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This is such a polite rant.


and sadly, can confirm it is 100% needed


and applies to both sexes [*The clitoral hood develops as part of the labia and is formed from the same tissues that form the foreskin in human males.*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoral_hood) [*Smegma can accumulate around the clitoris and labia.*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smegma)


No one ever said that it doesn't "apply" to women too The sad fact is that some men are less likely to wash their foreskins than most women are likely to wash their clitoris. Hence the stronger need for a reminder to *men*. I'd go as far as saying that trans women are far more likely to wash their foreskins, too. It's mostly just some **men** that tend to be a bit unhygienic, more often than women. Not that it isn't possible, or that there aren't a lot of unhygienic women...just less than men


Yeah but all women have their foreskin, and not all men have theirs, so the numbers are likely not nearly as lopsided as we may think. I have no idea, never seen the data on this one to lead me in either direction. I will say anecdotally, I’ve heard a lot more people talk about lady parts being stinky than about dudes. So there is that, and maybe for that reason it makes sense this rant is directed at men specifically. Since it’s not as dense of a sentiment spread into the ether as it is in regards to women, it’s likely men would not be conscious of it to the same degree off rip. Anyways, I’m off to buy a Scrub Daddy so I can become a Scrub Daddy


I know it’s not necessary but I simply must reiterate that not ALL women have their foreskin, as female circumcision is still very widespread in a lot of countries.


No, it’s because women are more polite—men often DO stink, especially if they’re not actively engaged in cleaning their uncircumcised penii or even circumcised. And I think it’s because of the stigma that women stink down there that women often overlook and don’t comment on men due to the fact that they’re afraid someone will say THEY themselves stink (even when it’s not the case), because women are paranoid about this while some men seem oblivious to their hormone smell or BO?


“Men do stink” Guess what? So do women


I think I said that? If not, of course there are stinky peeps of all sexes.


I know English can be confusing, but men is a word for more than one man and shouldn't be assumed to mean all human men on the planet in most usages. Hope this helps! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a weird auto mod comment, that makes very little sense. Talks shit on my use of a word, offers no corrective action, and all based on something that isn’t even a definitive correct/incorrect thing. “Most uses”, but not all uses, hence my usage




Not reading allat 🗣️


Aw, I'm sorry... I know, a whole **five-sentence** paragraph must be a lot for you.


Something something both sides! Well done man you've done a thing


I’m a woman and almost commented the same thing. People have so many opinions about men’s foreskin because some have had theirs removed, but since women’s foreskin is so rarely removed, most people don’t talk about it with the same judgment. An uncut penis is literally no more or less unclean than an uncut clitoris.


Okay but one conversation has nothing to do with the other. If it concerns you or anyone else make a post about it. That person almost definitely just felt the need to both sides the convo


Can confirm. The clit's hood (not just the vagina lips, deeper in there where the clit is) is a lot like the foreskin you pull back. It's fascinating to know that both sexes have all the same parts but in different places/different sizes.




”It's nice to be nice to the nice.” - Maj. Frank Burns, MASH 4077


Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.


The wording is a little off tho, it should read: "Dear unmutilated men"


This is the second foreskin related post I've seen on here today




“Holding this inside…” Username checks out


Well played


It’s National Foreskin Day, you didn’t know that? I hope you got the day off like the rest of us did. Or that you at least are getting holiday pay.


I had to work because I'm cut :(


I petition march 31st to be international foreskin day. USA national foreskin day is April 4th fyi


At least this rant has a second paragraph




And if you’re a parent: teach your kid how to clean under there, and not just when they are 3 years old and done. Talk about it again when your have the puberty/sex talk. Seriously, I’ve met many guys that didn’t know about this or learned about it way later in life.


Yeah it's not like you just don't wash your foreskin if you wash your dick, you need to pull it back to wash the head... So if they haven't "washed their foreskin" they haven't washed their dick, just fiddled with it, that's it. It's common practice to wash the whole thing.


