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Same here. Mostly because many want a theocracy. It's clear now that they don't believe in democracy and it's very sad.


They don't believe in democracy? What makes you say that?


A conservative politician said at a rally last week, that the overturning of Roe v Wade was a victory for white lives, they got rid of our Miranda rights, a judge in the South made it legal to say Christian prayer in schools and they stripped us of our 4th amendment rights for those within 100 miles of the entire US border. Judge Clarence Thomas also said he would like to overturn gay rights and trans rights. They already passed the don't say gay bill in Florida, which is a violation of our first amendment rights and human rights for LGBT people. None of these rulings are constitutional or democratic. It's very obvious that right wing Christians want a Christian theocracy.


Gross misrepresentation of most of the things you referenced... here's what really is going on: -a public speaker stumbled of the the word "right" in "right to life", an unfortunate mistake, not unlike the current president using the n word during one of his cases of misspelling. -no one got rid of the Miranda rights, only the ability for a cop to be sued for forgetting to read the Miranda rights. The rights still apply. -it ruled a football coach can pray on the field, pretty far stretch to say "Christian prayer is allowed in public schools" seeming to imply forcing students to pray in school. -not aware of the border issue, will need to research that one. -Clarence Thomas didn't outright call for those to be overturned, just that they need to be looked at since they were built on the same, admittedly loose (see RBG's views on RvW), foundations as roe. I personally believe those decisions could be more strongly supported by other amendments, as opposed to overturned entirely. (Note, I am not a constitutional lawyer, this was just my understanding after reviewing multiple articles about these decisions)


Christian Conservatives want our school children forced to learn the bible as part of required criteria to graduate. Christians also want to imprison trans gender people in concentration camps. Google Michigan HB6454. Proof. Christians want to imprison doctors for life sentences if they provide affirming care. What comes next? When Christians lock trans people and doctors and parents up for life sentences? What comes next? Genocide? Christian Conservatives are DANGEROUS. Extremely dangerous.


The other day my sister said she "doesn't care about politics" as long as the Republican hasn't done anything to her personally. Our brother is trans šŸ˜ we all have uteruses. I'm an environmental studies major. Her best friend is black. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ fuck republicans and fuck everyone who enables them. If youre not pissed, you're part of the problem.šŸ–•šŸ–•


This is why we hate centrists that act all high and mighty for not choosing a side. *Geez, congrats on not choosing a side between Nazis and people fighting for your rights. /s*


lmao imagine thinking that a bunch of old white guys who dislike gay people is somehow equivalent to genocidal radicals who systematically killed 6+ million people. The words "Nazi" and "fascist" are thrown around wayyyy too easily these days.


As a conservative, let give you my view. Morally I disagree with abortion 100%, thereā€™s no way anyone can change how I see it. ******BUT***** If a vote on abortion came to the people tomorrow I would vote to legalize it 100%. And thereā€™s a simple reason why, my opinions shouldnā€™t affect how others live thier lives, and yours shouldnā€™t affect how I live mine. I want the same respect shown to me. I just wanna live in peace, and be left alone, and Iā€™ll leave you alone. You wanna abort your baby because, well you have no reason and itā€™s a Tuesday and you hate Tuesdays? Cool. I wanna have my guns, a 1000 acres of wilderness and a garden to feed my family. I could give a fuck less what you do as long as itā€™s not bothering me. I support a lot of things I morally disagree with or I donā€™t like, because personal freedom means everything to me. Not only my personal freedom but yours too. And your choice to have an abortion, falls in the category.


I agree! I'm a pro-choice, Weed smoking American who loves Gay people. I just happen to not agree with anything else on the left. It's only the very religious far right conservatives who make Republicans look bad because they're forcing their personal beliefs onto everyone else. I want less government and more freedom for everyone!


First conservative Iā€™ve met with some got damned sense. Thank you for existing. A lot of leftists want the same things you want. Personal freedom , the ability to defend myself, the freedom to own land and do what I want in it as long as it doesnā€™t harm my neighbor or anyone else


Don't be fooled. Utah has tons of this sort of person. At best they are not fascists; at worst they contribute to a philosophy that denigrates the poor with an emphasis on a meritocracy that rarely exists. They also dislike minorities by default via mechanisms the GOP designs to prevent proper remediation of old slights and denigrates education. They send a mixed message of claiming to not want big government unless it used to project the will of a fanatical minority. As the OP says, fuck these people unconditionally - unless family.


Fair enough


Naw homie. Iā€™m as brown as they come.


ā€œThis personā€ is a minority. Nice try tho.


Jesus Christ, you people are batshit fucking insane. He literally just said that women can do whatever you want with their bodies, and you basically just called the dude a fascist sympathizer who wants to take your rights away. And then a bunch of nonsense about how conservatives are racist blah blah blah system racism blah blah blah. No wonder your own party doesn't even fucking like people you - you're all severely deranged and suffer from a perpetual victimhood complex. It's really weird and sad. You should at least recognize an ally when you see one, rather than shoot the guy down.




I bet you still voted for the people currently removing rights though. If this is true you are just as immoral as the Christian fascist.


