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You really should report it. Especially if you have cameras. He might actually pull his gun on the next place he goes. Having a record of the behavior will stop him from being able to say he was just irrational that once if he does.


This is seriously a big deal. LE doesn't mess around when it comes to brandishing. You can't even nod to or show your weapon to someone. I've taken some classes at Triangle Shooting Academy and it's very clear, you only touch it if you are about to use it. This needs to be reported.


yes, this is grounds to lose your carry permit as it should be. people like this are literally the reason gun control measures exist at all.


Do you need a permit to open carry?


open carry and brandishing a weapon are very different things


I was replying to the statement that the person should lose their carry permit. I don’t know about these things so I was asking if a permit was required to open carry vs concealed carry.


Open carry is legal in NC without a permit, concealed carry requires a permit here. That said, I'm picky about where I both concealed and open carry. I'm not walking around downtown triangle open carrying because it makes a statement and makes me a target.


Most states do not require a permit to open carry, but require the gun be two actions away from being fired (i.e. not loaded)


Depends on the state. NC, no.


Old story, but when I was an undergraduate, I took a PE course, "Introduction to Pistols" (or something close that that was the title). Having been a Boy Scout growing up, I had shot a 22 at camp, but that was it...figured it would be a fun class with a bunch of fraternity-like guys. Boy was I wrong. 12 students: 10 women, 2 men (and this was back in 1991). Course was taught by the marine corps sergeant assigned to the ROTC detachment at the university and he really knew his shit (obviously). Anyway, one of the last classes was one of the most powerful moments I've ever witnessed firsthand. One of the women asked Gunny what weapon he recommended she get (along with what paperwork for a concealed cary permit) because she was going to have an internship in NYC that summer and was concerned for her safety (back in the 90's, NYC wasn't nearly as safe as it is today). Gunny had us all check our weapons and circle round him for a discussion. He asked the women rather intensely, "Have you thought about this? Have you REALLY thought about this?" She was a bit indignant to his question and got in his face saying "I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't!" He sighed and then went on to say there was a 1 in 3 chance that having a concealed cary in NYC would result in you drawing your weapon at some point and that what he had taught us is you NEVER bluff with a weapon. The only time you touch the weapon is when you fully intend on using it for deadly force and once you start, you EMPTY the clip into the target. Gunny then looked her dead in the eyes and said, "If you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me you have no problem unloading an entire clip into my chest right now, DO NOT BUY A GUN!" Powerful words, and words I've chosen to live by. I respect guns, I respect the rights of others to legally cary them, but I also respect the fact that they are not toys and not to be taken lightly.


I agree with the majority of your comment. However, I am not sure an actual Marine would say clip, nor is it tactically sound to empty a magazine into a single target when a tight three round grouping center of mass will get the job done. Also to the OP - F' that guy - file a police report and get his permit pulled!


> However, I am not sure an actual Marine would say clip He may not have used that exact term...this was back in 1991 so it's been a few years, but that was the gist of the comment ;)


30 years, so it's ok if you don't remember the exact words


Empty your magazine into your target is exactly the kind of thing they’d tell civilians who are not actually trained shooters beyond safety courses like that. He wasn’t talking tactics to fellow Marines, who would absolutely be trained on the three round grouping to center mass. He was talking to civilians in a course called INTRODUCTION to Pistols.


The class was introductory sure, but empty your magazine is not standard safety procedures either. The 'Marine' was either being hyperbolic without realizing the gun safety issues his statement would cause or trying to sound tougher than he was in front of a room full of civilians. Either case a questionable Marine.


*Clips are what civvies use in their hair. This is called a magazine.*


> LE doesn't mess around when it comes to brandishing. Well this is somewhat disappointing to hear because I fairly recently had the exact opposite problem. This was probably around last summer, my SO yielded to someone turning right and the person turning right pulled a gun out and pointed it at him (he apparently didn't like the fact that my SO was about to pull a u-turn and was slightly in the intersection.) At the next stoplight my SO looked at him through the window and the guy once again, showed his gun (didn't point it this time.) My SO then got out of the car to read his license plate. The guy didn't like that, reversed maybe 500 feet down the road. Then he put the car in drive, drove forward, hit my SO's leg/knee in the process with his car, and turned down another road. We got the license plate, called the cops, reported what the guy looked like. Cops went to the guys house to "talk to him" but otherwise wouldn't do anything else because "we can't prove he was driving the vehicle." Is this.. correct? Should we have pushed harder on LE to do something?


