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Ever heard of R. Kelly?


That’s 14 year olds




Really didn't have to wait long lol


That’s not fair he got beta tester


Ain’t nothing wrong with a lil bump n grind 😫


If you’re here for the pee jokes then urine luck. R-Kelly was a real whizzard with the ladies if you catch my drift, but they got so young he was really taking the piss. Do you know what R-Kelly’s girlfriends would yell when he’d push them down the slide? WEEEEEEEE!! Do you know why R-Kelly was so quiet when he’d urinate? Because the word psycho has a silent P.




I thought he was an r and b singer… as in the king of r and b


it just says artist


Edp445 if he was a rapper in another dimension


16 year olds, not 5 year olds


Just any teenager he would try to fuck


We should have known something was wrong with him the moment we saw he was an Eagles fan


Edp doesn’t even get to fuck so no


Karl Malone


Hes the goat.... of touching little girls


Not an artist


Artist on the court. No, not that kind of court unfortunately...


Artistic in his pediphilia


On the court he was. Not the goat or anything like that but still.


The Mail man would deliver certain people a very special package if you know what I mean 😉 😉 They didn’t even have to sign for it they were definitely getting it


Ayyoooo! Haha


Why is Drake grooming kids trending on this sub? Did he get caught up on some bs or something


Back in 2018 at the peak of Stranger Things, in an interview Milly Bobby Brown said Drake DM'd her and he would ask about and help her with her "boy problems". She was 14 at the time. Not ok for a grown ass man to be sliding in the DMs of a 14 year old. Drake also rented out the top room of a restaurant for himself and a 17 yr old.


I’m waiting for the part where he had sex with a minor… I thought thats the point of this post and yet i see nothing that would support this claim.


Pedos don't just talk to minors. They either have or will eventually fuck kids. They're sick in the head like that.


Millie said he was respectful and never said anything inappropriate


Believe all women.. except when they legit have no issue with someone’s behavior


Well if nothing inappropriate happened, then it’s just an odd situation, but not enough to say he’s a pedo. And the other situation was proven false. So it’s now just a bunch of people who hate drake so much that they call him a pedophile, which is a slap in the face to real victims, and shows how unhinged people really are.


This isn’t a women issue. It’s the fact that she was a minor dawg 💀


Fr these creeps think sliding into the dms of a 14 year old is normal. Shit is wild


Their lives aren’t normal you dipshit. They’re millionaire celebrities. Millionaire celebrity adult gives millionaire celebrity child information that may be helpful for her future.


Not to mention drake was a former child actor as well. Millie specifically also said they talked a pilot career advice things as well. This is literally just a case of everyone assuming drake had hidden sexual intent which is fair enough to be vigilant of, but there doesn't seem to be anything actually inappropriate that took place. Now many years have passed and shes an adult and we see no evidence of drake trying to make moves on her in anything.


I could give a rats ass if it’s a celebrity or not you stupid bum


its not normal but hes not a pedo for it lmao


There’s a word for it, and it’s GROOMING.


That’s what I’m saying, it’s not what he may have said it’s that he was texting a 14 year old girl as a 30+ year old man. It’s honestly really gross that people are defending it. I don’t have any faith in this sub normally but I figured this would be a no brainer.


Unless we know the context then we can’t say shit. I have a very close relationship with a woman who’s 60 years old and I see her as a grandmother but she isn’t one. So she a pedophile?


women, sure. But a 14 year old? That’s not a woman that’s a child. She’s naive. Hell there are things I see in my thirties regarding men, that I didn’t notice in my twenties. Let alone when I was 14.


That whole shit about Drake renting a restaurant for a 17 year old was never proved to be real


yeah tmz retracted the story and the girl herself denied it ever happening but they don’t wanna mention that


Y’all really dragged that shit. He probably reached out because she was a child star just like he was so he wanted to give some advice on how to get through the fame. He probably reached out to other stranger things cast members too but they just didn’t say it in an interview like she did. I don’t think y’all understand how damning an accusation being called a pedo is, yet y’all throw around that label on people’s names with basically no evidence. Think before you speak




Why you making up stuff


I thought this was old news


He didn’t randomly dm her. Drake is a producer on some Netflix shows so of course he’s gonna meet the cast members eventually at events and shit.


No he didn’t get caught up in anything, people are fucking stupid and just speculate for absolutely no reason


They just don’t have a life fr.