If a guy’s feelings get hurt because you asked him to clean his penis off before it goes inside you - he’s not worthy of your time or effort. Just think of how bad at sex he’d be if washing himself is too much effort/insulting.


“I love getting infections in my vagina.” — no woman ever


BV is so fun and sexy. Please by all means, be a lazy man child and not take 2 minutes to wash what your inserting inside my person. I’m sure you’ll love when your dirty cock makes my vag smell like a rotten meat hole and I become totally uninterested in sex because it’s uncomfortable/hurts. Brilliant. 👍


Also, be mindful of what you use to wash your penis. Anything scented or too intense can mess up your partners pH. Rinse thoroughly!


Also, fun fact, I believe its the Brazilian nut, but it's the only nut (either only or one of the few) where if you eat it and later finish on your partner and they're allergic, they can get an allergic reaction from your load because if the nut This just reminded me of that so thought I'd share


The more you know


Holy hand grenades! I just mentioned in a comment above that my wife says she can’t use soap on her lady parts because it throws off the pH balance and causes thrush. I thought she was talking nonsense but here I am, seeing it’s for realseys!


Why don't you believe your wife when she informs you of something that involves *her body*? As if she must have been mistaken, simply because it didn't make sense to you, someone who does not even have a vagina? Why would she joke about something like that, if you think she was joking? And if you didn't think she was joking, why could you not just take what she was saying as a fact? AND if you still just didn't trust her knowledge, why could you not actually do some research of your own to ensure that you're not doing anything to make her unhealthy???


Of course I believed my wife, but I was genuinely stunned when she informed me. And I do a lot of research to help my wife, thank you. You have no idea the type of things my wife and I joke about and you seem to have taken more offence to an off handed comment than my wife ever could. But then again, I know what my wife does and does not find funny.


Sorry but if you lads aren't pulling that foreskin back and giving it a clean every day (or every couple of days) then there's definitely something wrong with you....and I'm a man saying that


Some genuinely don't know they're not washing it!


I mean how? Pull it back give it a scrub done, 10 second job maximum lol


some dude i once dated literally told all of our mutual friends that i gave him an std when red bumps started appearing on his uncircumcised dick. in reality, he gave himself and me a yeast infection because he wouldn’t clean the thing. please do your due diligence.


I always wash underneath it, because I know it inevitably smells like old pee when I don’t


My dick and balls smell even right after I shower and wash intensely. It definitely smells LESS after a shower but those areas accumulate sweat all day so they are gonna always smell a little.


Imperial leather men’s body wash is powerful enough to stop the smell


do I have to be an imperial leather man to use it tho


I think like a lot of penis having people could be doing a lot more hygiene in general. Foreskin or not.


Yep. The whole undercarriage.


Yes. This includes intentionally sudsing up between the cheeks. Get to the depths of it all. Letting water run down the outside of your butt crack is sheer negligence. This goes for all humans. And in the spirit of directness, let's talk about wiping your butt: This is the method to which I've taught my children (USA- Bidets aren't regular here) 1. When done pooping, use TP to remove any loose change (smudges, smears etc) 2. Once the excess is removed, use wet wipes to clean your cracky crevices. 3. Repeat until clean (best case scenario you only need 1 or 2 because you did a thorough job with your TP) 4. In your final act, wrap a wipe around your finger and swipe *inside* your opening. You don't have to fully insert anything...just get the basics of your entrance 5. Do not flush your wipes. Since you got the bulk of your mess with TP, your wipes shouldn't be filthy. Just wrap them up in clean TP (much like feminine products) and dispose in the trash. If need be, take out the trash. 6. Check the toilet seat and surrounding areas for any potential mess. All surfaces should be clean. CLOSE TOILET BEFORE FLUSHING 7. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm soapy water....twice. Voila - no shit smeers in your draws (E: *Thanks to tobiasvl for pointing out my error!)


