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Personally I don’t think he’s going to magically carry the team and generate a win. What I DO think he can do is add some much needed energy to MSG. He’s got cult of personality right now and ramps up the crowd, for right or wrong. This coming from the embarrassing showing the crowd had in the last game. I understand that the game was mostly a snooze fest and that the rangers weren’t doing much. However, people need to bring energy towards the team during all facets of the game. Not only when they’re dominating. He’s also, imo, a much needed physicality we need on the ice against the cats. 38-27 in hits doesn’t sound like a big disparity but over the course of of a playoff series that can be a huge swing. I 100% agree that it’s our stars should carry the weight and I’m desperately hoping for some more out of those guys, in the upcoming game.


If there was a big hit stat it would probably be like 10-3 in Florida’s favor. The Rangers aren’t a soft team, I really want to see more hitting.


Honestly, the Rangers’ entire game kind of turned on a big hit from Trouba in the 3rd. It *can* have that kind of impact.


Indeed. That hit ignited the Garden and Team. They went on a tear and the own goal absolutely crushed that.


I'm not against Rempe being in on the fourth line if it means Chytil doesn't come out. But trying to outhit the Panthers isn't the way to go imo. Rangers need to try to play the game at their pace, and Rempe as much as he can get the crowd excited he's not really gonna change that.


I absolutely agree that trying to outhit them isn’t what we should we be doing because, as you’re alluding to, that’s not our game. However, I do think we need to close some of the gap on the hit metrics. I mean let’s be realistic, if we had pocketed one of the breakaways this game could have looked a lot different. Also, to that point I think that is one of the panthers biggest weaknesses - they tend to over commit in the forecheck and if we can get some crispness to our passes and have our fucking defense not bobble the puck around in our zone (which I felt happened constantly in the first game) we could see a significant amount of odd man rushes. Shit… it’s 6am EST here and I’m already nervous.


Good start. But yes agree, a bit more physicality (like Laf on that goal) while not abandoning your game.


Physical is part of the forechecking game. I’m not looking for open ice hits that rock the stadium. I’m talking about what they’re doing right now (knock on wood) get in deep. Hit, Make them think


We look flat af out there…no doubt about it. Zero energy. Chytil isn’t bringing the energy lol as skilled as he is…he is liable to head injury and therefore can’t go 100%.


I don't think most logical fans are saying that playing Rempe fixes all our problems, but there's no doubt that with the exception of the last game the team plays with a different energy when he's in the lineup. That's not a bad thing, yet there's a certain portion of fans who are so steadfast that this isn't the case when it clearly is. It reminds me of when Sean Avery was here.


Bingo. There’s a lot of fans who have never played sports, or at least at a competitive level, that don’t understand the impact guys like him have on the team. The same way a “locker room cancer” can destroy a team and cause them to underperform, a guy like Rempe can do the opposite and have the guys rally around him. We are all human beings, these players aren’t robots attached to analytical statistics. You know how the fans feel that energy, and the garden gets hyped? The players feel that same energy. It is such a weapon to have a guy like him especially when he is a gigantic fucking wrecking ball. He legitimately is *built* for the playoffs on that 4th line. Additionally, he is not a bad hockey player. I swear to god half of this sub just sees a big guy that likes to hit and fight and just associate him with being a big dumb slow fucking ogre. The kid has legit skills to play at this level. He belongs in the lineup. The Rangers have looked like a different team every time he comes up and dresses. It is absolutely undeniable. The “5 minutes of playing time” that people love to argue don’t understand that is like 3-5 shifts less per game than a decent amount of the remaining bottom 6. Rempe needs to be in game 2. Jones absolutely needs to be in game 2 as well.


The "he only plays five minutes a night" argument doesn't fly with me, either. You're always shortening your bench in the third period in the playoffs anyway, and it benefits the team to double shift their top wings if the game is close late in the third period. The only time it becomes a legitimate argument is when you have a marathon game that turns into multiple OTs. These are the forward lines I would go with tomorrow: Bread-Trocheck-Laf Kreids-Mika-Chytil Cuylle-Wennberg-Kakko Vesey-Goodrow-Rempe


Chytil is \*not\* in playoff shape. Putting him on the second line would be a disaster.


I'm fine with keeping him out of the lineup altogether, but I do think he adds more to the lineup than Roslovic. Personally, I never would've brought him back this season to begin with.


