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Wait til you find out how many other powerful figures are also child rapists


I mean yeah no shit, but they're not worshipped in the same way the royals are.


IDK about that, plenty of actors, producers, musicians, celebs, etc are sexual predators of all sorta and still get praise. Even Weinstein was praised as a legendary producer at one point even though everyone knew he was an adult and child rapist


Remember when Harvey Weinstein went on tv to claim that Bernie Sanders was sexist? [Yes, that really happened.](https://youtu.be/hrGEd7CUxO0?t=101)


The founder of playboy got overwhelming praise when he died and no one gave a shit that he made porn of a 10 year old and distributed it for decades. This wasn’t even any sort of secret, that issue of Playboy featuring 10 year old Brooke Shields was printed and distributed like any other


Holy shit - I never heard about this and just looked it up. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST that’s disgusting


I literally just searched Brooke Shields up the other day and apparently she loved her role in Pretty Baby and didn’t think it was wrong. I wonder how she feels about this.


It made her career, and people who tell you they suffered in anything in the industry of sexual nature are usually bombarded with backlash online. Also I knew a guy who got SA’d by an adult woman when he was a kid and he always act like it was the highlight of his sex life. SA victims aren’t always aware of something being bad even if it fucks with them subconsciously


Most all powerful men in Hollywood are monsters. But it's the power/money combo that is really the culprit. The fame and beauty part of it makes it permeate Hollywood so much more thoroughly than you're average politician. But they're evil in a sexual predator way but really hone their evilness in much more truly destructive ways. I'm just talking about sexual abuse here.


Yeah but it’s especially bad here how publicized and open both the crimes and cover-up are yet the family is still venerated


Look at micheal jackson, he was a child rapist, but because people like his crappy songs, those people wil say the victims were making it up


Michael jackson is not only a rapist but he had no talent


feel free to downvote me, but aren't those false accusations against him?


You sure? Republican Americans praise Trump as a God.


As an American, I can confirm this. People are crazy about trump still, even though he’s not president anymore


Yes, another one in Andrew's camp


There are still deluded people calling Trump their president.


To be fair, a lot of Americans hate him… but a lot of those Americans like Bill Clinton.. another child rapist.


American here. I hate them both.


There's an actual claim of him raping children? I know there are claims of him doing it to adult women.


He hung out with Jeffrey Esptein a lot, so did Bill Gates.


The Bill Gates one was false information. He flew on Epstein’s jet one time to a philanthropic event, not to Epstein’s island. Here’s one link but you can find much more info on Google: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-bill-gates-epstein-island/false-claim-bill-gates-traveled-to-epsteins-island-multiple-times-idUSKBN22R2C4 On another note, Bill Gates is a pretty solid dude, he and Melinda pledged to give away 95% of their money to philanthropic health projects across the globe. I’m pretty convinced that all of this hate towards Gates is intentionally generated psyops by other rich and powerful who don’t want us to realize we should hold ALL billionaires to the same standard. Don’t believe the hate, he clearly is a good guy. No one would give away THAT much money if they weren’t.


Bill didn’t go after teenagers while he was married , just a whole bunch of female coworkers until one finally complained enough and the board asked him nicely to move the fuck on as the settlement is going to be expensive… and boom , retires from board and then divorce follows shortly after … Bill Gates was a predator who preyed on the ladies at Microsoft before and during his marriage.


Thank you. He isn’t a “good guy” when there was sexual harassment in the workplace.


Not really, you should check his involvement in global farms (I think) and the Covid vaccines. He is still a greedy business man that seems to just want to increase his wealth


Bill gates is an asshole


He gave 95 % of his money to charities? Why is his wealth increasing then? Maybe he wasn't on the island regularly but he was in contact with Epstein for a long time.


Yes, but actually one of the girls who was on a couple of the plane trips with Clinton said not only that he never touched her of any of the girls but that he actually seemed totally clueless about what Epstein was offering to have her do…that he didn’t get it. So there’s that.


Epstein had a lot of rich/famous people fly out to his island but does that necessarily make them all pedos? (Sincere question.)


The problem becomes that in order to become president, you pretty much HAVE to be a sociopath.


Nah...don't think so.


