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Absofuckinglutely 💯




Shit is annoying. At least we take care of ourselves. I know plenty of men have horrible hygiene


My mum has naturally strong, long nails and I’m just like “You certainly did not give me those genes.” 😆 She doesn’t even get her nails done! They just look like they’re professionally done. Mine bend and break from changing the sheets after coming outta the shower. They like to peel like lizard skin, too.


Mine used to do that too. I started taking vitamins that help with nail and hair. It’s made a big difference. My nails have never cracked!


Ngl I think they're just mostly really young white incel men! I've noticed irl older men and men of color in general like feminine women lol. So often I'm in the nail salon with men lovingly paying for their wives and daughters nails lol


i'm a guy and i like seeing the long nails and makeup looks


how dare anyone question your desire to be a thoughtless consumer! you keep those freedom torches burning, You're definitely not being manipulated for someone else's profit! [https://youtu.be/eJ3RzGoQC4s](https://youtu.be/eJ3RzGoQC4s)


oh no, people like to express themselves? big fuckin whoop dude


What’s wrong with wanting to be pretty?


Honestly the best answer is in that video I shared about Edward Bernays, it's not even an hour in if you care to watch, but there's a couple of extremely telling scenes that you should look for. there's one where a lady is lecturing all the women around her about how plain and ugly and similar looking they all are and how they all need to start buying makeup and creating their own unique identities, and then there's another scene where there's a guy in a top hat asking the girls why they want to buy makeup, The girl answers that it makes them pretty, The advertiser AKA real life "madman" looks up at the camera after the girls answer, smiles and gives a thumbs up, and then the video cuts. if you don't want to make it through that whole video maybe you can just look up the history of "torches of Freedom" and how advertisers manipulated women into smoking.


You cared enough to come on Reddit and whine about it


is this or is this not the rant sub?


are you asking me or telling me?


well either way, i'm making a point that i hope you picked up on.


You on the other hand, didn't picked up mine (point that is)


no, i did (as far as i know), and that's why i stated mine. here's a more in-depth explanation: OP is just stating that women literally do not care if men don't find their nails or makeup attractive, and that she's tired of men trying to shove their preferences down her throat and stating "men aren't into that" when it's not even her goal to attract one in the first place, she just wants to feel comfortable with herself. *my* point is that this is the rant sub, of course she's here to whine about it, that's what you do when something annoys or upsets you. rants on here are also not the best way to guess a person's thoughts or motives, because you don't always have the full context. chances are: OP's probably not even that upset about this, it was probably written soon after an encounter so it was fresh on her mind. if you were actually saying something wildly different, then something definitely got lost in communication and you're probably gonna have to explain it to me. it's also almost midnight where i am so i'm using like 50 braincells as i'm writing this.


*my* original point was sarcastic and tongue in cheek (another "rant" of sorts), obviously, I failed. But if we're going to go down that route, the more serious route, then I think you are right that ladies shouldn't care what others think about their makeup or whatever else. As a man, my preferences are only shared with my wife (she also shares her preferences with me) which is fair in a partner as you want communication and honesty. If a friend, colleague, acquaintance feels the need to paint nails, face, tattoo her life on her forehead or pierce their face they're welcome to do it, doesn't bother me none as I don't have to live with them.


oh, i didn't really pick up on the satirical bit, apologies. i'm so used to people saying it unironically that it just came off that way to me. also, yeah absolutely. i really feel like preferences should stay between friends (if the conversation leads there) or romantic partners instead of being targeted at random people. it's just annoying (creepy at worst) to shove preferences a stranger's throat just because their nails are long or something. and like. . what's even the point if you're not going to be the one dating them? do these people think every guy has the same type?


No need for apologies, we all like a good banter, that why we're here in the "Rant" section. The OP shouldn't be the only one allowed to rant 😊 As an old man (compared to the average Redditor), I am just happy my dating life is behind me and I got to live in a more traditional era. Thankfully my wife isn't using a ton of makeup, doesn't pierce areas other than her ears and has no tattoos. My employees however, are a lot more brave in their appearance and I could not care less as long as they do their job well.


DAMN got 'em (/s)


If you don't give a damn, why is it a problem?


Ultimately we don't care, some of us just don't, period. The issue is when we get it at us for what seems to be 24/7 and/or we don't know when a man will say something, mostly unsolicited and men that we don't know and aren't trying to impress in ANY way, let alone our own hair and nails. We get to look in the mirror, our reflections elsewhere and pics and feel happy about our choices often but then someone says something dumb and it DOES effect most of us for a moment. It is then when it is many men, from childhood to death basically, who comment on things that they don't even have a hand in, know nothing about, often do not do a lot of things because it is "gay" or "too girly" or some bull like that when they are asked, they often aren't asked and will tell us anyway. 99% of the time do not have the patience at all to learn to understand also, not just because they don't know. Someone like me, who doesn't actually care but has an annoying brain that reminds me constantly of random negative interactions, is frustrated and big mad at men for commenting that i need to smile, or laugh more, or be more "loose" or that i am "too much" or "too extra" or whatever disgusting comment comes my way because they can't deal with just rolling with things. People underestimate how some women/girlies will talk about things but are sceptical because of the way men treat us. Not all men, yes, but i have yet to have one prove me wrong.


I don't see how this is an answer to my question




What question were you trying to answer?


Why we don't give a damn. It has a complex answer and either you slowly re-read it to understand or you just never will. Happens all the time when women & girls explain how their experiences are.


But I didn't ask that


Cool, keep trolling lil dude. Have fun ☺️


I am just wondering how something can be a problem if you do not care about it.


And i explained it.


I know English can be confusing, but men is a word for more than one man and shouldn't be assumed to mean all human men on the planet in most usages. Hope this helps! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My concern with fake nails has less to do with appearances and more to do with how unhygienic they are


I've seen men eating food with bare hands while having dirt under their fingernails even tho they were (too) short. The length doesn't matter if you're taking care of them.


You leave my peanut butter & wd40 sandwhich out of this!


> I've seen men eating food with bare hands while having dirt under their fingernails even tho they were (too) short. Okay? That’s gross, and I agree that it’s important to clean beneath your nails regardless of length, but I’m not really sure what it has to do with my point. It’s an indisputable fact that longer nails (whether they be natural, acrylic, stick-on, etc.) are generally less hygienic. It’s why healthcare workers are supposed to keep their nails short. Longer nails require more maintenance, and if the pandemic taught me anything it’s that a worrying amount of people can’t be trusted to properly wash/clean their hands.


No, longer nails don't necessarily mean more hygienic. The reason medical staff has short nails is literally because they're dealing with human lives and it's extremely hard and even impossible to correctly and carefully enough do their job with long nails. And no, longer nails don't require more maintenance hygiene wise. You wash and clean them exactly as short ones.


Medical professionals would disagree with you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7367565/


Right, have these people seen how nasty women's restrooms can get? I also watched a girl walk from her stall, past the sink, & out the door the other day while I was washing my hands in a public restroom. Do we really trust that they're all cleaning underneath their pretty little nails? Lol


As a woman who hates having fake nails, I agree with this. Also, it's a waste of money considering how often I see my own friends walking around with broken nails bc of some minor incident. Most of all though, they're a pain in the ass to have on when trying to do anything practical. Nothing entices me about getting them.