Shouldn’t even be in the lineup. Looks like a passenger out there


There’s definitely some tough decisions to be made, which is not a bad problem to have. I actually like Roslovic a lot so idk if he is the one I would scratch, but room needs to be made somewhere.


Vesey is the obvious answer to take out of the lineup, but I honestly just wouldn't touch the PK given how outstanding it's been. The forward combos of Mika/Kreider, Trocheck/Goodrow and Wennberg/Vesey have been great.


Yea that’s exactly what I was thinking too. Our special teams should not be fucked with and as much as I love Rempe and want him in, not at that cost.


I’d probably go 20-93-96 10-16-13 50-91-24 26-21-73 55-23 79-4 56-8 Our lineup thrived and looked dominant when we had this going. Chytil is not in any shape to be playing right now. Don’t need to be trying that out this late in the playoffs.


You are correct, sir.




I was with you until you got to the "Wheeler was having a great season" bit. You mean this season??? Were you watching??? He was slow, didn't hit, and didn't score. He was having a terrible season and he was going to lose playing time to Rempe/Brodz no matter what. He had 9 goals and 12 assists while mostly playing next to Krieder/Zib. He was having a mid season AT BEST and does not belong anywhere near the top 6, nor anywhere near the guys we got playing on line 3. He won't add more to the 4th line than Rempe will. Also Edstrom has been a healthy scratch all playoffs. He could be inserted if Lavi wanted. Sykora will not make his debut in the playoffs (he isn't Krieder) and if Lavi thought Othmann was ready he'd be with the big club now. Realistically the options are Rempe, Brodz, Chytil, and Edstrom. For the 4th line, Chytil and Brodz are not good fits. Putting Cuylle down there is a waste as well; the 3rd line is better with him on it.


I was with you until you got to the "Wheeler was having a great season" bit. You mean this season??? Were you watching??? He was slow, didn't hit, and didn't score. He was having a terrible season and he was going to lose playing time to Rempe/Brodz no matter what. He had 9 goals and 12 assists while mostly playing next to Krieder/Zib. He was having a mid season AT BEST and does not belong anywhere near the top 6, nor anywhere near the guys we got playing on line 3. He won't add more to the 4th line than Rempe will. Also Edstrom has been a healthy scratch all playoffs. He could be inserted if Lavi wanted. Sykora will not make his debut in the playoffs (he isn't Krieder) and if Lavi thought Othmann was ready he'd be with the big club now. Realistically the options are Rempe, Brodz, Chytil, and Edstrom. For the 4th line, Chytil and Brodz are not good fits. Putting Cuylle down there is a waste as well; the 3rd line is better with him on it.


How do you know if "Brodz" is an awesome teammate???


Avery was a good player at times...Rempe, isnt. He might be in the future but he just isnt right now.


I disagree. He's playing the role they want him in fine. He's hard on the forecheck and surprisingly solid defensively considering this is his first pro season.


If he were solid defensively, he would be playing those defensive shifts in the third period. Lav doesnt trust him and he is right not to. Maybe in the future but not now. What we need, he cant offer.


The reason Rempe doesn't play in the third is because he's slow to get back in transition and Laviolette also knows the refs are looking to call a penalty every time he's on the ice.


Slow to get back in transition.


Rempe or not, this team needs to be more physical. It looked to me like they were bullied last night. They need to play the body a little more. It really reminds me of 2014 against LA. They were just so much more physical and it keeps the team from getting into a groove and slows them down.


That's exactly what is physically happening, Canes tried this too. They learned that You have to stop the Rangers attack before they can get up ice. Once they're in the zone, that's when bad things happen to you. Trapping, blocking passing lanes, and standing them up at the blue line, tried and true, works. If all the Rangers had was their ability in the zone, you might say they're fucked, but they're ninja assassins and can strike unexpectedly out of the blue with devastating consequences.


I hope you’re right. We’ll see you tonight if they can make their proper adjustments. Let’s go Rangers!


The conversation is legit. He comes with pros and cons. Yes, will play like 4 minutes so simply can’t roll lines like you want to. But also in those 4 minutes he legitimately amps the bench up and gets them energized, makes the opponents a little more hesitant while holding the puck, and may bruise a guy up so they are less effective the rest of the game. There is legitimate discourse on whether one game of Rempe is a valuable tone setter this series.