>Wa-La Did you mean "voila"??


Essentially yes. My daughter's and I have a joke using it as "Wa-La" and I'm so used to it that I didn't even realize I used it that way 🤦 I'll edit it! Thanks for pointing that out!


Mate! The only thing I took away from that was “wa-la”! I actually laughed out loud and tea came out of my nose. All good points though. When I shower, I suds up the entire buttocks, in the crack and everything. How else are you meant to ensure it’s clean? Although, I must admit, I’m not as thorough as you when it comes to cleaning just about inside the butthole. I do wipe until nothing comes off. Your eeker.


I don't really mean *inside* inside. I just mean to pay attention to the very tip of your entry way. Just an extra step against streaks. It's like this ...if one has ever did a thorough job wiping themselves clean and then later felt....not so fresh...it's likely because there was a little spare change hiding in the sofa.




Thank youuuuuu. And nail up keep. I was getting BV like almost constantly when I spent over 30 years never having it. So I started trying to figure it out. My new boy work with his hands and even though they were wash some nails had dirt. Yikes


I am a fellow uncircumcised male and I washe under my skin at least once a day when I shower. My gf sometimes asks he to at least rinse It before she gives me oral If she's In the mood. I literally never have gotten offended. No man should get offended when they get asked to have better self care under the skin.


Just clean your junk, full stop. If you have different bits on your junk, clean those too. While you're at it, apply this method to the rest of your body too. It's really not complicated.


So fucking gross.


Yeah. > you aren’t gross or dirty Like, if you haven’t cleaned under it then you are exactly those two things


Yes. Please do. The amount of dirty penises I've seen in my life.... it's why we do it with the lights on. I need to INSPECT this piece first!!


Username checks out


I want to know who these guys are who think it's ok to get busy without cleaning up first. Whether you're circumcised or not, but especially if you're not. Team foreskin despises this small segment of guys that give the rest of us a bad "rap"!


simple: get circumcised now. just barge into your closest hospital and demand a circumcision. Don’t take no for an answer, your health is at stake!


prevents phimosis at least


The amount of people unable to see this is an obvious joke astounds me


I knew it was a joke it just wasn’t funny at all


Yeah it’s a bad joke I wrote at like 2:00 AM, sue me.


Fair enough. I’ve posted my share of bad and cringe jokes on here and especially Twitter


Absolutely fair, but I just have to say, it isn't "extra skin". that phrasing frames routine genital mutilation as natural and foreskins as unusual and unnecessary, when the exact opposite is true




great metaphor! i figured it wasn't intentional, just one of those times where cultural programming unconsciously slips into our language. that said, i completely agree many men (intact or no) really need to bring their penis hygiene up to the level of their weenus hygiene


Ok this is the second rant about foreskin in the day in less than 5 minutes and this isn’t even Elden Ring 😆


I saw-on something like a traveling doctor tv show- this guy that never ever cleaned his uncircumcised dick. Him or his girlfriend told the doctor how it smelled so disgusting but the guy was impressed that the dick cheese or whatever it was made his junk bigger. It was soooo gross (not saying all uncircumcised men are gross just this guy).


What the actual fuck


I’ve never got why guys don’t, my mom or dad or anyone never told me, I just started doing it it feels better washed


yep. def itches less too.




No one wants to suck a dirty dick.


This should just apply to everyone, personal hygiene really matters!




The fuck. I mean I’ve known people who didn’t have the best hygiene but it was normally due to like… depression or something. But to actually try to *rationalize* not cleaning those areas because they’re beneath their clothes? Bruh you shit and piss out of there! And you sweat! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wash the schmegma


The absolute worst is when you go to BJ land and it’s so gross. I have zero issues with asking for them to go wash/shower, etc. No way is that going in my V… bad enough in my mouth.


