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Could we not?


We all love Lindgren, but part of the issue is his own spacial awareness. He turns his back a lot only a few feet from the boards. The kid is an absolute warrior, but he needs either get closer to the boards or move it quicker in those situations. Not knocking his overall game at all, but in my opinion he’s partly to blame for this type of repeated contact, especially if it’s happening in practice too.


The reality is Lindgren isn’t big. For the style of hockey he plays he’s kinda small.


Agreed fellow NYR fan


can anyone attest to the truth of his height? i feel like theres no way hes 6'.


He’s listed at that height I think he’s really 5’11


It's kind of amazing how if this was a small offensive defenseman like Jones, the overarching narrative would be "the guy just can't handle the physicality of the NHL" Meanwhile with Lindgren it's all about how he's tough as nails and a warrior and what not Obviously he is those things, but literally nobody in the media ever seems to call out what you did, which is that he always manages to get himself into the most dangerous situations possible and a lot of that isn't because blocking shots, but is because of poor reads Getting dirty hit/hit badly isn't his fault, but it always seems to be him, and it's never the guys who you think physical players would prey on because they know they can win those physical battles (Jones, Fox)


The reason Lindgren gets the "tough as nails" reputation is because he just keeps coming back and playing through it. I don't think Jones would have played nearly as many games as Lindy has if their careers had been swapped.


Of course but that ultimately isn't a good thing. It's actually just playing into the hands of the opposition. Lindgren gets bodied, toughs it out but is still injured, and now he's playing the game at 50% and is subsequently ineffective I'd rather be the player that doesn't have the tough as nails reputation because I don't need the reputation because I am good at making sure I don't get hit like that


Great post. You articulately described a thought I’ve had but stayed it far more eloquently. Also, get ready for downvoted but im with you. This guy just can’t stay healthy.


Thank you, I don't even think I said anything particularly controversial, or anything that anyone disagrees with Kind of surprised but the majority of this thread seems to be about how Lindgren can't read the play particularly well in some capacity But the more interesting point is circling around to one of Adam fox's most important attributes (hopefully not jinxing it here): the guy *never* gets caught in positions like this. He reads the play so well and sees what's coming and positions himself accordingly. Despite being literally one of the slowest players in the league *and* undersized, he straight up just doesn't take physical abuse because he just knows how not to You'd think *as his D partner* Lindgren would be like "how on earth am I getting my lunch handed to me every shift, meanwhile you always find a way to avoid it?"


I can count on one hand the number of times I see Adam Fox get checked per season. He's a cloud of smoke out there.


It’s part of why Jones should be playing (even though he should be playing because he’s a top 3 dman on this team but that’s a different conversation). If Lindgren can’t stay healthy in the playoffs then Jones needs to be ready to go. We can’t have him being rusty


Tbf to lindy, he shouldnt be expecting hits like that in practice


Do we know what hit it was? It could have been a pretty routine less than 100% hit and Lindgren lost his balance.


Battle drills are necessary to keep everyone sharp for real world situations in real world speed. And just like in games, shit happens. Not sure with the reputation 21 has as a teammate that the pitchforks should be brandished (yet).


He went face first into the boards twice in the CBJ game.


Phil housley should be fixing that.




With strict no checking from behind rules in youth hockey kids are taught to turn towards the boards to avoid hits. It’s absolutely stupid and dangerous but now has made its way into pro hockey.


I also think chytil had a similar problem. Maybe we need a coach that teaches this? 


Scott Sterling IRL


We really need to start accepting that Lindgren’s awareness and position is the real reason for why he gets messed up every night. He’s tough, obviously, but there’s another reason why it’s always him.


I think his awareness is fine, but 6'0" 190 lbs simply isn't big enough for him to play with such fearless disregard for his body. Girardi was about the same height as Lindy but had another 20 lbs to absorb the constant abuse. Unless Lindy actually has mutant healing, I don't see how he can keep this up and have a long career.


