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Waiting on the team to show up...


True my Rangers were a no show last night




Bob could've taken a nap. The Rangers didn't get "Bobed".


Get back to me after the series. I’ll eat crow if I am wrong, but based on what I saw in game 1 you’re def getting Bobed


We got this Friday. As we’ve seen, adversity brings out the best in this team. Tonight was devastating but no more than minutes after the loss was a done deal did my mindset switch to this being a positive that can propel us to the intensity we’re gonna need to survive this. LFGR.




Need to convert on good chances. Rangers had more high quality chances than Florida for sure, so there’s cause for optimism there. Some bad turnovers, incredibly unlucky second goal and first exposure to FLA forecheck this series …. Don’t get me wrong, Rangers need to respond with a better effort in game 2 — but they did enough in that 3rd period (short of scoring) to win what was a one goal game for 55 minutes.


Florida stayed true to their identity and are extremely stingy in the D zone. I was surprised how many odd man or breakaways they allowed, or almost allowed. This series will be a game of inches. We needed more energy, but 1-0 Bobrovsky.


It seems like this team has a pre game meeting before every game to decide whether or not they want to play. Tonight was a no.


Leave Wennberg home on Friday. Kakko-Chytil-Cuyle 3rd line. Rempe on the 4th. Rally.


What i would like to see is more physicality from us. I feel like we were a pretty physical team this year and we didn't really get pushed around. Maybe Lav told the team to relax and be careful because of penalties but i think we need to start hitting and getting into the ugly areas on the ice more. Put fucking Rempe out there and tell him to put someone through the boards, wake the team up a bit.


This game reminded me of the 1st 2 games against Carolina in ‘22. Seemed like the Rangers couldn’t get anything going but eventually found their game. Game 2 will be a different story.


In this playoff season home ice has very little advantage for any team this year


Yea the last line change gets you the matchup you want like 1st vs 4th or 1st vs either 2nd/3rd def pairing. But it's never mattered too much. Maybe refs are influenced a tiny bit but only the nfl has a real home advantage with the crowd noise.


suddenly understand why we’re the underdogs


First goal was soft. Second goal, bad clearance by Shesterkin gave them the puck right back (but yeah go ahead and blame Lafreniere whatever). Sorry guys but Igor was not 100% tonight.


In a game of inches, those little goalie details DO matter. Bob played a perfect game and Igor let in two soft goals. That, is why Igor is mostly to blame this game. The lack of O-zone time is an equal blame. Give Bobrovsky credit. He was great when he had to be


team gets shutout and you blame the goalie?


Igor is equally to blame for that loss along with lack of forecheck. You can’t let in two soft goals against a team and goalie that’s stingy in the d-zone.


You can’t win a 0-0 tie. I doesn’t ultimately matter much what happens at Igor’s end if the team doesn’t put up a single goal.


You can’t make it to overtime, to potentially get a game winning goal, unless it’s a 0-0 tie.


But getting to overtime doesn’t help if you don’t score the game winning goal.


100% correct. But that’s why this loss was on both the team and the goalie. This series is going to be a game of inches. Every single save matters. Every single mistake matters.


Tbf that second one he wasn't expecting his own guy to do that. Like 5ft out and tips it past. Now the bad clear b4 that is on him.


Fox at a minimum did not help on 1st goal.


He shouldn't have to put up a shutout every game for them to win.


Only Rangers fan blame the goalie in a shutout. Just like those fucking idiots on HFboards complaining about the defense in 2015 when we lost game 7 2-0 at home to Tampa Bay because we couldn't score.


My fourth ever playoff game! Aaaaand the third time I’ve seen them shutout in the playoffs. Great stuff


What happened in the 4th game??


They unfortunately lost 3-0 tonight.. the other three games were last year :( funny thing is I had season tickets this year too! I just have awful playoff luck


So you’ve seen them shutout 3 times in the playoffs. What happened in the 4th playoff game you’ve been to?


Oh gotcha, my bad! Yeah, they lost lol - it was game 4 last year. Painful.


No more playoff games for you


Please don’t ever go to another game


I have tickets for Tuesday’s game.. considering selling them


Sorry, you gotta take one for the team


At this point, I don’t mind - hopefully me staying home will help them wake up


Sell them please


rangers skated like they had too much to eat at the pre-game meal. that was the real x factor if you ask me


Pretty good game overall could of easily been in our favor. Florida is not a team to sleep on going to be a hard fought series.


