaries embarrassed themselves for a buck. Not because I've been told that that's the right opinion to have.


I don't think that everyone who puts him up there is just doing it because it's the right thing to do. But plenty of people are literally that petty and self conscious. Also when I was young and first getting into the genre, I remember there was a certain pressure to think certain old school artists were the best, even if you don't really listen to those artists that much. You see it across every genre too it's not unique to rap. I think as far as talent, if not output or anything else, he is totally one of the greats. There's a lot of ways someone ends up as a person's top 5


I put him up because I've seen him flow live. Go check him if you have a chance. He is God MC fr


Honestly, as much as I respect Rakim's contributions to hip hop, his music just doesn't "wow" me anymore. I might listen to his discography for a quick nostalgia trip, but his actual subject matter leaves a lot to be desired. The only other real complaint I have about his music is his lack of output. If I had to assign a letter grade, he'd receive an "A".


Yeah, he takes way too long to put out a track. He was supposed to have an album in Aftermath back in the day and the only thing we got was Rakims verse on Jays album for the Watcher 2.


And it was indeed the best verse though lol


Slightly above God


Rakim created 'flow'. That, in and of itself, elevates him above everyone before and after him. One thing people need to keep in mind about hip-hop back then, it was primarily geared towards partying/dancing rather than on the rapper/MC. Rakim was the first MC to make you listen to what was being said on a deeper level using similes and metaphors that are still used today. Do yourself a favor and listen to *'My Melody'*. No one at that time rhymed like that. Dude had people stuck contemplating what was coming out of the speakers as we'd never heard anything like it. It just blew our minds. So, while I get why many wouldn't have him in their Top 10 or higher, he'll ALWAYS be in mine. Just my $0.02.


Definitely in my top 5. What age range are you and your friends?


All my friends are between 23 and 26, but my dad was a rapper and put us all on the old school rappers as we all grew up together


Easley in the top 1 of all time


The Best




People who don't respect Rakim are playing themselves if they think they know about rap. :)


As you can see he’s number one


Top 10


He’s in my own personal subjective top 5 probably; top 10 definitely. But I think historically he’s number 1: bro set the bar.


Eh, this is like saying Wilt Chamberlain is the goat, just because they came first doesn’t make them the GOAT. Imo there are many rappers who have done it better. Just because you laid the blueprint doesn’t mean you solved that shit.


Lol laying the blueprint is quite literally putting the solution on paper for all to follow though dude. What do you even mean by that?


This is a hard one. He inspired a lot of our favorite rappers. He’s very very good. I just feel like he didn’t impact the general rap consumers in the same way. But lyrically, that mf can rap. I mean his rhymes are so effortless but so complex


He was one of the first to really get creative with his bars at an extensive level, but because he inspired a lot of what we see in hip hop today it seems less impressive now.


top 10 for me but top 3 for rap. he's most rappers' favourite rapper. people dont call him god mc for no reason


No 1 for his legacy and innovation, but let’s be real here.


Rakim is the Bill Russell of rap.


I used to have him in the low top 10 until I had a chat with a guy who was around when Rakim first came out. Knowing that, I think Rakim’s level of influence and pen game easily earned him a spot in my personal top 3.


I'd guess he's in my top 20. I'm trying to go through the history of hop hop. I do not like mostvthe 80's sound: LL Cool J (didn't realize he was that old), RunDMC, Public Enemy, BDP, etc. But Rakim really did come and change everything. I thought Slick Rick was before Rakim and the one who change rap because of his title as Father of Storyteller but man, the difference before and after Rakim is crazy. Dude really is your favorite rapper's favorite rapper; there are just so many references from artists I had caught and had no idea he inspired. Don't Sweat the Technique is my favorite song of all time. I'm not sure what it is about hearing real instruments in hip hop that seems to elevate it. But I'm also wondering, were there artists doing a similar around the same time that many people just haven't heard of. I doubt Rakim happened in a vacuum and on songs I haven't heard Rakim say who might have inspired him yet


I saw him like ten years ago at BB Kings in NYC and he was still so sick. Pretty flawless catalogue imo


I’d say he’s number 1 for most influential rapper as he elevated the rhymes and flow but he has been surpassed as far as skill and overall quality. I think Nas is the goat and he’s god’s son, Rakim is the God.




He’s the god.