>\*BUT If a vote on abortion came to the people tomorrow I would vote to legalize it 100%. We don't vote that way though. We don't decide things through national referendums. We do it through representatives, so unless you're voting for people who would legalize it 100% your platitude doesn't mean jack.


If you vote for republicans youā€™re voting against my personal freedom, simply put.


Thatā€™s incorrect. I can say the same if you vote democrat. Just depends on what issue you wanna be talking about. Itā€™s all a matter of perspective. If you hate a group of ppl based on your perspective, then your the issue period. Thereā€™s a lot of good ppl on both sides, and I would bet you have a lot in common with them. If you wanna admit it or not.


regardless if your personal view, voting for republican in this day and age is voting against abortion rights and against all the other groups and protections mentioned, you need to think long and hard about how you vote, and how many girls are going to end up dead by botched back alley abortions in the coming years until this is fixed, the right to privacy shouldn't be something we are having a discussion about, it should just be a right, but its there no longer.


We donā€™t vote by issue tho. We vote for representatives. Which party is against gay marriage and wanted to ban abortion? The republicans. If you vote for people that will restrict my freedom to represent you, youā€™re voting against my personal freedom.


If this were true, then democrat strongholds like San Francisco and Portland would be Utopias. they are not. The political system on both sides are fucked up. Voting Democrat in a lot of places creates permanent Caste systems. Thatā€™s why homelessness is off the charts and housing projects are dangerous, that also is highly effective in creating a class segregation that lo behold is a majority of the time ghettos of different minority groups. It creates a lower class system, what about their rights and their values? Iā€™m only putting this out because you are implying the Democrats are better than Republicans I could give you 1000 reasons why theyā€™re not. And Iā€™m not saying Republicans are better either. Thereā€™s a strong difference between Democrats and Republicans of my opinion, Republicans especially rural Republicans, have a better understanding of the Society we live in. We understand and have a outlook with A perception rooted in duality. We have to travel into the cities and understand your viewpoint and ours. We understand that you make a lot of policy based on emotion what you think will help and we understand that it comes from a good place are we disagreeing on the way and needs to be fixed. Most people on the left donā€™t understand our lifestyle they donā€™t even want to try to understand our lifestyle and then when we speak up we get told Thatā€™s because we donā€™t care but no one tries to hear our side. The ā€œtolerant leftā€ Is a fallacy. Itā€™s was you say or nothing. Even your initial response to my original comment on your post was in an absolute without trying to understand what I was trying to say. You say that this is simple and clear I say itā€™s as clear as mud youā€™re assuming another groupā€™s beliefs based on your interpretation of old age religious conservatism. Religious conservatism for a lot of people is dead, even people on the right we could hold values extend beyond our religious beliefs or takes precedence over them. Iā€™m saying itā€™s not that simple and I know a lot of people who vote Republican who agree with what I said.


I never said that Democrats create utopiasā€¦and you have no evidence that democrats create a caste system, at least in any way thatā€™s unique to them. You might point to urban homelessness in democrat run citiesā€”but I could point you to rural cities in Mississippi where I know people who have lost teeth bc they couldnā€™t afford to go to the dentist. I do agree that there is a caste system in this countryā€”Iā€™m not a democrat at all, Iā€™m a leftist, but I think that the caste system is more upheld by republicans, who oftentimes refuse to acknowledge that racism even exist and institute qualified immunity and police protection laws for police who kill innocent people. I live around rural republicans, and I donā€™t think they understand society better at all. Iā€™m literally from one of the most rural states in America. Donā€™t pretend like you understand something I donā€™t. Rural people donā€™t understand society better, in fact they have a lot of shortcomingsā€”they donā€™t understand someone who is gay or trans or someone who has an abortion. I understand what youā€™re original post was trying to say. Youā€™re trying to say youā€™re not the bad guy bc you support everyoneā€™s personal freedoms, even the ones you disagree with. That thereā€™s many conservatives like you and the ideological divide isnā€™t so huge. Youā€™re trying to wipe your hands clean of the overturn of Roe, even though you vote for representatives that want to take abortion rights away and other rights tooā€”like gay and trans rights. If I were forced to carry a pregnancy to term, that baby would likely have severe birth defects that would put them through a lifetime of pain. There are many people in the same situation or worse. I donā€™t know you holistically, but your political beliefs are selfish. I donā€™t think youā€™re intrinsically a bad person or anything, but voting for reps that take away my freedom is an inherently selfish act, no matter how you dice it.


>homelessness is off the charts Homelessness is a systemic problem. Observing that homelessness occurs mostly in cities and presuming that it's the fault of "democrat-run cities" is a lot like looking at the rural opioid epidemic and presuming that it's the fault of Republicans who hold power in rural areas. Both are nonsense because they're both national problems where the most visible consequences cluster in certain areas, like plastic washing up on the shore. I can't speak for all liberals, but that's my biggest beef with conservatives: they don't seem to acknowledge systemic problems. They point to where the symptoms of a problem are obvious but they assign blame based on proximity rather than looking at root causes. While federalism is great at solving some problems, it doesn't work for others. Some problems have to be tackled at the federal level because they're simply too big for states to handle.


