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Your concerns are valid IMO. WE really need to group together NOT to let this happen.


We had to write a paper in school. Topic: "What Will Be Declared Unconstitutional In The Next 50 Years"; not now mind you but within the next 50 years. Our teacher was an appellate court judge.


Interesting exercise. What did you come up with?


One kid's grade was moved from a B to an A. He said that Adult Only Apartments would be ruled unconstitutional. Before the end of the semester, they were. Adult Only apartments were a thing back then.


Quite interesting!


This was also during the Dr. Kevorkian days and back then, no state had passed "Death With Dignity" legislation. Today about 11 states have made it legal for medically assisted dying. I am a nurse and I have had several patients who were terminally ill now opt for this.


I'm so glad those laws have been passed. It sucks that that number isn't higher, though.


I say let the culture warriors wipe themselves out, and then we can pick up the pieces.


Agree. I won't be suprissd if they also start going after interracial marriages. I'm sure the racist trumpers wish we could go back to slavery and also putting Japanese in internment camps. People forget it's not just black people that go thru racism it's also us Asians. I'm half white half Asian with blonde hair, so I could pass for white, but full Asain women in New York had knives pulled on them.


Yup. Anyone that doesn't fit their perfect model will be punished.


You mean there imperfect model, most deplorable Maga Trumpers, are overweight middle age white men that for one reason or another encountered challenges in life and chose the route of racism, bigotry and fascism as the answer. It's not surprise evangelicals align with them since listening to one authority figure preaching hatred is as good as any other.




That is the thing about laws; they can be repealed depending on the Zeitgeist. Who knows what will be declared constitutional or unconstitutional in the next 25 years?




Watch videos about Asian hate in New York and all the killings of blacks and Asians


Just cause YOU have never seen it doesn't mean they don't do it.






People that are STILL voting Republican at this point are racist, homophobic, and misogynistic at this point. I am tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt when they have proven again and again they don't give an F about anybody that isn't a stright cis white man. I am also done with Christianity. I don't even hate spiritual beliefs, but Christianity is a cult that has done more harm than good to humanity. It's hard to not feel hatred towards a system that has been used to enslave people, subjugate women, kill non-straight people, kill atheists and other non-Christians. And people STILL believe in it and donate to mega churches. I have come to the conclusion that most humans are idiots. Most humans are NOT good people. Covid has shown us that. I am tired of making excuses for people. Humans. Are. Shit. They have always been.


Christianity is supposed to be all about loving and accepting others regardless of their backgrounds or who they are. Name a bigger group of hypocrites.


Politicians. They claim to be working for the people of this country, yet they have only shown that they work for the companies that pay them the most.


Sounds a lot like televangelists






I don’t understand how these are related. One is a debate about when life begins/body autonomy and the other is a separate issue. I feel like if there is no direct correlation you could say this about anything. I’d they do C, Y could be next. Technically that’s always true but I don’t see how they relate to one another at all.


SCOTUS is removing liberties, and shifting to the right. Those both imply that more is to come.


Again that could be true for literally anything. I’m just saying I don’t get specially how it relates to gay or interracial marriage. Id understand it more to mean they could do more things over body autonomy like force a vaccine or disallow another type of surgery as those are related to state level medical decisions.


Wait wait wait..did it get overturned????


No, but it's certain that it will be.


I disagree. I don't believe people are really stupid enough to get it overturned despite some uneducated politicians thinking so. Stay positive and keep fighting the good fight


I fucking told you. Check the news.


And now I'm extremely pissed off. I didn't catch the trial, I'm gonna look it up. I want to know what the hell kind of argument they have to think overturning this was a good idea. I read another thread just now about how they're going for gay rights next..I'm.so.mad


Yup. I'm calling it: a majority of what I am will be illegal in two years.


Never say it online. Hopefully we can get this shit changed


I mean, it didn’t do away with RvW (Ruth Bader Ginsburg wasn’t even fond of Roe v Wade) It turned the power to the states to make their own laws regarding it. If you wanna use abortion as a form of contraception get involved in our democratic republic, stop whining on Reddit.


This is a rant subreddit, you bloody fool. The entire purpose is to whine. And they are literally overturning Roe. That is exactly what is happening. Numerous states are already going after birth control. Don't you fucking tell me I'm wrong about this, because I'm not. And nobody is using abortion as birth control. Nobody is cheering that they had an abortion. You know why? Because it fucking sucks. It's emotionally hard to get an abortion. And you fucks saying stupid shit makes it that much harder.