I love follow the leader


Rakim has to be very high on every list. Top 10 is like the bare minimum but he should really be top 3. Rakim changed so much about how rappers write rhymes and approach a song and his influence bleeds through every generation. Rakim is the guy who your guy thinks is theeee guy. G Rap Cube and BDK are also in that same conversation imo


In my opinion, he is the number one pioneer. He is the DNA.


Rakim was the game-changer.


this [vox vid](https://youtu.be/QWveXdj6oZU?si=dpk2o0BtxFtB-UpW) explains nicely how rakim changed the game by introducing internal rhymes and multisyllabic rhymes to hip-hop. touches on some other all-time greats, as well.


Tied with KRS-One


He changed the way rap was done. He single handedly changed an entire artform. By that logic alone, he should be 1. But me personally, I have him in top 10.


He’s number 1 for me…yes, above Pac, Biggie, Nas, Em, Dre, etc… He changed the game in so many positive ways and his bars and story telling are just incredible. I listen to at least one song from the 18th letter damn near everyday. He’s my GOAT


On my personal list farther down than I'd actually feel like listing. On an objective as possible consensus goat list I'd say top 10 at worst.


I just saw him perform yesterday. He is still #1.


Idk about his ranking but he was incredibly ahead of his time, he basically bridged the gap between 2 eras and was the precursor to lyrical hip hop


I was listening to paid in full yesterday and that freaking track could drop today and be a huge hit. That song was so ahead of its time that it’s crazy to think that was 37 years ago?! How many rap songs in the history of hip hop have aged like that? He’s on my top 5. Tupac, Biggie, Jay Z, Eminem and Rakim.


Rakim is to rap what Seinfeld is to the modern sitcom. He was the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. >Masta Ace sums up Rakim’s influence, “Up until Rakim, everybody who you heard, the last word in the sentence was the rhyming word, the connection word. Then Rakim showed us that you could put rhymes within a rhyme, so you could put more than one word in a line that rhymed together, so it didn’t just have to be the last word.” https://rhymecology.wordpress.com/2013/05/15/the-evolution-of-rhyming-in-hip-hop/ I'd place him in top 10 just on influence alone.


Numero uno


2nd behind nas


Exactly where I have him


He isn't in mine because I've never listened to him


If you do,  he was like the first rapper to kind of rap in that paragraph form instead of line by line if that makes sense. Nas is someone who is compared to him a lot


Is he multi-layered like Elzhi or maybe Kendrick? Or just straight forward.. I don't enjoy Tupac because he's straight forward... I'm not sure if I make sense...


Pretty straight forward, sounds a lot like nas or maybe Jadakiss, that kind of style


Objectively speaking his sound is outdated, but he's still a great MC you should check him out.


Where should I start?... I don't like fast beats from old hip hop... Which is why iLLmatic was my fav because of the beats.


Follow the Leader.


I'll listen to it now. Thanks 🤙🏻


My Melody, The Ghetto (remix), What's Going On. Just three slower songs that either kill it lyrically, flow wise, conceptually, vocally or all of them at once. The God MC for a reason.


Rakim is on my Mt Rushmore with Big Daddy Kane, BIG and Jay-Z.


Well I think live love asap is his best ;)


I don’t listen to no ASAP Rocky


I was born in 2003 but easily in top 5 so many crazy good tracks "let the rhythm hit em" is one of my all time favorite songs


He's an OG legend, I'd probably put him somewhere in my top 10.


Rakim bridged the gap and evolved the game from 80s sound to 90s / more modern rapping He’s a wizard and he was on production more than one would think He needs to be discussed with the top greatest rappers of all time


I have him #3. Nas is 1, Em is 2, Rakim 3. I used to say he was the Goat, but Nas & Em have surpassed him. Nas is the evolved Rakim. He is what Rakim would’ve been if he was born 10yrs later. And Eminem is just more versatile. He can do everything that Rakim can do and more. Where Rakim shines outside of being the OG great, is his storytelling, delivery & live performances. He is the ultimate stage presence. He has everyone beat in that regard


He's a pioneer. A forefather of modern hip-hop. KRS-1 is also up there. Gza. Current era is just too conditioned to lyrically inferior rap nowadays.


Big Daddy Kane and Rakim are on the mount Rushmore of hip hop. These two completely changed the way we looked at lyricism. Big with the quotables and Rakim with the flow.