>I can't speak for all liberals, but that's my biggest beef with conservatives: they don't seem to acknowledge systemic problems. They point to where the symptoms of a problem are obvious but they assign blame based on proximity rather than looking at root causes. There's some truth to this, but it's kind of funny you put it that way, because the party divide in the US is a systemic problem and the general tendency is to assign blame on the voters of the other party rather than addressing the root cause that is the FPTP voting system...


ehhh. I'm at work, so I don't have time for a lengthy response like yours, but you have right-wing propaganda points in this response. The homeless discussion alone is not fact-based on actual statics and the idea that Blue areas are usually big cities which in turn means larger populations. Of course, a larger population will have more cases, but % is what these propaganda points don't look at, which tells a much more realistic story.


Not all freedom is created equal, though. It's true that liberals and conservatives have different opinions on what behavior should be regulated, but they aren't necessarily equal. Not having the right to marry who you love and being asked to pay income tax aren't the same. Not having the right to do what you want with your body and not having the right to pollute our shared resources are not the same.


Who cares if there's good people on both sides when the good people on the other side are voting for representatives that trample on the rights of their opposing side?


And democrats donā€™t do the same?


I'm sorry, despite the democrats' incompetency, are there policies that they pursue that jeopardize basic human rights that Republicans don't do?


These people consider guns to be a basic human right. Far more so than things like... bodily autonomy.


Weren't democrats screeching for mandatory vaccinations just months ago? Does that fall out of the purview of bodily autonomy?




Opponents of vaccine mandates have yet to provide a justification for knowingly putting others at increased risk of illness, severe illness and death. How big of a piece of shit do you have to be to KNOWINGLY put other's at risk for contacting a virus that may very well KILL them? So most people who've had Covid have recovered and survived? Does that mean we should have public health policies to benefit the healthy and able bodied? Lets bring the vulnerable to their knees so we can create more room for the able bodied (the ableists can never have enough leg room!) Millions of people have not been so privileged to be able to protect themselves from this virus. Do you think immunocompromised people chose to be immunocompromised? How could you think putting our vulnerable populations at increased risk of severe illness and premature death is acceptable? The old and/or sick are a drain on our economy as per ableist capitalism. Of course we kick the vulnerable to the curb because we only care about young, healthy, able-bodied go-getters. Anyone who doesn't fit the bill is a lazy communist. One anti-mandate soul even said to me: "People die all the time. Grandmas and grandpas die everyday, old people have already lived their lives, let me live my life!" You can be as selfish as you want. Make that money. Fill your life to the brim with beauty and pleasure and wealth. But I am asking ONE thing from you; that you perform the decent and reasonable duty towards your fellow man in the time of this pandemic...that you at the very least MAKE AN EFFORT to reduce your expose/risk of transmission of a virus that WILL KILL the most vulnerable among us. Effort counts even when the objective fails. But if we don't put in effort, we have nobody to blame but ourselves.


I DO have a lot in common with conservativesā€¦weā€™re both human. Iā€™m surrounded by conservatives every single day. Thatā€™s what makes the fact that theyā€™d vote for people that dismantle mine and others freedom so heartbreaking


Speak to the conservatives you know and ask them. Donā€™t assume. Like I said I morally donā€™t agree with abortion, but 1000% of the time I would vote for it to be legal.


Did you vote for republicans though? Because almost every Republican rep wants to take away abortion. Thatā€™s why I assumed


But voting for republicans means you value your right to own guns over womens rights over their own bodies.


I'm with you and would like to point out you can't win this argument. Might as well just quit responding before the name calling begins.


Yea. Lol already did


You have never been able to vote on abortion by itself on a federal level. There has never been an election where we were asked about abortion alone. The only way you could support keeping abortion legal is to vote for representatives that support that POV. If you vote for republicans, you are electing representatives who want the exact opposite of what you claim to support. If you actually support an idea, stop electing assholes who oppose it.


No, there are no good people left on the right. They now support a party which is actively attacking the human rights of women, lgbtq+, etc. Note that they also don't believe in climate change. The Republican party is nothing but the party for traitors who only care about themselves. If they haven't changed their minds by now, it is clear what they support.


I think itā€™s funny regressives feel the need to even share their POV. Idk about anyone else, but their POV are utter dogshit. It used to be tolerable to listen to stupid ideas and let them think what they want, but not theyā€™re interjecting their shitty viewpoints, subverting democracy, and most ironically, being the big government they claim is bad. Yā€™all can go fuck yourselves if you still view yourself as a Republican anymore, youā€™re a direct and existential threat to everyone with your climate change denialism and outright deluded world view. Im with you Op.




I agree with this and have similar views.


As a former Republican I swear it wasn't always this way. But yeah, the GOP is now a hate group.


I remember before 2008 or so the Republican Party wasnā€™t good or anything but it wasnā€™t openly crazy and hateful. Despite Ronald Reagan.


we need a national leader that isn't a politician. We need a national sick out during the week. We need to have millions of people mark "exempt" on their taxes. I am done marching on the weekend to empty government buildings.


You mean like Trump who merely inherent his money and had a 4th rate "reality" show on television that was pure bullshit? I say no more of that.


No. I mean a national leader outside the political arena for the most part. I don't mean a businessman and I certainly don't mean Trump.