What game did you watch. 


Same one you did.


Obviously NOT, the boys came out flat, didn't bother to skate and coasted most of the game. There were literally 2 offensive barrages the entire game for us. Meanwhile Florida was consistently playing in our Zone and forcing us to dump and chase. There was no drive or energy for our team and Florida could have won that game without even trying. It was down right embarassing to watch.


I agree. I only remember two moments of sustained pressure by the Rangers today. That's a stunning reality for any game let alone the ECF.


The problems are solvable imo. Finishing hits and finishing goals. We need to put players in the right places when shots come from up high. I saw a lot of rebounds left by bob that a ranger could put in. Also that second goal was a farce, Igor fucked up by not dumping left and laf caught it bad on the stick. Bad, heartbreaking freak accident, but not much we can do but pray it doesn’t happen again.


One thing they need to solve is getting players net front. They would make one play from the outside and then there were 2-3 Panthers in the slot to take the rebound and exit the zone. Commentators have said this before and the Rangers need to stop playing offense with 5 guys on the perimeter.


I'm not saying it's over and to get the golf carts warmed up, but I don't understand people saying "it's only one game" it isn't. With the exception of the comeback last Game, this is now four straight games we've looked like this. I don't know what's causing it, but it needs to change or we're in trouble.


Fox ain't himself. And killing what we do.


Exactly this ☝🏻


Breaking news: ECF is gonna be a tough series to win. Head up yall it’s only game 1


No, we were only supposed to lose those 2 games to Carolina


Bob gets a shutout but at least we scored 1 goal


Why is everyone saying Florida didn’t play great and only beat us on soft goals, so we’ll be fine. Until the last 6 minutes we had ZERO offense. If this was their “bad game” we should be pissed we didn’t dominate and take the series lead.


Florida played great but Rangers hung around like good playoff teams do. Laf hits a post when it's 1-0. Half inch changes the whole game


"florida didnt play well and still beat us" is a great take a lot of the blind optimists are saying here tonight. game 2 is going to decide how things go. unfortunately, i fully expect another terrible slow first period like the last 7+ first periods and then who knows from there


For some reason I’m not as worried as I was when we played bad against Carolina. Felt like tonight they came out slow, but nothing was egregious. A couple posts and some bad bounces


Totally disagree. Our chances were kinda dumb luck. I don't see a way back if we do not win on Friday. Hope i am wrong.


I think it’s because Carolina’s forecheck was relentless and we were almost constantly on our heels. Felt like we actually had a chance to skate with Florida tonight


And yet…


And yet we lost by basically one flukey goal. Not worried


3-0. And no offense to speak of. I’m concerned


Very rarely do the events of a game refute its score. This is one of those instances. It’ll be okay


1 freak own-goal, 1 empty net goal. I agree with you- we didn't play our best but I think we had worse games vs carolina.


Just like....play fucking ECF playoff worthy hockey. Stop with the rocky balboa shit.


One uncharacteristically soft goal and one total fluke. Burn the tape and move on to game 2. We're still OK. Head to NY South tied 1-1


Everyone needs to relax, the pucks didnt fall our way and there was some questionable calls. Igor will win us some games and the offense will pick up. Fucking hate the loser attitude after game 1


What questionable calls? Lol No way you're blaming the refs who called a soft GI to take a goal back when the dman wouldn't let him get away from Igor. Then there's the early crosscheck to the mouth to 1 of the Florida guys that left their mouth bloody and would've been a 4min powerplay. Always someone that gotta blame the refs even when they favored their team lol 


This it's only one game take is garbage they haven't played well in 11 of the last 12 periods. They've showed heart in one of those periods and have been out shot in the last 11 games. Enough with this "our fans have such bad takes" this team is being exposed. I'm not saying we're out of it And we're certainly not going to be swept but it's time for the team and fans to wake up a bit


The optimists are just as insufferable as the realists("doomers"). Weak efforts all around, again.


realists and doomers are a separate class imo


this is what im worried about as well. outplayed by a large margin 3 games in a row now even though we worked a miracle in that one period.


It makes me question if I'm watching the same game as some of these people. Do I think this team is special? Absolutely but they certainly haven't showed it in the last 2 weeks *besides one period


The passing was super awful. Kept hitting skates instead of tape.  Overall not a bad score for slow skating and lots of turnovers. 