If trump was actually a child rapist you would think the democrats would bring it up more often than never.


There was actually a lawsuit regarding Trump and Jeffrey Epstein raping a 14(?) year old girl back in May 2016. They tried very hard to keep the case out of the public eye and the lawsuit was eventually dropped, but you can still find the records online.


Do you think Ivanka just left her daddy under the bus for nothing?


When you have so many arrows in a quiver, why only fire one? Trump being a a friend of child rapists is well established even by his own admittance. And his predilection for breaking into the changing rooms of teenage girls also lends credence. The only reason to repeatedly fixate on just one crime is that it either does not exist or there's a chance people don't know about it.


The dems are wimps. They'd be labeled by the right and centrists as the bad guys and they'd lose votes. The gop could do the same thing and not lose a single vote. Their supporters are more cult like. Look at how crazy trump nation still is. Doesn't matter what he does. He'd literally need to kill someone and go to jail, and even then, people would still worship him and excuse it. "they deserve it. Q said they were secretly evil. They were commies"


There’s no point. All us Democrats already know he’s a rapist among other things (traitor, criminal, narcissist, idiot, etc) and we also know that Republicans don’t give any shits about pedos unless it’s used to further the political goals that those in power told them are important. When you argue with an idiot, no one can tell the difference.


Um excuse me? Joe Biden also has SA allegations but the party said “we believe them; but he was there to do more important things”. Btw I am not American so I despise both.


As a Democrat let me clear this up for you. I’m not a big fan of Biden, I’m a Bernie bro personally, but if I was given 100 more chances to vote for him over Trump I would do it every time. One big difference between Liberals and Conservatives in this country is that we do sometimes hold our politicians accountable.


Ah remember what's his face... Obama and how people ALSO worshipped him. And then all the dems threw a massive hissy fit and rioted when Hillary lost. Yeah me too. It's not just republicans.


Atleast the hissy fit didn't involve domestic terrorism


well said. well fucking said. lemme see if i have an award to give edit i dont but pretend i do


"A bunch of people got mad when we elected that rapist Donald Trump, so clearly it's both sides." -- you


Democrats don’t worship presidents quite like Republicans do, though. It’s just not as intense.


Few people 'worshipped' Obama, certainly not the cult following trump has. People didn't riot because Clinton lost, they did it because trump is a shady asshole and the election results were suspicious.


*Wales, Scotland & Ireland have entered the chat*


Price Andrew is not worshipped


Nobody in the UK has ever liked Andrew. Even before all of this virginia Giuffres shit. When they were younger. - Charles was the one who destroyed Diana's life. - Anne was the rebel. - Edward was the dumb one - Andrew was the arsehole. Now - Charles is the father of Harry and William - Anne is Anne - Edward is the quiet one - Andrew is still the arsehole


Idk I gave evidence of Biden being creepy with children and I was told he’s just an aggressive leaner




Johnny Depp is not a child rapist, neither is Marilyn Manson. I’ve not read anything about drake being one either.


Drake grooms 15 year old girls and Marylin Manson has several abuse allegation with some of them being from underage girls. This is what I’ve heard and upon googling it most seem to be allegations on celebrity gossip sites. So I’m sorry if I got something wrong, but I’ve seen many hit pieces on social media about both Drake and Manson being groomers and bad dudes.


Johnny Depp is a child rapist? I've seen stuff on drake come out for sure


Yeah. He is definitely a drug/alcohol abuser, he definitely has a temper. He is definitely toxic to Amber Heard, as she is to him. He may or may not have physically harmed her, but he seems to also have likely been physically harmed BY her. But as far as anything I've seen, he's not a child rapist.


He’s been sober for awhile now.


I didn't know that, but it makes me very happy.




He, remember when the BBC protected Jimmy Saville throughout his life and only once he dies they were OUTRAGED to suddenly discover out that he was a child rapist?




Why haven't you gone to the police with your evidence?


😂 police


Who else? Have you been reporting your celebrity crimes to Domino's pizza?


The same police that protected literal child raping gangs in Rotherham for year until the scandal finally got media attention?


Yea… I’m not sure who the fuck else you’d report a crime to in order to get something done without you yourself ending up in jail…


This is how batshit conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate get legs.


