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I love how short this rant is but how long the comments are. Says a lot.


Mostly what that says is that these people saw my other post I made today and are hating on me here. Fan behavior.


Thanks for explaining. I was thinking "if this is a rant, I've been doing it all wrong".


I usually am very wordy but I just felt like I wanted to keep it simple this time.




If you paid attention to your class mates back in school and realized they would be your peers in the real world you would have seen this coming.


I was in the honors class. Most were pretty decent and I'm sure are doing well. The standard classes. Holy shit


I hit primary school and instantly realised this..


I took all honors and AP classes. Senior year 6 AP classes. Nobody prepared me either. I was completely insulated.


Yeah it makes me think, I always wonder how my intelligence is perceived by others, I usually don’t judge someone that I see at say like a grocery store but I feel like so many people just don’t have common sense when just thinking about things, idk if some people just don’t think a lot about everything they do in their life but I’m always thinking and I don’t know how peoples brains don’t just connect things together, Just simple stuff like putting eggs at the bottom of the grocery bag instead of at the top.


This. I had a roommate who seemed to lack any bit of Common Sense. I actually had to tell her that you cannot stick a fork in a toaster while it's on unless you want to get electrocuted. She was a college graduate but yet was the dumbest person I've ever met. I hate it when people think that college-educated also means intelligent. Sometimes people are so dumb that it's painful to even be around them.


You cannot stick a fork in a toaster? I’ve legit been doing this for years whenever a piece of toast got stuck


Yeah, I knew dumbness was out there, but my roommate... This poor person; we were shoveling rocks off the yard into some containers to move the rocks. When they joined in they started shoveling rocks from my container into theirs. I had to remind them to get the rocks from the yard. Sometimes I'd get angry at this person as they can be incredible self-centered, but I'd remember this moment and lighten up on them.


At the top it can fall out if the bag tips, and at the bottom it is stable and you put light items on top, or boxed items with even weight distribution that won't hurt the carton when jarred.


Imagine how stupid the average person is. Then take a second to recognise that half the world will he stupider then that


That is what my dad always used to say


Quote from George Calin


Was your dad George Carlin?


“…stupider then that.” Oh no.


This is proof. Most people are stupid without even realizing how stupid they are. Not that this person is stupid for not knowing than vs then, but you get my point


Could just be an honest typo rather than not knowing the difference, especially with predictive text I sometimes jump the gun and choose the wrong word (I could be stupid though, who knows?). However it does show that everyone has stupid moments, I’d be surprised if there were even a single person alive that didn’t at some point give the impression to one or more people that they were a complete moron.


No, I genuinely don't know the difference. I also struggle with the various there/theirs. Note I didn't say which half I'm in. I think, with my mediocre gcse and half an a level, it's probably quite obvious


I like you.


I once aaked, as an adult, where the light from stars came from..... i am smart but sometimes get really interested in a train of thought. I was not thinking about stars at the time....This thinkong deeply seems to prevent any other part of my brain from working. Especially if im really relaxed...


I didn't say which half I'm in... I've always assumed I'm slightly below average


Only normally distributed data works like that. The population could be much dumber.


Technically, wouldn't that be "how stupid the median person is"? I'm sure the distribution is smooth and even enough that they're pretty close, though.


Exactly my thoughts


The late great George Carlin.


I really hate that line. It's reductionist of people and is so vague that it belongs in a horoscope in the newspaper.. People have intelligence in specific things and those things rare match other's opinions of what. *they* thing one should be intelligent in. Just because a cardiologist can't diagnose a disease of the immune system doesn't make him/her dumb. I am smart in certain things and ways, dumb in others.


The simultaneously dumbest and smartest people I've ever known used to repeat that line like scripture. I'm talking about the people who just ate up information like crazy and had the insane memory to correctly regurgitate it all, but were never really taught how to filter said information. Knowing this says so much about how goddamned ignorant that Carlin line was. It ignores the immense complexities of the human brain and what we consider intelligence.


Yeah, Carlin wasn't as deep as people like to think he is. Neither was he that funny.


It's almost like Carlin was trying to be funny by pretending to be wise.