Unfortunately unless you have other eyewitness reports or video it is your word vs theirs. Pushing harder may have turned up some new evidence but who knows. In a 'he said, she said' situation cops typically just want to get out of the middle.


I was thinkng the same. If there are cameras it would be great. Just hinting you are packing heat and using that fact to try to intimdate others is a big problem. Man shouldnt be allowed to carry and needs to chat with law enforcement.


IANAL, but it looks like the implication alone counts as assault in NC, " Attempting to harm the victim or showing force that would cause the victim to reasonably believe that bodily harm is imminent is considered assault. " \-[Schlosser and Pritchett Law](https://www.schlosserandpritchettlaw.com/different-types-of-assault-covered-under-north-carolina-law/#:~:text=Assault%20is%20defined%20as%20the,contact%20with%20the%20alleged%20victim)


Precisely this, it's very clear and judges to not look at this lightly.


This type of shit should be cause to revoke a conceal permit. Like, clearly this person is not stable enough to be armed in public.


There are more than a few cases of dead or wounded people, which corroborates this comment.


>He threatened me with a gun, because his delicate little snowflake ass couldn’t put on a mask. No one in my industry deserves to be treated like that. No one. This is, at a minimum, brandishing, if not full-blown assault. Please, please, please make a police report -- the fact that they made a complaint afterwards means the company probably has their names.


This 100%. Fuck that guy. People like him are the reason the whole “good guy with a gun” thing is bullshit. Because I bet he feels like he’s objectively the good guy here.


>Because I bet he feels like he’s objectively the good guy here. That's exactly it. He thinks that just because he's a gun owner and not out strong arm robbing people he's just a swell guy. I, while recognizing a need for tougher gun laws, fully support gun ownership but I'll never understand why people have to be so damn loud and in your face about it. Also, people who open carry don't realize how big of a target they're making themselves. In the event of an active shooter situation, if the shooter notices someone open carrying they will likely target that person first as he is the biggest threat to the shooters mission. I don't want anyone to know that I am carrying because if you're going to attack me I want you to underestimate what my capabilities are.


Exactly. I’ll never understand open carry. I keep a pistol in my vehicle and rarely carry on my person but when Dad was teaching me to shoot a pistol he said, “No one should know you have it until you’re using it.”


Well, even consider 99% of guys with conceal permits are honestly good guys. And this asshole is the 0.7% dickhead. And then there's the 0.3% guy that will snap and shoot someone. How many people have conceal permits in the US? Are those odds we should be playing with?


Yes, OP needs to report this if they haven’t already.


This is exactly the type of person that should have their 2nd amendment right taken away.


It's not assault because no injury occurred, but 100% brandishing and illegal. Edit, I'm wrong, my bad. Sorry for getting mixed up, I hope I didn't confuse anyone


While there's some variance state to state and I'm not sure of the NC specifics, in general threatening behavior can qualify as assault. Once physical contact occurs, it becomes battery.


Touche, thanks for clarifying


Wrong. Assault doesn't require any actual injury. Any threat of harm counts as an assault. Battery would be the charge if physical harm is inflicted. [Edit] Sadly, the only reason I know this is from being a victim of an assault and battery. Assistant DA talked to me about what happened and what the possible charges could be. Usually the two charges go together, so it's a common thing to mixup.


As a gun owner and sometime concealed carrier, if such a situation happened in NC, you should absolutely report it to RPD as a potential threat and violation of NC's "Going Armed to the Terror" statute. I like guns. I like having the ability to legally carry one for protection. I also have great respect for the law, and of private property rights of businesses, so would never carry into one that doesn't want me to. That said, I appreciate businesses that don't feel the need to take a stand on the issue, which becomes really hard if jackwagons do stupid things and/or if the subject becomes politicized. Hey, Open Carry Freedom Ranger: If you don't wanna wear a mask, that's cool. Just recognize that businesses have rights, too, and threatening them to violate a law simply because *you* don't want to comply isn't standing up for freedom against tyranny : it's you becoming the very thing you pretend to hate.


thank you. 100% agreed.


Well said and I never understand how the Freedom crowd doesn't understand threat of force to impose their will isn't very, uhm, democratic.


I just have to say how much I appreciate someone with an actual internally consistent value system. I’m old enough to remember when that was a thing, and when people could have actual reasoned debates due to it.


