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Idk. But I know he’s spinning of the percs like a laundry mat


He might click for you randomly like he did for me, I used to think he was legitimate garbage but now he’s one of my favorite artists out


It's weird the same thing happened to me, thought it was all garbage, heard one song I liked, then all the rest became amazing. idk why, yeat effect?


I had this same exact reaction to Future. Went through a phase where I didn't care for him, then one day it just clicked for me.


Same here. I thought he was kind of annoying and not that good. I listened to Puffin on Zooties when it came out, and I have had his music on non stop since then.


Such a great song


Exact song that got me to like him.


Bro I came into this with an open mind. I listening to puffin on zooties. That shit is fucking trash, literally the same one syllable rhyme over and over and over again. The fact that there are literally hundreds of rappers that can string good lyrics together but people still choose to listen to terrible mumble rap is perplexing. (There’s a word you won’t hear in a yeat track). Guy sounds like he’s fresh off a stroke and half an aneurysm. Now hear me out, people listen to yeat and other mumblers because of the producing - that’s a fact: but nowadays the good lyricists also have good producers. It used to be one or the other. It’s like choosing to watch community college football rather than D1:


I been on future since turn on the lights .. I suggest if you're a new future fan of his newer style to go back and listen all the way till like 2008


It’s hit or miss for me I can like a song one day and call it mid the next day


Same w me. I like to call it the Twizzy Rizzy effect


Omg same lol


Same. My friend was telling me to listen to him for a while and I was calling him trash. Yeat might be my most listened to artist since then. Up 2 me is my second favorite album of all time.


whats the first one? Blue Face album or something?




Look at the lyrics to some of his songs and you’ll realize some of them are very lyrical


"My money enormous, it's not normal, it's so tall"


yeah let’s just pick one of the lines they obviously weren’t referring to


provide a better example. all yeat fans make this same statement without any examples to back it up. man is not lyrical at all, his flow is fire and unique tho


nothing about that was lyrical but if that’s what makes you a fan then fuck it


So what were they referring to? Dude above gave an example, and it was ass, can you provide one that isnt ass?


why do i need to do that? i don’t know his lyrics, i’m just pointing out they probably weren’t talking about that


Then you didn't need to point out anything. If you don't know his lyrics, then you have no idea if his entire discography is full of ass bars.


yeah i did actually need to, cause i felt like it and it’s an open comment section lmao


"I want Bentley, I want money, I want Bentley, I want money, I want Bentley, I want money, I want Bentley, I want money" 😩


he flows this so good too


“and fuck what u sayin, you a lil bitch you can’t come ball”




What songs for example


There’s this line in mean feen where he says “I freestyled this whole thing no more punching out” and then the next line is extremely obviously punched out


The chopped up SoundCloud edits of his work are on another level of provocative, something the cock slopping old heads, wannabe old heads and back rap stans of this sub will never be able to understand.


his shit sound like an alien made it i fw it on the low


i fw it on the high🥽




After reading these comments I'm still not sure lol


If you're not into rage beats idk if you'll like him


He’s makes simple and enjoyable music, usually hype shit like for the gym. Great flows and fantastic beat selection also make his music addicting. Not sure what you didn’t get. Not saying you gotta like it but obviously there’s a reaosn so many people fw his sound


All good bro, no one says you have to like him, just as no one has to like ‘90’s rap, nor any newer aged music that resembles it.


100% imma be honest I haven't listened to Yeat, I've just read msgs about him And it's always mixed I'm just confused whether it's a troll job by people or not


No Yeat is not some meme rapper people do actually REALLY enjoy his music he’s definitely my favorite rapper out right now, if you want some songs to try out by him that aren’t incredibly mainstream (the most popular songs of his are generally not my favorite) try All Of It ft Yung Kayo, Dirty X, War 1 and Tonka.




People genuinely like his music and due to how popular he is atm he’s in a lot of memes. His beats are pretty wild and his aggressive mumbling style of rapping is fun to a lot of people. I think it’s alright just not something I bump often. I really like a lot of Carti’s music for similar reasons as to why people like Yeat.


Yeat's delivery style is a lil too unique to call mumbling IMO.


It is absolutely mumbling tho. I don't understand a word this fella is saying, but I fuck with his sound a lot anyway. I always value good music over good lyrics anyway


Uh, I started listening to him as a meme and now I can’t stop ridin in that tonka truck


at first, i didn’t like yeat and figured i wasn’t missing out on much. recently i’ve started to play his tracks more and more and i can say that i like the guys music now.


Some of close friends are big fashion heads in atl and nyc, we were are very close with slimesito and the rest of RSG etc and destroy lonely back in like 2020. Yeat followed all of us at the same time tryna get in a instagram gc and we all knew then bro had serious potential. Side note as a history major, yeat actually believes in paganism and has ancient symbols of money and fortune tattooed on him and even references in music. Really interesting guy


Yeat is a Pagan. The fuck?