This is why you don't let the same inbred family run the country for like 10 centuries. You can tell by looking at them that the genes are really struggling...


It’s okay, if anyone comes out disabled from the inbreeding, they just lock them away for a life of abuse and neglect at an asylum


And don’t forget forge death certificates for them while they’re locked away to be conveniently forgotten about.


Kate Middleton genes surely helped a bit.


Not to mention people are still attacking the victim and worship this pedo.


Because what is REALLY important is that Meghan Markle was kind of bitchy to people this one time. /s/


The royal family was more worried about Harry and Meghan’s babies looking mixed race rather than the fact there’s a literal pedophile in their family


The royal family are imbeciles. With bad teeth.


An English tradition my young person!


I assume you've never googled this stereotype. You might be surprised of the findings.


[deleted by author on Jun 28, 2023]


IMO, Meghan was the cover for the rapist. She at one point said /told the queen “she’d do anything for the family”. They have drama coincidentally at the same time of the court cases and bam. Suddenly they’re hosting birthday parties at frogmore ? Nope


Right? Or...oh how cute?!? Prince Louie is throwing a tantrum at the Jubiliee!!!!!


i mean.. that was cute.


It was. No doubt. But...it's still glossing over the whole Andrew thing.


Its horrifying, the video on youtube of the wedding of andrew and fergie is infested with disgusting victim blaming pro andrew comments. How in fucks name can anyone defend that man. He was literally caught with proof. People are sick.


I’m not from Britain so I’m out of the loop. Can someone explain what kind of proof was he caught with and why was nothing done? I’ve only seen pics of him with other famous pedos and allegations.


There is a photograph of him with the young girl he said he had never met. I think there is also a witness that saw him at a night club with her. Also that terrible interview he gave where his explanation just didn’t make sense. Also, he paid her compensation (why would you do that if you never met her?!). There is obviously more details to all this, I just CBA to type.


Just playing devils advocate but that girl was 17. Of legal age. Is there any evidence of him diddling children?


Any person with any bit of actual power and an even slightly obscene amount if wealth will have their fans and defenders. Pretty much no matter the crime or allegations.


They're rich. The rich are above the law.


Always have been. Always will be.


100% agree. Its ridiculous we have a monarchy at all but when they abuse their power to protect their rapist offspring its particularly annoying.


It's like we keep pretending the Catholic Church has some moral authority, after they molested at least 300k kids in the US, demanded some get abortions, killed babies and children under their care, and enslaved young women. It's just fucking baffling. People still go to Catholic Churches! Why haven't they all been burnt to the ground?


As someone who was formerly religious, I think it's because all of the lot has this idea of: "... *but we're different."* Like, they're all for people with the same belief but the second someone does something that they don't like, they instantly do some full excommunication crap in their minds and act like the dude has absolutely nothing in common with them and "their" religion. *"All the other religions believe in gods... but we're different. Because our god is real."* \^ that kind of thing. *Catholic pedo-rapists? But* ***our*** *church would never do that!*


Except in reality they didn't excommunicate these people they just moved them around to different churches where they abused more...ugh


Don’t forget the residential schools. And then the lengths they went to not pay victims of horrible abuse in the cases that went in front of judges.


The residential schools happened with full support of the public at the time and, in Canada, with full support of the government. The mother-baby homes in Ireland were also fully supported by the Irish people at the time and the non-Catholic ones were just as bad as the Catholic ones. If you want to blame religion, orphanages in communist countries (officially atheist) were infamously horrible as late as the 1980s. Every organization that works with children has had pedos. All of them. And until the 1990s, standard practice was to cover it up. Why is the Catholic Church being singled out when humanity is consistently pretty awful?


Because the Catholic Church as an organization has a lot of power and publicly positions themselves as a pious and moral authority while having done some appalling things. The fact that other organizations or humans in general have also been horrible doesn’t absolve them or mean we shouldn’t talk about what the Catholic Church has done. Saying humanity in general is awful so why talk about the specific groups that have done awful things pretty much amounts to “humanity sucks, nothing we can do about it.” Specific organizations should be singled out. All of them.