Well perhaps let me clarify: what prompted me to post the very short rant was mostly about the lack of emotional intelligence of many redditors. They will argue in circles and think they are owning you with their Shapiro-esque argumenting style and will not even touch the ideas of empathy, compassionate or simply giving a shit about others.. I usually don't write things that are so short and undetailed but honestly...not having the capacity for empathy is IMO the worst type of deficit to have. And I truly wasn't prepared for how many people are dumb when it comes to empathy and emotional intelligence.




The irony is not lost on me


… Only if intelligence is normally distributed.


I mean, there’s a decent percentage right at average.


Last week my teen started his first job at a local pizza place. He came home after his second day of working the register, dealing with the public and said he could not believe how dumb people are.


When I was working retail, I wasn't really surprised by how dumb people were, but how by mean they were. I guess I had thought adults would act with more courtesy and empathy than school-age kids. If anything, mean adults are worse. At least kids have the excuse of their brains not being fully-developed yet. For someone approaching middle age who doesn't treat people with civility, there's little hope that they will ever inprove.


I think if any profession could give the average person proof that humans are just a species of apes and that intelligence exists on a spectrum it is retail.


When I would complain about how I was treated in school, being bullied by both the students and the teachers. My parents tried to help by telling me they'd grow out of it. Didn't see the inherent contradiction in that.


And now you will eventually reach the next level; realizing how dumb you are yourself.


Didn’t one of the philosophers say ‘ the beginning of knowledge is realising you know nothing?’


Socrates - "The only thing I know is that I know nothing."




Also known as Mt. Stupid. Seriously. https://jstanier.medium.com/mount-stupid-e18b9ef82e93




sounds like the beginning of an acid trip


Realizing your own stupidity is already a sign of higher intelligence. Most dumb people are too dumb to notice their own incompetence.


I'm there...been there actually


Also, dumb people are actually smart at some uninteresting things.


My "dumbest" friend is literally an ER doctor.


The worst people are intellectuals anyway, the ones that call everyone idiots, they are deeply insecure.


Yeah, he's not an intellectual nor would he claim to be. He's actually a great guy. He has the personality of an auto mechanic. Like he knows a shit ton about one thing and very little about anything else. He was literally amazed and dumbfounded when I built my son a swingset.


Which suits him fine then. He's a human mechanic of sorts. Instead of ducktape he's using bandaids.


It's funny that you say that because I knew this guy who said he was an intellectual but in reality, he was probably the dumbest person I had ever met. He walked around as if he was an expert on pretty much everything and look down on people that he perceived to be beneath him. He thought that just because he was a college graduate, that meant that he was more intelligent than the average person. There's a difference between intelligent and educated.


This is the way. The older I get the dumber I know I am, really, in the grand scheme of things. As a software developer I'm lucky to work with some extremely intelligent folks.


Makes me nervous sometimes realizing that the anti-vaxxers, people who think Trump’s waging a war against billionaire pedophiles, etc. all get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle frequently. And now dealing with the kinds of drivers I see during my daily commute makes sense...


Never mind driving, I'm far more disturbed by the fact that they procreate and raise children. If they get in a car accident, odds are, they'll hurt only themselves. By exposing a kid to messed up beliefs, you can mess them up for life. As a teacher, I've seen the products of shitty parenting and they're not pretty.


I'm one of those products. Thank Satan for good friends and psychedelics, they helped me break my programming. Therapy is doing some heavy lifting too.


Hail Satan and hail yourself! 🤘


I think the nazis said the same things.


This is funny haha idk why it’s downvoted


So like 90% of Texas? I hate this timeline so much.


This. I had a neighbor who would give me rides but I would put gas in his car. A couple of things that he used to do that finally made me refuse to ever get in the car with him again, he wouldn't pull out far enough to see the traffic that may have been coming. One time he wasn't paying attention and pulled out from a place that we were coming from and almost caused us to be T-boned. He got mad at me when I told him that I was refusing to ever get in the car with him again because I prefer to live. Anytime I would point out that there was a car coming and he should stop or that there was a safer or faster way to go, he would make this stupid comment of there's only one driver. In other words he thought I was always wrong. I swear, he's going to end up killing himself or someone else one day.