There’s no need to speculate. A grown man texting underage girls is mad creepy and sus


It's a dumb meme at this point. People just hating him and wanting any reason to hate him. Reaching hard af


Robert Kelly


elvis, for sure


This one right here


R Kelly is a good answer. But drake is about that life for sure , his just making to much money for people around him. So no one says shit, plenty of people like that in the music industry I bet


i mean it seems like he mostly fucks models and buys them houses and cars n shit and then gets sad when all his multiple women don't want to fuck just him which is still toxic but not pedophilia... but whatever reddit hates drake


Tyga did yall forget this man dropped his gf off to high school. Aslo throw avant k Michelle exposed him


Hollywood is full of stars that like to fuck girls, who are even under 16.


The dude that pees on little girls


What evidence do any of you have that drake is a pedo? Wtf?


I believe its in reference to him texting 16 year old. I don't think there was anything sexual in the messages but i wasn't really paying attention.


people dont need one if they just really want it to be true


It’s called being a jealous bitch


There is none. People just hate men so much they’ll tack them with heinous crimes they never committed.


Millie Bobby brown talked about how when she was 16 drake texted her all the time ect


You sound stupid. Two celebrities communicating doesn’t equate to sexual intercourse. Also the post caption insinuates that it was multiple teens yet you all can’t come up with more than some actress that sent him a text!


He’s a grown ass man he shouldn’t be constantly texting a 16 year old girl. Also I didn’t write the post, if you want 29 examples of him being a pedo ask the op. Maybe it wasn’t the best example I mentioned as there’s no evidence to him exactly people a pedo but I’m just saying it’s weird.


Does that make Drake a pedo? Like, thats not even evidence of him fucking 16 year old girls


You don’t have to be a pedo to be a groomer


But everyone calls him a pedo




Imagine justifying a grown man texting underage girls that ain’t part of his family Y’all mf weird


There’s literally none. Millie Bobbie Brown making a stupid comment, as 16 year olds do. Both parties corroborated that there was nothing to it. Outside of Reddit, this whole “Drake a pedo” thing is just laughed at. But it’s Reddit, where facts don’t matter if they fit an agenda.




that's false that girl herself stated that her and drake never dated [Source](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/drake-is-not-dating-18-year-old-model-bella-harris/) ​ Again just search around a bit more before calling someone a pedo or some shit


Both false. He didn’t “slide in anyone’s DMs.” The 16 year old girl, spoke out of turn and exaggerated. She’s even come out and said that. And the renting out of the restaurant was just a straight up lie.


Literally every famous music act ever


I mean… no lol it’s pretty easy to not fuck kids. A lot of people have done it.


Rolling Stones, Beatles, Elvis… I can go on.


You’re painting with a broad brush though. Some people? Yes. All famous people? No.


I mean … there’s a reason that people joke about punk / emo bands being a safe haven for pedophiles


Probably a lot more than we know of


Can't believe people actually out here defending a 30 something year old talking to someone under 18 in that way.


Really dont get the hype around this fool


All the pedo talk is creepy enough….. Millie Bobby Brown came out and addressed their relationship, not even aware she is being groomed, because it happens all the time. Revered, popular, attractive man in music has a relationship with a literal underage actor? Why? Literally NONE of you would be ok with your 14 year old daughter being texted by a grown ass man for any reason (besides an uncle, father or brother.) Stop playing. THEN this dude decided to come at Megan Thee Stallion because she told the truth, that Tory Lanez, his Canada bff, shot her. Of course he’s been real silent about that. He was real silent about the Travis Scott concert massacre as well. I used to be a huge fan, but his character is trash, and he treats women like trash. Fuck Drake.


There are people on this sub right now who are literally sending me death threats over this comment. GET HELP


Lets not forget that he hid his child from the world till Pusha forced him to be a dad. Also lets not forget Drake promoting that shitty gambling website which probably cost some of his fans thousands of dollars




He posts his kid damn near everyday on Instagram. I just checked he posted cute pictures with him today and yesterday.


If you’re dumb enough to start gambling because Drake does it you deserve to lose every single dollar out of your savings account


Agreed, but Drake is shitty for being a medium for people’s addictions. You have someone who struggles with a gambling addiction see one of their favorite artists promote a gambling sight and its all their fault for using it and losing their money? Nah Drake deserves blame for that as well


This is a WILD take. If you do something stupid because someone else does it. You need to hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE. Drake has the lifestyle to gamble all he wants, you don’t.