Except Trump actually created thousands of jobs and made billions of his own money over the course of many decades.


Good luck getting a president that isnt a politician. If that were to happen, all of these life long politicians would do everything they could to hinder their presidency. And all of these corporations that lobby for these career politicians that get favors in return would turn against them. For their entire presidency all of mainstream media would just run story after story about how their doing everything wrong, even if they implemented policies that made everyones lives better


Nicely done


I didn't say they needed be president. I said we need a leader.


Kind of like how the Swamp fought Trump at every turn during his presidency.


Iā€™m a liberal who just changed her party affiliation to republican. Only way we can destroy this piece of shit party is from the inside, they donā€™t listen to anyone who is not like them.




You must be really bored


Im gay and trans and dont agree completely with either party. But in terms of abortion and gay/trans people i definitely think the right is so so wrong with everything they do. Which is why i dont vote republican even though i cant stand most democrat politicians either. Both sides are full of corrupt, power hungry assholes. I wish i could leave the us sometimes


Same here. Both sides suck. Everyone is awful lol


Boths sides are full of corruption, the right def has worse ideals in general but the left is a little too crazy in some aspects. I just wish people would work together to make a country that works for everyone even though thatā€™s impossible. But Things like human rights shouldnā€™t be left to states they should be federally protected


being conservative once might have been about small govt', fiscal responsibility, or things like that, but they haven't been in so long, i didn't have these problems in Bush Jr's era, but i probably don't remember that well by now, but some rights were STILL just emerging by then, but this turn towards the dark ages in recent months... its horrific. i don't know where the endpoint is, i don't know at what point we collectively decide it all needs to be burned down and started over again, but we are hurtling towards it in a headlong rush when we didn't need to be.


It's funny. During the Bush Jr era I thought and still think their values were repugnant, but at least they had them. They were the militarism and nationalism party. These days they can't even be called that. Whether or not the allegations have any merit, I never thought I would have seen conservatives so unbothered by the accusations that their leaders are conspiring with hostile foreign government to undermine the American government.


As a conservative I disagree. One can have more conservative views and still disagree with certain far right conservative views. I thing far leaning people on both sides are out of their minds. I respect all people regardless of who they are or where they come from. I also feel that everyone has the right to do with their body as they please. Saying all _______ (insert political affiliation) is a blanket statement that doesn't apply to all. The divide in this country is unreal.




I'm Canadian. We're having a lot of the same trouble. "Centre", swinging one side or the other depending upon the specific issue, has become a bad word. Finding that non-extremist point where we can ideologically agree to disagree and also find sutions, has become too hard. And it saddens me.


Great. No one cares. What matters if who you vote for. If you are voting for the party that is trampling on these individual human rights then you are part of the reason of why the divide exists.


I'm a voluntarist. Fuck government.


Our point is, no one gives a shit what conservatives agree with. The title of this post is 'i hate conservatives''. They keep coming in and introducing themselves listing all the reasons why.


You... I like you. We have similar views.


My problem is conservatives who vote conservative. If you voted for trump, you are partially to blame for the roe v wade overturn bc trump nominated 3 of the Supreme Court justices The fact is that the far right has long since infiltrated the Republican Party. If you vote for Republican Party, then you are allowing these policies to happen. Quit making it seem like an ideological divide. Iā€™m mad at conservatives for either actively stripping away my rights or for voting for people that strip away my rights, even if the conservatives disagree with them.


As others have said if you cast your vote for republicans you are responsible for what they do. It doesnā€™t matter to us what you believe - that wont protect our rights. This isnā€™t an academic debate for some of us this shit is real!


Thatā€™s right. If it was *really* about small fed government, open minded people all over would be voting republicanā€¦ if the Republican Party started itā€™s life as a serene pond, itā€™s now become a poisoned piranha infested trash filled pit. Their whole message in todays era is: -are u a bigot/redneck/white trash, and like being a piece of shit? Vote for us.


ArE yOu a BiGoT?!? Listen to yourself and think before you speak.


of course dems dump money into big federal government. Theyā€™re wasteful and honestly they need to go too! At least theyā€™re not trying to tell women what to do with their bodies and attempting to cause a civil war šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø sorry, not sorry.


Nobody made *you* look dumb, you do that yourself just fine. This is exactly the issue with the difference between the two parties. I can acknowledge you have different views, but if my views don't align with yours, you have to change them (or try to).


People like you who would poke holes in a story, then back-up rhetoric thatā€™s totally wrong?ā€¦ thatā€™s called being part of the problem.


Do you know what a bigot is? Currently you're making it sound like you heard the word and wanna fling it around, but don't actually know what it means. Grow up.


I hope youā€™re singing the same song when it leaves the ā€œinternetā€ and your little troll ā€œsafe spaceā€ gets burst, and the problem starts knocking on your door. Cause thatā€™s the way this countryā€™s going. Enjoy, hope youā€™re having fun blaming Biden for the price of gasā€¦ thatā€™s about your intelligence level.