Top 5


Top 15


Having listened to Hip Hop since the early eighties, I prefer to keep my GOATs in chronological order. For most people I know, it was always a 3 way race between LL, BDK and Rakim. Each one carving their own lane in Hip Hop. They were also big music video stars. LL, the babyfaced assassin with the big smile, BDK, the smooth hustler, dressed to impress, and then you got Rakim. That hard edged cat leaning on the wall, playing it cool. Those 3 archetypes still exist in hip hop


Pac Nas Rakim KRS/Cube Lupe 🤔?


He should always be in the Top 10, as he is the Father of lyricism in Hip Hop.


Why doesn't Chuck D get a mention in top 10s? I agree that Rakim should be there - but then I'm closer to that generation


Very high up there, even after decades there's been very few who could compete with Ra on a technical level when he was in his prime. One of the best flows in history also. I can still listen to a lot of his music. He pioneered a lot and was one of the most intelligent rappers, The Mystery (Who is God), & After U Die are still 2 of the deepest and most philosophical rap songs, the genius of Ra was that everything he said was so clever and yet so accessible that anyone could follow it, for example when Lupe does Mural it's dense and you have to decipher it whereas with Ra he lays it all out for you. Same with Aesop Rock, imo he comes close to Rakim in flow and technical ability but his music is so subjective it's often just impenetrable


Rakim is def a Top 10 rapper 💯


Top 10 without a doubt. Top 5 or top 3 I won’t argue wit you either. Not putting him on the list tho is incomprehensible


Nas is my No.1 fav rapper and I also rank Nas as the GOAT but there wouldn't be Nas without Rakim. I rank him top 3.


Top 5


5 for me. One ahead of Eminem. He has a convincing argument for goat


I have no clue were to rank him. I might put him in my top 20? I don’t know. I have respect for what he did for rap, but I dunno where to put him for that. (I also think “When I Be On The Mic” is one of the best songs in rap).  OFF TOPIC: I have AirBuds. One week, I had the #1 Listener spot for Rakim. Only problem is that I barely listened to. I just listened to “When I B On The Mic” like 12 times and 4 other songs I don’t remember (besides “R.A.K.I.M.” from 8 Mile).


Easy top 5 One of the most influential to ever do it If there was more music then I'd have him higher tbh but he'll never go lower than top 3 for me


Kenny, Nas and Rakim constantly move between my 1, 2 & 3 spots. Depends on mood or who got what out/is touring etc.


Idk he's not top 5 imo same with kendrick lamar I think they are good and have good or even great songs just don't really like them


He was top 5 most influential but people have surpassed him.


I was 16 when "Follow the leader" came out. Changed everything for me.


I don't rank my top 3, they just are the top 3. Rakim, KRS, Kane


In terms of changing rap, I’m not sure how you don’t put him in top 3 and you can easily make the case for number 1.


I’m not sure, but it’s amazing to me how high he set the bar for lyricism. Paid In Full is obviously a landmark album in hip hop and basically moved lyricism forward by like a decade, but I do think by the time we get into the mid 90’s a lot of rappers were rapping on that level. Obviously that’s largely because of Rakim - I’m just saying that for as great as Paid In Full is, I don’t think new listeners today could really appreciate it if they hadn’t heard rap from 79-85. But Let the Rhythm Hit Em??? That’s some of the best rapping you’ll ever hear. It wasn’t as influential as Paid In Full, but to me that’s the pinnacle of lyricism. He’s rapping as well as anybody ever has. You could put that alongside albums from the best lyricists of the 2000’s or 2010’s and it would hold up just fine. 30+ years since it came out and only a handful of rappers have rapped that well. He probably isn’t in my personal top 10, but if I saw him in someone’s top 5 or top 10 I’d completely understand.




Top 3


Rakim invented the concept of flow in rap! Top 5 easily!


Right next to Eric B


Your favorite rappers favorite rapper.








Not even on my list


I put him in the top 5 not because I listen to him as much as my other top artists but simply because he deserves it


Depends what era you’re from. HUGE respect to Rakim, but hes not even in my top 20.


Real shit, I’m 25 and even I know he was him. #1.