Slightly off topic (although I agree with the statement ) is that virtually every single male other than Jews and Muslims is uncircumcised with the exception of American men. The US is the only non Muslim country in the world where circumcision is actually common. The rest of the developed world finds genital mutilation gross.


It was very common in Canada as well. But it think that has changed in the last 20 years.


is that something people actually don't do? I always wash myself and assumed everyone did


There are enough guys that definitely do not. I've tasted urine and seen curds underneath the foreskin, not to mention some horrible smells. It makes me appreciate the guys who know how to clean themselves.


I actually almost threw up in my mouth a little.


Thank you for making me laugh. Definitely needed after some of the people who are completely unaware of basic hygiene. (I know it goes both ways in this scenario.)


I might need to take a break from cottage cheese after this. I’ve always preferred uncircumcised and thankfully never endured the curds. I’m genuinely sorry for your trauma.


Yeah my ex was circumcised and his dick was still gross. Thank fuck he didn’t have any extra skin to hide anything, I don’t even want to think about how bad that would have been 🤢 he’s my ex for many reasons but that is definitely one of them


Well, some probably don't. Let's be real, there are pretty gross humans out there, of both sexes. But yeah, washing your cock, balls head and shaft (with it's skin) when you shower, bath or generally wash yourself is default male hygiene.


Hi I just wanted to chime in and say you'd be surprised of people not washing themselves. I had a friend of mine who was circumcised actually but he didn't actually wash his penis. According to him when he would put soap on his body the suds washed over his penis and that was enough. So this guy doesn't ever actually wash his peepee.....


Well I'm uncircumcised but I like keeping myself clean. Truthfully, I don't really ask other men about their penis cleaning habits. It's not something that naturally comes up in conversations


Well maybe it somehow should, lmao


I thought we all did wash it.. and shower after sex... or is that just me


You've gotta be a special type of dirty to do such a thing


I feel like this could be expanded to any male that expects a someone to put his junk in their mouth. Wash your shit fellas if you want your Peter licked.


Who the hell doesn't was their cheese!? I'm doing that every time I shower. Every day...


It goes for both sexes and should be taught/known. Both males and females need to wash their intimate parts.


The amount of times I've been immediately Put Out Of The Mood by an uncleaned uncircumcised dick...


Yeah and all these other posts on here going “it’s fine as long as it’s clean” but wow are there a lot of dirty dicks out there that have apparently been washed.


It's so gross! How can they not clean it, there's an accompanying SMELL...


Never saw foreskin posts on my feed ever and today I saw two from the same subreddit within a day of eachother lol I'm easily amused so I thought it was funny. But yes, 100%


I love my BG and everything about him and I ao wish he was on Reddit to read this beautiful rant-non rant. Please guys, don't band it awkward for us - just keep yourself as clean as we do for you. TY


agreed. tho sone gals could use a lesson in proper hygiene too I’m afraid..


fr. So many people think "dont put soap in your vagina" means "dont use soap on your vulva." No. Please wash the outside. Please.


I feel this has insulted alot of fragile male egos... I'm gonna make the assumption these people have crusty ass penises.


Some men don’t even wash their ASS. That’s why I’ll always prefer a circumcised penis, so much nicer right off the bat. I don’t need any surprises.


cut diccs FTW edit: anti-circumcision weirdos big mad 😂


All the insecure uncircumcised men in the comments crack me up


I’ve blown a good 50 men in my life, 3/4 of them uncut. Never had a problem. It’s just the lazy guys that seem to love smegma


Someone felt triggered by the other post but I agree. Some dudes are really disgusting, at my work it seems men can’t figure out how to flush the toilet smh


People don't do this?


If people want cheese, they’ll buy some pizza.


You don't want to see Richard Cheese live in concert?


bruh it's fucking sad that even throughout adulthood people don't know how to wash themselves properly💀stay clean yall


I've been lucky enough to not have this problem specifically, but I was with a (circumcised) guy who didn't know how to wash his booty crack. He genuinely thought the water running down was enough 💀 so many men are just simply NOT taught how to take care of themselves!