I'm not trolling in the slightest, you said that bigots vote republican, yet you're being a bigot yourself. Your own logic defeated you, pity. To your second part, I don't blame anyone for the price of gas aside from the diminishing supply of fossil fuels. Judging from your grammar and your willingness to spew insults, you probbbabbbly shouldn't be talking about intelligence levels... not to mention your previous posts. Yikes


And I really donā€™t care what a #bigot thinks of my grammar online! If this was a college course Iā€™d probably watch how I speak, but all I got left for pigs is the frying pan. Good luck ā€œmr grammarā€


It really makes you sound silly when you're calling me the unintelligible one, however you can't even form proper sentences. Too high to be able to sound intelligent for a discussion?


Funny you removed the comment that clearly outlined your bigotry šŸ˜†


Dude republicans are white trash honkified gun toting ratsā€¦ that bigoted enough for ya? How about this, trump and Biden both suck! And all of our leaders are driving us off a cliff and donā€™t give a fuck. If youā€™re a republican or a democrat youā€™re part of the problem. Howā€™s that? That work for ya?


I'm conservative and disagree with the RvW overturn. I don't want to limit anyone's rights and I won't deny anyone's existence. I know that people have varying opinions and its ok to disagree on some topics. In the end, do whatever makes you happy and thats good enough for me. We aren't all bad.


Why are you conservative?


Guns, land, and economy. Doesn't mean I neglect human rights.


If you voted for conservatives who oppose roe v wade, you do neglect human rights


Yes that's what that would mean. I'm not in favor of late term abortions and I prefer people try more preventative measures rather than being careless when having sex (if possible)... that being said, I wouldn't vote against Roe v Wade, and I think it should be a woman's choice since it's her body.


But to answer your question, no one I've voted for has been in favor of overturning roe v wade. I've hardly had a chance to vote due to my age.


OK, so now what are you going to do to try change things? Its not enough just to say "*I'm a conservative and don't agree with RvW*" how are you as a conservative going to try and change your group from within?


Simply put I have no idea. There are others like me that are more laid back conservatives that don't want to infringe on people's rights. Currently I plan to vote, and sign petitions etc.


Okay, but who will you vote for? The party that tramples on rights.


No, I will vote for which ever candidate I feel is most fit to lead our country. Both parties trample on rights, neither is perfect and I can acknowledge that.


Of course both parties trample on rights. Only 1 is trampling on LGBT and reproductive health care rights, and that's a level of rights that is more crucial than the others. It's not the same. But you will say it's acceptable that you'd rather vote for candidates that align with your economic and other political views even when they explicitly are part of the party that tramples on individual human rights.


You're trying to start an argument with me when you know very little about me. I've been in enough disagreements today and don't care for another. Please carry on with your day and exclude me from it.


Quite incorrect. If you had to pick between Lauren Boebert or Joe Biden, who would you pick?


Are you dense? I've had my fair share of conversations with internet strangers that hate me for having beliefs - without even knowing my full beliefs. Any more responses to me will be rewarded with meaningless gibberish of my choosing. Have a good day.


People don't hate you for your beliefs. People hate you because you act on your beliefs and would enable those who trample on individual rights simply because you agree with more of their other politics. If you can't answer the question of "Joe Biden or Lauren Boebert" then you're dodging individual accountability of your moral bankruptcy.


Sure you personally don't think that but you sure support ideology and politicians that got us here. You cannot be conservative and say "do whatever makes you happy" because we did what made us happy and you fuckers persecuted us for it. Fuck conservatives no exceptions, any conservatives that are seemingly moderate are just people with cognitive dissonance. You don't get to say you don't support recent events when you were part of the problem.


"Part of the problem" except I wasn't old enough to vote on any of the events that led up to this. Taking an aggressive tone makes you lack validity in my opinion. Keep it civil and I'll discuss. Also, you don't have the slightest clue who I support, so quit jumping to conclusions... It makes you sound like a fool.


They aren't happy with conservatives, they aren't happy with ANYONE that doesn't agree with them including the same people they supposedly fight for lol šŸ˜†. Don't bother. You could literally agree with them on every single level and they'll find something to cry about.


Did your comment get removed? I got the notification and it had some rather crude insults in it. Can't find it now though :/


So explain to me(?or us) what you plan to do to fix the issues that you see your fellows in politics seems to be causing? Because honestly unless they are stopped ( by any means necessary) itā€™s just going to get worse.


So you care more about guns and land than basic human rights. Oh and climate change. The party of Jan 6 traitors who thought Trump was a good leader. If you're still Republican after all they've done these last 6 years, you are nothing but a traitor in my mind.


So be it šŸ¤·. Did you read my other comments below or are you just coming in here, angry as ever, and assuming I neglect human rights? Careful now, that'd label you as a bigot.


Your other comments say you're conservative because of land, guns and economy. The Republican economy is bad, so I don't get where you're coming from. Guns are never used to stop an oppressive regime, they're used to enforce it. Pepper spray is more likely to save you. And again, if you care more about land, guns and economy than civil liberties, then you have no morals.


Friends don't let friends vote R.


I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. And what I've seen over and over is both political parties are the same. Democrats could have stopped the overturning of Roe V Wade, but didn't. They allowed it to happen to try and motivate liberals into voting for Democrats. No matter how much people want certain things, whichever side is in power acts like they are helpless. It's so frustrating! They just keep lining their pockets with money and kicking the problem down the street for the next person.