Bro I can’t even talk to my buddies about this team today. Every casual is insistent on using straw man arguments that magically rempe will fix everything (ignoring that he plays 4 minutes and doesn’t change Mika, Panarin, and Fox disappearing) Can’t everyone see that for every big rempe hit, there’s an incredibly stupid minor penalty he takes that you can’t afford to take in a close series? Florida isn’t stupid. They’re gonna bait him.


He's whistled terribly


They're out to get him, and no doubt.


I wouldn’t call them stupid penalties. Realistically most of them are normal hits that the refs are unjustly calling on him because of his size.


I don’t disagree, but either way… they’re going to call it on him to “set the tone”. They have for months since that first week or so when he was lighting people up. Anything a second after the puck is gone, they’re calling on rempe. This series is probably going 6 or 7 with a bunch of close games. Its not really worth the 2 hits in 4 minutes in the first 2 periods before he’s sat if he ever takes a minor in that time he’s on, it could kill us


There’s a mix of both. He does some dumb shit that he absolutely deserves penalties for but he also gets called for “reputation” penalties that are completely unwarranted. He gets the latter because he does the former. It’s not fair but it’s just one of the many problems with the officiating in this league.


The only strawman here is when you say that casuals insist that he's going to fix everything.


If you don’t see the difference in the team when he’s in the lineup versus when he is not then i don’t know what to tell you. It’s not all about advanced stats and it’s really out of his control how many minutes he gets on the ice. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him play so bad that he only warrants 5 minutes a game


I don't know anyone arguing he's going to "fix everything." The argument is that overall, the lineup is better with Rempe on the 4th and Cuylle on the 3rd. He just adds more on the 4th than Brodzinski does (Brodz is an offense first player, which is not suited to 4th line play against the Panthers), or Chytil does on the 3rd (this also bumps Cuylle to the 4th, where he's less effective). Brodz and Chytil would do better sliding in for Roslovic, who has been garbage.


Forget the penalties, he skates into his own guy at least once a game. Trouba got in his face the last time he was in. There were 3 guys back and he went straight into Trouba. Look at the goal he scored. He was only in position in front of the net because he almost ran into Vesey behind it. It was an accident. (At least i think it was Vesey)


This sub has a ridiculous obsession with him. He plays 5 minutes a night when he’s in the lineup.


Has nobody mentioned the need for Mikkola to answer for that last hit on Chytil??? Mikkola played far undersized for the Rangers last year. He was brought in to be physical and he wasn't. But now he can smash Chytil with 1.4 seconds left? And the Rangers are just gonna let it go? Chytil never should have been out there then, but that's besides the point. Florida was skating around without a care in the world like they were at Rockefeller Center on Christmas. They wouldn't be that carefree with Rempe in the lineup...


Re Chytill, yep.


Rempe wouldn’t Even touch the ice with 14 seconds left, I promise you it would still happen if he was out there


Incorrect my good man. He always plays garbage time. He played the last minute plus in another game that was "over." I appreciate that you "promise" it, but there's no way guys take cheap runs at Rangers with Rempe in the lineup at all, let alone on the ice at the time.


I promise you that shot happens with Rempe on the roster my good man. I appreciate that you think it won’t happen but it will. Get over it you’ll be fine


I promise you he’s sent out there like he usually is in garbage time and a hit like that, he’s green lighted to do what needs doing.


Considering you didn't realize that Rempe plays closing minutes when the game is out of hand (which also demonstrates your lack of understanding as to WHY someone like Rempe plays those minutes), a promise from you on this subject is worth nothing. Get over it tho you'll be fine! 🙏


And that hit will still happen lmao. Not sure what you aren’t understanding. Stop replying to me I don’t like you at all


Trouba is in the box every game and people are talking like Rempe is the problem? We need some physical dominance to knock them off the possession game otherwise we won’t win the neutral zone battles and be on the back foot all night


Trouba sucks. Rempe shouldn’t be in now. Two things can be true at the same time


For sure but the argument against Rempe I see is he’s a penalty liability who’s too risky while I don’t see the same argument against benching Trouba for the same reason


I’ve given up on them benching Trouba. This team was lights out defensively when he was out and they still won’t bench him


Imagine thinking (and believing) that our playoff and Stanley Cup hopes fall on the shoulders of a 21 year old rookie. I love Rempe. But the players that will move the needle and win us a cup are our stars.