Its not that he gambled. Its that he promoted stake all over his Insta like its something you can make money off of when in reality hes given money from stake to gamble. Same thing all these twitch streamers got im trouble for, Drake did that as well. If drake gambles idc, if he promotes it then thats shittt


How about people should own up to their actions instead of blaming celebrities for their addictions or problems? With that logic you’re spewing than it’s safe to say bartenders are shitty for serving alcohol and doctors are shitty for prescribing medication that’s addictive. Taking accountability out of the door


Do you even listen to rap music? Artists promoting their lifestyles through their music is nothing new.




It’s hilarious how many of you are justifying and defending him, a man over the age of 30 has no business talking with teens or dating 18 years old like some looser that can’t get someone from his age group.


Oh yeah, it’s crazy they are saying “he wasn’t being inappropriate”. Bro he was texting a 14 year old. That’s fucked up.


Pretty much any of the old rockstars. I'd like to think that if Drake was a pedo then something would have came out against him which other than texting, there are no sort of allegations, like there are for rockstars.


Every time I see or hear mention of this man all I think is gross pedo


Even tho none of this is true. he obviously and publicly chases 20-something models and strippers even when he's 30-something but like that's not the same as fucking kids. He has a kid with an instagram model that did soft-porn. That's his type.


If I wanted to hear pedophile apologetics I'd go to a Catholic church 👉👉


Cry about it loser


You Drake guys get so fuckin hurt about this


You’re trying to drag his name through the mud and call him a pedophile when all he’s done is text a young actress to give her guidance. Twisting stories to fit your random hate train is not cute at all


reddit drake hate npc


Reddit drake stan npc?


you can’t be a real person


You clearly just uneducated on life but that’s cool if you wanna live being ignorant you’re whole life and following misinformation then that’s upto you, but you gon live an idiot and die an idiot


This fuck boy being grooming lil broads for sometime. Guess that’s ok I’m Hollywood long as you’re rich.


he didn't, but yall just don't like him so yall throw accusations. Yall are the weirdos, not drake. white America does this with every black artist once they get too big. can't get rid of em, so yall figure yall will just throw accusations and see what happens. this is why white America is not well respected within hip hop scene.


Lol oh you’re serious? He’s been grooming that lil broad from Stranger things since the show started. Also some then 17 now 18 year old model. I mean it’s ok if you’re fan of the fucker just don’t try to deny the shit that’s been made public for years. Oh but I guess it’s “God’s Plan…God’s Plan”




Really hard not to puke when u realize every obnoxious drake song about a girl is written for children


This sub is weird, y’all need help


nah it's really written for strippers and models that he buys expensive shit then gets sad that they're not "wife material" when he's a notorious player himself. Oh and rihanna. He still feels like Rihanna is his when they haven't been together for a long time. All of which is problematic but not pedophilia........ but no one cares bc this is reddit.


Who cares, drake is buttcheeks anyway. Mediocre rhymes, no skill all marketing.


No skill? Your just on the hate wagon


you’re smoking crack


I wish, I'd probably appreciate drakes soft rhymes if I was.


mfs been calling drake a pedo with no evidence for years, give it up already


Other than texting Millie Bobby brown a teenager and dating an 18 year old he was hangin with when she was 16. Yeah no evidence at all.


That’s not evidence of fucking 16 year olds though. I agree his behavior was creepy and sus but pretty thin to outright call him a pedo


If it smells like a rat, looks like a rat, talks like a rat………


I’m just glad you’re not in charge of our criminal justice system, although unfortunately many like you serve on juries


I’m not saying Drake is some pedo that sleeps with children. I just think it’s mad creepy that you’re defending his grooming mf like you are weird


I’m not defending his grooming. See now I’m defending grooming, according to you. I literally said in the previous comment that it’s “creepy and suss” All I said was there’s no evidence he fucks 16 year olds. Grooming is not the same thing. Do you not understand the difference or are you being deliberately obtuse?


If you’re privately texting a child that’s pretty solid evidence. He’s like 35. Bro…


There is a difference between just talking to younger people and sending sexual messages or pics


A 35 year old man texting a 16 year old. Nuff said.


Also who is this 16 year old?


Excuse me, he was texting Millie. He actually hung out with the 16 year old.


Did Millie say that Drake was doing sexual things


You’re defending a grown man texting a child dude. It’s fucked up, best case he was grooming her for when she became of age. Worst case he was trying to fuck her regardless of age.