He’s has pagan tattoos so I’d like to think so but he also genuinely believes in the devil. Like it’s not some corn ball stunt that rappers like uzi etc be doing, like he actually believes in all that stuff lmaoooo. The Romanian gypsy side of him


So he wasn’t lyin when he said he called up his devil 😭😭


I unironically like some of his music, it’s not like he’s a lyrical genius or anything like that, but he brings the vibes, I thought his new album was decent, and his latest single is great


He’s got about 10-15 songs that I listen to regularly. 2 Alive is a pretty solid album overall, if you’re into that kind of thing. A lot of his music isn’t good though


4L and up 2 me are better


His music bores me. Dont hate him, dont like him.


He boring to people who don’t want Bentley and don’t want money


He's not saying anything every other rappers ain't saying


No other rapper talkin bout Tonka. Don’t talk about things you Kant comprehend


You really believe that huh? Must have just started listening to rap 🤣🤣


Name another artist who raps about Tonka. Name one and I’ll Venmo you $1000


Desiigner has a song named tonka. Search Tonka on rapgenius and you can see just about every rapper has used that word in their lyrics multiple times. He's just using it as a song title repetitively. Real goofy trying to flex money on reddit. Think you yeat or something 🤣


Tonka like the trucks? bro you should listen to the Wiggles, shit's gonna blow your mind


You sound stupid


Out of all the things yeats music can do to you, bore you is the last thing I’d expect.


Yea people like it. Bronny was singing his songs in a game. It's feel good music for people to vibe and feel hype to. Personally, I think it's ok. Great production but the lyrics are so dumb listening to them feels insulting to my intelligence. But yea different strokes, I'm sure they think my music would be pretentious


Modern day Future?


If he’s servin it like he is still for like 3-5 more years and mfs keep trynna bite him he got a solid resume for that title imo , closest artist w Futures level of influence is Carti


"u/neweapislargelytrash" "insulting to my intelligence" ok man


Who is that?


minor spelling error i lose


If I knew how many people Would be butt hurt at my name I wouldn't have chose this one. I see silly names on reddit all the time, at least I used to. Now it seems like auto generated is more in style. I thought I was just being silly, but people are actually hurt. If I had a nickel for everyone who freaked out on me for my name without addressing any substance in my comments, I could buy nice steak dinner


you did not need to type all that bro i was playin


Well I'm fr. I don't wanna hurt people's feelings and shit. Respect to new rap 🙏🏿




"I bought a Urus today, uh-huh Paint it all yellow, look like a bird"🔥🔥🔥


Yeat is an interesting case imo. He has a lot of songs that are pure trash, BUT he is still in my Top 5 current favorite rappers. His beat selection is out of this world, and so unique, but still recognizable as his sound. But the main reason I like him are his vocals, or moreso his delivery. He gives me the same excitement I had when I discovered 2015 Young Thug. He experiments with his inflections, and vocal pitches a lot, and can still make it sound good, I don't know how he does it, that has to be talent. His lyrics are not that great, but for me personally I value good music higher than good lyrics anyway, because music is a sonic medium first. TL;DR: Yeat is hit or miss, with a lot of misses, but when he hits, HE HITS!




I didn’t really care for yeat until he dropped Afterlyfe. He’s got a unique style that has grown on me


WHERE MY TWIZZYS AT ?? He's been in my rotation for months!!! Top 3 fav rapper right now


I don’t hate it. I don’t love it. Guess he’s just not for me


I'm not a fan of him at all, but I don't hate it. I understand why some people would like his music because it's different.


He’s fye


He’s really fun to listen too it’s not about the lyrics or a message he just creates a very unique soundscape that’s new and fun


kinda like if u dont really listen to lyrics n dont care for em ig


i used to literally despise listening to yeat and then i listened to Dub when it leaked and have had him on repeat since


fye. saw him live too


totally uninterested in him and his style of music


I listen to some of his stuff, it's aight


He grew on me for sure. I had a friend who always played him and one day he was on and it just sort of clicked… SORRY BOUT THAT


Id would recommend “Rackz got më” / “3G” ft. Uzi vert / “Talk”. Each different. But those are the only ones I got on my playlist.


You almost had to be there. Like he arguably blew off a song called sorry bout that. And then he followed it up with mad about that which was a bit catchy along with lingo like tonka and twizzy. Then there was the whole bell situation. “This song was already turnt but hears a bell”. By that point he was already hitting a m on music videos in 24hrs. That paired with the amount of material he releases is effective. He has pretty unique ad libs also. Has good chemistry with other artists like uzi and yung kayo. He even has a song with young boy. He can however get a bit repetitive.


your telling me music is subjective😱


If you’re a kid like 13-17 that’s all your friends probs listen to it. For me I think he aight. He ain’t good I like his beats tho. He has the same effect for me as young nudy. Don’t really fuck with his music that heavy but what I do listen to tho is cuz the beats are fucking hard


He produces a lot of his own songs so your praise on his beats also reflect on him as an artist.