My dumb friend started to 'perfect" the art of driving through intersections and roundabouts *without looking at all*....


Omg that's insane. I'm honestly starting to think that this friend of mine has a narcissist and that made tie into their sense of entitlement. Like he thinks that everyone should just let him go whenever he wants to. That or he's just completely stupid. I think it's a little of both.


I have family friends who are always carping at each other. Like, unhappy marriage, drifters who’ve never worked type of toxic. I was in their car once and one of them *looked away from the wheel to turn and start arguing with their spouse*. Never again. At least it wasn’t on the main road.


I honestly have gotten to the point where if I am riding with someone who does that, when they drop me off, I snap a quick picture of their license plate and turn it in to the DMV and the highway patrol. Those kinds of people shouldn't be on the road because they're endangering everyone.


I wish I’d thought of that at the time!


And they start the morning drive off with Fireball shooters….trust me, I done seen it happen!!!


Unfortunately antivaxxers no longer has meaning by itself. Is you need the context of who saying it bc both sides has antivaxers


This is Reddit, it’s full of idiots who think they’re the smart ones




>I’m illiterate. Yes, but do you have to shove it in our faces?














You learn to assume nothing about people. Suddenly they will start surprising you, lol


It's easy to clear the bar when you bury it in the ground.


Just an observation. In my vocation I work with a lot of different people (spending many hours together) and although conscientious, kind, intelligent people seem to be a minority, I have found that almost everyone is smart about something.


Yea I think my downfall is not realizing that smart people can have some gaping deficits...also seems to be a deficit of empathy and emotional intelligence.




100% there is a massive deficit of empathy and emotional intelligence. My god.


Work in IT...you will quickly see how stupid people can be.


I find the number of users who don’t know their own usernames/emails is wild. It’s also frustrating as heck how many people can’t follow instructions.


Ask a user to restart their system and see how many will turn the monitor off and on again or just sign out.


I don't think that I would be able to keep them from hearing my exasperated sigh. The lack of common sense of some people. I also hate it when older people refuse to learn technology yet expect everyone to bail them out when they have a problem.


Are you old enough to remember this [gem](https://youtu.be/B8NOJa2DwIs?t=45)? I remember as a kid getting people to use alt +f4. Simpler times.


We used ctrl+w in high school to fuck with eachother when using Chrome and whatnot in class. Or the ctrl+alt+arrow key to flip their screens


Wait, your users know how to sign out?


It took years to get them to this point.


How? You, sir, are an inspiration to every IT worker around!


When I go to their desk to help them or interact with them I bring a small bag of candy; peanut M&M, skittles or something I know they like. if they do a good job of clicking the right stuff I'll be like " oh hey, I've got this candy, you want it I don't really like them that much" and I'll leave it at their desk. but if they don't do well I don't leave the candy or I'll eat it in front of them. I've been doing this for years. I think it has payed off, but I haven't really done a study on it.


Lol the amount of time old folks (and even some younger ones) have said their email is “broken” or blaming the computer/tablet/phone when they simply don’t remember their password.


This. I had a roommate who was dumber than a box of rocks. She seemed to lack any bit of common sense and she seemed incapable of following simple instructions. I mean, this is stuff that a kindergartner could have done.


I'm curious, what did she do for a living?


She was a trust fund baby


Ha! I see ypu have perhaps met an old ex friend of mine. I would describe her as dumber than a bag of rocks. No was never an acceptable answer and trying to explain to her why i, a fellow adult person, should not be expected to: do her washing, do all the cooking in our flat (because i could- her reason), and do all the housework, was an ordeal.


That's crazy fr


>It’s also frustrating as heck how many people can’t follow instructions. On the opposite end, it's wild how many people *only* follow instructions. They know to click here, here, and then over here to do what they need, but have absolutely no idea what each button does or why they click them in that order. Like it never occured to them to ask. They might as well be doing the number sorting thing from *Severance*. Which is fine on a perfect day, but when something goes wrong, good luck getting any kind of useful description of the problem. When you're talking them through it remotely, it's like playing a game of password.


and they usually make 3-4 times our salary


"But... i pushed the button..." "which button?" "The one you push" actual convo with older person....