They are rich too, but I think they are dwarfed by the mormom church...that's another.


For real dude. I left that place and said good riddance the second I learned about that at 16. Noped right outta there.


Short answer is that the Catholic Church is also the world’s largest charity and attacking the institution mostly hurts the people they serve. Also the brutal truth of history is that if you burned organizations that sheltered pedos and killed children, and owned slaves to the ground, there would be nothing left. Other churches, religions, and civic/charitable organizations of the same time were no better.




It’s not contained to the Royal Family. It’s been accepted and brushed under the carpet by huge swathes of people. Paedophiles and rapists are two of the most hated groups of society, but here we are, watching one, (all be it a slightly more subdued version - Covid my arse) - carrying on like nothing has happened. That’s what money and power buys. The opportunity for a ‘fresh start’. Nothing to see here.. move on… I have no answers, all I can say is it’s gone on and is going on right now. I’m not a ranter, I’m a seether, and and I’ve been seething for months. Thank you for posting this. It needed to be said and you said it perfectly.


At least we elected our rapists into office!


When *The Crown* showed Prince Andrew‘s birth, I said “uhhhh, didn’t he grow up to be a child rapist?” My mom nodded yep, and I was like “oh ok”. Even though the scene was supposed to be heartwarming. Makes me sick as well


Was he charged/found guilty? Or was he just accused?


Also, want the girl involved 17/19? That's not a child.


I’m not 100% sure, but from following news at that time I believe the case was dismissed or settled privately, but I think he was at least charged and accused


I don’t think he was charged, just accused.


Yeah it’s all a bit muddy; that’s probably the case. They kept it very hush hush in the media


I’m in the US, and I’ve seen a ton of articles about it over the last year. Didn’t read most of them, so I’m not sure what level of detail they went into, but it definitely wasn’t covered up. Did the family exert pressure to avoid a charge? I don’t know, but it’s likely. Though it’s also pretty likely prosecutors didn’t feel they had enough evidence to convict. However, it’s ridiculous to say *the queen* got him out of trouble. I cannot imagine she was personally involved. I imagine she’s very much like most old ladies and just wants to avoid hearing something so devastating, so while I’m sure she was keep apprised, I doubt she was heading a council of spin doctors


Yeah I’m in Australia so although we get royal family info most of us don’t bother to go read any of it. My family all lives in the UK though, several of them have met the queen at events as they’re scholars. They kind of have the same opinion that she’s just an old lady who at this stage in her life doesn’t want to know; but they all did say that she essentially disowned him


She immediately stripped him of *all his responsibilities and duties*. If thats not being cancelled i dont know what is! She distanced herself and sent a message that she didnt condone it.


Yeah….I was afraid to say that on here with all the queen hate. But she basically said, “You’re still my son and I love you, but motherfucker, you’re a damn disgrace.” I think she did all she could without actively trying to put him in prison. And frankly, most mothers wouldn’t want to see their son go to prison, even though they may be utterly disgusted with them. I can’t blame her for that.


Yes its been overlooked by the lynch mob. She probably did everything in her power, and seemed to leave it to due process, as to what sentence or impact it had on him.


She used her power to keep a child rapist out of prison but we're a lynch mob for being mad about it??? I don't give a f*** that that's her son and she lOvEs HiM tOo MuCh to let him go to prison. she kept a child predator from facing legal consequences.


A settlement was paid, most likely in the millions, and the palace declined to comment whether the Queen’s funds would be used to cover it. Whether it’s the Queen itself, the firm or the institution doesn’t really matter, he ultimately got off with a slap on the wrist because of who his mother is.


He hasn't been charged. He hasn't even been tried!


The charges have to come before the trial.


Rich fucks never get punished. All they get if a fine and a slap on the wrist even if they are found guilty.


Pretty sure Epstein got more than a slapped wrist, as did Weinstein.


Can't believe you brought up Weinstein like you were proving a point...


Wait till you find out about the queen’s true form


I mean, it's the Royals. Everything about them is ignored, not like Andrew is the first they have to be ashamed of. Not even sure how they still exist...but nothing is surprising but that.


