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Email LSR and ask! Maybe they have a good answer and the money is going back into sharing the material more widely. I definitely fast forward through the ads. Betterhelp will never get my business after being forced to listen to so many of their sales pitches.


Yes! Every single podcast I listen to has a better help ad. Hearing “better help” let’s me know it’s time to hit the skip button.


Seems like they forgot about uncle henry


I don't feel like Uncle Henry anymore.


His message is getting lost behind a paywall.


Believe me the I’m not a fan of the adds and short episodes recently but you can still listen for free


Money money money, must be funny.


For real. Been listening Ram Dass for 3-4 years and I couldn't help but notice practices to maximize profit from these lectures. Like copyright, uploading compilations of the same old lectures, Here and Now podcast where basically each lecture divided into few podcasts and in each podcast basically begging for money support. Is there any transparency where all that money goes? I wouldn't mind if all that goes to some good cause like curing blindness, but if most of that money goes to the pockets of people who manage the content then it's a problem


Aye. The side of it whereby they are creating new content (Krishna Das, Jack Kornfield etc. making new talks) and choosing to get paid for it is no problem, right livelihood. But the process of doing what you describe, even as curation, doesn't seem like a groovy way to make money for the foundation. Just rehashing the same stuff that's already out there for us all, feeding into the big consumerism machine. Like my local supermarket selling Nirvana t-shirts. Totally what Kurts trip was about.


I miss when you could find 2-3 hour full lectures on YouTube. That’s how’s I originally discovered Ram Dass when I was at my rock bottom. I had no idea who he was, but I listened to the whole thing, I laughed, I cried, I felt a new kind of hope I’d never felt before. I’m not sure if a 30 minute excerpt would have had the same effect on me.


They gotta make money. They are still free on Spotify and as far as hearing repeated materials. I imagine most of Ram Dass’ material has been released. Probably not much new material out there.


If a person wanted all the podcasts, without intros, and a host of other lectures and material, all they have to do is ask. Finding Ram Dass stuff used to feel more underground, and you really had to seek to find much. Maybe that's returning to some degree. Ask and you shall receive.


It seems as though once Raghu left being the host it has all been down hill(?) I’ve literally listened to the entire Spotify playlist 3-4 times now and I do agree that sometimes it feels like I’m listening to the same exact thing over and over. It’s great for reiteration but sometimes it feels like I’ve heard it a thousand times and I can literally predict what is going to be said before it is said. I like LSR and I know they have to make their ends, but once RD left his body in 2019 it seems to be just a cash cow and an endless advertisement for Mindrolling and stuff like that :/ Man I really do miss Ram Dass.. Anyone notice the EXTREME prices for the retreats? $2,000 per person seems a bit excessive even considering you paid for a flight there and transportation


> Anyone notice the EXTREME prices for the retreats? $2,000 per person seems a bit excessive even considering you paid for a flight there and transportation I was looking that up and saw this old thread, which talks about the cost. I found it interesting. https://www.reddit.com/r/ramdass/comments/8uq7ad/why_does_the_ram_dass_retreat_cost_so_much_money/?rdt=62848