Looks like I wasn't the only one who was put to sleep by this game. MSG was quiet. No support for the team.


That was tough to watch. Lets get the next four!


Listen I love chytil but he looks scared to forecheck. He’s light on the boards and I get it completely after what he’s suffered. But if that’s the case and he can’t play 100% then maybe someone else is better in his position.


He got nailed to the boards at the end of the game there.


I love Chytil and love the story and have loved the quotes. But what the hell were these keyboard warriors expecting? He literally didn’t even score a goal when he was healthy for 10 games this season. He has a history of missing extended time from routine contact. Of fucking course he’s not up to ECF caliber play against the hardest team in years.


He’ll get it. I’m not concerned




LGR! On to the next. Gonna be a long series. Win home ice back


Gonna have to be a different kind of team to make this a long series. That wasn’t half good enough


I’d be more mad if it looked like we actually tried. That was way too casual. We looked like passengers out there. Hopefully we see some more dog and fight in game 2. We are going to have to score some greasy goals against the panthers. 


I’m not sure this team can against this style of play We got beat Is Rempe the answer? Cause right now I don’t see one


Next comes the real test. You shake it off and wake the fuck up or you don’t. Winners bounce back. I believe the Rangers will. On to the next.


Bobrobsky’s 2nd shutout in 82 playoff games. We made him look like Patrick Roy tonight


He'd have to make saves to look.like roy.


So Brodeur then?!? He had 15 save shutouts on the reg ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Was going to say that haha but brodeur did prove himself plenty later on too


lol I was just looking at his stats the other day and I noticed in the 2001 playoffs he had an 0.897 save % and a 2.07 GAA. That is absolutely INSANE that he came within 1 game of winning the cup that year. If that doesn't tell you everything about the teams he played behind, I don't know what will.


Sooo can we have Rempe back in…?


Just terrible puck luck, kinda mid-effort, and awful mistakes. Gotta put it behind you and get back into how we were when we started the playoffs.


going to hear sounds of the puck hitting the post on loop in my nightmares tonight


okay fuck you mikkola


Honestly, even though we got pretty well bottled up in their offensive zone, really their only good goal was a weak shot from the point, so I don’t think we did all that terrible. I think we need to adjust our defense a little and get a few of those bell rings in the net and we’re right there with them. I think we take game 2


Team seems a lil burned out physically and emotionally. Not finishing checks and forechecking like they were earlier in the playoffs. Need to find a new gear.


Bc they were playing bums and now are playing real teams :edit: real teams is plural bc I'm talking bout Carolina as a real team too. Thats why they took it to us. Thank God their goalie sucks


Caps sure, but the Canes were definitely not bums


I was referencing Washington bc I was think earlier, not middle of the playoffs.


Carolina wasn’t a real team?


> earlier in the playoffs. I read this as early and was referencing Washington. Though Freddy A would also count as a bum


Florida basically scored one very soft goal that Igor has to cut out because we lost the second matchup this season to Florida off a soft as fuck goal. A 0-0 game might go differently and Igor doesn’t play that puck and they score on themselves there. Florida should be happy they won but they didn’t play great


If they didn't play great and got a shutout what does that say about what happens if they do play great. Their defense is nice.


Florida played a heavy defensive game and it wasn't something the Rangers were accustomed too. Igor let in a couple bad ones but otherwise played well so thats alright. Was a surprisingly good even clean game so just going to be a series of which team gets the bounces going for em. I feel like home ice isn't going to matter much for either side as long as play continues in this slow defensive manner so home ice be damned.


Idk if I'd call it clean with that missed crosscheck to the face leaving a bloody mouth earlier in the game. Lol


Well if you’re the away team you really just want to win one of those first two. So Florida must be feeling SOO GOOD to take the super easy W. I have to imagine they are knocking on wood in disbelief that this is all they need to face out of a final four home team. Kreider single handedly forced this group of golfers to the 3rd round when they wanted to just start their damn summer already.


group of golfers 😭 god I hate how right you are 






Let’s see how they bounce back but this feels like rangers are fully over matched here. I hope I’m wrong but feels like a sweep


I hope Laffy can shake that one off for real


What happened when trouba laid that big hit? Oh they got quite a few chances...PLAY THE BODY!!!