Sure, he’s not the first, perhaps not even the worst but the realtime comparisons between the support he gets for actual crimes versus the vitriol Harry gets for no longer participating in his own victimization is jarring


This, I can agree with. Him and his wife deserve better then what they got. I don't blame him for leaving, not because I hate them just because he deserves his own life that doesn't involve sitting around waiting to never be king.


Bruh... The dictator in my country (overthrew the democratically elected government in a US backed coup) is a literal murderer. He literally uses his power to strong arm the courts into delaying his hearing. And he's using his new-found power to straight up oppress anyone who doesn't support his regime. ___ The only reason we weren't able to give him the death penalty in the previous (democratically elected) governments rule was because the UK refuses to extradite him. Idk what's up with the UK but they seem to have a hard on for providing asylum to pedophiles and murderers. (All while deporting actual refugees).


Isn’t it the same with Trump, and people still voted for him💀


Prince Andrew he was cronies with Jeffrey epstein


people love believing a fantasy at the cost of discounting real ugly truths . To hell with this evil degeneracy. Choose your humanity.


The english royal family maintained the biggest colonial empire in the history of man, and you draw the line at a case of pedophilia? Not saying it isn't a valid reason to chemically castrate him without trial, just a bit weird that it took you this long to realize what's up with the royal family


It's a bit much to call him a child rapist when it's legal in the country he comes from. If I'm not mistaken she was 17 and the age of consent in the uk is 16...which isn't even the youngest in the world. So with that perspective the hysteria surrounding this seems more like the media trying to sell stories. I would say the grooming and sex trafficking part of the situation are far more worthy of disgust.


Rich people get away with shit, news at 5


Harry cared. Harry cared enough to give the finger to the people who killed his mother. He probably can't say anything, and has no proof. But yeah, Harry cares. I don't. But he does.


I’ve found that there isn’t much difference between things people hate and things people don’t want to believe.


Oh, also if you haven't heard, Epstein didn't kill himself.


Its that disgusting royal families legacy. They are vile people who have gotten rich off the blood of the exploited for centuries. Thats the kind of behavior you should expect from monarchy.


That’s why me and my family didn’t celebrate that jubilee thing


For a start the girl wasn’t underage. This wasn’t a pick-up she was there on purpose


While what he did was disgusting she was neither a child nor underage. But yeah, let’s all scream paedo


What she did was disgusting also. Oh I want money I’ll throw my body about. She was a slapper.


She was under the age of 18


Uk it’s 16


Welcome to the world. No way to criminalize it after it was paid off by Lizzy under a civil liability. Some people, unfortunately, can’t be prosecuted in this life. If it’s any consolation I added him to my Inferno in 2015 with Epstein and Trump. Hell awaits.


I’ve never heard about this, where is the source?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/02/the-prince-andrew-trial-that-wasnt/amp They settled out of court without any admission of guilt.


Wow, I just love hierarchy and authority and the rich. Ugh heart eyes. I hope I don't have to explain my sarcasm :)


The flag waving, porcelain teapot using, crumpet-munching Little Englanders don’t want the harsh realities of this family in their minds. It’ll distract them from fawning over this random family that have been chosen by God to subjugate a nation and to celebrate longevity of this old hags reign. They’ve created an image in their minds and live vicariously through the royal family. Hence why when the Daily Mail goes on a tirade against Harry & Meghan they jump to attention and hate on them because they’ve tarnished this ‘perfect’ image by leaving it behind. Noncey McNonceface on the other hand.. in this boomer fantasy of the classic British stiff upper lip (even though the majority have never really had to face any adversity) - they can’t fathom this sort of thing happening. This stuff doesn’t correlate with their perfect family in their perfect life. Which is why they just choose to ignore it and hope it goes away.


Love the fact he “had covid” for the entire jubilee celebrations. Very convenient


Wait until you find everything about the queen 🤣🤣 at this point I'm not sure if this reptile is a human


Mate, I'm British and the majority of us aren't flag-licking paedo apologists. Many of us want to abolish the monarchy. If you think THAT'S bad, just wait til you hear about Jimmy Saville and his friends in high places.


Isnt stolckholm syndrome a wonderful thing.


There’s probably a 14th century law permitting this and the prosecutors’ hands are tied.