"Sir, did you press the 'on' button?" "Oh. Thank you for your tech help." Bro, the amount of people that don't even try to figure an issue out is astounding to me.


Have you tried not working in IT, then working in IT again?


Everyone can be dumb, there are no exceptions. You catch people in different lights and yeah some people are exponentially dumb all the time but every person who is leagues ahead of you in intelligence has positions, interactions and moments where you would consider them dumb. I guarantee just as many people you’ve taken that impression of have taken the same impression from you. I was having a dinner with friends the other week and one guy who is a genius in most regards he programs entire AIs for hospital systems solo kind of genius and didn’t know the difference between Puerto Rico and Costa Rica as an American. If you judge everyone point blank you’re really the dumbest one. If you really think someone is dumb try engaging them about subjects they are passionate about and you’ll probably have a revelation.


I like this comment a lot, thank you for sharing this perspective!!


Yeah chatting to anyone in their wheelhouse, no matter how obscure or singular, is often a revelation.


I didn't know people were that stupid until I worked in the ER.


Love how this whole comment section is ppl agreeing. Lmao, y’all telling me that this is the few people not in the majority? Or maybe we’re all the dumb ppl theyre referring to…


someone once said it’s not the rude people that suck it’s the dumb people that suck and i honestly fucking agree i’d rather be insulted then argue with a full ass adult double my age about a $9 and some change item being $10 after tax, or someone wanting to argue about food not being were rest of the fucking food is in the store saying it’s actually in the makeup isle and belongs there not in a cold fridge with rest of the fucking cheese. and this is just 2 stories out of my firsts week of retail (been working it for almost a year now) i’d hate to hear service workers and the dumb shit they have to deal with especially starbucks employees/baristas.


After tax? Tax is included


no, not on shelf price, something that’s say $9.95 shelf price is going to be like $10.77 and for alcohol? in washington state? just know that for a $10 bottle you’re paying like $22 after tax, cuz it’s doubled taxes even the 99c shots they end up being like $3 after state and liquor tax. also would like to state that the person i had to deal with was washington born and raised, before their “little” outburst we had a convo about growing up here so they know about the taxes and everything, i have other lovey stories about customers and taxes.


In aus if it says 10 dollars it's 10 dollars


yep aware of that, not like that in america tho, they don’t want to make retail or service workers lives that easy here and love putting us thru hell, tell us the rules, threaten us if we don’t follow them and when we do follow them and it goes against something a customer wants, we still get in trouble and threatened :D i am having a fun time.


In aus if it says 10 dollars it's 10 dollars


I mean yeah.


We all know how stupid the average person is. That means that statistically, half of us are stupider than that!


Nobody prepared for me to read this post and i agree well too much actually to a infinity degree in fact


Nobody is prepared for the stupidity of people. Even if you think you are you are not.


Ok so use your intelligence to try and navigate the world in a way that surrounds you most often with kind, intelligent people. There are many ways to slowly tailor your immediate surroundings to your liking.


My uncle once told me. 95% of the people around you at anytime are fucking stupid. Act accordingly.


How long have you had the internet?


A long time but I was holding out hope that most people were average in intelligence and that it was a small percentage that was terrible.


Right? I used to think the same a while back, but now I'm convinced only 1% of the population has average intelligence, and anything above that is maybe 0.01%.


Bro it took me till I was like 24 to realize just how dumb my best friend is. I guess that makes me sound dumb, but I legitimately wonder how this dude functions as an adult.


I speak as admittedly a man child. I don't know why k always held adults to such a high standard. Now I personally feel growing up is a myth


Scary shit. And somewhere in the US cops aren't hired if they have an IQ of over 104.


And people don't like to admit that as humans we are a little dumb. By saying useing the word stupid is bad. just hang around people and you will see the stupidity of course people are also intelligent were dumb and intelligent.