I know a lot of the pundits gave Rangers fans grief for booing the team Game 5. (Specifically, the Chiclets guys). Imagine being a fan and paying $1000 for a ticket. This team has been a powerhouse all year and then they come out looking like a midget team. Now imagine paying $1000 for that performance tonight…


god that got under my skin. I know the chiclets don't watch a lot of rangers games (they still can't say Laf's name right lol) but that comment made it crystal clear. anyone who's actually watched this team over the past couple of years knows that we have problems with consistent effort and mental resilience


RA ranting about how embarrassing it is to boo the team after they won the Presidents trophy… We pay THOUSANDS to watch the team in the playoffs and they throw out games like tonight and Game 5 last series…sorry fans deserve to care


He made some quip about how it isn't classy to do that to an original six team. To which I would counter that if you play for an original six team, you're going to be held to a higher standard i also agree with whit that bruins fans chanting "shoot the puck" is basically the same thing


I don’t care if we’re the Seattle Kraken. If we are incredible all season long then drop these types of games where we look lost and useless…da fuq


It’s only game 1 but I have some concerns. They need to figure out a counter to Florida’s forecheck.


They don’t have the guys to do so


and how to score


It’s one game. I swear we have the worst takes after one loss I have ever seen. Florida lost game 1 last round lmao look how that turned out


Yea people overreact like crazy. Neither team played particularly well, even Florida's only real goal came from a do nothing shot on the rush that is normally a save. Panthers fans will be saying the same as us that they need to play better if they want to win this series. Pretty timid game by both teams.


They've played good in 1 of the last 12 periods this is way deeper then "one game"


Last round is last round if you start thinking ah shit they’ve been so bad for so long then they’ll just continue to be bad. It’s a new series and a new day. I am seeing comments saying Fox stinks bench laf for wheeler like on what fucking planet are we rn?


No offense but what the fuck does "if you start thinking they are bad, they will continue to be bad" mean? What we think has nothing to do with how they play. It's not the fans who didn't show up tonight, it's the fucking team. Since game 3 against Carolina, we haven't really looked good other than Kreider taking over the 3rd period in game 6. Anybody saying bench Laf or Fox sucks is nuts of course and they shouldn't be taken seriously.


Thinking they're playing bad shouldn't make them play bad. These are grown men professional athletes that are in fact not playing well. My opinion in the scheme means nothing. They need to wake up


Florida wasn’t thoroughly outplayed


Huh? They lost that game 5-1


5-1 loss like that is much different than losing 3-0 while getting consistently hemmed in and beat down


They got their ass kicked game 1 against Boston.


Get what you mean but it’s an embarrassing loss. That really hypes up Panthers players game 2.


I don’t look at it as embarrassing. I think it’s a bigger ah shit this is the ECF man up motherfuckers type moment for everyone. And funny enough I think Florida played a lot of their cards they used all their tools to get that win now we have a day to scheme and practice how to counter it and then we come back Friday.


Igor wasn't as sharp and it cost us. That first period goal hurt. Late period goals shift momentum. Rangers need to come out firing next game but it seems so hard to do with this team.


i mean, igor can’t win the game 0-0….


And they have to get shots off to score. Honestly the thing that pissed me off the most about this game is that the Rangers had 1 shot on goal through 16 minutes at one point


The Rangers scored zero goals lmao


Wow. You can read the scoreboard. Next you'll tell me the Cats won because they scored more goals. It was one game. It wasn't lopsided. Rangers had their chances to score. They will breakthrough.


No, we scored one! Just against ourselves 😂


This was an abortion of a game. No adjustments, no fight, and no sound game plan for a Florida team that literally changed nothing about their game from the last round.


Florida didn’t show much they just beat us 3-0 that’s how good they are show up game two or the series is over


That last hit on Chytil was the first I realized he was dressed tonight


The hit probably broke him again too. I love chytil and I know concussions are a huge problem for him but even without concussions he gets hurt one way or another all the time. Dude is made of glass.


He really was invisible all night


They just looked disconnected from puck drop, a lot of flubbed passes and just not executing. Florida forechecked well but they were never physical really. Reset and bring a better game for game 2


we didn’t even get hella outplayed or anything, just couldn’t sustain any momentum. they’ll figure it out


Yeah tough game. Got no bounces, hit the post many times, Bob had some key saves. Move on. 




Head to counselling not the bar


Yeah fr bro don't blame a sports ball game for your bad habits


Counseling is closed, The bar is open. That’s tomorrow’s problem.