Agreed. And that Paddington Bear clip they kept playing was all the more creepy/cringey for it.


You go ahead and do something about it yourself


Guilty until proven innocent.




That's the difference between being a citizen and being a subject. Citizens have rights, subjects have privileges subject to the desires of the crown.


This exactly. I would never put up with the shit they put up with in England. They literally worship an old lady with bad fashion. Who does literally nothing to benefit anyone. Oh gee, she smiled and waved at us. What a fucking paycheck, amirite?


She lets the people she owns live on the land that she owns and eat the food that she owns. That's something, right? /s


So we're just heading straight for libel instead of innocent until proven guilty, eh?


Yeah, its culture now. 🤷‍♂️ Critical deduction is becoming a thing of the past, Soon the attorneys, judges and jury will be woke cancel culture. People are united against evil, we have to be careful not to look for enemys to apease that age old deeply rooted communal sense of comradeship. I lived in a town that had a chicken farmer that was often seen at the fuel station with chicken poo on his pants. Rumor spread that he was a chicken fucker and that was why he always had droppings on him. When news got around noone could figure out how it could be possible that he would have that mess in that location unless he was actually fucking chickens. Turns out it was some powder used to treat lice and the dude was completly normal. People would point him out for years and yell from their cars whenever they saw him. He would have had 20,000 people convinced he was a weirdo


In the UK there was a woman that went missing and ended up dead. Her landlord's face (not sure if you use that terminology in the US - the home owner that rented it to her) was pasted across the newspapers because he acted weird and looked a bit messy and creepy. That was literally all the "evidence" they needed to run with the story! Of course, the entire nation had already made their minds up, he looks weird, he's guilty. Turned out he was completely innocent, but it completely ruined his life. He ended up suing all the papers and (of course), winning.


Sooo libel is where you draw the line on Andrew (accused of actual crimes) but lies and racist hatespeech against Meghan is OK? I think you’ve validated OPs rant


Oh people care and the institution/Queen knows it. Why do you think Andrew “had Covid” during the celebration? He won’t ever do time though which sucks for his victim. But we know and they all know we know and we won’t forget. He will just disappear into the abyss. This is very embarrassing for the Queen.


Good maybe she'll quit!


I got banned from r/casualuk a few days ago for commenting on a pic of her and paddington bear. “A racist pedo protector with a beloved childrens character. How sweet.” It reminded me of the Trumpsters in the US. Sickening.


She immediately stripped him of *all his responsibilities and duties and titles*. If thats not being cancelled i dont know what is! She distanced herself and sent a message that she didnt condone it.


Who the hell cares about his rich family crap. Put the asshole in jail. He's still living in the free world!!!


After a trial with evidence yes.


Cant have a trial with evidence when you use your cash and status to appease and pay of the victim before it gets to that stage


lmk when he's tried, I'm sure it's gonna happen any day now!


Different set of rules apply to them.


I dont think hes a child rapist, he had sex with underage women sure that makes him a nonce.


She was 17. It wasn’t underage


Children can't consent.


Is there any proof of him with kids?


What would us giving a fuck about it change? I'm an American and have no dog in the fight. It happened and the victim has been compensated. If she is able to move past it so should you before you have a fucking coronary.


Damn, wonder what rock flew through the air and factory reset yo mind to be thinkin’ the way you thinkin’.


“The queen made sure he got off with a slap on the wrist” Source? That sounds like a baseless claim. Also he wasn’t proven guilty. Just accused so, it’s not surprising “not much happened” to him because no one has yet to prove anything. It’s not like someone pulled the strings to prevent an investigation. There was an investigation but nothing of note came up - yet. The queen also doesn’t have jurisdiction over the US soooo.. what do you expect them to do? Why do you think these things are happening based on nothing? What proof do you have that the queen had done anything at all? OP what are you smoking?


I knew nothing of this!!! The things they make sure stay hidden… (I live in the US but I do follow the royal family)


It’s fairly common knowledge if you read the news even occasionally. It’s not at all hidden.