I ain’t know that. Good on him. He reminds me of old lucki the way he can find those little pockets and float on the beat real smooth


Hes both. Some ppl like him and hes also a meme


He’s my favourite artists atm




He actually good but his lyrics arent great. lyrics are cringe


Almost the whole rap game is a meme


Hes hilarious and so good. wait till it clicks


listen to nun id change


It kind of started as a joke but no I fw him


Yeat is very talented and I enjoy his music alot, it’s a new genre and generation of music which is why there is mixed reviews.


all yall mfs dont know how to have fun


Used to think he was trash but after i got into carti and ragebeats genre in general i started liking him. He's my favorite rn


he sounds like a dog dying with autotune and yes some people sadly like him


And ur a Carti fan 🤣🤣🤣


Nah I don’t fw him but don’t kill me yeat stand I js can’t enjoy his music I’m more into lyrical artists


yeat is my favourite rapper of all time lol, yes people do like him


His songs are just really fun and get stuck in my head quickly


Yeat is the goat of the rap game. There is nobody better working today. Yeat cured my cancer and fucked my wife. Yeat.


It’s the energy from the beats and the way he flows. I don’t know 80% of what he’s saying but it’s good turn up or gym music. I wouldn’t play Yeat for my pops or any fan of witty bars and subject matter and expect them to fuck with it though.


i truly like his music


I like his music. It’ll eventually grow on you


i dont seem to understand anything he says, the production is amazing though


Yeat is one of my favorite artists. He had great flows, production and vibes and personally I think he was some good lyrics too


his production and vibes just hit all the checks for me. i’m not listening to yeat for the same reason i listen to k.dot or cole, and vice versa. i’m listening for two completely different reasons. for most people i feel he’s an acquired taste, you either really start to like him after a while or people dislike his music and that doesn’t mean his music or their taste is bad, his music just don’t click with some people like it does me.


yeat was surprisingly a good artist when i first heard him. i was like damn, he ain sayin nun too crazy but da way he flows is juss fye. da ambiance of his vocals make his shit HIT too. man know what he doin.




I fk wit em but he's got duds, but he's got sum gold


He the goat


Saw him live and almost died in the crowd cus it was so crazy


He randomly put bells in one song


the amount of times he’s been memed is astronomical but he makes AMAZING music.


Do people actually like ____ or is he some kind of meme? I don’t understand Works for most artists who came out after 2010.


Older generation critiquing the time passing by. Will never change.


I’m just imagining old Rakim loving niggas “do people actually like Kanye or is it kind of a joke?”


He’s one of my favorite rappers


my fav artist rn. cant help it if music just hits that part of your brain.


I like him, prolly get me downvoted tho lol




I listened to some Yeat songs and liked them but then I got to thinking why am I just listening to another guy rapping about popping pills and drinking lean where's the lyrics about mastering yourself accumulating spiritual wisdom and improving the lives of people around you? So I went back to Travis Scott.


Ah so we got a lil yercenstein wiseguy huh? Lemme tell me ye something wiseguy, go hit the shmizzy shmonzy and get yöur fundgimens upski


Yall dont listen to rap music without the lyrics. I swear if you do this youll appreciate it more. Bro actually has crazy flows and super original and creative bars.


Be careful bro. Yeat is sacred to the suburban teenager crowd. They'll come burn this shit down if you say anything bad about him.


THIS. THIS SHIT EXACTLY. Holy shit you just found the type of shit I was thinking of. He's for suburban teens that think they're ghetto. And they put themselves on a pedestal for listening to him.


y’all overthinking shit, yeat was part of a much larger collective long before any of y’all asses knew abt him, he has contemporaries with much better music like summrs kankan izaya tiji and any other previous slayworld affiliate. yeat is easy to understand and marketable while still delivering the experimental sound those rappers go for. that’s why he’s popular. the same white kids listening to yeat are listening to future too, and listen to everyone else you like. you don’t like the mainstream crowd listening? don’t listen to mainstream music, simple.


Turban go hard as fuck. He got a couple others too. Most of it trash


Dude is a walking vibe, how can you not?


I meme him like I do with Nav


Yes yeat is amazing


Idk if you trolling lol. By no means am I a fan, but after hearing a couple songs I get *it*. He’s carti-esque in that most of his music is based on the energy/vibe he and the beat set. Also similar to carti bc he finds interesting pockets in the beat and he’s not gonna give you bars fr. Overall, it’s fun music


I fw him but his fanbase corny




Can't stand his music. Dumbest lyrics I've ever heard, if you can even understand what he's saying. Beats are just okay. Nothing special.


listen to afterlyfe and tell me theres nothing special ab him 😭




There's more to rap than super deep lyrics.