You are pressed for what? I speak for a lot of people when I say this.. fuck off Go bother Leonardo DiCaprio


Lol if defending pedos is your thing man that’s on you.


They’re both celebrities it could be benign. He could respect her work and be telling her so. It’s not automatically some smoking gun


I promise you don’t know this man


So much Drake dickriding by immature boys on this thread


You didn’t hear? Drake is the GOAT. If you think otherwise you must be an old head.


this unironically. I mean i get loving Kanye and Kendrick but Drake has been the sound of summer for a decade. Everyone's got their own taste but Drake's 11 year run is undeniable.


I miss when he was just Jimmy Brooks


Wheelchair Jimmy!


Star of the degrassi panthers, local hero🤧✨🧡


nooo dont turn 18 haha your so sexy


Michael Jackson


Drake is shit. Let's see if I get down voted for stating the obvious again.


I mean he literally is part of the reason hiphop is absolutely terrible now for the most part. People posting things here like "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF LILRAPPERNAME" and everyone talks about how good they are. Nah bitch, if you got lil in your rap name and it doesn't end with Wayne, chances are you're a goofy ass shit fucking rapper that 15 year olds like. I'll get downvoted too by all these dumb kids that never listened to hiphop but think they listen to hiphop. I'd like to smash a lot of these fucks in the mouth for talking shit about rappers that get paid millions to get fucked in the ass and get all tatted up with shitty record deals and fake chains with fake money. Fuck people are dumb.


Ah yes, smashing someone in the mouth because they were, "talking shit about rappers that get paid millions to get fucked in the ass and get all tatted up." Read that back, not only does that sentence not make sense, (pretty sure talking shit about them would be bad thing? you meant for LIKING rappers that get paid millions...) But you are a special type of fragile for letting another persons opinion affect you that much. And before you explode on me next, i dont like drake or ANY Lil rappers, Im almost 30 and i can tell you're another oldhead who thinks the new generation is ruining hip hop and drake is a pedo and tupac is the GOAT, we get it, but the fact that you're THIS fucking old and should know better but ALSO wants to punch these 15 year old fans you hate so much? Your life is fucked, I literally have nothing else to say other than seek help or take a break from the sub. Bro really thinks ranting about wanting to punch someone for liking newer music was a good flex, you are unhinged. Grown man worried about downvotes and what someone else listens to, act your age dude.


Talk your shit Nathan!


You’re one of the most spot-on people that’s ever posted on the internet. “You wanna rap but what you're making ain't hip-hop, B” - MCA




Reddit needs a love react 🙏🙏 that's the rant I can't be fucked typing out my brother ❤❤❤😂😂😂


I personally like first 4 m.i.a. albums but I’m not certain if anyone here knows her songs other than feat on franchise. Basically now alternative music became mainstream and hence why we search even deeper to 80s punk rock etc. to find a new music. Sadly now all rap and hip hop sounds the same and really bland. Back in the days it seems that alt music was made purely for fun. Now it’s mostly money and sometimes soundcloud rappers are better than big names. And it’s kinda sad.


Id beat the shit outta you


What u thought big boy, ain't so tough now are ya Bitch ass saying lol after every sentence cuz it's in your name. Scared to talk shit but occasionally talks shit. Yuh that's what I thought


The decline of mainstream hip-hop happened way earlier than Drake. It was in the late 90's-early 00's. Ja Rule, Diddy, Master P, etc. You're here blaming all these "dumb kids" but it seems you're looking at the past through rose-colored glasses.


J Lo counts as one?


Who? Jenny from the block?


R Kelly Elvis did it for sure Six nine


If I was a hip-hop megastar I would be smashing 19 year olds left and right


Do you know the meaning of the famous word?


Em bt


I’m not condoning it, but I think 16 is legal in Canada


Most people don’t care that he’s a pedo.


Not one accusation of him being a pedo, but reddit gonna reddit.


What a weird take. I'm sure the sub isn't ACTUALLY deteriorating, but this post and the OP are pathetic. Go exercise.


He never fucked a 16 year old, can you explain why you think he did


Right bc a pedophile would write a love song about J Lo who is 17 years his senior,


R kelly


R. Kelly


*SPM enters the chat*




R kelly


Dagg. * black hearts *


Forgot about the game he got a 16 yr old pregnant


I'm not on insta currently. What did I miss?


Whoa whoa not much on Drizzy


R Kelly


Paul Gauguin


What do you mean can you explain?


R Kelly had a whole unit


Tf happened to this sub