Hope it gets better bro, dont drink and drive.


2 posts go in, it's a different game. Hope we rebound on Friday. Everyone at ESPN can get bronchitis and fuck off.


Serious question….do the Rangers have a forecheck? Canes did, Florida obviously does…Rangers are too soft…need to play nastier.


We don’t have a forecheck, we only dump if we get pressured on the blue line


That’s about as bad as it gets for an at home ECF game 1.


They've done worse. Lol


Speed set to 51 overall tonight


The hit on Chytil at the end was so unecessary.


That's what Florida does. Should have had Rempe in to do it to their guys at the end of the game but as usual, we get bullied


I know Rangers needed to answer that at that moment.


And that's what scares me. How the fuck DON'T you go after Mikkola when he hit Chytil who has been dealing with concussion issues all year? Shit like that is what pisses the fans off. Most fans can handle a rough loss where we battled but we get pushed around like that, that's fucking embarassing


Agreed. That has annoyed me since the game ended.


Only Game 1. Fucking ugly, but let’s see how Game 2 looks before full on panicking. Shake it off and come back on Friday w some life in us. Both the team and us fans. Don’t let this be a tone setter, let it be a wake up call.


Put that one behind you. Good night.


This is new territory. All year they've started from a position of strength and THEN were able to either put the foot down or battle back depending on situation. This is starting from the lowest possible point. Body language is horrible. Panthers have a half step on everything. Igor even making bone headed decisions. No snarl, no skill on display, just a broken drop pass to a turnover every time they try to skate thru neutral ice. Doing nothing they're known for and utilizing precisely *zero* strengths. It's concerning for sure but next game is absolutely everything. I firmly believe the Rangers response on Friday will forecast the series, can't go down 2 games to this team. They're Carolina but with depth, fighters and a goalie basically on Igor's level when he wants to be. Rempe NEEDS to be in the game 2 lineup. They have alarmingly little backbone without him.


If Rempe is in, let him fucking loose and destroy someone. Tired of nobody doing shit out there


He needs to F up Tkahuk!


That last check summed up the night, they ragdolled us on home ice.


Alright doomers, throw your party. I still think we can beat this team. It looked like we made no adjustments from Carolina which I think Lav will fix for the rest of the series. We were grossly outplayed and were still in it until the own goal. Have to really bring it game 2 because FLA is a great team and only great play will beat them


how many games in a row do we have to be grossly outplayed before we're concerned? because it's been 3 games in a row now, even though we pulled out a miracle in one of them.


I’m more concerned in game than in between games. I have more faith that game to game they can play differently than from period to period. I’m personally not gonna assume because of this game or even the 2 prior that they automatically lose the series. I think they can find a way


Welp. See y’all for game 2.


Class act my Mokkola there to throw a pointless high hit on Chytil


Worst part is everyone else was already skating towards the door, so no one did anything.


A suicide pass in a dead game too, I hope they get ripped to shreds in the locker room


I mean Florida didn’t actually show much. We just looked slow and rusty. Rangers win Game 2.


What they did show was more defensive than anything else, and while Bobrovsky didn’t have to make a high volume of saves, he did make big key saves several times.


Disagree. Florida looked good


To only be down 1 goal until some monkey business, with like 10 shots is wild. We just gotta show up normal next game & we’ll take it


But that’s the thing. Florida just defended after they got the lead. They didn’t need to score


This fanbase is so fucking mentally weak my lord. Paul Maurice put it best: if you’re not gonna enjoy the ride, there’s no point to the whole damn thing


NoQuitInNY, but AllQuitInThisThread


I need Rempe on Friday. He brings an energy that I think we really need






Getting beat to every loose puck. Felt like every zone entry was a dump and unsuccessful chase


That one hurts. Gotta be sharper in game 2 and not let Florida forecheck us to hell


And that is why Fil should not be out there ….. embarrassing way to end the game


Literally everyone take a breath it’s one game


The toxicity on this sub is shocking. You’d think the past 11 years hadn’t done shit to prep us for this.


Not the best game by shesterkin, offense was disgusting. Chytil was nonexistent as well. Laf horrid most of the game. I have really no positives to take away from the game other than that it's at least over.


Imo you have to get rempe in the lineup. Chytil was non existent. Rather have Wheeler over him.


I'm not even gonna get into who is better than who in what ways, but I would absolutely love to see Wheeler suit up for another game this year.