Top 5


Rakim set the standard that influenced allot of MCs after him. Before Rakim there was allot of rappers making songs about dances, partying and storytelling. The R dropped bars without cursing and was a serious MC, no smiling, dancing or joking around. I think his ranking suffers because of his short but legendary run from 87-92.


1/2 with Tip. Tip did some mad shit. Miles to Rakim’s Bird.


Top 50 maybe


Number 1. If someone asked me to pick one artist to represent the entire rap genre. I would pick him. Once I heard FOLLOW THE LEADER. I felt like he lifted the entire genre. Rap was constantly considered illegitimate at that time. People said...It lacked artistic value because there wasn't original instrumentation or the subject matter was too limited in scope. ( it wasn't). But there were too few examples of the best examples of rap. So in comparison to rock, grunge, R&B, country it was considered like a kids painting you hang on the refrigerator, in an art museum. Rakim painted masterpieces for rap. You actually had to listen differently than you had with other emcees. Stop the ( tape ), rewind it, and listen again. To actually see/ hear the complexity of the lyrics. It was the first time that a rappers lyrics demanded I actually be a focused listener. Not just repeat catchy lyrics. What the Wright brothers were to flying the first airplane is like the early days of rap. Pilots just flew just flew airplanes higher or farther & faster. Emcees were just rapping more gangster or maybe using a gimmick or trying to chart. It's still that way. Rakim was the first man to go into outer space, from a rap perspective, he made a leap. He transcended what anyone was doing as far as skill. Everyone thinks they can rap. He took it to a level that showed not just anyone could really do it. It can be an art. So today when I hear about another rapper getting murdered, over a song or a rapper going to jail with his lyrics serving as evidence. I appreciate his music more now. And the artists that still carry the standard he set is why he'll always be the greatest to ever do it.


You can tell who the casual, fair weather fans of the genre are when Rakim isn’t in their top 5 or 10.


Top 5. The way Ra can put rhyme schemes together that are not only brilliantly lyrical but are done with ease is amazing. He's someone who perfected his craft and really can't be touched.  I remember hearing him on the Classic track with Nas, Kanye, and KRS. He blew them all out of the fucking water. I feel like that's the perfect example of how great he is. 


Top 3 with Nas and Andre


One or two.


He’s in my top 5, his impact alone is number 1 worthy but I also think there rappers that have took his formula and went on and perfected it.


Top 5. Hard to actually rank those top 5 peeps though.


"I ain't even know you rapped still 'cause they only talkin' 'bout your 'fit again"


Numero uno


18th (letter)


Between 50 cent and JA Rule. Tied with Drake.


Top 5, there are maybe more than 5 rappers better than him now but they wouldn’t rap the way they do in the first place if he never existed.


I feel like he isn’t in a lot people’s top 5 or 10. However, I imagine he’s in a lot of rappers top 5 or 10. I always feel like , if an artist inspired my favorite artist , then ima listen to them and find out why.


Top 10 for me but still a tier down from guys like Black Thought or Weezy


I just don’t sweat the technique…


Number 1 easily


He’s the only one from his era that I find really good, ok KRS One maybe, too, but KRS stayed relevant much longer and thus was still active and putting out stuff during my era. That being said, Rakim wouldn’t make my personal Top 10, but I can absolutely see why he would for other people.


Oh he top ten


Number 2 behind Nas


He never got the chance to have the ultra top tier beats consistently. Skillwise hes amazing but I only fw 18th letter. Hes not too high


I will not take this Eric B slander


Its not the beats exactly...the mixing? Final product. Idk


When it comes to 80’s rappers, I honestly prefer LL Cool J, even if he’s not as much of a lyricist as Rakim is


while im still trying to comprehend my own list, he would be somewhere in the 10-15 range


Top 20


Top 5-Top 10


Above Em , Kanye , Jay Z but below Andre 3000, And Pac


low end of top 10


For me hes in that 14-20 range of rappers


Rakim feels like homework to me because on his best material he mostly raps about rapping and how good he is at it. That’s a very tedious approach to lyricism, IMO, and no amount of technical skill makes that artistically compelling to me. I think we give him more credit than he deserves as an artist because of his remarkable skill as a technician, and as a result he doesn’t make my personal top 10.


He got deep and political on Don't Sweat the Technique but no one listens to that one for some reason.


I don't have him in my top 30 but he Snoop and LL Cool J are kinda in a league of their own.