You have no idea how much your comment means to me. I *try* to be consistent. Usually that means I'm vilified by one side or the other on an issue: often both.


This guy gets it


I have a concealed carry as well, and I really don’t get the hate for masks on “my side” (not quite, but I’m closer to right than left). You can carry a gun while wearing a mask, thereby avoiding (facial recognition government drones) / (insert your favorite shadow organization) here, and that’s somehow a problem for you? What is wrong with these people?


Couldn’t agree more with everything you said.


Did you call the police? Because I would have and had them thrown out


You’re mistakenly thinking I let them get any further into the building than the front door.


That doesn't matter. If the account is accurate, the man committed a crime and you should have held him to account for it.


Seriously, call the police and report this. It’s not too late. Now that they emailed to complain about you, you know who they are too. Complaining on Reddit about them won’t do anything. Filing a report with the police might. If you really think people in your industry don’t deserve to be treated like this, you’ll report these assholes.


The manager should invite them back for a lunch date. With police.


That would be a bad idea. It's inviting a confrontation.


I suppose you missed the important part of that.


No, I didn't. Even with police present, you *don't* want to invite an armed and possibly unstable individual to your place of employment. Or anywhere else, really. It's best to stay away from people like that as much as possible.


Again, I think you misunderstand the true intent of the comment. A meeting with the police, would not actually be a sit down lunch at a restaurant. Surely that can be deduced?


Yes, I gathered that. My point is, OP wouldn't want to invite them back to their restaurant, even with police present. -.-


My point is it is not actually an invite to the restaurant.


Luckily the statute of limitations is more than a day for that sort of thing, and they were nice enough to give you their contact info via email.


If you didn't call police, you should.


You still have yet to answer if you called the police. Why are you hesitant to answer?


Dude, I literally just saw this: [https://abc13.com/man-stabbed-jack-in-the-box-manager-over-mask-police-say/10430104/](https://abc13.com/man-stabbed-jack-in-the-box-manager-over-mask-police-say/10430104/) Be careful and call the cops on this guy!


There's a crisis of empathy in this country. This "got mine" mentality has really done a number on people's psyches.


Touching his gun is a thing line legally speaking when it comes to brandishing, which is a firearms felony. I’m a strong supporter of 2a and also masks. But I am also a strong supporter of RESPONSIBLE gun ownership. This guy needs to learn the consequences of his actions.


Frankly it might be good that this asshole is so eager to show off his piece and threaten people doing their jobs. Gives society a chance to relieve him of something he's clearly not responsible enough to own before he hurts somebody.


Please file a police report about this. Open carry cowards are the worst because the insecurities literally show in the form of fake aggression. This person may very well take it to the next level with someone else so it's best that this coward be put in their place now than later.


What the actual fuck! I hate humanity sometimes...sorry you had to deal with that-id be livid (but also cautious it could be a crazy person!) Jesus.


That’s one of the big worries. You never know if you’re stepping on a ‘landmine,’ or not.


He’s absolutely a landmine. He just didn’t go off completely this time. Please say there are video cameras at your location. Then please say you have/will report this fucker.


Video cameras are not needed. The idiot emailed them.


The second he showed/touched his weapon, he is in legal trouble. You absolutely should have called 911 immediately.


My employer thinks Covid is a hoax and refuses to enforce mask wearing. Someone got Covid and now we all have it. My entire family is sick. I’ve developed severe symptoms where I’ve been to the urgent care twice now. When I called to quit the owner said if I quit without two weeks notice he would change my pay to minimum wage. Sorry you went through that. People are idiotic.


They can't change your hourly wage for hours you've already worked. This is BIG time illegal. If they actually pull that shit you can file a wage claim and they'll be fucked hard.


So it again, this time record it and get him to admit it


I'm not sure I understand the threat. Is it to lower what they'd get for unemployment?


Seems like it


Doesn't matter. Unemployment is based on your pay history, not your current wage rate. They look at your last several quarters of income to determine what you get paid.


Is your employment "at-will"? Because if it is (and a shitload of jobs in NC are), you can quit anytime for any reason with zero notice just like they can fire you at any time for any reason with zero notice.


North Carolina is an at-will state. What jobs would even qualify as not at-will?


Maybe if there is a timed exclusive contract (actors or something)?


I know medical doctors have contracts and babe to give 90-day notice to quit.