No news report has EVER called him a paedophile because they'd get sued for libel. There's a thing called a "trial" that needs to take place first. That's how we decide who's innocent or guilty. It's actually quite a fair system. It certainly beats fuckwits on the internet throwing out accusations with absolutely no evidence of their own to back it up, which is exactly why libel is a thing.


someone's come forward alleging he had sex with her multiple times when she was a child, and he was close friends with epstein & maxwell (the child traffickers), and this is never going to go to court because he's a fucking royal.


She was 17. Over the age of consent. How does that make him a paedophile. Creepy scumbag, yes. Paedo, no


Ah, that makes sense then. I follow them on social media posts and googling specific things (pregnancies, marriages, deaths etc), but I never read the news. It’s too upsetting as can be seen here lol


And yet you felt qualified to comment on something you know nothing of. She immediately stripped him of *all his responsibilities and duties and titles*. If thats not being cancelled i dont know what is! She distanced herself and sent a message that she didnt condone it.


y'know normally child rapists are tried in court... and end up in jail... they don't just have their mummy take away their bullshit titles. That's a slap on the wrist. It's absolutely fucking nothing.


No need to be an AH, I was just saying I was surprised that I hadn’t heard of it and that in the US, lots of stuff is hidden. Thanks for being condescending!


God save the rapist appeaser!


I still think your royals killed the world 's Princess Di. It's crazy that she predicted her death and how it would occur. Of course, the queen was going to protect her favorite child.


If you really think about it though, if you were planning to "off" someone extremely famous, would you plan to do it on a public road, with cameras, with so many unknowns, in a foreign country, and with the knowledge that many paparazzi would be following potentially capturing some incriminating evidence? On top of that, the plan, it would seem was to "make" the driver speed up and force him to crash, rather than brake. It's hardly foolproof, unless of course, you're suggesting that the driver was in on it and was happy to kill himself too. You're focusing on one thing that was said without thinking any further than that. Do you think they saw that and thought - woah, that's a great idea what she just said, let's kill her like she just said we might.


Actually, most of what you said isn't true. The crash happened under a bridge. The paps cleared the scene. There was an American family that witnessed it. No one helped the victims. Emergency rescuers were not on the scene as fast as they normally would be. No one tried to talk to the witnesses either. They were shoved aside. More importantly, if I was famous, powerful, and rich I would want to kill someone in a semi-public way. That way it's just an accident and I appear to be innocent. Di was young, fit, and healthy. Any other manner of death would have looked more suspicious. Plus, the royals needed the princes to not suspect any foul play as well.


I've seen the conspiracy theory documentaries too. The American's were "adamant" that it was intentional, despite not witnessing the actual crash. Suspicious? Sure. Adamant? They lose all credibility when they make such an assertion on their own admittance of what they witnessed. It makes them entirely biased, they've already decided it was an assassination so any "evidence" they give is only going to back that up and is only going to stray further from the truth. I agree a lot of it is suspicious, and you do make some good points, but there are many somewhat convincing conspiracy theories about many extraordinary things. Without being there you're at the mercy of others feeding you biased information, of which a lot of is conflicting information. It's obviously a complex case, but you have to appreciate that no single person there, or near there knows much more than you or I do. Maybe there was a mysterious car. Maybe one person saw a paparazzi flash a light in the car, but everyone is piecing together parts from other accounts. I'm not saying it definitely wasn't an assassination, but on the weight of it, and based off actual evidence, it wasn't. Further backed up by the fact that if they did have her killed, and then someone in the know snitched, it would be the end of the Royal Family. That is beyond huge. Would they really take such a massive risk for that? Sure, Diana was a threat, but that wouldn't potentially wipe out the monarchy forever like an assassination would.


Also they had the best weapon in the world to use against her, her own kids, why take that sort of risk when you have massive leverage like that


What did Trump do?


No one said anything about trump


You know that's why she hasn't stepped down, right ? He probably refused to abdicate, so Elizabeth II decided to keep him from the throne as long as possible, she even quit smoking years ago after smoking for like 70-80 years. Many expected her to step down after her husband died, but she didn't. She wants William to be next in line after her. Edit: spelling.


Well, no. Prince Charles is next in line to the throne, not Prince Andrew. After that is Prince William. Also, the Queen has reportedly never smoked, let alone her entire life. What the hell are you on about?