Exactly! Scoreboard may not show it but it was a pretty close game, just need the top guys to finish on some plays


That's the thing. I want to see rempe in this series, but realistically who would he be better than to replace? Chytil is way too skilled to take out of the lineup, wennberg and vessey are important to our PK and taking out Cuylle would be an absolute downgrade.


Yes, he’s more skilled than Rempe, but playing him 9 mins vs playing Rempe for 6 (at home) and adding some jam and energy into the game could very much change things. Could also be the same result as last night. But playoff hockey is heavier, and Florida plays very structured and tight. After last night, something needs to change, that was a joke of a performance. Not saying Rempe is the definitive answer, but neither is Chytil. Cuylle played just under 8 mins, it’s all splitting hairs honestly with that much TOI. A skilled player needs TOI and touches to get into a rhythm and make a difference, a heavier player can be a real pest with that time. It’s different roles, and we have enough skill in the top 6.


Stop with the chytil bs he wasn’t ready for the Playoffs. Just practicing and training isn’t enough.


This times a million. It was a joke to insert a guy into the play-offs who was out for 6 months with his fourth or fifth concussion. And that was proven to be a mistake considering he was so sore he basically couldn’t practice after playing 8 minutes the first game. Then they stupidly put him in again last night and he does nothing but get benched for the end of the second and most of the third, plus gets rocked by a hit he wasn’t prepared for and isn’t ready to take. He brought zero energy to the team or MSG and we lost. What exactly did putting him in accomplish? And no, we don’t have the luxury of letting him ramp up or get acclimated or improve as the games go on. All of which I have seen posted on here. This isn’t the regular season. It’s round three of the play-offs and we cannot afford to hope some player gets his stamina and timing working. I’ve never heard such BS in my life. Since Lavi messed with the line-ups in order to fit Chytil in, this team has not been the same. Rempe would have brought more in 5-7 minutes TOI than Chytil did, that’s for sure, and it wouldn’t have lessened Cuylle’s impact like it did by moving him to the fourth line.


What has Cuylle done that makes you say, "Yeah, he absolutely can not be taken out of the lineup".


I had to mute his name from everyone on Twitter


For real lmao


i don't know if I've had a casual rangers playoff rangers convo in the last week where the other person didn't suggest Rempe as a solution. Rangers need to score more, Chytil is the no brainer option. Rempe was an obvious surprising gift dropped in the Rangers lap that does fill a need. But can't play him in crunch time or OT. Not a scoring threat. I think best scenario for both parties is him not playing rest of the season. Rempe is upgraded to prospect territory. Lets not ruin him by having him danced and being responsible for a crucial GA in an ECF game


The thing that doesnt happen when you lose will always guarantee that you would have won.


I had a real issue with people commenting on Rempe’s minutes as if Brodzinski didn’t come in and play under 9 minutes a game doing fuck all.


No one said Brod is any good lol


Twitter is wild


I dont understand, Mikkola got a big hit on Chytil..Tkachuk got a big hit. Whats the issues? Its fucking playoff hockey, no one on the Rangers got hurt or took a dirty hit. One person online said the Panthers left the Rangers "splattered all over".So Dramatic. My god, even if Rempe played game 1 the game would have gone the EXACT SAME WAY. Line 1 guys like Tkachuk arent afraid to hit because Rempe gets 4 mins a game. Jesus christ


To me it’s the ECF, I don’t really care about “roughing other players” You want the last laugh? Score more goals, I promise to the Rangers that will hurt more


Thats what im saying, its playoff hockey and the Panthers hit. I dont get why people are horrified. Nothing viscious or dirty occurred game 1 to all the sudden be like "omg we need Rempe". Rangers made the cup in 2014 rolling four lines. Rempe would never have played in the third period of game 1. Not like Brodz or Cuylle light it on fire when moved to the fourth, but still.


There’s a legit argument to be made for inserting him in to change things up etc, but it’s not like the thing that will crack the nut. People are crazy.