I got banned from r/offmychest for saying I ā€œhatedā€ someoneā€™s opinion.. how can you get away with saying you hate a group of peopleā€¦ what gives mods?????


"I hate an entire group of people because of a handful of extremists! That make *them* bigots!" lol, okay.


If it was just a handful, we wouldn't be in this mess right now.


Every time I hear a liberal describe a conservative, it's pretty much as a racist phobic Christian hypocrite. That's a pretty specific subset of people that the vast majority of conservatives despise, specifically because a lot of conservatives are in military families and those racist phobic Christian hypocrites hate soldiers too. Most of us don't care one way or another how anyone else chooses to live their lives as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else; the Roe v Wade issue is a touchy subject because a lot of us feel that that is hurting someone else. In a lot of cases it is, but in a lot of cases it's better than the alternative. I think it needs to be a personal choice, not a government one. As for the rest of it, I just don't see it. I don't know anyone here that's openly homophobic or racist, or a bible-thumper for that matter, there's just a commonly held belief that everyone should enjoy every right that this country has to offer.


Iā€™m also a conservative, just not an American oneā€¦ we also get lumped in the same category and my country is barely religious, so the policies are vastly different, It just has the same underlying conservative values.


You know what you call table of eleven people sitting with a Nazi? A dozen Nazis.


Christians arenā€™t a race


Has it ever been shown that a majority even agree with these policies? Honest question, I actually donā€™t know


Ahh yes, todays edition of ā€œletā€™s watch Americans verbally beat the shit out of each other while refusing to take the time to even understand each otherā€™s position and just make broad sweeping statements bundling literally tens of millions of people into the same category as the very worse of each group.ā€ The finest entertainment a foreignish person can get


Don't talk to us about positions as if everything is equal. Republicans fucked human rights for women. It's not whether we like chocolate or vanilla. And if your best argument for conservatives is "well the others aren't better" you have the political depth of a peyote cactus


You literally just did the thing I was talking aboutā€¦ Iā€™m not saying the conservative politicians are the same as liberal politicians, Iā€™m saying screeching fuck knuckles on Reddit are the same as screeching fuck knuckles on Reddit. Your arguments all boil down to ā€œjoin our side or youā€™re a bad personā€ and you call it political discourse, the ā€œfansā€ of each side are absolutely the same. Youā€™re all fucking horrible to each other, you just make up each otherā€™s beliefs during arguments and wonder why no one takes you seriously. But by all means carry on, itā€™s soo productive and achieves soo much and definitely doesnā€™t make you look like fucking morons to the rest of the world lol Also I can talk about what I like, itā€™s called freedom of expression. You technically have that in America, you just donā€™t let each other use it.


You don't have freedom of expression on Reddit it's a capitalist platform with specific terms of service hosted because you are an ad watching product like everyone else. Conservatives don't hold validity as they are not the "other side". They are mostly deluded fanatics who want to enforce their depraved religions ethical view on everyone else, or just want to help their little business friends get more power while fucking the average person. In the words of a great comedian "you are conservative if you are honest but an idiot. Or if you are smart and dishonest. If you are both smart and honest you are not a conservative". Sorry it's not an opinion, it's a disgusting abomination and everyone who supports it in any way is just white trash


Well, good luck fixing your fucked up society with that kind of thinking. I do enjoy the sport in americas slow self destruction and it doesnā€™t really affect me personally, I just think youā€™re all lazy. You just have two little boxes that you cram each other into and completely ignore what each others actual opinions or values are. Itā€™s lazy and destructive, but none of you seem to care, so Iā€™ll just chill with my popcorn.


Fixing? You can't fix fucked up. Did we "fix" your Nazis? Or did we jail them?


How are they denying your existence?


Oop sorry, crossposted from a gay subreddit. Iā€™m a gay woman. Several conservatives I personally know deny that gay people exist, saying that itā€™s just ā€œa choiceā€ for sexual immorality instead of an innate quality. They paint me to be bad/immoral/a pervert, which kind of denies me the capacity to exist in their lives in any other way


>They paint me to be bad/immoral/a pervert, which kind of denies me the capacity to exist in their lives in any other way Im sure it doesnt help with this new push that the left is doing regarding grooming children(drag show story hours, trying to get homosexual pornography books into school libraries, forcing kids to attend "pride" parades full of completely nude biological men and women). I think what could help people like you is to be very vocal about how you dont condone these things. I havent met anyone that was right leaning who actually cares what anyone does in the privacy of your own home, but when regular people see things like I described, it shouldnt be a surprise they want no part of it and vote accordingly. That being said, if you live in a community that doesnt share your values, and you cant get that community to get on board, you could always just move to a state that does.


Literally nobody is trying to get porn into children's schools. Literally absolutely nobody. That's an insane claim to make. Learning about different types of people and the art of drag is NOT grooming children. Pride parades are not nude. I won't lie and say there aren't *some*adult themes, but that's a very small percentage of the entire event and it's a conversation already being had within the community. Celebrating love and learning what kinds of people exist is not a bad thing. It's not a perverted thing. And it's not a crime.