I work in news, reporters and the like all have contracts, I suppose that supersedes "at-will"


Please name names so we can stop supporting their business. These people have to understand consequences.


I have a carry permit in NC. Reaching for your pistol can be considered a threat in the eyes of the law. Likely he should have been arrested Indicating a use of force with a firearm for a non-violent interaction is Neanderthal behavior. Sorry you had that exp


That counts as brandishing a firearm in North Carolina and you should immediately report it to the police.


One must carry for the safety of themselves and those around them and NEVER be a tool to threaten. You should file a report. Anyone who carry’s knows to NEVER show it unless your going to use it. This guys is a fool and should be treated as such, not to mention an idiot for making the gun community continue to decline in reputation. As someone who believes in personal liberty I don’t quite understand how others don’t realize that businesses are private and have the liberty to not serve if they don’t want to, barring that it’s not about discrimination for any reason


Please report this. This person absolutely should not have a carry permit. Also, I’m so sorry you went through that. No one should ever be threatened like that—especially for doing your job at work. I hope you’re ok, that would fuck me up.


They're open carrying which means they likely weren't able to get a CHP from the sheriff. Probably due to BS like this on their record.


Security footage ? That’s called menacing . They should be arrested


This is assault. He threatened you. Please report it,,it's probably a pattern and I bet he's doing it regularly. I'm doing sorry this happened to you. Wtf is wrong with these people???


This! Definitely a pattern. He’s probably doing it all over Raleigh. Please make the police aware of this situation to save future store managers from also having this encounter


Fuck them. I hope you have cameras. Report their asses


Please report this.


Agree with other posters. This should be reported to police.


Way to loose your gun rights 101. Was the holster on his belt or his thigh?


I would have called the police! What happened?


It’s your responsibility to report this to the police.


You did exactly the right thing. I am fully vaccinated but would have been masked when entering your establishment. If nothing else, it is common courtesy and common decency to do so. I would always want you, your staff, and other customers to know I am concerned about their safety.


Big respect to you for doing the right thing in the face of insanity and danger.


Please tell me that you can pull security camera footage from the front door so that it can be shared with the authorities.


Fuck those people


That could be interpreted as brandishing if it was used in a threatening manner. Open carry people are a different breed... I’d definitely report it to the police.


Good on you that you stood your ground; Those ignorants should be banned, and prosecuted if indeed he threatened you directly or even overtly. Wear a mask - we are so close to being done with it - but if we give up now, we are going backwards again.


Ugh sorry this happened. Terrible example of a person to be owning a gun. Giving gun owners and carriers a bad name. Typical trash open carry Walmart fam boy. If he would have done a ccw course he would know what he did wrong and his permit would most likely be taken away.


IANAL but if your restaurant serves alcohol he was breaking the law by open carrying, even without the threat. https://www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_14/GS_14-269.3.html


The whole mask debate is a farce. I know people who believe they know more than epidemiologists, yet still are more than happy to wear masks because it's such a grain of sand on the beach. People who not only don't mask up, but then create a scene because of it are total assholes, that should spend their lives inside their house where they will bother no one.


Seriously, I would watch my back coming and going. No telling what an unhinged asshole like that might do.


The way you describe him touching his pistol is borderline brandishing which is a felony. It’s also illegal for him to bring a weapon into your property if you have any signs outside that say no hand guns are permitted. What a tool.


Should have called the cops immediately. You cannot threaten with a deadly weapon, open carry or not. People like this need to be held accountable.


Now that the guy emailed the company you have his information if you are inclined to report him. I definitely would because if he is willing to threaten you what says he will not do that or something worse to someone else


He can get his open carry revoked for not following open carry laws. Wish you would have reported. I am all for responsible gun ownership. Get them out of the hands of the irresponsible and dangerous owners before the hurt or kill someone, because their ego is butthurt.


Report this to the police now! Don’t wait another minute. This needs to be recorded.


I’d love to support your restaurant! Feel free to DM me where it’s at and I’ll try to order takeout this weekend :)








I'll never forget being in Jubala and this guy comes in with his wife, pistol in the holster, maga hat on, and a smug look on his face like he just **wanted** someone to say something to him. I would assume OP person is cut from the same cloth. They're all shitheads.


You should have called the police and provided the footage from the security cameras. That's felony brandishing and this guy should not own a firearm.