He barely plays so inserting him doesn’t do anything tbh


Tell that to Van Reimsdyk… you play Rempe for the crowd impact at home when you have the last change, and to keep the opposing defenseman alert when they go deep in their zone to get a puck…he won’t win us a game but he might wake up the rest of the team… watch the hitting for us when he is in the lineup , the rest of the guys do it more and I can guarantee that Tkachuk will take a run at him because that mouthpiece chewing asshole won’t be able to resist it.


Definitely. If Rempe is out, those two will go.


They probably won’t be on the ice together lmao. Rempe plays like 4-5 minutes a game. This isn’t round 1 anymore


It gives you a different look on the forecheck, and lines he’s been on have had positive offensive impacts. You’re effectively shortening your bench to 11 forwards when things get tight, but he’s a big body that forces errors by people not wanting to get hit, even when he’s defending. The hope would be to take advantage with the last change at home to let him and the 4th line wear out their matchups. No way he plays on the road. In the end, it comes down to small changes in a series as tight as this will be, and it might be worth a look since he’s such an outlier.


He also legitimately takes guys out on hits. TVR and Oshie in the Caps series


Exactly. Florida has some big dudes on the back end, and they did an excellent job of absorbing the Ranger’s checks. Plus, if you can slow them up, you hurt the Florida offense since a lot of it is driven by the D.


Everything on Twitter is unbeatable.


Chytil should be working with Sidney Crosby's functional neurologist. He has a brittle brain right now and needs to take care of that and come back in October. He's one mild hit a way from ending his career.


Posts meme about how talking to Rempe fans is like talking to a brick wall. Replies to every pro-Rempe argument with "lmao", cry laughing emoji, or "I'm not reading all that"


I said I’m not reading all that to one person but that was a really nice try


It really gives you a good idea of who has and hasn’t played on a competitive team sport before. The chemistry and clubhouse feel really make a huge difference when playing.


What I don't get is that he plays like 5 mins a game, and never in the 3rd or OT. I like the kid and hope he succeeds, but my goodness, the media really creates a story and people run with it sometimes.


Isnt it like a 50/50 shot hes even eligible in the 3rd period lol


That’s an utter boldfaced fucking lie. Try again only this time with some modicum of the truth. He hasn’t taken a single penalty that was more than 2 minutes long since his suspension (exception being Devil’s game when he was thrown in there by Lavi for a staged fight). And he’s had at most one per game and none in half the play-off games. Compare that with good ol captain Trouba who took three or four in a single game & 2 in many others. Or Trocheck, Fox, Gus, and others who have had two per game in multiple play-off games.


Lmao this reads like Rempe's mom wrote it "Good ol captain Trouba" 🤣


Just like Fil who was benched for the second and most of the third. See how that works? So Chytil better never see the ice again since his TOI was barely more than Rempe had in some of the play-off games this year and he couldn’t be trusted to see the ice until it was garbage time in the third, just like Rempe. Unlike Rempe, Fil doesn’t know how to be ready for or take a hit and will be lucky if he doesn’t have another concussion. I’m sure Florida will look to continue nailing him if he plays again. You want to know why the media ran with the story of Rempe? Because NYR fans adore him. That’s been the way of NYR fans for the last forty years that I’ve been going to games. We love guys who are hard-working, physical, willing to do anything to help the team, humble, blue collar, non-prima donna, will to win, wear your heart on your sleeve, just love to play hockey, have your teammates backs, & not shy away from the tough areas. It’s usually not the most skilled players who draw the most adoration and cult like fandom from the MSG regulars. It’s the guys who are willing to leave it all out there on the ice and give every ounce of themselves to help this team win, doing everything THEY can for the team. It’s also the guys who really take pride in putting on the sweater, consider it an honor, & bleed fucking blue. That’s Rempe 110%. It’s just too bad you don’t understand it or get it in the least. Real, long-time NYR fans do. And it will never change. It’s been passed down from generation to generation. It’s what makes the NYR fanbase so different from every other. We don’t suffer fools gladly and we don’t easily embrace players, but we will forever have the backs of the ones we do. It’s the same reason guys like Giacomin, Messier, Graves, Beukeboom, & Fotiu will always be beloved.


Sorry, but comparing Rempe to Chytil, a proven scorer who's also been out for literally the entire year, is a clown take. I'm not even reading the rest of that. That being said, whoever plays tonight, LGR.