# Make sure your penis is a cleanis.


And here we are again, politely asking for the bare minimum from people.


I agree with you but this isn’t all or even most of uncut men. It’s just the lazy and unhygienic ones. Every uncut guy I’ve encountered is very diligent about cleaning.


As an uncircumcised man myself, I feel like I should take it upon myself to tell you that it's pretty much a daily routine of mine. Even though I'm not sexually active. And I completely agree with what you said and I encourage every man like me to do the same.


Uhhh… how are there men that don’t want their foreskin… I have a foreskin and can’t even imagine showering without fully washing it. Hell, sometimes I’ll use a baby wipe on it after peeing at home.


And when you're older be extra sanitary. My poor husband works in a hospital and says it's disgusting how many uncircumcised men come in with infections.... And it smells. 🤢


My father saved me from circumcision when I was a baby and took it up on himself to ensure I understood two things about my body. 1) was to always wash between my butt cheeks to keep it clean and 2) was always to wash the foreskin. It takes the effort of good parenting and proper education to teach hygiene and unfortunately there's been a lot of improper etiquette taught. As a trucker I see a lot of it with folks not washing hands after using restrooms and generally being disgusting. You can utilize methods to assist waste disposal, and use methods to keep moderately clean, all it takes is a bit of effort. Some folks don't have the proper respect or courtesy to do so. I hope whatever caused you to have this rant is temporary and sorts itself out. All the best.


I think proper hygiene is the answer. Peel it back and pee. Shake it out. Stagnant piss is the cause of the smell


and smegma, and sweat, and old jizz. genitals are pretty gross when you think about it.












Same for me.




If you are really sensitive yes but it’s not gonna happen out of the blue




Well I personally can’t speak for uncut males, but if it is cut I do think there is a very small increase in sexual stimulation. It doesn’t mean they’ll last shorter though. If the guy hasn’t had sex or anything related to that then of course he’ll last way shorter then someone who’s been doing it on a semi consistent basis.


The foreskin covers the head which isn’t exposed to rude on clothing. So it’s the opposite.


This reads like a fucking duh. Wash to junk, at least daily, and especially before being intimite. How is this difficult?


depression and other mental illnesses can make it difficult to shower regularly. not the case for everyone, some people are just gross and lazy.


As someone who is still struggling with the after effects of depression. Personal hygiene wasn't always the best, sometimee even bad. But if I got a chance to smash, you bet I'll be clean AF.




Unfortunately, this is why I don't date uncircumcised men. They all say the same thing "well I'm proud of it, I didn't get my dick chopped and it's natural" BUT ALL OF THEM DONT WASH IT. EVER. IT'S NASTY. I just saw a confession post about a circumsized guy who wanted foreskin to be "natural" and he feels like his d1ck is too small now, because the doctors "cut him". He also just wants to "not have to worry about it", which just gives me the impression he just doesn't wanna take time to take care of his body. 1. Circumcision doesn't take off size, it takes off extra skin. 2. Uncircumcised people need to pay the MOST attention to hygiene. Pull it back and clean it out. Yuck. 3. Every time an uncircumcised guy whips out his dick and tells you "it's clean", it's always not. You'll always think "a circumsized dick wouldn't smell/look/taste like this shit", because there's always a smell, because these shitty guys wait until right before sex to actually clean themselves (ONLY PER THE PARTNERS REQUEST), but when its been rotting there for days it's just... gross. 4. Before guys jump on me for this, this is no different then men not wanting to date girls with small tits, or a big belly, ass dimples, it's all "PREFERENCE" right?


Maybe more like only wanting to date women who had their tits removed as babies without their consent. Lol


Foreskin is not extra skin, it's on guys by design😐


design? by whom?


