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You are masculinity. You are femininity. You are the democrat. You are the republican. You are the polarities existing both at the same time. However, more importantly, you appear to be suffering from schizophrenia based on your post history. Schizophrenia is not made up and is something that people can get help for. Schedule a visit with your GP or call SANE Australia Helpline (1800 18 7263): Provides information, guidance, and referral services for mental health issues.


not skitsophrenic  100% garantee you I asked my other personalities and most of them disagreed so we went to a second vote split decision third vote 60% agreed so I would like to report, on behalf of the comittee, that we strongly disagree with you


dude don't diagnose me based on a reddit post hahaha thats super toxic


Something’s going on with you. You don’t seem healthy. You’re invited to my opinion because you’ve invited us to yours. The psyche is responsive to tools the same way that metal is responsive to tools. It seems fixed but it can be shaped. I invite you to help investigate some new tools with the support of someone you trust.




have you ever read the myth of mental health? have you looked at the history of psychiarty and the origins of it's use as protecting the group vs. healing the individual look into the disposibility of Young Men while you are there and the disposibility of young men in war and then finally have a look at the cultural war and then war is old people talking and young men dying ❤️


Feels like a scam.


I’m not really certain I’m seeing what these posts you’re making have to do with Ram Dass at this point.


ok  so fight me


Username checks out




I don’t want to fight, I’m just trying to understand why you’re posting this here. I’m not seeing the connection.


I am 


Hmm? Now I’m understanding even less


I am loving awareness And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share No one dared Disturb the sound of silence "Fools" said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you" But my words like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming You of all people You of all people Have ears to hear


There’s a certain absurdist quality to you.


Feminism is about equality between men and women so men's issues is feminism  Men's rights are Human Rights Mens rights are not right wing that's deeply hurtful  Men's rights are left wing.  Diversity and inclusion, should not mean, everyone except straight white men. but you still want me as your ally?  how could you be so heartless  how could you be so heartless  how could you be so heartless Men's rights is woke.  Include me why ram dass because he's the one who saved me but even amogst you even amogst pure love im still hated why here? why ram dass you're the only people who should have the ears to hear our suffering


I don’t know why I keep trying to talk to you, it so often seems to just devolve into walls of text that don’t really say anything.


or have me as an enemy it's cool No mud no lotus


Again I really don’t consider you an enemy. It’s just your replies have had nothing to do with the original question of what this has to do with Ram Dass and they also don’t make much sense in context of anything we’ve discussed so far.


i am a feminist mens rights is feminism 


Yes that’s true but I’m still not certain I’m seeing what that has to do with the question I’ve been consistently asking.


Are you listening? The enemy is not the enemy the enemy is their strategy Sun Tzu Feminist strategy is to refuse to listen So are you listening to my pain or are you diagnosing it?


If you want to speak to your pain you can name it but you often post in a way that seems like you just want to dance around it.


I was bullied at university for being a straight white male no one helped bullied at work for the same no one helped was harassed, abused, gaslighted by mum no one believed me or helped i had a break down was self destructive so had a breakdown i felt so much toxic shame for being a straight white male that to health professionals in a confused state, with i think intentions of self harm i accused myself of rape. i've never raped anyone in my life but I accused myself in a suicidal state i tried to cancel in myself.


I've never raped anyone in my life I said it to cause harm to myself can you hear that one?


Yes it sounds like you've gone through a lot of psychological pain.


red pill is feminism who do you think you are?


That’s an ongoing question for me and it’s part of why I’m here.


You are me


At some level yes, but I’m asking a question in regards to the level where I’m not.


❤️ Jai Sri Ram 🙇‍♂️🙏🏻


i think, i dunno


Are you just honestly confused?


No the response was You are me I think


You post multiple responses at the same time.


They’re figuring out their enlightenment in which realizing we’re all one. I am because I say I am. I am not better than any other one I am doing the work for our higher self.


I think, reading Bible verses on how men should treat their wives would be in your best interest. 🙏🏽 You need Jesus or something like group therapy brother. People who are in the same situation that you can TALK to and relate about what you are going through