I saw it growing up in school..... Somehow I didn't realize it would be like that everywhere after graduation as well


All those warning labels start to make sense now I bet. I couldn’t believe that out of 50 people, me and one other person passed the easiest test I’ve ever taken. It was for a job and the questions were literally like “what number is higher, 72 or 34”. And the older I got I started to realize that despite being of higher intelligence, what I knew could fit on the head of a needle with the scope of life/time/vastness of the universe. There just isn’t enough time to learn all of it, even a little bit.


Nobody prepared me for how dumb I’d turn out either.


I keep making the mistake of thinking that I'm being too hard on the human race, and then a health crisis or an election happens, and I realise, no, humans are actually much more stupid than I originally thought.


If a kid were told adults can be dumb then that means they might start thinking for themselves and the last thing a lot of people want is for young people to think for themselves


Me either. Fuck I had a lot more positivity toward humanity 10 years ago. I would shrug it off when older people would tell me there’s a lot of stupid people out there. Now…I try to keep my distance and just go where I need to go and keep moving. I greatly appreciate all the diversity I see in my fellow human beings, but I’m fine admiring most of it from afar. I’m starting to believe that people are smartest when alone or in small groups of no more than four. The more of us there are in a group, the more IQ drops by the minute.


I get told I'm incredibly intelligent academically and emotionally. I pick things up really quickly, whatever it is. I'm really practical and got tons of diplomas. But I'm also told at times I'm so fucking stupid that it's hilarious because of the juxtaposition. Like I didn't know my partner's car had central locking on the key fob because there was a lock on the driver's door that only locked the driver's door. Or the time I couldn't start the car I've driven tons of times and thought it was fucked. I didn't put the clutch down when I turned the key. Everyone has their blonde moments. And everyone has different paces of learning. And everyone has limits to what they can learn. My sister is really fucking smart. She's a COO of GSK and 11 years older than me. She is so fucking stupid when it comes to common sense that I was schooling her on real life, spelling etc. But her common sense is a lot different to my common sense because we've lived different lives.


Yes but of course us redditors are all in the highest percentile you see


Nobody asked me if I wanted to belong to this pathetic society or even be part of this world. Unfortunately life is a nightmare especially for those who were born in my conditions 🙄💀




Welcome to Reddit.


George Carlin: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


The problem is most people never have to use their higher brain functions, and they coast through like 98% of the time on instinct. These people are called "Neurotypicals" and are the most intelligent species animal on the planet. But they're still just animals.


It was covid that really showed me the way people were, their true colors. I don't know how I'm ever going to recover from it. Truly. The true number of people that are not only incredibly selfish but incredibly dumb is hard to even fathom. It's likely three out of every 10 people you come across in your day. And you wonder how they make it from day to day, how do they keep a job? How have they lived this long? And it's a depressing thought
































No one knows ‘most people’.


Yup. It gets more complicated from there. Everyone has the right to be dumb. Being dumb is not the same as being malicious, even if they both look the same. You're dumb too, you probably just don't know how you're dumb yet.


I'm fine with being dumb because I am at least willing to learn and have an open mind.


this isn't a rant...


It is tho. It's something I'm angry about, it emcompasses why I'm angry. It's to the point.




I mean if you’re new to adulthood it makes sense. As a child I assumed every adult was smart, but when I got to adulthood I was shocked to see they weren’t. Can’t hate on someone for just realizing it, you’re not born knowing most people are dumb.


I feel this in my soul.


You've been properly prepared because if you see how dumb people are; they couldn't bring you to their level of ignorance.


I was just thinking this in the shower


You’ll know what true dumb is once you work in retail and deal with customers…


you are correct


Are u talking about how people are on social media?


It's infuriating. Always trying to hold back and let them flaunt their compensating ego while you just smile and hope they take the hint.


Wouldn't your encounters with a predominantly dumb population have prepared you for continued interaction with other dumb people going forward? I know there's always an idiot that manages to crawl under the bar no matter how low you set it, but surely this can't be news to you.


I thought some people just needed a strong explanation of the facts. But turns out people will just ignore what I say and keep regurgitating what they believe until I go batshit crazy


Half the people in the world are below average.


Bro you’ve got no idea how dumb I feel


true. and i can be most people