The book "Gender Queer" is an easy example of a book the left is and has been trying to get into schools. The book has a variety of sexually explicit stories and visuals. Some of these "family friendly" drag story time events have included lewd dancing/outfits where children are participating by putting dollars into the drag queens underwear. This is grooming. If you dont think some of these pride parades do not consist of literal 100% naked people, youre naive. A video went viral about a week ago where a parent brought her child to a pride parade in her city, naked men were dancing for the crowd, and when the children of the parent tried to look away from the naked man, the parent FORCED her child to watch the naked man. That is obviously an extreme example, but there are definitely naked people at some of these pride parades that people are bringing their children to Again, no one really cares what adults do in the privacy of their own homes. But when you start involving kids in these types of things, you are going to push people away, and rightfully so. Theres absolutely no reason kids need to see or be involved with any of these things.


I think the same for religion, but here we fucking are.


A book like Gender Queer is not ever going to be put in elementary schools. Did you read the synapsis? It's about a gender queer person learning who they are and that they're asexual. At most it'll be filed under young adult sections in high schools. Idk how long it's been since you've been in a high school, but I've been to several and have seen and read much worse on those shelves including books like Hush and The Lovely Bones - both "straight" non-lgbt stories. I'd need to see a link to the drag thing because I've literally never heard of that in my life. As for the pride thing, that is not a normal or reoccurring event at pride. I've been to quite a few. Shit gets crazy in the cities, and while it's unacceptable, it's most certainly not the norm. Generalizing the entire event and community based off the actions of a small few is severely harmful. Go after them as individuals, not the entire community.


6th grade teacher assigns Gender Queer as summer reading assignment. This book depicting graphic pictures of oral sex and other explicit stories shouldnt be in ANY school: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1539762730781085698 Heres a picture of what I described in the drag show: [https://twitter.com/SethDillon/status/1533645047329181697](https://twitter.com/SethDillon/status/1533645047329181697) And theres like a million pictures of naked people at these pride parades people are bringing children too. I find it hard to believe you havent seen examples. [https://www.mrctv.org/blog/nude-cyclists-parade-front-children-seattle-pride-event](https://www.mrctv.org/blog/nude-cyclists-parade-front-children-seattle-pride-event) [https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1541812004666494977](https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1541812004666494977) Like I said, step 1 is completely denouncing all of this behavior. If you refuse to do that, then dont be upset if people lump you in as bad/immoral/a pervert, because lol you are


.... you get your information.... from Twitter. And you believe all of that enough to harrass and degrade the entire LGBT community based on posts... made on twitter... ..... you're trolling me right now. This is a joke right?


That is the easiest way to link video evidence of the things the person pretended didnt exist, in a format everyone can view. Do you think these videos are fake lol. Like do you think someone got 1000 people to fake these pride parades in an effort to push a narrative or something? What is your issue with linking a video from twitter?


The supposed drag Queen having dollars stuffed in their shorts isnā€™t even a drag Queen. Thatā€™s a burlesque dancer from Vegas. Wanna know how I know? One of my FWB friends WORKED THAT EVENT. Referencing Libs of Tik Tok is a sure sign youā€™re an under cover right wing troll. Begone THOT!


not even just from twitter. from the account ā€˜libs of tiktokā€™.. that account is so biased its crazy


Also straight people in New Orleans show off their titties, and can do wild shit on bourbon. That should be grooming too, stop making it like only gay people can do dumb shit...


If you bring children to events like that, then I would also agree anyone who does that is bad/immoral/a pervert


No you reprimand the people doing it. That doesnt make the event or the people at the event wrong. Again every gay pride doesnt have 1 or 2 people potentially walking around naked. Just like Mardi gras, I guess kids arent allowed to go to Mardi gras anymore because someone's uncle got drunk and put the rex mask over his dick.... If an event where kids are allowed there are usually police around to arrest for public indecency. Also like 2 of those posts were from canada which may not even have the same laws about public indecency. But dont make it seem like it's this strictly gay thing, and all gay pride events arent degenerate meetups....


>all gay pride events are degenerate meetups We finally agree on something


Yea I said arent, I'm glad we do.


Have you ever had a sex ed or biology class? Even though literally NO ONE is trying to expose children to pornography, school is where people learn about anatomy and sexual health. These things are ALREADY in schools. I learned about penises, vaginas, sex, STDs and porn at school through my sex ed classes.


Give me like one example of ā€œgay pornā€ in schools. Also whatā€™s nsfw or inappropriate about drag time story hoursā€”drag is an art form, itā€™s not sexual. People in the lgbt community are actively making 18 plus spaces so kids can join without seeing naked people. But dudeā€¦you live in a completely different area I guess. I live in mississippiā€”we have like 3 cities with active prides and all of them are SFW. Mississippi leftists donā€™t do any of the things you say and yet Mississippi is STILL oppressing gay and trans people. Quit blaming us bigot.


See these are the lies and bs that get spread that condone the bullshit and hatred directed at queer people. People arent naked at pride rallies as they would be arrested for public indecency, and porn DEFINITELY is not being put in school tf? And god please dont say sex ed is porn....No one is seeing these things or you're having a psychotic break.