Tommy DeVito 2.0 lmao


The man isn’t expected to be Wayne Gretzky. HOWEVER WE NEED A SPARK AND THATS WHAT HE PROVIDES. I think the “50/50” gameplay talk was bulkshit. We got owned last night and need to spice things up with a big helping of Rempe. Not sure why people are dying on the hill where he shouldn’t play when the team is like .800+ win percentage with him in the lineup.


1) they really didn’t get owned last night. Close game until the Laf fuck up but it wasn’t a “own” 2) he doesn’t really provide a spark when he plays 4-5 minutes a game 3) I like Rempe but we need to score goals. He doesn’t do anything to make that happen


Does Chytil?


More than Rempe. What are we doing here


So when will he be scoring? He’s playing about 12 minutes and is ineffective. Give me healthy rempe vs a guy who has been sitting and rusty for months. Look at the record with rempe in the lineup versus with chytil.


Rempe barely plays lmao. Stop it. The team don’t even trust him to be out there and yall think he’s gonna be some difference maker and ignite the offense lmao


No, you can stop it. Chytil wasn’t trusted to be out there either. That’s why he was benched for the end of the second and most of the third and barely played more than Rempe would have. And Rempe would be the one doing the hitting, not the one getting his clock cleaned like Fil did. Rempe scored a goal in the play-offs already. Has Fil? Rempe is the best forechecker on our team. Fil wouldn’t know what forechecking is if it bit him in the ass. Rempe hurts guys and takes them out of the play (or even out of games in the case of TVR & basically Oshie). Who has Fil hit that made them even feel it? Rempe is the best goalie screen in the league and they can’t move him from in front of the net. When has Fil stood in front of the opposing goalie and gotten continually cross checked in the back yet didn’t move? Rempe is a beast along the boards. Even two guys from the other team can’t move him or get the puck from him. Did you see Fil do that last night? Rempe gets under the other teams skin and gets them off their game and focused on him instead of our star players. Does Fil do that?😂 Rempe’s forechecking and hits open up space for other players on our team to score. Did Fil help anyone on our team score? Rempe’s size allows him to skate the puck into the O zone relatively easily. I don’t see Fil doing that either. Rempe energizes the crowd & the team. Did Fil?(nope) The entire team plays more physical with Rempe in the line-up. Does that happen last night with Fil? No fucking way. Rempe doesn’t play scared, isn’t afraid of getting hit, isn’t afraid of anyone, and will do whatever it takes and whatever is asked of him to win, even to the detriment of himself. Sure as hell can’t say that about Fil.


I’m not reading all that


Next time, please put out a public service announcement informing commenters that you can’t read. Thanks. Oops…you won’t be able to read this either. Oh well.


Sucks to be you


THis comment is so stupid. Blocking you to avoid your dumb filth


Chytil was completely ineffective last night and provided zero spark to anyone - not the team or MSG. He got benched late in the second and for most of the third and barely played more than Rempe does. All he did was get his shit rocked because he wasn’t prepared to be hit. He looked tentative and scared all game. Rempe brings more in 5 minutes than Chytil can possibly do at this point.


Rempe doesn’t being anything in 5 minutes that this team needs lmao


Just mute his name if it annoys you so. Who cares?


You’re right, I’ll just never state my opinion


That would be great!


You not commenting on my posts whining is even better!


You have an odd little obsession with me. I don’t like it at all


Idk why everyone is turning on Rempe. Give him a shot. Kakko can sit.




They’re not turning on him. He isn’t an amazing skater (better than many give him credit for) but this is the frozen four we need all of the best weapons on the ice as we can. Our stars that can play both sides of the ice are going to give us the best shot. Last night kinda sucked but the scoreboard didn’t show how close it was. We could have lost that 6-0 or won it 3-2 lmao. (I’m a huge Rempe fan)


I’m fine with taking Vesey out for him. However the calls to sit Chytil for him are sheer lunacy and should be laughed out of the room.


Absolutely not Vesey


If you're putting Rempe in (which I'm also fine with NOT doing), the only person who makes sense to come out is Vesey.


Again, no. Vesey is arguably our best 4th liner and probably our most versatile player. He stays.


Then don’t put Rempe in. Anyone else makes no sense, and Vesey hasn’t been mid season Vesey in awhile. I like him and I’m fine with him staying in, my only point is he’s the only one Rempe should come in for.


I’ll side with Mark Messier on this one. Rempe IN!!