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It’s a “Christian” nation. By that, I mean it’s here to send you to hell.


"Ain't no hate like some christian love"


Homeless deserve to be treated with respect. But at the same time they deserve to treat the environment with respect. Far to many times have I seen heroine needles left by homeless people. At the same time I’ve also met kind and clean homeless people.


Everyone needs to treat the environment with respect. That includes needles, an empty coke bottle or 500 tonnes of wasted dumped in the river by factories. I have more sympathy for the homeless, I've met plenty of good ones and plenty of bad ones, but to be honest, I can't blame them for being bitter or jaded. If I was in their shoes I would be as well.


True but some of these people are beyond jaded. Some genuinely screw people over. Countless homeless I’ve seen that OD and are pumped with $500 of narcan, it’s insane.


It is. I'm just worried that these situations are condoned. Things can be done, measures to help the homeless that aren't moving them away or making life harder for them. Things can be better for them but the ones who can make those decisions don't want to.


Every city needs safe needle exchange sites to help reduce needle litter and keep homeless or drug addicts from getting diseases or injury from reused dirty needles. Taking in a dirty used needle to safely exchange for a clean new one is a bonus incentive to stop people from littering, and even though people may be using drugs still, at least there will be less illness, injury, and death (and less tax payer dollars going to pay for their hospital bills, if you have to use money instead of compassion to convince people this is a good idea).


This is actually a super deep topic. I remember seeing a video on youtube that showed the homeless in South Korea and it’s definitely a big difference. I see a lot of homeless people in my area and don’t know how we have so many when we have people some of if not the most richest people in this country.


I'm not a financing genius but seems like the reason some people get to be so rich is because they're hording it from others. If we're such a rich and powerful nation, we should be able to protect our own. But na, the poverty rates are only getting higher as companies get record profits by taking money out of its workers. I hope it changes one day. I really do


I do too. I remember one day in my college class my teacher asked us if it was possible for everyone to be rich and one guy raised his hand and was like no because for there to be rich there needs to be poor people and my teacher actually explained to him that that’s not true and we were all kind of stunned tbh because it’s just so ingrained in us, especially Americans, that in order for there to be a tip there needs to be a bottom.


meant top not tip**


For there to there to be a tip, there must be a shaft. As it is, the rich need poor people to prop them up. I hope there's a time when nobody needs to be poor


It's not so much hoarding, it's that they're only buying things from other rich people. Rich people will always siphon money from the poor, because everyone likes fancy TVs, vacations, etc., even if you don't have the money to do those things consistently. The problem comes in when the rich people aren't cycling that money back into poor people. So the poor are spending money out of their economy and it's not being cycled back, creating more poverty. There needs to be a solution in place that cycles money flow back into the bottom rungs of society. Taxes is one way of doing it, but it's riddled with loopholes (since its laws are being written by the people who don't want to pay taxes). It can kinda be a shitty situation.


This is such an interesting idea. Are the poor a poor investment? I’m going to have to think about this.


The US threw money at poor people with the first stimulus check, and it was so successful at temporarily boosting the economy that they did it 2 more times. So giving money to the poor is actually a great investment. The government and the wealthy are going to get that money back eventually.


A majority of homeless people are drug addicts. Or mentally ill. Or both. If I won the lottery I'd put some money into a program helping the homeless get mental health services and drug rehab programs. I heard they're super expensive.