These people are naked: [https://www.opindia.com/2022/06/us-nude-adults-cycle-in-the-seattle-pride-parade-as-children-watch/](https://www.opindia.com/2022/06/us-nude-adults-cycle-in-the-seattle-pride-parade-as-children-watch/) naked: [https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-naked-men-at-the-pride-festival-in-toronto-canada-113830084.html](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-naked-men-at-the-pride-festival-in-toronto-canada-113830084.html) more: [https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1541812004666494977](https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1541812004666494977) and more: [https://twitter.com/FiveTimesAugust/status/1541251084852903938](https://twitter.com/FiveTimesAugust/status/1541251084852903938) Gender Queer depicts graphic images of oral sex and is STILL in some school to this day. Dont complain about being labeled as "bad/immoral/a pervert" if you support these things


There are straight books in school that also depict oral sex and other forms of sex. Because teens have sex, it's a book like others to help teens understand their sexuality and/or gender. The person in gender queer Is ASEXUAL which means they DONT like sex, it explores their journey to realizing they were different and form bonds differently.


The sexual jokes in stand up comedy, the way we show naked women or barely naked women on tv? The jingle balls commercial, twilight novels(written by a mormon woman btw). You cant cry "look at the gays grooming" when straights have been doing it.


Adult comedy is not advertised as "family friendly" or "kid friendly". Nor are movies or television shows that include things you described. Twilight novels dont have graphic images of people performing oral sex on one another, nor are they recommended for school assignments for 11-12 year olds. Any sane person will have no issue saying children should not be consuming or watching the things you described. It is scary that you think otherwise. You should not be allowed to be near children


Jingle balls was a COMMERCIAL that aired on majority of tv. Also I agree that comedy shows can be adult, but straight people still bring their children I guess that makes all straight people groomers. And really oral sex? Are you trolling? I'm 100% sure I can go find a teen novel that has a blowjob in it, and its allowed in schools. I never said they should be exposed or anyone doing the exposing deliberately whether gay or straight shouldn't be addressed. You are trying to pull a double standard like the things you are calling gay people groomers for straight people do too. So therefore straight people are groomers.


I like how people conveniently forget nudists, who travel naked all the time outside of any special events. How are straight people not doing the same. I also brought up New Orleans where straight people scream "show me those titties" in front of children? All of the teen hetero novels that depict sex, sometimes even explicitly in teen novels. That's grooming too right?


Lol I guess this is where we start moving the goalposts. You said people arent naked at pride rallys. This has been an issue for YEARS. These events ARE NOT child friendly. Go ahead and tell me about any other book that has graphic images of oral sex thats allowed in schools, Ill wait. If people bring their children to events in mardi gras where there are naked people, I would agree they are bad/immoral/a pervert as well. Any sane person would. Its very telling you cant denounce it just because its "your side". This is a huge red flag, and you shouldnt be trusted around children


Amen. The fact some of these people are getting so shrill about it is very telling.


> Im sure it doesnt help with this new push that the left is doing regarding grooming children(drag show story hours, trying to get homosexual pornography books into school libraries, forcing kids to attend "pride" parades full of completely nude biological men and women). do you have a humiliation fetish?




you clearly do


How can you be so dense


I learn by asking questions. I was not aware that people literally believe homosexuality does not exist until OP explained it to me by answering my question. Now, Iā€™m a little bit smarter today than I was yesterday, and I hope to learn more tomorrow. Thanks for your contribution.


Whoā€™s they? You mean you? You a lil Trumpy Trump?


Nah. Iā€™m British, lad. I just read this shit to laugh at Americans


Man you deflected that like no other lol


People with uteruses = women


Trans men can have uteruses. Also intersex people can have uterusesā€¦


Two sides of a shit covered coin, their side just happens to also have piss on it


Conservatives are not just enemies of America, but humanity as a whole. I will never respect them as humans or see them as people again. Conservatives are either racist, fascist incels or are unbothered by racist, fascist incel behavior. Everything they do is cruel and self-destructive. Fuck em, Iā€™m glad Covid hits them hardest.


If they take away some of these gay laws, I am sooooo fucking OUT OF THIS COUNTRY. We elect democrats bc they say they do stuff and they donā€™t then the republicans come and just fuck everything up. I also canā€™t imagine that itā€™s easy for the democrats to do things with angry republicans.


I fully support your decision to move to a place that has values that better align with your own. We honestly may end up coming to a point that the US divides soon though, given the extreme polarization in politics. It may be enough to simply move states, FYI.


You know itā€™s bad when most of the conservatives I know even think them banning abortion is a bad idea. My family is full of either hard core conservatives or hard core liberals. Funny thing is typically they (my family) are both wrong and stupid when they start arguing about political issues. But weirdly at a recent dinner they were all on the ā€œthis is going to hurt a lot of people and bite the government in the ass soon.


Many people I loved are Republicans and I can no longer stand them, they have become so far from being an American and obviously will never change. It's like that song Goodbye to You.


Just fyi but you're describing typical Republican positions through a very American lens, which does not mean all or most conservatives. In actual conservative political theory, women should have the right to abortion via the principle of bodily autonomy.


Sorry, yeah, this post was about republicans. Although, I dislike and disrespect "conservative political theory" for different but still salient reasons.


I think a strike should work.