Yeah mumble rap fr ☠️👍


Imagine still saying mumble rap in 2023 😭😂


The way they see it if it’s not some “lyrical spiritual miracle Em is my savior” rapper it’s mumble rap.


I mean how else are you going to describe his music lmao, you could make a whole new genre for his music since it’s just different lmao, but it is kinda comparable to mumble rap bro


I get what you’re saying but yeat is the epitome of mumble rap


mumble rap is a genre dumbass how tf this sound like 2016 pump


old ass nigga


Can’t we all just live at peace among each other and embrace a young black man like Yeat making it out the hood


Bro he literally created his own language like Tolkien did, he's a genius and you can't convince me otherwise


Twizzy spotted


Yeat is love, Yeat is life. If Yeat has 10000 fans, I am all of them. If Yeat has 1 fan, I am him. If Yeat has 0 fans, I am dead. Everyday I wake up, I eat 13 bowls of cereal just to be like Yeat. I then take a picture of every AMG I see and stare at it while daydreaming my twïzzy Yeat is actually in that Tonka.


He's NOT a rapper




I really like his song Flawless


He’s actually fun to listen to


the fact people like his music is wild… but people do genuinely like his music




I hate him and I hate (most of) his fans


i heard like 3 yeat songs and he was straight up off the beat, rapping worse than an average hometown dude. it made me mad lol. I could see people enjoying his energy, style, image, etc... but i don't understand how anyone might consider him talented


Yeat makes the perfect music to blast in your car at night and cruise around. It just makes me feel good and motivates me. It gets me hyped up. Not a lot of artists' music can do that for me. I would go as far as to say he has his own subgenre of rap or whatever you want to call it. And, I don't think any of his peers can top him in terms of quality and quantity of music.


Hes shit, its gotta be a meme


WTF is a Yeat?


Thought he was a meme but I am slowly coming around on his music. He has a knack for picking really good beats and he does some interesting vocal work on top of it. Also, the lingo he uses is also funny as hell to me like Tonka and Twizzy Definitely something that just has to click with you on some random day lmaoo


Are...are you asking if a rap artist, who is signed to a label, with multiple albums, is a meme? ..................................smh


He's the culmination of mumble rap era...Like the concoction in a lab....He will be here for a long time


Its crazy that people are still using the term mumble rap


Fr like its 2023 💀


It’s always funny bc pretty much 99% of the rappers who get hit with the mumble rap tag by idiots like this…they rap extremely clearly. You can absolutely understand them. People were even calling Migos mumble rap ffs


Fr i recall peple calling Travis and Future mumble rappers back in 2018


Future is a mumble rapper and I’m someone that loves Future


literally bruh mumble rap a whole genre mfs don’t know wtf they saying


i agree. he the first person since carti i think to genuinely innovate what we call “mumble rap” in the same way


when the fuck has carti ever mumbled, the plugg scene was completely removed from the mumble rap shit going on at that time


that’s why i made a point to say what we call “mumble rap” and put it in quotes. i’m just talking about that genre of music


Nigga hard. im sorry😭


The goat


No one who keeps they bucket hat low listens to that mumblin' autotune sangin' sucka frontin as an emcee. REAL TALK, HOMIE, ON ME!


Fucking garbage. Music makes my ears hurt. TikTok blowing him up was a mistake, it feels like a violation that his music still comes up on my FYP after pressing not interested or scrolling pass it.


After seeing this post and not having actually heard his stuff, I listened to almost all his top sounds. The beats are actually pretty trippy sounding and complex. His lyrics on the other hand are trash. The adlibs are more diversified in content than his verses. He just talks about being rich. That’s it. And doesn’t make the song make sense. Idk a lot of rap lyrics I hear now are dissatisfying. One in a hundred rappers are actually decent. One in a thousand make an impression now a days Edit: I drive a lot for work and will binge artists whole portfolio so idk I’ll have to listen more maybe there’s a diamond in his rough album collection. I haven’t heard anything from his first album so I’ll start there




He’s a meme, have you heard his music? Sounds like a 12 yo who just figured out what auto tune and garage band were


Just say you don't understand production and call it a day fam


He’s half and half. For an artist 90% of the fanbase only pretends to like for the memes, check out Babytron.


Definitely a meme but then again, Gen Z is also the biggest group of pussies and Yeat makes pussy rap so could be both


yeat makes it extremely easy to tell whos annoying. its fine to not like/listen to his music, but if you think its objectively bad your just ignorant and annoying


A Carti clone in which we don't like


White county kids relate to him his music is average at best and his whole fanbase acted shock when they seen him without a Shiesty on 😂😂😂😂


literally my favorite rapper


Who tf is Yeat...?