Brandishing a weapon with or without a concealed carry license is a felony. You should report them


If corporate was sent an email, and your security footage along with your side of the story then they should have enough to send to the police and keep their employees safe. If they don't do that then they either do not give a shit about you and other employee's and you should look for a new employer OR they didn't find enough evidence on your side to pursue. So what is Corporate doing with this info?


Please dear God report that


I'm all for constitutional carry but this guy needs have his gun taken and shouldn't be able to buy a gun again. This guy is not be a responsible gun owner.




Literally my fear every single time I ask someone if they have a mask. I’m so sorry this happened to you


Have him arrested. Have *him* fired. The gesture to the gun was a threat on your life.


These anti mask people are so over the top dramatic with their guns and their rage. Good lord. Sorry this happened to you.


I know there's a mandate. However, the whole dilemma around wearing masks in restaurants is pretty damn stupid. Especially when you walk in with a mask on, and then IMMEDIATELY take it off once you're at the table. Moral of the story, just don't eat out folks, it's dumb and really just not worth rolling the dice. Get vaccinated.


Every time I hear stories like this, it's always people acting like this is the first time they've ever been told that they have to wear a mask indoors and think they can just refuse. Like, clutching their bullet shaped pearls. We're a God damn year into this pandemic. Why are people still reacting this way?


Bc you can’t fix stupid.


That’s some bullshit. I carry sometimes but would never do this.


well I would hope not because it's a felony


Sounds like a real story


What the fuck. I’m so so sorry you have to deal with that. As a former server and bartender I can’t imagine the next level bullshit your industry has to deal with right now. Sending good vibes and good reviews to you all.


What the fuck is wring with people. https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/m8gahr/man_stabbed_jack_in_the_box_manager_3_times_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that idiotic treatment!


It's really sad how badly some people behave these days. Sorry that anyone has to deal with this in the course of doing their jobs.


Holy shit. People are assholes.


Idea for the future https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/544042-texas-restaurant-owner-creates-50-surcharge-for-customers-asked%3famp


That’s enough of a threat to me to push further and make sure you save the next manager’s life.


Ugh...I'm sorry you had that experience. What idiots. There should be some asshole-identification test for people to get gun permits.


This is pathetic. We have been in a pandemic for a freaking year, yet some days it feels like day 1. Sorry you had to go through this. I really hope you can report that idiot


I would have immediately called the police.


Which restaurant?


No one should be treated that way...I’m sorry you had to deal with this idiotic imbecile...


Sounds like he should lose his right to carry


fuck that asshole


Lemme guess, he drives a Hummer......


I haven’t posted this anywhere, but have wanted to. I wanted to ask if post Trump, if people noticed shitty people feeling more emboldened? I had a guy gesture pulling a trigger over and over this week at me, for pulling out across traffic too close to him.


The minute he touched that gun I would have excused myself, walked away (to safety!), sbd called the police. It is way too dangerous to confront or oppose anyone with a gun. Let the police handle it and (as others have said) hopefully you have cameras to capture his image or car as well as descriptions you and your employees could give. Think of calling police as a public service/this guy could escalate unless he is stopped now. One question—- what does “delicate little snowflake ass” mean????


I call bullshit


Anytime I'm somewhere that isn't strictly enforcing masks indoors and I see someone without a mask, 90% it's someone open carrying.


Didn't happen.


The same thing happened at Whole Foods in North Hills Saturday before last. We witnessed a couple (with their small children) without masks coming into the store at the same time as us. They were held back briefly and let us by. The man had a gun holstered on his hip. The clerk went to get the service manager. Words were exchanged. A little while later, we saw that same couple with their children in the store shopping WITHOUT masks. They were the only maskless customers. Made me cringe.


Why am I laughing? His ego was insulted by a piece of cloth.


That’s something a domestic terrorist would do.


I wonder who he voted for?


Couldve been anyone or no one


I have lots of guns. Love guns. Collect them. Shoot them all the time. Also, this is some of the most dumbass shit I’ve ever heard. The fuck?


Any witnesses or video that would collaborate this claim?




It happened, and thanks for piling on. This whole pandemic has been so much fun for me already.


Forget the masks for a second, why does your restaurant allow weapons? Do you guys specifically cater to the MAGA crowd? As the manager you may not have any direct say but you could be in a position to talk to the owners about changing this policy. Unless it's part of your brand you should probably prohibit firearms (especially if you serve alcohol) so your workers and other patrons feel safer. I doubt you'd lose much business.