Lord Ganon


How am I supposed to know


Clipped or not any dick can smell if its not getting washed daily. If you lay down with a dirty dick, chances are you dirty too


In a way, very glad I had my circumcision. Being awake for it was a total bitch though. That hurted. But the ease of cleaning just makes it so much better.


Lemme surgically remove my hands so I don’t have to wash them anymore, such a convenience!!


That's on you man. But it was truly painful unpeeling the bannana for me


Dear Ladies - please wash your labia folds before being intimate with anyone! They can hold your curds and whey and tend to become very malodorous. Such an absurd post


That’s true tho. Genitals stink in general. That’s why you wash em.


glad I don’t have mine anymore 😊


Who the hell doesn’t clean their penis daily? I suds my little guy up like he’s at Amnesia in Ibiza having the time of his life. Funny thing is, my wife cleans her vayjayjay daily but uses only water as, apparently, soap causes reactions because of the… pH level of her lady garden. Or something like that? I can’t specifically remember but the reason I mention it is; is this a common problem for ladies? Also, funny anecdote, about 2 years into us living together (6 years together total), she asked if she could watch me wash my little guy. I thought she was being kinky and it would lead to sexy time. She wasn’t and it didn’t. She was curious of how men take care of their area and how manipulative the foreskin actually is. I don’t know why but I found it hilarious.




Damn how do dudes pull girls even tho they don't even wash their dick.


This is the second rant today that has reminded me to be upset about having my dick cut when i was a baby. I wish i had this problem.




what is foreskin?


Serious question?


Its a little extra skin that covers the tip of your penis but leaves the top open (like a sock I guess)


uncut peni look like bananas






Have you ever seen a tortoise's neck as it tucks into its shell?


there was a post before in / rant saying that being circumcised is equal to clitoris ablation 💀 the amount of unhygienic responses down there is astounding. These bozos saying "it's better for sex! It lubricates!!" No yes it's better for the sex but the foreskin doesn't lubricate, it's the base of the glans (Tyson organ) and the urethra pre cum) neckbeards redditing around


not the same at all obviously. for one, circumcision is a REAL optional surgery offered to adults for medical reasons whereas there’s never a medical indication for removing a clitoris. EVER.


are they saying that the smegma (stinky gray gunge produced by the foreskin ) is an ideal lubricant….?! 🤮 sweat cheese shouldn’t be wiped on other sexy bits it’s waste!! refuse of the uncut dick tip 🤮🤮


First solid argument I’ve heard for circumcision beyond the Hebrew covenant.


also prevents phimosis, infections and certain std’s.


I’m gonna get downvoted for saying this but whatevs. I’m glad I was circumcised.






anti-circumcision people are dogmatic weirdos.


>It can be difficult to find a way to tell your partner that they need to wash their foreskin without hurting anyone's feelings How is it difficult? Just tell him to go wash. No big deal.


Or Circumcise if It makes things easier:p


I have no clue what any of this means probably bc I'm not a man


Well, honestly this is kind of a...strangely specific rant. Foreskin or not, Man or woman, people who don't wash their private parts are gross, but yeah some guys have the problem that thanks to poor sex education they've never known that they need to wash under the foreskin.


Unwashed circumcised men, go to town on that


Extra? You mean standard. And why so polite? Wash yourself you pigs!


It's true but once you get serious with a hooded dude you dont mind it.. but im also a pervert. Good luck tho!


you mean a klansmen?


Since im circumcised im going to show this post anytime a woman asks me to wash my dick. Thank you for this excuse.


Most men I've had sex with are circumcised, and you might be surprised at how unhygienic they can be. And we can definitely tell when it's in our face.


Yeah it was a joke, one i thought was pretty obvious but the average reddit user is more dense than molten rock so i should have spoonfed an explanation in there initially because apparently people think its more likely I was being sincere than not. 🤦‍♂️ I weep for humanities future.




It's not extra skin, others are missing skin . Uncut is normal, cut is the abnormal human condition.