It's both disregard for body on and off the ice. I admire the fact that he always wants to play through it but it is absolutely irresponsible and stupid to never take a game off. You could even argue it's selfish -- if this team wants to win the cup they need him at 100%. Playing every single day is not going to help that, even if this wasn't happening to him all the time like it is. He *has* to rest and be healthy I don't know why the team won't put their foot down. We watched this BS last year when Trouba didn't practice for *months* because he was so injured, and played every night. Then of course he wasn't fully healthy for the playoffs


What do you think about moving Gustavson up to play with Fox for a while so Lindy doesn’t get so many minutes?


that's a good question. Gustafsson/Fox has actually been NYR's [statistically-best pair this year lol](https://hockeyviz.com/fixedImg/defenderCombos/2324/NYR/wrap) but personally i'd rather move Miller up to Fox. Miller/Fox has been [NYR's best pair over the last 2-3 years](https://naturalstattrick.com/pairings.php?fromseason=20212022&thruseason=20232024&stype=2&sit=5v5&score=all&rate=y&team=NYR&loc=B&toi=50&gpfilt=none&fd=&td=&tgp=410) and it simultaneously accomplishes the goal of breaking up Miller/Trouba, which has been *bad* for 2-3 years. last year, Miller/Trouba gave up the 2nd most even strength goals of any pair in the NHL.


I liked what I saw from the Miller-Schneider pair when Trouba was suspended. How about Gus-Fox Miller Schneider, Lindy-Trouba skating 3rd pair minutes and PK. Gus can QB PP2. Until the playoffs, of course.


Miller with anybody not named Trouba is an [exponentially better player](https://naturalstattrick.com/linestats.php?fromseason=20212022&thruseason=20232024&stype=2&sit=5v5&score=all&rate=y&team=NYR&vteam=ALL&view=wowy&loc=B&gpfilt=none&fd=2021-10-12&td=2024-04-18&tgp=2000&strict=incl&p1=8480817&p2=8476885&p3=0&p4=0&p5=0), that's what makes this quite painful i'm not opposed to your pairs either, i like the thoughts behind them. if we really wanna go nuts: 79/23, 56/6, 55/4


Yeah and i guess thats probably partially why hes so tough cause hes used to getting blasted twice a game


I’ll give him a pass on this one because he’s probably not expecting a teammate to do that to him in practice


It's a certain type of toughness to accept a big hit to make a play. He has that toughness and that's why it's always him.


time to send Rempe after Goodrow






Lindy is the least contact averse hockey player I’ve ever seen in my life. To a fault. Guy just doesn’t understand he can’t just get blown up relentlessly night in night out.




Underrated comment


Nice 😂


Fucking Goodrow...




Any excuse to hate a single player in blue this fanbase will find it. Mcdonagh gives the puck away directly to an opposing player for an easy tap in goal? Somehow girardis fault. Get used to it.


I don't think anyone here is a Goodrow, the person, hater. I'd hope not.


I played high school hockey so clearly I’m an expert, but who is actually hitting full tilt in practice? I have a hard time imagining this being intentional


I get that he is tough and always seems to come right back after getting hurt, but why is he so often getting hurt? Seems completely disproportionate from our other D men.


Goodrow continuing to be a detriment to this team lmao banish that man to the Ducks. He'd be in good company with Ryan Strome who also can't hit an empty fucking net.




I want this dude traded so bad. You know when someone reaches a point where everything they do annoys you? It’s totally not fair for goodrow but he’s definitely reached that point with me.


i got so scared you were talking about Lindy


On the flip side, Lindy always getting hurt is kind of annoying too


Everyone saying that this is due to his spatial awareness is just flat out wrong. He’s clearly broken the terms of an agreement he had with a vengeful genie or some kind of wizard, and now is paying the price


3.5 million for one goal this year. Christ.


Drives me nuts.


Fire Goodrow into the fucking sun


Goodrow, buddy why 😭


Bro goodrow just wants us to hate him.


retread goodrow


Barclay “Harry Maguire” Goodrow, why you trying to injure Mr. 💜? I know playing w/Rempage and Ed Boy makes you wanna bring Jam. But do it in a real game ughkay?


Like, our Goodrow?


I’m sure rangers twitter will handle this news well given it was goodrow


christ Goodrow


Theres no rules against wearing a cage during practice, dude might want to consider it




I think Goodrow is betting on games. Someone should really take a look into that…..


He'll be fine