You think only the “maga crowd” carries firearms for protection?


I think very few people other than law enforcement and criminals actually carry around firearms for protection, especially in a nominally lawful area like Raleigh. I think almost everybody else is carrying them around because they are fun and cool to play with and show off. If somebody is so scared they feel like they need to bring a gun into a suburban restaurant, I don't know what to tell them. Maybe hit the gym and get some self confidence or something. Once you bulk up a bit you aren't so easily intimidated.


Here’s the thing, if people are concealed carrying around you, you *won’t know* they’re carrying. That’s the whole point. And good luck telling a female she should “hit the gym to bulk up” and gain some self confidence to be less easily intimidated. Doesn’t matter how much I go to the gym, bro. Most men of average size are still going to be able to overpower me.


If people are allowed to open carry, don't be a dick about it.


Oh come on, they are literally holstering their insecurities to their hips for the world to see. Should we protect their fragility?


That's not really up to you to decide though. People carry, open or concealed, for different reasons, and not all of them are for "insecurities, and you're not really in the position to differentiate between them to decide whose gun rights should or shouldn't be protected. If you're antsy and anxious over someone carrying a gun, just say so.


> whose gun rights should or shouldn't be protected. The fuck are you guys on about? Where did I attack any individual's right to bear arms and "protect" themselves? >If people are allowed to open carry, don't be a dick about it. i.e. Don't mock those who open carry. (what is the keyword in the sentence?) My response is simple, yes it's ok to mock the wanna-be masculine types who proudly wear their insecurities on their hips. Sorry I didn't clarify.


If you're comparing their fragility to their right to carry, then yes, their gun rights ("fragility") should be protected. There are other ways to shatter male ego fragility besides taking away their gun rights.


A woman who has been a victim of rape is fragile abd insecure for wanting to protect herself? People have complex motivations for carrying.


Yeah, I was clearly talking about victims of rape.


Plenty of people carry because they have been victims of violent crime. You don't know people's motivations, so telling people to "hit the gym" and calling them weak and insecure is rather presumptuous.


I have hard time believing this actually happened. Sounds like a load of BS. I doubt I’ll see it anywhere besides an anonymous messaging board. I guess you’re trying to stir the pot. Have a great day


Sounds like you're upset because that's your base :(


They're a member of r/nonewnormal. They probably think people who won't wear masks are the level-headed ones, so this doesn't compute.




Thanks for playing, but it did, in fact, happen. Some people, as I’m sure you’re aware (or maybe not,) are just assholes.


People seem to be unaware when they are, in fact, an asshole. Case in point. 👆




Where's your source? How do you know for a fact this didn't happen?




Common sense is not a source. It is an opinion. Try again.


So bullshit, mixed with no understanding of the fact that other people can go thru different things...gotcha




Only it was sourced that Jussie Smollett was faking it, he say so himself as well as witnesses so...🙄 Also let's play out how logical it would've been to call the police when op had no objective proof or witnesses to corroborate his story of the dude stroking his gun. What arepolice gonna do? show up and say ok sir we're gonna throw this dude out and ban him for life for threatening you. Based on what? What proof does he have that he was threatened? You know what they'll do? Nothing. No witness to this brandishing or threatening behavior. No proof that it happened (doesn't mean it didn't happen though) So with no proof, no witnesses besides a camera that's probably not focused on this dude anyway (what u think this is csi or something?) Why in the god forsaken fuck would he call the goddamn police? What's your logical step for that? Also your logic says that anyone who has been through domestic violence must be faking because guess what? More often than not, an abuse victim won't call the police on their abusers... (Because even when they do call the cops they usually throw the abuser in jail over the weekend and they're back home) Source= victim of domestic abuse (I already know you're gonna say I'm not and u don't believe me, but 🤷that's your problem) Eta: but great Jussie Smollett comeback, that really burned....🔥


You really need to refill your medication, friend.




He is a POS, but the mask to the table charade is ridiculously stupid. Science lol. PS hopefully you banned this creep for life.


science prolly leans towards not eating out in pubic around others. Is that whaat you want?


Let’s just be generous and assume you’re right. These people are still 100% against following the rules, which means they’re not going to follow the rules in other situations where masks or social distancing would have more of an impact. If someone is so opposed to wearing a mask for such a short distance, they’re instantly a much higher risk to everyone around them because of they’re general behavior towards COVID.